Star Wars: A clash of lords

By ChimeraArtium

101 1 0

In a time where the sith are believed to be all but destroyed. In a remote corner of the unknown region, the... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter nine

1 0 0
By ChimeraArtium

Nocnor disembarked his bomber, as he removed his helmet his face felt the sudden artificial wind in the hanger. Which was a refreshing contrast to his stifling helmet. As he dragged a cloth to relieve his face of the thin layer of sweat that had been perpetually added to during his flight.
The hanger was relatively quiet, compared to the usual buzz of engineers and pilots working on repairs, engineers still ran her and there refuelling the fighters and carriers ready to launch at a moments notice.
But there was no welding, no laughter about the mission they just survived or mourning the pilots that had not returned. Then it dawned on him most the ground troops were deployed to the city. I hope Leyl wasn't deployed, I'm sure she's fine if she was. Nocnor knew he shouldn't be so concerned for a friend in the military as death was a certainty, but every now and then he allowed himself to worry so he could feel human.
Then besh four grabbed his arm and pulled him from his daze "c'mon Angel you owe us first rounds, for a job well done" she joked but did not let go of his arm as she dragged him out of the hanger. Her hair was vibrantly died blue going into a purple at the ends, where as the empire frowned on such shows of individualism, this movement welcomes any uniqueness as long as it did not hinder their effectiveness in combat.
"I know, I know. Just let me find my legs first it feels although I been stuck in that cockpit for an age" he protested and finally found. Her grip slacken and her face became concerned "are you okay angel? Did the turbulence cause you to hit your head?" She asked as she gave him a once over looking for any injuries.
"I'm fine Cebik, I just had a bit of cockpit syndrome" he knew this was a lie but how could he even say that bombing the enemy camp before they attacked them made him feel ill and wrong.
"Okay Angel, I'll take the first round but don't make us wait to long for your turn" she smiled then jogged down the passage in the direction of the canteena.
Nocnor decided he needed to get his mind off the mass slaughter he had just been partied to, and the best way to do that was to join his squadron and secretly drink to the dead enemy rather than join the squadron in celebrating a decisive win.
As he entered the canteena he found his squadron sitting in a corner making regular roasts to victory, honour and dead comrades. He took a deep breath and started his approach to the table.
"It's angel guys, he has chosen to join" Cebik shouted, already tipsy, spotting him halfway across the room "I thought angels flew everywhere, why are you walking" she now shouted at him in a humorous glee.
All Nocnor could do was wave a hand to signal them to sit down and be relaxed. A few realised this and did so but Cebik just waved back at him clearly to tipsy to recognise the suggestion. That brought a small bit of joy to him as he thought oh Cebik, ever the light weight what silly thing will you surprise us with this time. His thought was soon answered when he reached the table, she leaped up arm flung wide at him without warning she landed on him rapped her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek.
By the time he had gotten over the shock of what just took place, Cebik hand gotten off him and managed to find her chair, where as he stood motionless with his arms raised in a surrender position. "H...High to you too Cebik" Nocnor stuttered and dropped his arms.
"Well I hope the empire doesn't find out all it takes for angel to surrender is for a girl to peck him on the cheek" his squadron commander said followed by a chorus of laughter.
As he took his seat and ordered the next round of drinks from a droid that seemed so beaten and neglected it should have been decommissioned years ago.
"Do you think the assault teams are coping in the city?, I know they have force users in their ranks but in the briefing it sounded like the force users had their own orders to separate from the legions." Nocnor said as he tilted his glass to displace the golden liquid inside.
"Aww, look guys Angel is worried about the commander that stopped him dead in his flirting" Cebik giggled as she slurred her words.
"They will be fine, we did our job they'll do their job" the squadron leader said firmly while taking another mouth full of what Nocnor could only guess was a brown whiskey, clearly though his commander had experience handling the strong stuff and didn't flinch an inch as the hotness from the taste went down his throat.
"Yeah, you are probably right Commander Xifel" Nocnor said bowing his head so no one could see the concern remaining in his eyes.
All of a sudden the alarms rang out again.
"Twice in one day, that's got to be a base record" Cebik said as she tried appearing sober, but still slurred her words.
As Nocnor looked into his glass to see if the liquid vibrated from any shockwaves, but it sat still bringing only dread to him."its not an attack, they could have only dispatched bombers since we wiped out any nearby ground forces" Nocnor exclaimed as he stood.
"How do you know that" Commander Xifel asked "we haven't heard word from any one in the base"
"Our drinks are as still as water on Hoth" Nocnor said in a manner that sounded tired and regretted what was to come.
"Squadron to the Command centre now, move, not you Cebik, you are unfit for flight this time.
Great, if we are being deployed. It means things in the city are not going as planned. What if Leyl has been K.I.A. The thought brought tears to his eyes, even though he knew there was no romantic feelings between them he loved her like a sister.

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