Remember the times

By of_her_own

5.8K 701 443

"He killed himself,What part of that don't you understand?" "He won't,He never will" "You know he did.." "Why... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

220 30 18
By of_her_own

The Journal lay on the bed side table.He hadn't touched it since he brought it home.He didn't have the courage.The last words he read still haunted him.But he needed to know,for that he has to keep reading.Each pages had so many stories to talk about and he was scared if  his name will show up.He knew it will eventually.Jin and Yoongi had came and gone.Jungkook sat up straight and turned his bed lamp on.He took the journal onto his lap and opened it cautiously half expecting something to jump out of it.Nothing did.He blinked flipping to where he left it last time and read,"It was getting harder as ..."

"One morning when I woke up,you weren't there anymore.No traces were left.I doubted if you ever even existed"

Taehyung was wide awake and it was close to 2 am.He had been tossing and turning for hours.Finally giving into the restlessness,he decided to take a walk or maybe do something else.He slowly climbed down from the bed.His brother who shared his room was fast asleep,his soft snoring filling the room.Maybe he was asked to keep an eye on Taehyung,he squirmed as soon as Taehyung opened the door
"Hyung...Where are you going?",He asked,his words barely making clarity.
"'am only getting water,go back to sleep",Taehyung said in a low voice and Jeong gyu soon did.His sister's room stood across the hallway and her door was open.
"You are studying at this hour?",Taehyung asked as his sister whipped her head around in panic.Her face relaxed as she saw her brother in confusion.It was the first time he spoke to her after coming home.He was very silent,contrast to his loud self.

"I have an exam tomorrow,oppa",She said and Taehyung nodded.
"Do you want coffee or... anything?",he asked,not that he knew to make one but he wanted to do something.She shook her head before asking,"Oppa ,Are you okay?"
Taehyung smiled,his lips turning into a line.It hurted to smile,as if it took a lot of effort to make the lips curve.
"Don't stress too much",he said before closing the door behind him.

He walked slowly upto their open terrace.It was cold and he pulled his thin shirt around him tightly.A slight shiver ran down his spine.He sat down at his usual spot,gazing into the enormous sky,It had always scared him, sky and the thoughts.
What's gonna happen to the world? After this? After I die? How long it will go on?What happens when the world ends? He was forever scared thinking about those and in the end always ran to his grandma.She would let him sit in her lap and hug him.She always said,"Taehyungaah,Don't be scared,Halmeoni will take care of you"
Then he was young when his mom took him to his grandparents.Taehyung thought Grandmother and Grandfather can do anything.They are least bit scared of anything.Although he missed his parents and siblings,he forgot it all when he slept in between his grandparents.

Little Tae Tae said,"One day,I am gonna be so great,That day I'll tell the world that you are my hero"
His Grandmother would kiss his temples,"I know,you are going to be great,I'll wait for that day"
He remembered the times he used to run behind his grandfather into the fields with that giant hat on,that fell twice every minute.Maybe like everyone else had thought,things didn't work out quiet well,maybe he wasn't really happy at all.

"Maybe spring never came,Winter never left"

"You always wear the same red coat", Jimin once had said,particularly shy.
Taehyung looked at the floor,he felt insecure.He remembered what his mother had said,"Taehyungaah,I got you the best one in sales now.Now the big town kids won't make fun of you"

"My mom gave me this",he said unsure of how the boy was going to react.The boy took out a small drawing from his pocket,"My dad gave me this,I ,too carry it everywhere I go"
Taehyung's eyes lightened up,Jimin doesn't think he's weird.
"I miss my mom",The boy said sitting on the bench.And Taehyung followed to sit by him,"I do too"
There was a moment of silence before Taehyung asked,"Why do you sit alone,in class?"
"I ...I think noone likes me"
"But you are nice"
Jimin just smiled at that,"You are nice too"
Taehyung's box smile lightened up as he said,"You can sit with me for lunch from tomorrow..I'll introduce you to all my friends"
Jimin smiled shyly.
And so he stayed close to Taehyung,That's how they found out they were each other's soulmates.He was always one hand away,one call away.

That day when he ran out of the dorm into the street when his mother called him to tell Halmeoni was no more,Jimin had followed.Taehyung wasn't sure where he was running to but he knew he should,as far as his legs could take,as long as he could breath.And Jimin caught up to him to that playground where they played after school and bought their favourite popsicles.He sat there panting on the side bench and Jimin sat by him.Jimin didn't say anything,not a word. Taehyung slowly put his head on Jimin's shoulders.
His tears ran down his cheeks to Jimin's shirt.Jimin turned around to his side and put his hands around Taehyung.Taehyung snuggled into him,sobbing uncontrollably.He cried aloud and Jimin's hand went in comforting circles on the younger's back.

"I ...I...Pro..Promised her,Jiminaah...I'll tell...tell..everyone,she's my hero.That...That,I wouldn't be me without her..I ..want..want...wanted to see her smile..when I did,now.."
"Shushh...shhh...It's alright",Jimin hugged him tight.For hours they sat in cold.Taehyung struggling for breath.
"Taehyungaah,Halmeoni wouldn't want you to cry.And she knows she's your everything,She knows, Taehyungaah,That's all that matters"
Taehyung sighed heavily into Jimin's shirt.
"Halmeoni is looking at you now,and seeing you cry,she wouldn't be happy,right? ",Jimin swallowed.Tears had found their way down his eyes too.He was never able to handle himself when Taehyung cried.Maybe a soulmate thing.

"But...But ..she's gone,am scared again,am alone again, Jiminaah"
"Yaa,Kim Taehyungaah..Don't say that.Then what am I?",Jimin couldn't control as his tears burst out of his eyes.
"You are never going to be alone,as long as am here"

As long as I am here

The two brothers hugged each other tightly,scared if one of them let go,the other one will dissappear into thin air.They wanted the night to last forever but several nights passed.Now Taehyung was alone on his terrace,hoping to hug his bestfriend again.He looked up at the sky,
"Halmeoni,Halabeoji...Take care of Jiminie,He is so bad at making friends,Take care of him like you did for me,Love him like you loved me,He gets sad too easily,Just tell him to wait a bit,till I come..Just wait a bit"

Taehyung's heart became heavy,he was scared,he was alone again.He walked to his parents room where they were fast sleep.He climbed onto the bed and laid in between them,with his head buried between the two pillows.His parents,half asleep moved closer to him and wrapped him in their hold.Taehyung bit into one of the pillows but his body started  shaking,uncontrollably.His mother kissed his side of the face and he slowly calmed down.His father ran his hands through his hair.
"Let it be 20 years back",He thought.

A/N:Please leave comments and lots of love everyone for the support,I never had reads over 40,makes me damn happy,thankyou

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