Ten Rumors about the Mute Girl

By fibiway

264K 26.7K 2.3K

Orang-orang bilang ada gadis bisu di rumah itu. Dan akhirnya aku tahu bahwa itu benar setelah kejadian dimana... More

0.0 | copyright
1 | people said, the house is haunted
2 | people said, she is from the other city
3 | people said, the carpenters have often moved house because 'she' is mute
4 | people said, they are anti-social family
5 | people said, Julia is a whiny girl
6 | the beginning
7 | the warming party
8 | why Mrs. Carpenter gets mad?
9 | the taro flavor
10 | Seth, the stalker
11 | Seth and the truth
12 | why Mrs. Carpenter gets mad? (pt.2)
13 | a middle-aged man asked us about the Carpenters' house
14 | what the hell?
15 | she; a gone girl
16 | ten rumors about the mute girl and her family
17 | Mom said that she will try
18 | but Mom never trying
19 | the Carpenters' truth
20 | a girl who was slapped
21 | what happen; why Penelope calling?
22 | Julian
24 | stupidity
23 | a big confusion
25 | a stranger
26 | he is the hero, again
27 | Herbert Carpenter
28 | she said she really sorry for her father
29 | the day with them
30 | a ticket, to Iceland
31 | me, and the sun, and the girl-who-will-go to reach her dream
32 | the truth, but not the whole truth
33 | the truth happened later, i think it's the end
34 | too late to say goodbye
35 | everything's back to normal, like when the girl has not come yet
36 | new neighbor, isn't it?
37 | yeah, they are gone
38 | a diary
39 | page 1, 30 November
40 | page 2, 3 December
41 | page 3, 10 December
42 | page 4, 12 December
43 | page 5, 15 December
44 | page 6, 28 March
45 | page 7, 30 March
47 | page 9, 3 April
48 | page 10, 30 May
49 | "nothing ever goes away..."
50 | "...until it teaches us what we need to know."
[ author's note ]

46 | page 8, 31 March

1K 194 3
By fibiway

31 Maret

Dear diary,

Ada anak lelaki yang tinggal di samping rumah baruku yang tingkahnya lumayan aneh sekaligus lucu. Kira-kira ia sebaya denganku. Pertama kali aku melihatnya, anak itu berangkat sekolah dengan sepedanya. Sepertinya ia sempat melihatku sedang minum seteguk sir mineral di depan rumah karena ia sempat menghentikan sepedanya untuk melihatku, sepertinya. Namun, sikapnya tiba-tiba berubah. Ia seperti ketakutan melihat sesuatu; entah itu apa aku tidak tahu, seolah-olah ia benar-benar syok.

Lalu, kemarin ketika aku sedang menyebar undangan housewarming party, ia tiba-tiba hadir di depanku lalu hampir menabrakku. Aku memang tidak apa-apa; bukan masalah besar, tapi anak itu menabrak pagar depan rumahku. Lucu memang; pada saat itu aku ingin sekali tertawa, hanya saja aku kasihan padanya dan malah mengamati anak itu tanpa pernah menolongnya.

Ia menolongku memberikan undangan pada Penelope-gadis samping rumahku sisi yang lain, gadis yang menakutkan hingga aku sangat tidak berani melakukan apa pun ketika di hadapannya. Ia sempat menolak undanganku, dan aku menangis. Gadis cengeng, bodoh. []

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