My Complicated Life! (AU Harr...

Bởi sassygirl93

1.3M 32.8K 9.7K

Eva Jackson was that one girl in high school everyone knows about. Nearly all of them thought she was the coo... Xem Thêm

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Chapter 56:
Chapter 57:
Chapter 58:
Chapter 59:
Chapter 60:
Chapter 61:
Chapter 62
Chapter 63:
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65:
Chapter 66:
Chapter 67:
Chapter 68:
Chapter 69:
Chapter 70:
Chapter 71:
Chapter 72:
Chapter 73:
Chapter 74:
Chapter 75
Chapter 76:
Chapter 77:
Chapter 78
Chapter 79:

Chapter 23:

18.8K 406 63
Bởi sassygirl93

Eva’s POV

"It’s been two weeks and you still won’t talk to me.” Harry states as he drives us to school. I wouldn’t be in his car right now if it wasn’t raining.

“You talk to my parents, but not me.” He is confused. He is so stupid, how does he not get it? HE had many opportunities to tell me about Liam, and he didn’t. I opened up to him about my childhood, told him how horrible it was, yet he never told me about Liam. Other than the one time I asked Emily about her progress on finding my birth parents it never came up with her. It constantly came up in mine and Harry’s conversations…

“UGH!” he groans when I don’t respond. I inhale and exhale as I rest my head on the window. I’m so tired of having this conversation with Harry. He needs to realize why I can’t forgive him, himself. Harry curses under his breath and slams his fists on the steering wheel.

“Calm down.” I mumble.

“Calm down? You want me to calm down?” he shouts.

“Tell me, how am I supposed to calm down when you won’t fucking forgive me!” He yells as he pulls into the school parking lot.

“Why do you care so much?” I ask quietly.

“Because I do.” He snaps.

“If you cared about me you would’ve told me about Liam.” I unbuckle my seatbelt, grab my bags, and get out of the car.

“I couldn’t.” he says as I slam the car door shut. I quickly walk away from Harry’s car and into the building. I push pass everyone and walk to the staircase close to my first period. Nobody really uses it, so it’s a quiet place to think.

“Eva can we talk?” I look up to see Em standing a few feet away. I nod my head and shrug my shoulders.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispers.

“I didn’t tell anyone.” I mumble honestly.

“Harry knew.”

“Yeah because he eavesdropped on one of my phone calls.”  I explain.

“You could’ve of told me. I wouldn’t have judged you.”

“Really, because it seems as if that’s all you and the girls have done these past few weeks.” I’m starting to get irritated. I know I didn’t tell my friends the truth about my life, but it’s not like they were supportive when the truth came out. Which only verifies the reasons I didn’t tell them to begin with.

“I was mad that you didn’t tell me.”

“So instead of coming and talking to me, you push me away, and talk behind my back?” I ask/state.

“I didn’t know what to do when Ellie told me. I was shocked and confused.” She runs her hand through her hair.

“I could’ve explained to help you understand.” I counter.

“Look I’m sorry that I didn’t come talk to you. I should’ve trusted that you had a valid reason to keep it from me.” She apologizes.

“It’s okay. It’s going to take time for me to trust you again though.” I tell her.

“Same here.” She smiles shyly. I can understand that she will have trouble trusting me again. I lied about a lot. This year alone I lied about, Hawaii, family, money, and Harry.

“Can I ask you a question?” she suddenly tenses up.

“Sure.” I’m not sure what she is going to ask me.

“Can you tell me about Matt Remy?” She asks quietly, my heart sinks. I inhale deeply and exhale before I answer her.

“He was my creepy foster brother for a few years.”

“What do you mean by creepy? Did he…”            

“God no, he was creepy weird.”  She nods her head. Thank god she understands what I mean by that.

“Do you know why?” She’s obviously talking about the shooting. A part of me wishes I knew why Matt and his friends did what they did. The other part of me is glad I don’t know. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing.

“I have no idea.” I tell her.

“How come we didn’t know of him?” She asks.

“We both agreed we didn’t want people to know we were orphans. So we pretended not to know each other, here, or at ‘home’.” I hate calling that place home. It wasn’t home it was a roof over my head.

“He also kept to himself while at school.” I add.

“Oh okay.” I watch her face as she processes everything. She goes from confused, to content, too happy in a matter of seconds.  I look down at my lap when my phone vibrates. I see it’s a text from Harry. He is annoying! I ignore his text and stuff my phone in my bag before looking back up at Em. She now has evil smirk plastered on her face. Uh oh!

“How long have you been living with Harry?” She wiggles her eyebrows. I feel the heat rise to my face.

“Since my birthday.” I tell her.

“That’s a month. You’ve been living with Harry for a month?” She states. She sits down in front of me.

“Uh, yeah.” I shrug.

“Are you two like a couple now?” she smiles so big I’m waiting for her face to split in two.

“NO!” I growl. We’re both taken back by my outburst.

“But I saw you two on New Year’s. He clearly likes you a lot.”

“He played, betrayed, and lied to me.” I snap.

“Hey I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on between you two.” Her hands are out in front of her in surrender.

“Sorry. I don’t want to talk about Harry.” I reply sadly.

“Oh I’m sorry…we don’t have to talk about him anymore.” She smiles.

“Thank you.” I sigh in relief.

“If you need to talk you know my number.” She smiles. I lean forward and pull her into a hug.

“Do you forgive me?” I whisper in her ear.

“Of course. You are my best friend I can’t stay mad at you forever.” She wraps her arms around me.

“Will Kayley and Ellie ever forgive me?” I pull away.

“I think so.” She smiles.

“I’m going to lunch with them later, would you mind if told them what we talked about?”

“Yeah that’s fine.” I tell her. We both stand up and she pulls me into another hug.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too Em.” I sigh in relief… I have one friend back. We pull out of our embrace and pick up our bags just as the bell rings. Crap I still have one more secret I didn’t tell her.

“Em?” She looks at me with raised eyebrows.

“Don’t be mad, but I still have one more thing to tell you, but I’m just not ready yet.” I hesitate. I watched her closely waiting for her to get mad, but she doesn’t instead she smiles.

“Tell me whenever you’re ready.”

“Thanks.” I smile.

“No problem. I got to get to class before I’m late. I will text you later.” She says before walking away. Walking to class I feel a thousand times lighter. Now I just need Ellie and Kayley to forgive me. I hope it’s soon, I need my best friends right now.

“That looked like progress.” Harry says. I’m so happy that Em is talking to me again I don’t even feel like throwing up when Harry talks to me.

“Stalking me now?” I snap.

“I’d like to call it observing from a distance.” He challenges with a smirk on his face. It’s like he forgot everything that happened in his car not even thirty minutes ago.

“Stalking.” I reply.

“Agree to disagree.” He turns around and pretends to get ready for class. I roll my eyes, he is always procrastinating yet he always passes his classes. Miss. West starts class and Harry doesn’t speak to me again.


“Hello love, how are you today?” Zayn greets me as I walk into the break room.

“I’m really good.” I smile at him. Zayn and I have become really good friends these last few weeks. He has such an amazing personality. He is funny, smart, cheeky (he taught me that word).

“That’s good to hear. Ready for work?” he asks.

“Yes.” I smile. I only have to work until four today, and I’m thankful because Liam gave us a lot of homework.

“I bet you, have a little girl shift today.” He teases.

“Shut up.” I roll my eyes.

“Never.” He winks before walking away. I laugh to myself as I clock in. I wash my hands before heading to the front.

“Eva how are you?” Kylie asked me.

“I’m good thanks, how are you?” I ask.

“Busy.” She smiled. I look around and see that there is a lot of people here.

“I see that.” I smile. We part ways and I go to the sink to start on the pile of dishes. I like doing dishes for a little bit, but I hate when they are piled up like this, because it will take at least an hour to finish them.

“Eva, some lady is asking for you.” Kylie tells me. I look up at the clock and see that it’s been two hours since I started these dishes.

“Ok?” I don’t know who could be here to talk to me. I grab a hand towel and dry my hands before walking to the front.

“Elise?” I’m shocked. Why is Liam’s wife here asking for me?

“Eva how are you dear?” She asks.

“Umm…okay.” I furrow my eyebrows. What does she want?

“I asked your manager and she said I could steal you for a few minutes.” She smiles.

“Okay.” I look back at Kylie and she nods. I walk around the counter and follow Elise to an empty table. We sit down and I look around the café awkwardly waiting for her to talk.

“How have you been?” She asks.

“Good, you?” I ask politely.

“Been busy with the girls, but overall I’ve been good.” She smiles.

“Why are you here?” I ask her.

“I wanted to sit down and get to know you a bit.” She tells me.

“Okay.” I’m so confused. She smiles and starts asking me random questions. What my favorite color, animal, foods, and drinks. She left after twenty minutes, and I’m left confused. Did Liam send her here to get to know me?

“Who was that?” Zayn asked when I walked behind the counter.

“I guess she is my step mom?” I don’t really know what to call her, I’ve never really thought about it.

“You guess?”

“It’s complicated.” I shrug.

“Okay. Now come help me stock up front.” He smiles. This is what I like about Zayn he doesn’t push me to talk to him. When he realizes I don’t want to talk about something he doesn’t force me to talk about it.

“Ok.” I shrug. We walk to the dry storage room and he starts handing me things that we need up front.

“Zayn how am I supposed to walk up front without dropping anything?” I ask. Zayn has piled so many things in my arms that I can barely see in front of me. I can’t see him, but I can hear him laughing at me.

“Zayn.” I groan. He laughs louder as he walks over to me and takes a bunch of things out of my arms.

“Better?” He smirks.

“Yes.” I roll my eyes. It doesn’t take us long to put everything away, since we did it together.

“The two of you work so well together.” Mila winked at me. Mila is convinced Zayn and I should date. I told her that I didn’t like him like that, but she isn’t convinced. I almost told her about Harry the other day, but I stopped myself. I had to tell myself Harry and I are nothing, and we never were.

A few hours pass and it’s now three, one more hour and I can go home. I’m so tired and I still have a lot of homework to do. I wish I could go home now, but I feel weird asking to go home early since I just started working here two weeks ago.

“Eva? I didn’t know you worked here.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, Ryan.

“She needs the money.” Lizzie giggles. I don’t respond to either of them I just continue what I’m doing.

“Eva can you fill up the soap in the ladies room? Zayn asks. I nod and walk quickly to the storage room to get the soap. I grab the soap and walk towards the bathrooms.

“Who are they?” Zayn is waiting for me in front of the bathroom doors. I shake my head and try to walk around him.

“I saw you shudder when they spoke.” I felt the familiar lump form in my throat. I try and take a deep breath, but its shaky.

“Eva, talk to me. You can trust me.” He begs. Maybe if I just tell him something he will leave me alone. I open my mouth to tell him that I didn’t have as good of a life as I made people believe, but Lizzie interrupts me. She doesn’t waste any time, she starts telling Zayn EVERYTHING she knows.

“Eva?” Zayn looks at me. I look down and rush away from both of them to find Kylie.

“Are you okay sweetie? You don’t look too good.” Kylie asks.

“I’m not feeling very good, can I go ahead and go home?” I ask.

“Of course.” I thank her and walk to the break room to clock out. I clock out and rush to get my bags before running out the back door. It’s pouring ass raining, so I pull out my umbrella and open it.

“Eva, wait! “Zayn shouts. I turn around and he rushes to me with an umbrella.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.” I tell him with tears running down my face.

“Let me drive you home.” He offers.

“No thank you.” I tell him and walk away. I’m relieved when he doesn’t follow me. I walk for a few minutes before I hear a car horn behind me. I’m on the side walk so I don’t know why someone is honking at me. I look behind me and see a familiar car. Liam rolls down the passenger window.

“Eva get in the car.” Liam shouts over the rain. I don’t try and fight him I just get into the car.

“What’s wrong?” He asks as I buckle my seatbelt. I shrug my shoulders and avoid eye contact. I sniffle and wipe the tears off my cheeks.

“Can you just take me to the Styles house?” I ask him. He takes a deep breath and nods his head. I thank him and stare out of the window. Half way home my phone starts buzzing. I look at my phone and I see that I have five texts from Zayn. Through blurry vison I delete all the messages. I’m not sure but I think in the process of deleting Zayn’s messages from my inbox I think I deleted a text from Harry. It probably wasn’t anything anyway, probably just begging for forgiveness AGAIN.

“Here we are.” Liam tells me as he puts his car in park. I look up and see we are in the Styles drive way.

“Thank you.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my things.

“anytime.” He smiles.

“If you need to talk…umm… just know I’m here to listen.” He smiles hesitantly.

“Ok.”  I don’t know how to respond.

“Have a nice night.” He smiles.

“You too.” I open the door. I decide to bring up Elise stopping by today to see if he sent her to talk to me.

“Oh and tell Elise it was good talking to her today.” I wait to see his reaction.

“What do you mean?” Liam asks confused. Well I guess he didn’t send her.

“She came by Lyla’s today to talk to me.” I reply matter of factly.

“Oh okay.” He seems lost in this thoughts. Was he not supposed to know she talked to me? Oops?

“Goodnight Liam.” I bid farewell before closing the car door and running up to the house. I unlock the door and push it open.

“Are you okay?” I look up to see Emily coming down the stairs.

“Yeah just not feeling very well.” I lie.

“What’s wrong?” She asks concerned. She lifts her hand up and places her hand on my head.

“My stomach hurts.” I tell her honestly. My stomach does hurt, but it’s not because I’m sick.

“You are a bit warm. Why don’t you go ahead and get out of those wet clothes, so you don’t get a cold.” She grabs my bags and places them on the floor before ushering me upstairs.

“Change and I will make you some soup.” She tells me. I nod and walk upstairs to my room. As soon as I step foot off the final stair Harry is right in front of me. Was he waiting for me?

“Did you read my text?” Harry asks with hopeful eyes. I guess I did delete it by accident. My bad!

“Nope.” I shrug simply. I look at him and he looks pissed.

“I deleted it.” I tell him. He slams his fists against the wall causing me to jump.

“Was it important?” I ask confused. He looks up at me, his eyes full of rage.

“Not at all.” He says through gritted teeth before stomping off to his room and slamming the door closed. Why is it such a big deal that I deleted one of his texts? It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve done it.

“Okay then.” I whisper to myself and walk to my room to change. My shoes and socks are soaking wet. I change my clothes and put on two pairs of socks before climbing into bed.

“I hope you like chicken noodle it’s all we had.” Emily smiles as she walks into my room.

“That’s fine, thank you.” I smile.

“Of course.” She hands me a tray with the bowl of soup, a sleeve of saltine crackers, and some ginger ale.

“Do you need anything else?” She asks me.

“Um… can you get my book bag, I have some reading to do for English.” I ask.

“I don’t think you should go to school or work tomorrow. You need to get some rest.” She tells me.

“I will be fine tomorrow morning.” I tell her.

“I think you have a low grade fever.” She tells me. How can I have a low grade fever, I’ve felt fine all day. I’m nauseous because Lizzie told Zayn everything, and I didn’t really want him to know.


“No buts, stay home tomorrow and rest. I will call the school in the morning to tell them you are sick.” She tells me. I nod and start to eat some soup. Is this what it feels like to have a ‘mom’ that cares?

A/N: I’m sorry I didn’t post this yesterday… i didn’t finish writing it, so I couldn’t edit it and then we had a really bad thunderstorm and the electricity was flickering on and off, so I had to save the battery in my laptop  in case the lights went out completely so I could keep an eye on the storm…. Anyways I hope you like this chapter… these chapters are getting more and more fun to write…

What do you think of the new cover? @canadianBwithanITCH was so helpful and together we picked a great cover (I think we did) :D


 I don’t really know what else to say ahahaha!


I guess I will just remind all you amazing readers to VOTE and COMMENT!

Follow me if you can :D



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