
Von FWWolffe

39 8 0

Billie comes from a loving family who she would fight for tooth and nail . Never did she expect for it to all... Mehr



3 1 0
Von FWWolffe

We were at the city the next day.  Papa was determined to convice this red viper that another thing would suffice.

I bit my lip nervously.  Moonlight buds were very hard to come by.  The prices of them was crazy. How did he come into possession of one ?croocked business im sure of it. He was a croocked man then.

Please gods,  convice this man to take the deals of what ever papa was tempting him with.

John was still cross about this whole thing.  He wouldn't look at father in the eyes but he atleast acknowledged him , that means he didnt hate him completely.  I leaned on John and he hugged me.

" dont worry.  If pa couldnt convince him......i could just kill the bloke and we'll be fine and debt free" he said and i frowned at him.

"And if people found out? They wouldn't want to trade with us anymore , they wouldn't buy from us. " i said and sighed.  I patted him and giggled.

" what if i kill him? Theyd never suspect the wife? Especially not such a small and innocent girl liked me " i said and flashed big doey innocent eyes at him , he chuckled and nodded.

"That's only if we run out of options. " he said and ruffled my hair.  I nodded and felt the dagger inbetween my breast in a leather strap i had under my shirt. Thisll come in handy.

We were both at a bar until we heard a commotion.  I drank my ale and turned to the scene.

In a flash me and brother had our swords out and rushed to our father on the floor. Infront of him was a tower of a man clad in armour and a huge sword aimed at my father. I kicked the sword away from my father and aimed mine at him and so did john.

" i guess it went badly" john gritted his teeth.

The man turned towards me and i frooze. I was tiny compared to him! He could not possibly want me! There were other women who were more compatable with him! Tall women ! He was huge! The armour only added to his hugeness.

I glared at him.

I heard laughter from next to me and noticed a crowd formed.

" look at this , a wee little lassy holding a sword to the red viper! Dumb bitch ! Cut her down red viper!" The man howled and cheered with his cup.

It happened way too fast for me to realize. The red viper man swiped his sword and cut the mans head clean off. The drink spilled and the blood gushed all over the place. I looked up but screamed as i was lifted up and i banged on his armour to let me go. I looked at john and father to see them hit and passed out on the floor. I worried and called out to them.

" theyre fine. I hit them with the butt of my sword" he grumbled and i frooze. His voice was so deep and raspy. He was scary indeed.

" why do you want me! " i said and squirmed in his arms . I had to flee.

" enough!" He yelled and i flinched and curled up. That was scary. I palmed the sword inbetween my chest.

He carried me down alleyways and finally we came apon a house. I assumed was his.  Every window was barred and his door had many locks.

Did he have other women ? It wasnt uncommen that men had more then one wife. When he opened the door a bunch of dust blew up. He seemed to never use this place. It was as if new , and unused. There was furniture but covered in white cloths . Who lived here? He brought me inside and continued to a closed room. I freaked out and decided now was the time to escape and kill him. I dug out my dagger and slashed around. He growled and yanked it out my hand as if yanking a stick from a child. I gasped and he threw me on the bed.

" undress" he growled out and i shook my head and backed away. He sighed and opened a closet and brought out a tunic. He threw it at me and walked off.

" change , you'll stain the whole house red" he growled out annoyed and walked out the room. I looked down and noticed i was covered in ale and blood. 

Should i change?

I felt the furs under me and realized this room seemed the only thing possibly lived in.

I sucked a breath in and felt my body shake. I was taken! I didnt have my weapons! And i was demanded to strip! Was i going to be raped when i sleep , will i ever sleep? Would i be safe!

"I brought you a wash clothe and a tub of water . Clean and change" he said and made to leave. He left and closed the door. I heard him outside of the room and i looked around. A way to escape! I pushed a chest and hopped on it to look out the high window. I was on the tip of my feet when i heard the door open. I turned around and fell in shock. 

He had taken off his helmet. His face was full of scars ! I stared at him from the ground and he growled at me.

"What did you hit your head and go dumb? Get up! Wash yourself and get dressed girl!" He said and yanked me up off the floor.

I felt like a child. I glared at him and he sat me down on a chest. He grabbed a knife and i stilled.

Well this is it.

I was going to die.

I felt him rip my shirt and i gasped and cursed at him.

" i told you to get out of these clothes, you havent listened.  Now i have to do it for you." He said and i glared at him and complied. He ripped it!!

Fine if he wanted me out of my clothes id do it. I shedded all my clothes and turned to him.  He didnt roam my body , he stared at me and rose a barely there brow.  I glared at him and snatched the wash cloth and cleaned myself and finally dried myself in front of him. I grabbed the tunic and pulled it over me. Obviously his.

I looked at him and glared. He had watched me all the while.

"Good. I made supper" he said and pushed me towards what i assume was the kitchen. He sat me at a small table and he sat across from me. He served wine and roast chicken and soup. I looked at it and scrunched my nose up. It looked horrid.

"Eat" he said and dug in. I prayed a bit then began. I wished mom well and told her i would escape from this.

This soup was unflavored  and watered down . The chicken was all the same , bland. I didnt want to say anything, who knows how he'd react.

We ate in silence and i looked up at him to realize him staring at me. I looked back at him . His dark blue eyes were so dark i didnt even think they were blue when i first saw them. He stared at me then turned to eat his food.

" do you want to scream? Im an ugly fucker i know" he said and continued eating.

I giggled and he looked at me curiously.

" ive seen worse and i doubt screaming would do anything" i said and sighed. He looked at me and raised a brow.

" most girlies wouldve pissed themselves lookin at me . Why arent you afraid?" he asked and i glared at him.

" 'im not like most girlies 'and you're not that ugly, I've seen worse " i gritted out and ate .he gave a thunderous chuckle and it was my turn to be curious .

" yes by the way you shittly held your sword , no bitch would ever consider raising one up." He said and i glared at him.

"If i wasnt cautious about my life i wouldve smacked you by know. Also Don't call ladies bitches didn't your mother teach you manners !! this soup tastes like shit!" I said and glared at him and continued to eat. He chuckled and leaned back a bit to catch his breath.

Who knew i was a comedian.

We ate once again and i ended up finishing first. I stopped and looked at him. Now what. We fuck? Or hows this going to go?

" why'd you kidnap me" i asked and watched him eat. He gave a small groan and  stopped and placed his bowl down.

"Your father owed me" he said and i kept his eye contact.

"But he gave you plenty of other options. A farm , money , free produce, a peice of our land....." i told him and he broke the eye contact first.

"Im no farmer. I could give a chickens ass for owning land. Money, i have. all that i could need,  i can buy. I could buy myself whatever i want" he said and continued eating.

" like whores?" I said and he choked a little on his soup.

"Why  would you want me if you could buy a whores time? " i asked and raised a brow as he fixed the ties to his tunic. he was almost chocking on air.  He seemed genuinely shocked id say such things.

"Look at me" he said and i did. The scars on his face seemed to multiply the longer i stared. He did look ugly , but i didnt find him that ugly. He had scars and burns and such, that was the only reason why he was ugly. You can tell he'd be quite handsome in a rugged way if he wasnt scowling or had his scars....maybe a few for that added ruggedness.... but he was my kidnapper so he was an ugly bastard in my mind

" you want me to say youre ugly? " i said and he glared at me . I sighed and rubbed my temples.

" youre not , you have scars. Every man has scars -" i said and he laughed mockingly. So i wouldnt get killed i had to sweeten this man up...I accidentally called him ugly

" thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. " he laughed and continued eating.

" why did you want me?" I said again and he gulped hard and looked up at me .

" as i said look at me. " he said and i continued. I raised a brow and he continued.

" no woman would ever stay with me. If it isnt for the money of the many one night shags , ive never had a real woman-........stay " he said and i stopped him.

" you want me to be your woman?! As like in what ? Your personal whore ? A lover ? A wife?? " i panicked and stood up and walked away.

I was a virgin , if he wanted me then he'd be my first......i felt tears in my eyes.... id have to be his....

Mama. I had to leave. I know your watching this from up above....i need help mama.

" come here!" He said and i backed farther until i hit a wall and stared at him from afar. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

" im not going to do anything to you girlie. Get up " he said and i shook my head. I sat down on the floor and curled up.

He'd break me ! For sure. He's huge and im tiny!

Oh my.... . id have to bare his children! Could i even birth children?  I heard mother once say itll be hard for me to give birth due to my size.....

He got up and left .......i calmed down and continued to cry. When i heard him close the door to a room i quietly got up and looked around. For anything. Something to protect myself ... something to hit him with. Anything. I looked around to see if there was anyway to get out. Any window ??

I did find the door out to the alleyway and i tried yanking it . It made a loud rattle and i ran from it. It had heavy chains like a door chime, there was huge locks and many of them adorned the wooden door like jewelry.

I heard foot steps and watched as he walked up to me. I cowarded back and hit the door. He stared down at me and i stared up at him.

" please let me go! There has to be something else you want" i said and he glared at me.

" a family. Thats my only way out-" he said and i paused and looked back up again.

" i cant offer you that" i said and he growled.
I growled at him.

" surely you wont make me " i said and he huffed and walked off .

" do as you please. But your father owed me a debt and you payed for it. Quite conveniently aswell" He said and laughed. He sat at the dinning room table and i glared at him.

" did it work?" He asked as he drank something. I felt my throat dry and my eyes prickle.

" no" i said and he hung his head. I felt my body shake .

" it was gods work. You cant take back
What he has his mind set on to join him" he said and i sobbed harder. He stopped and i flipped him off.

" you suck at consoling others" i said and he hung his head again.

Mama... im sorry you heard that .

"Why was she sick?" He asked and i looked up.mama... My heart ached right now.

" i-i dont know....papa never told us , he always told us she would be fine the next day......on some days it seemed like that. Maybe it was our cruel eyes making her out to be okay so she wouldnt leave us, but some days....." i couldnt finish as i was a crying mess.

He stood up disappeared and came back with a fur. He slowly came to me and wrapped me up in it.  I thanked him out of stupid instinct  and he slowly lifted me up. I didnt oppose I was too tired too and he took me to a plush seat and sat me in it and sat in one across from it. I was thankful for the space

" some days she wouldnt wake up. Papa would tend to her needlessly and make sure she was still with us. I prayed the hardest those days. I wished she would open her eyes and give me a gentle smile , like she always did , but she'd fall into a deep sleep then wakeup as if it didnt happen.she rarely ate.  She was practically withering in front of us ." i said and hiccuped. 

He nodded and layed back . I watched. I rubbed my eyes wondering why in the holy gods i was telling my kidnapper about my mother.  I should be trying to escape. Kill him or something. I should be raising hel-

" my mother died when i was a lad. My own father killed her infront of me. " he said and i stopped.

"W-why?" I said and he sucked in a breath and closed his eyes.

" my father was a monstrous bastard. Nothing in hell could compare to him. How my mother stayed with him for , i have no idea why . He'd beat her , she'd cry and apoligize to him.  Even when he was the one to blame , he always was the one to blame. " he said and i saw his hands clutch till his knuckles were white.

He hated him.

" my mother was pregnant with my sibling , when my father lashed out and hit her. I remember seeing her cry as blood poured out of her. I ran and went to get a medic anyone who could save her. When i did find one i lifted that fat fuck and ran him to the shitty rubbles that was my home . I would never forget her screams , her pain. She screamed when the medic told her the baby was......deformed.even still it was a powerful little thing. It yelled and belted at the top of his lungs........ i saw my father cringe , and stare at my little brother like he was a demon , he took him by the foot like a animal and walked out.......... . I never saw my little sibling ever again. We all had known what he did. She couldnt forgive her self and would cry endlessly to him apologizing....until one day...he got mad at her and beat her. I saw with my own eyes as he killed her this last time"

I sucked in and cried harder. Gods.....why are you so cruel.

" h-howd you get your scars?" I asked and he sucked in harder and sighed out. I didn't want to be stuck in the well of sadness and pain.

" i can tell you one. This one " he said and pointed to one going down his eye. He chuckled .

" it was one of the first ones. I had been stationed by the former king to go and slaughter some thunder cats for his firstborn prince. I still have some of the pelts! Beautiful creatures." He said and i glared at him.

" yet you slaughtered them " i said and he nodded .

" it was best them and not me. The king ordered it. I didnt slaughter them all girlie.there's probably still a hundred of them running around and reproducing " He said and i rolled my eyes.

" do you do everything the king asks of you? " i asked. Maybe i could plan something....have the king let me go or something.

" yes. Unthinkable things , heroic things . I do them all" he said and stood up. He went on and came back with two flasks. He tossed one to me and i sniffed the top a bit.

"It aint poison girlie" he said and chuckled. I rolled my eyes and took a small sip. It was wine. Very good wine. Expensive.

"This is expensive wine.....are you a merchant aswell?" I asked. The fat man we killed yesterday said someone was a merchant then started saying the red viper.

" im a royal kings guard. Another man is covering for me today, but besides that im the only one . " he said and i mock whistled.

"Big role huh" i mocked and he frowned at me.

"Look girlie , you're father owed , i simply collected my due. He told me i could have what ever he had. Conveniently he had a beautiful daughter at a marrigable age. Quit it with the hostility" he grumbled and took a huge chug.

" theyre going to come for me! Or we can figure something else! Ive got cousins ! Far beautiful cousins who would kill to live in the city! They'd marry you! You can't just expect me to put a dam smile on and except to be happy when I was ripped from my home and family!" I told him urging him. Please anything but me.

" quit it " he growled.

"You're the payment and thats it! Im a kingsguard i could easily tell the king that we've made a fair trade and anything against it is treason of word or foul play! " he grumbled and i scoffed.

"Ooooo~ leave it to the king to decide and settle this!" I mocked and he grumbled and shot up. I flinched and stared at him. He scowled and left. I sighed out and rubbed my eyes.

Why the hell was i here! 

I cried and cried until i felt my body breakdown and curl up. I was tired.

I did not trust myself living here. I shivered as the cold air shifted. It was turning night indeed.

All day we spent hopping from tavern to tavern looking for this red viper....i wish we hadn't.....i wouldve still been with pa or brother.....i sniffled and hoped they were fine.

I didnt notice it but he was standing next to me.

" listen here girlie. Im sorry it had to come to this....but your old man had to pay up.... i know being given around like a cow is unsettling-" he said and i punched his face. He didnt even flinch , he just frowned at me and collected my wrists. His hands were humongous , they easily encircled my tiny wrists. If i wasnt careful with one flick of his wrist he could easily break them.

I didnt care of that. I was flailing around like crazy and cursing at him.

" DONT TOUCH ME !" I screamed and he pinned me to the plush seat. I huffed and cried harder as i found my attempt to get him off of me to be futile. He stared at me blankly and waited till i calmed to talk.

" listen."

" im not going to harm you , i just need a girl- listen * sigh* its going to be fine okay.....ill let you walk freely , ill even let you see your family ...just i need you to stick by me ...." he said and i knew it was hard for him to say those things. Almost like he was tip toeing around the bigger picture.

" why?" I asked .

" why the hell do you need me that badly!" I yelled in his face. He dropped his eyes unamused and scowled.

" i need a family to end my service to the king. Until i wed , i will no long need to serve all the new  kings beckoning calls and so on.  " he said and i was genuinely confused.

" dont you like your work? Cant you marry a whore instead!!" I yelled and thrashed again.

" no. The soldiers know all the whores in this town. If i were to turn up with one be mocked , the lady be mocked , i wouldnt want that on the poor girl." He said and i rolled my eyes.

" how heroic! And you instead kidnap a girl from her family!" I yelled. He huffed and glared at me.

" i did not kidnap you" he began and i huffed out .

" yeah because picking up a girl like a sack of potatoes and striking her father and brother down to do it,isnt kidnapping!" I growled. He closed his eyes and groaned.

" quit your screaming" he began and if on cue another man screamed.

"SHUT THAT WAILING COW UP SALIS!  " a man screamed and he growled above me.

He let me go and made his way to the barred window and screamed back scarily.

" SHUT THE FUCK UP MCALLEN OR ILL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF !"  He screamed and it seemed to make everyone deathly silent. He turned to me and rubbed his face.

" see just be quiet. Come " he said and motioned for me to follow him. I shook my head.

" come on now , i just told you i wouldnt harm you! Just come and get in bed so we can go to sleep" he growled

" we ! No , im fine sleeping here." I said and curled up and covered myself with the skins. He growled came to me picked me up and took me down the small hallway to his room. All the while i wailed and thrashed around.

" what type of man would i be if i left my wife to sleep on the plush the cold" he said and it enraged me further

Wife ! He's definetly lost it.

" wife!! No no wife! Your kidnapped girl prisoner more like it!" I screamed and he frowned and threw me to the soft bed. I landed and sat so i could see his every move.

" you do know down in khali men actually steal their brides? From other men , from familes , its a tradition. " he said and i growled.

" yes but the women live in fear in khali! Theyre raped and miserable ! Some even kill themselves " i spat out. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

" im sorry. I wont do any of that - " he began and i crawled away from him.

" how do i know that! I was kidnapped by you not merely hours ago ! Great first impressions , really soothes my mind when you just threw me to your bed and told me id be fine the whole night with nothing but one of your tunics!" I growled out. He sighed rubbed his eyes and stood up.

" fine. You win." He said and collected some furs and turned to me.

" im not letting you go , you're mine you got it. The second those words left you fathers mouth you were mine to don't blame me, blame your father..... Ill be sleeping in the kitchen." He grumbled and left. I growled and threw a pillow at his retreating form. He didnt even flinch just kept walking.

" ill get to know you and youll get to know me. Well have first impressions and savour our time together ..... only if you try. You might think i kidnapped you but its up to you to decide to act that way. Ill give you freedom , choices and everything youve had...only if you .....stay with me  ... technically you're my property since your father bartered you ... but i won't treat you as such " he said with out turning around and left.

I growled and covered my face with the pillow to scream. 

If i stayed with him id have my liberties! He was trying to train me like a dog. Loyalty isnt conditioned , its earned. I dont - i would never give myself to this monster.


I woke up and mentally got kicked by a mule. I forgot that i was stuck in this hell hole. I looked around and everything was were it had been , the only disturbance was probably my toss and turning. I slowly got up and listened. 

Was he here? Could i have more time to try to escape!

I heard mumbling and quietly i tip toed to the door and pressed my ear against it. The muffling on the other side was clearer.

" roan thanks for coming....i believe shes still asleep-" he began .i heard metal clinking and shuffling of feet.

"Im off , the king sent an errand boy to come get me. Must be something urgent if its this early. Tend to her. Make sure shes not spooked out still , um- maybe take her out the house for clothes or food , something.....i dont know when ill be home " he said and i heard a nasty grunt back. It sounded like a boys.

" youve got to be kidding me salis. Youve brought me out here to be a maid!" He growled. I leaned a little closer.

A maid? Could i whack him and leave?

" listen brother.....i need to do this.itll be over soon , once im free-" he said but i felt my body slip through the door and i fell on my face in the hall. What the hell!

" listening in is a sin. You could get punished kid" a guy with black curls and a huge scar across his face said. I blushed and covered my exposed body .

I felt my body freeze up and float towards them. I growled as i was stood in front of them.

" so this is her huh. How cute" he began and came towards me. He was going to touch my face but the bigger man grabbed his hand roughly.

" i want her safe. Unbothered. Dont dare do anything to upset me." He growled out dangerously. I frowned. Sure not to upset him but what about me!

" what ever" the younger man said. He rolled his eyes but he then caught my eyes. He had such clear crystal blue eyes. I stared at him and he did back to me.

" i like this one. Fiesty." He said and i growled . He chuckled and patted my head.

" ill care for her-" he said with a big grin. The bigger man sighed out and gave him an amused look.

" that was quick.thought you said you didnt want to be a care taker on the way here  " he said and he huffed out and collected a bag and went towards the door.

" ill be night time.....possibly nice ...both of you " he said and turned before he left.

" i think this is the first time ive seen him worried love." The man said infront of me.

He turned and smiled at me. I slowly felt my arms raise up and be bound over my head. I glared at him.

" You're a witch!" I growled out. Mama warned me of tricky city people.

" not quite......but You're very beautiful kitten. " he almost purred as he got close to my face and examined me . I turned my face as he sniffed me. I frowned. Disgusting!

" let me go! He's gone i need to go back home! " i screamed. He frowned and sighed.

" listen here sweet heart , you're his , even i know what went down at that pub. Words spread that the 'monster' has a wife now. Thats probably why the young king called him down for. Evil bastard he'll try to berate him probably , even see you.' What ugly wench was to Marry a monster'"he spat out.

" new king? Why would he care- wait im no ones wife!" I screamed and he huffed and waved his hand elegantly. I couldnt speak but my mouth was still able to move.

" you look eroticaly innocent love. So tiny but so scrumptious , vulumptious.  " he said and he licked his lips. I was a bit worried. I managed to get a leg loose and kicked him. He smiled hugely amused and gasped.

" oh dear god you broke it! Youre -" he began but there was a knock at the door. A loud one. I met his eyes and he huffed out annoyed.

" who the hell is this" he groaned.

He angrily stalked to the door and threw it open. I can see from the corner of my eye a big fat man.

" where's salis! Ive got to have a word with him about his screaming bitch! " he angrily shouted. I growled and was screaming back at him but nothing came out

" im currently a maid but i can leave a message~" the guy said and the other man scoffed disgustingly

" what he got himself a bitchy wife who cant give him any so he's resorted to ladyboys is it" he said venomously .i felt my body flame up with rage. I wasnt gonna give anyone anything!

I heard grunts of pain and heard a very scary voice tell him something. I couldnt pick it up for some reason what was said but  i saw as he came inside and slammed the door . I tried again to get free....the door was unlocked.

" dont try dear. Now lets see..." he said and came closer.

" you're a very small size....i might have to take you  shopping for clothes...i dont think you have clothes here huh..youre swimming im his" he said and i felt his hands roam my body. I squirmed and screamed at him. He chuckled.

" im quite glad i have a spell on you. Youve got to calm that anger babe" he said and let me on the ground.

" come lets get you bathed. " he said and i didnt move. He frowned and snapped his fingers , i felt all the tingy feeling that kept me still gone. I growled and rushed to attack him. I jumped him and toppled over him as we crashed on the ground.

I was going to punch his face but my body stopped in the middle of my fist about to collide with his face.

" with how much i love you in this position , i dont quite like getting hit. Feisty was a tamer word. You're a little thunder beast love!" He chuckled and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I growled and saw as my fist was slowly making its way to his face.

I was trying with all my might to punch his stupid face. He looked amused again.

" You're amazing! No ones been able to defy my magic in any way! " he said and i growled and tried even harder. Sure enough there was this little free tingling buzzing feeling and i pushed my fist and actually did punch him. I heard his nose collide with my fist and i smiled as i saw him wince in pain.

Once again i was frozen and he held me up in the sky as he stood up , all the while his nose poured blood all over his clothes. He frowned almost not effected and i growled.i wanted to punch him again.  He chuckled and motioned to his shirt.

" that wasnt too nice , you ruined my shirt babe." He chuckled and i felt as he bound my arms and legs and carried me to bathe i assume.

I frantically kicked and tried to get out . I didnt like this. I budged again and to no avail i felt his hold tighten around my whole body.

"Dont worry im not going to do anything , we need to get washed , and dressed then head out into town. We have your clothes to buy aswell as supper. Poor brute probably is going to be worked to the bone after today." He said and i saw a gleam of anger flash through him. He really seemed not to care about my protesting and instead had me sat down on a wooden stool. He stripped me and payed no mind to my naked body. He plopped me in the water and i felt as he aswell stripped and sat down behind me in the huge tub.

I growled. He had my mouth silenced again. I was in the middle of cursing him out when i felt him working the soap in my hair.

Pa never bought soap. Me and ma came up with one of our own , well when i was smaller,  i continued to make it for pa and brother. I know if i didnt theyd end up two dirty men. I chuckled then frowned.

Pa and brother.....i missed them....i shook and cried.....i dont know if ill ever see them agai- i interrupted my thinking and repented how i doubted my chances of getting out of this.


I felt him roll the bar of soap down my neck and onto my body. I hated it at first but he began soothing as he worked his warm hands against my back muscles. I heard him chuckle and i growled. That somehow did comeout.

" I was amazed as well when I heard of you. At this point the whole kingdom knows . " he said and went to washing my lower body . I would try my best to move away from him but I couldn't do much .

" please , Im just bathing you , you can't have it dirty down there , it's infectious and nasty , I'm doing this to keep you clean and nothing else." He said and I blushed scarlet as he used his fingers and cleaned me down there . I felt my throat being released some bit and I was able to talk again . I coughed and spoke .

" he said he needed me to end his service " I began and I felt him behind me nod.

" the new king.... is a prick . He's the worst asshole I've seen on this earth. I wouldn't be surprised if salís really wanted to leave , he's with him all hours of the day, doing what ever the crumbly snot nosed bastard wants . " he grit out and I was able to turn to look at him.

" I understand that ... but why me ?this could've gone easily had he asked for my hand in marriage and I turned him down but suggested my cousins or other fit ladies -" I began and we both stared at each other . He chuckled and tucked a wet strand behind my ear.

" I'd say it was the simplicity of it , he gave a moon flower ... realized the man who was indebted to him had a pretty daughter... then the idea came up-" he said and I rolled my eyes .

" why thank you this makes me feel 10 times better " I said and turned back around . He chuckled behind me and I was slowly allowed motion in my hands . I rubbed my face and thought for a while .

As if on cue I was going to raise my hand and punch him until I completely froze. I was kneeling infront of him naked ready to punch him.

" you're adorable . Now let's get out and dry off . We have to get some shopping done , you have no clothes here , and this man eats nothing but meat " he said and I raised my brow .

" just meat? We had a shitty soup last night" I said and he chuckled and looked amazed .

" I think he made it for you , he usually only eats meat but I guess he can make soup too" he said and I shook my head .

" shitty soup .... it was very watered down and had practically no flavor ...anything in it really " I said and he bursted our laughing again .

Once he clothed me and gave me little shoes , he nodded and motioned to the door .

I ran for my life but at a random moment I felt the air from my body leave as I was pulled  back on a invisible rope . I fell on my butt and was panting for breathe . Lords ... I rubbed my stomach and looked for the rope ...

" it's Magic love , I put a spell on you so you wouldn't get too far from me ." He said and I frowned .

" you don't think me that dumb do you ? I'm sorry,  if I could I'd let you go but sadly my buddy really needs this love" he said and I frowned . What about what I needed and want ! I didn't need any of this !

" let's get going , we have a ton of shops to go to and produce to acquire for you to live comfortably in your new home . " I frowned and went to smack him but he caught my hand and held me close . His crystal blue eyes met my silver ones . I frowned and he smiled at me .

" you are quite a beautiful little being , come now I'd love to gaze into your eyes all day but we must get the produce atleast bought. " he said and almost purred and gently held my face . I turned my head and noticed people staring .


" we don't see you around these parts of town ~" the young produce lady's daughter flirted as me and roan were getting fresh lettuce and tomatoes . He smiled at the young lady and draped an arm around me and simply said .

" taking care of a dear friend , you don't happen to know where the tailor is do you?" He asked and the girl nodded and smiled hugely . I got his arm off me and looked at him .

" may I choose what to get ? He's paying for it correct ? " I said and he smiled and nodded . If I was being kept here might aswell make good meals for myself till I leave .

" how often are we going to get produce and meats ?" I asked and picked peppers , squashes potatoes, some berries and fruits . With Magic these things could be preserved for a while . Magic boxes were handy too but costed an arm and leg . People usually bought little charms since not everyone were magic users.

" how ever often you need new produce love, salís is quite wealthy ... he's richer than some of the lords here ... he could buy himself the title of lord or even buy a town to himself . More over -"

" is salís your friend ?! Is he here with you ?" The cute lady asked and smiled dashingly at roan .

" that's her husband ....we're stocking up on the newly weds produce .." he said awkwardly and the young lady looked at me embarrassed and bowed and apologized, I shook my head . If she were a normal lady she would marry a man who was wealthy .... but she had a father and brother to look after , she promised her mother she would .

She could keep him really... I wasn't even his wife . I didn't and don't want to be a wife.

I tugged on his cuff and nodded, we had enough for two weeks , plus it was just us two I guess ...

" this is enough ... can I get chickens ?" I asked and looked at him with big eyes , chickens always held a soft spot in my heart , they were such funny little creatures free eggs

" Umm... we don't have much land around the home love ... let's not make the place smell like shit now .. we can look at them on the way ? " he said and I frowned and nodded . Fine we did live in the city after all.

I felt something bump into me then roan in the street and I saw a small boys head as he tried to run off . I stuck a hand out and grabbed his shirt . I stopped him and he looked up at me with doe eyes .

" give it back " I said and he frowned and looked up at me angrily . he wasn't that taller than me , but he was very thin and disheveled.

" I don't know what-" he began and I grabbed roans pouch from the inside of his trouser . He blushed and covered himself embarrassingly. I nodded to him and I turned to roan and gave him his pouch .

He stared at me amazed and I turned to the kid and gave him an apple .

" make sure to drink water kid it's hot " I said and pulled roan to keep walking . He turned to me and gave me a huge smile as if he was proud of me .

" THANK YOU! " We heard the boy scream and I turned to see him bowing and waving at me . I smiled and waved back . This was how he survived ... I couldn't blame him for it .

We made it to a bakers and roan choose all the expensive rolls and loafs.

" that's kind of expensive " I said and the store man looked at me

" it's quality bread ma'am " he said and I looked at the roll ... I could easily bake bread at home ... but who cares he's going to pay for it. I turned to the man and gave him a smile .

" I couldn't agree more they smell fantastic, I'm from the country so I don't know how much things go for now ." I said laughing dumbly . The man nodded .

" welcome to drangenfrust ! I trust I'll be seeing you from now on for bread ?" He said trying to get me to settle in buying his expensive ass bread . I smiled at him funnily .

" for another loaf... you'll have a deal sir !" I said cutely and he chuckled and nodded .

" just cause you're a funny young lady I'll give you one for free , I'll look forward to seeing you ! We also do pastries , so if you need to satisfy a sweet tooth or your husband " he said and winked at roan . I blushed and turned to roan and he began laughing . I smiled and thanked him and was going to tell him he wasn't my husband when I heard a commotion .

" it's that dam kid again! He finally got caught huh !" The baker said and I turned to roan . He could see I wanted to help .

" there'd be nothing you can do lov-" he said but I already thanked the baker paid him and dragged roan with me to the loud commotion . Not being able to walk that far from roan made it incredibly annoying. So I yanked him along

I walked forward and gasped .


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