Star Wars: A clash of lords

By ChimeraArtium

101 1 0

In a time where the sith are believed to be all but destroyed. In a remote corner of the unknown region, the... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter twelve

1 0 0
By ChimeraArtium

The comms buzzed to life in Nocnors cockpit signalling that they were out of the bombing run, although Nocnor thought they should have been half hour earlier. "This is besh leader, we are clear to go home squadron" Xifel voice was calm as always
"Roger that besh leader, taking patrol formation now" Nocnor sounded off with a hint of sadness. He swung his joystick hard right to follow in behind besh two.
Besh twos engines were leaving a trail of thick smoke behind it, "besh two, you are damaged, radio in with your status" Nocnor yelled as he tried to navigate the smoke smeared path ahead.
"I can hold it, I can hold it" Besh twos voice strained through what sounded as gritted teeth. All Nocnor could imagine is a cockpit flashing red and besh two struggling with the controls "I can.." chzzz. Before Nocnor realised what just happened besh two began to descend sideways toward the ground.
"Besh two eject, god damn it, ejec..." Xifel shouted and then was intercepted by a loud explosion
"Besh two is gone, may he fly ever more" Nocnor announced as he took besh two position in the formation. "May he fly ever more" the rest of besh squadron echoed with sentiment.
Thump, Thump, THUMP
"Shit, their firing AA-batteries at us evasive action!" Xifel commanded as his ship veered left out of formation.
"They must have been alerted about our approach from besh two exploding" Nocnor said as his cockpit shook from an near by AA-battery just exploded to his right and instinctively veered left in to besh leader.
"Watch it!!" Xifel exclaimed as his ship contacted Nocnors.
"Sorry, impulse from near by AA explosion" Nocnor said feeling embarrassed by such a rookie move. "I'm locked to you we need to pull apart before they see a huge..."
"I'm going down, I repeat I'm going down lost my port wing" Nocnor screamed as the horizon disappeared and the ground came spinning closer in his view port.
As he tried to pull up to right his ship for a softer crash the first of many hard bumps came and flung him forward in his seat causing his helmet to hit the command console cracking both the helmet and the console which now sot sparks out like escape pods.
His vision blurred he realised he was skimming the ground coming in for a second thump and back in the air he went momentarily before the third thump. Scraping the belly of the craft along the ground but not enough to halt his unpleasant landing then suddenly Thud the sheer force of the stop flung him forward like a rag doll and making is face fully submerged in the control board.

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