[Beautiful Boy] Sal Fisher X...

By Alyannsgamer10

35.2K 795 2.1K

(ON HIATUS) Being a newbie in Addison apartments has its charms.. being creeped out by stuff was nothing to b... More

The Head Banging Duo
Couple Vibes

The Newbie

8.7K 189 444
By Alyannsgamer10


Unpacking my things in my room I wiped a stray bead of sweat going down my forehead.

I was actually new in the Addison Apartments.. In the Room no. 404 up in the 4th floor.

I lived with my mother M/n L/n and my pet (animal specie) named (Pet name).

My father left us too and moved on to heaven in my last house in California.. So my Mom decided she wanted us to stay somewhere quiet and peaceful.. and she chose Nockfell..

I'm not saying that I don't like it here, but it just gived me the chills.. ya' know?

"Y/n sweetie?" My Mom called from the living room.

"Yeah Mom?" I answered while exiting my room and going to the living room..

"Hun, I can see that you are working so hard in fixing your new room, but you must take a break and, you know, get to know the neighbors?" Mom encouraged while looking at the files for her job and a phone placed in between the side of her head and shoulder blade.

"Are you sure Mom?" I asked my Mom again, I wasn't really good with talking to other people.

"Yup! Now go! I have another client to talk to! Have fun ok? Love ya!" My said once again while going to her room and closing it behind her bringing a box of her clothes too.

'Well I guess I can go meet the neighbors!' I thought excitedly and nervously..

I exited the apartment with a spare key in hand and stuffing it in my pocket.

Looking to my left there was a door with a ton of scratch marks and It was blocked with wood planks and some torn up police tape..

'Yeesh.. Shady..' I thought.

Moving over to the next door in 402 I knocked gently on it waiting for an answer.

"Who is it?" I heard a man ask.

"U-umm, Im Y/n! Y/n L/n! Im new in the building! I just wanted to say hi!" I told honestly.

"Oh! Wait there I'll be right over!" I heard footsteps from the otherside of the door.

I saw the knob shift a bit then was opened. I was met with a tall old man with blue hair smiling down at me.

"Oh! Hello there! Im Y/n from 404!" I said happily.

"Well hello there Y/n! Im Henry Fisher! It's quite nice to meet you! Come in and join me for a spot of tea from Mr. Addison that he just gave!" He opened the door wider to let me in but I declined.

"Oh no Mr. Henry! I Couldn't possibly do that! But I would join you soon because, I have to venture out and meet our other neighbors in the apartment! Mabye some other time Sir!" I said trying not to sound rude.

"Oh! Of course Y/n! But if you ever need help! Just call me or my Son!" He said.

"Ok thank you Sir! Good bye!" I said while walking to the next door.


"See you Y/n!" He waved then closed the door.


Finally reaching the 2nd floor I suddenly was met by a brown haired woman with tools and equipment left and right.

I smiled brightly at her, and she smiled back.
"Hello there! I'm Y/n! Im new around here!" I lent her my hand.

"Oh! You must be that new kid! Well I welcome you to Addison Apartments! Im Lisa! Lisa Johnson by the way!" She said while taking my hand in her's and shaking it in a friendly manner.

"So, Ms. Lisa? Is there anything that I can do fun around here?" I asked trying to release myself from boredom.

"Oh! Just call me Lisa kiddo! And Your just like Sal when he first came here!" She stated happily.


"Tell you what, I have a son about your age! And he also has a best friend both your ages too! Here is a card key for the basement!" She gave me a card key and smiled down at me.

Behind me I heard a door open. He had orange curly hair and nerdy features.

"Greetings! Im Todd! Nice to meet you!" He said smiling then extended his hand.

"Im Y/n! Nice to meet you too!" I say back then shook his hand back.

"Welcome! Newbie!"

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