Ebony {My Hero Academia}

By EbonyAnimalSpirit

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It started with a single crimson feather One single feather, fallen among a sea of black.... Lost to the flut... More

Chapter 1- Spirit
Chapter 2- Red
Chapter 3- Hours
Chapter 4- Noted
Chapter 5- Choose
Chapter 7- Hurt
Chapter 8- New
Chapter 9- Justify
Chapter 10- Calm
Chapter 11- Chance
Chapter 12- Sensei
Chapter 13- Unexpected
Chapter 14- Catch
Chapter 15- Try
Chapter 16- Know
Chapter 17- Promise
Chapter 18- Dark
Chapter 19- Call
Chapter 20- Sincerity
Chapter 21- Hesitate
Chapter 22- Friend
Chapter 23- Tired
Chapter 24- Cautionary
Chapter 25- Want
Chapter 26- Like
Chapter 27- Downtime
Chapter 28- Weird
Chapter 29- Stray
Chapter 30- Swept
Chapter 31- Clever

Chapter 6- Hero

2.4K 123 35
By EbonyAnimalSpirit

Chapter 6



She'd made a lot of mistakes in her life. Many of them she justified, and many of the she regretted... many of them she just tried to reason with herself.

Do what you can, the best that you can

Sometimes it wasn't always enough


"... The ambulance took Ingenium to the hospital already?"

Rock Lock jumped a little in surprise at the sudden question and voice in an alleyway that was nothing less than grim, and all other noises somehow dimmed for it. He'd been standing at a halfway point between the entrance of the alley (and the barricade the Police had set up), and the middle of it where a multitude of police were picking up bits of metal and DNA- evidence, and the bulk of it was blood. There was by now a line of onlookers and media personnel stuck behind the barricade, with a line of officers planted firmly in their way and doing their best to keep the crowd from getting a good view of what was going on... And what a horrific mess the place was.

Like Rock Lock, the Police and a few other Pros had rushed here after a short, urgent summons- the Hero Killer was in Hosu and Animal Spirit and Ingenium had faced him... And got cut down, in Ingenium's case. And in Animal Spirit's?

The Ebony Hero had rushed off to track Stain down again after he and two other Pros had arrived... And now from the chatter he picked up from the Police, Animal Spirit had lost Stain altogether.

This is a mess

Rock Lock's eyes moved quickly toward the source as he turned to find the lean figure of Animal Spirit walking in his direction, slowly. The man's eyes danced across her person in quick succession- he hadn't much time earlier to take in her appearance, seeing as how she ran off near the instant he arrived... And now he really saw what a mess she was.

Her sleeves were off her arms and her skin and hands were smothered in sticky red all over, a same red that trickled from one cut across her arm, her leg, on both hands, and one on her cheek. Her hair was falling from the ponytail in several places, and her suit and fishnets had little tears and the like, and she had lost the straps usually wound around her thighs. Her knuckles were bruised and she was dirty, but the bulk of the grime came from her hands- and the thick covering of blood on her side and over her abdomen. His eyes found the sleeve she had tied around her torso, and the bits of torn flesh poking through underneath it... A hit that went through her.

But somehow even despite all of that, she didn't seem fazed by her appearance nor even really like she felt it- not pain nor exhaustion, nothing. She placed herself in front of him and stood tall and steady, and her expression was just calm and collected and neutral. Somehow she went up against the Hero Killer and didn't get herself killed, or wounded to the point she couldn't move. She'd run off and moved over buildings for no small distance afterward, and come all the way back like it wasn't hard... She was in much better shape than anyone should have been, or ever had been when they confronted Stain.

No one had ever just... Walked away, ever. Now if that was credit to her skills as the No. 26 or just luck, well- who could tell?

Well, actually-

"... They rushed him off about ten minutes ago." Rock Lock mumbled, Spirit nodded. The Pro- Recoil- who had followed Spirit off earlier, made a reappearance along with the No. 26, her eyes flashing and fidgeting as she stuck a few steps to the side of Spirit. He quirked a brow at her, arms crossing over his chest and grimacing. "It looks like they should have taken you too." He commented dryly, Spirit blinked.

"I'm fine, let them worry about other things for now." Spirit grumbled, and Recoil beside her glared slightly, exasperated.

"There is still an ambulance on the way for you." Recoil reminded lowly,

"I'm aware." Spirit muttered, "But I don't need to be rushed off to a hospital. None of my injuries are that serious."

"Even still...!" Recoil snapped,

"I'm fine with getting looked over when they get here, but I don't need to be treated like I'm in critical condition." Spirit mumbled, "... I appreciate the concern, but I am by no means top priority right now." Rock Lock and Recoil both frowned at the words,

What a low level of self-worth

"Animal Spirit... If you really feel up to it, we do need to square away what happened."

The Police Chief of Hosu (who had apparently been listening in) walked up to their small group and paused, his face pulled and posture tense. He was dressed in a suit as opposed to a uniform- he probably didn't really go out in the field too much, but this was a situation that called for it. Stain had slain 17 Heroes and injured 23 others beyond repair... And as grim and even pessimistic a thought it was, today one of those counts was likely to go up, pending what became of Ingenium. It was probably a small mercy Animal Spirit wasn't at risk of entering that count too.

"... This is a difficult situation and I imagine you did everything you could, and to the best of your ability... It's disconcerting to know Stain could injure a top Hero like Ingenium so critically, and even ward you off and escape." The Chief murmured quietly, Spirit bit the inside of her cheek. His head tilted to some place behind her and she blinked, "There is a security camera centered on this alleyway attached to one of the warehouses, we've contacted the company who owns the building to confiscate any footage it has of the event."

Spirit glanced over her shoulder a bit, her red eyes flashing as she glanced up and caught sight of said camera bolted to one of the buildings and above a door in the wall that looked like it hadn't been opened in ages... The hinges were rusted and the door handle didn't look unusable.

I didn't even realize...

... Of course not, you rushed in without thinking

"We'll review whatever the video has to offer, but could you please walk us through just what happened?" The Chief went on, earning Spirit's eyes again as she nodded a bit.

"Yeah." She murmured, "I can tell you what happened when I got here... But when I arrived Stain had already fought with Ingenium and took him down."

She hated the way her voice tensed at the end, and she saw the posture of everyone else around her stiffen.

Her eyes fell from the Police Chief and toward the section of concrete in the middle of the alley that held the largest pool of blood.

"... I got here, and first thing I saw... Stain was about to kill Ingenium."



He let me live

She'd recanted her side of the story- smelling blood and rushing in, guarding a downed Hero and standing in the way of a Hero Killer... Alone and nearly outmatched by Stain in every way possible and fighting like hell and with everything she had against him. Pushing herself through a weight of evil and murder and the want to freeze and panic... Pushing herself far passed her mental limit and her physical one. (That part she didn't say out loud, by the way, she'd never, ever admit to that... Any of that, unless it was absolutely necessary)

She recanted what needed to be known about the fight- what had earned her her wounds and she saw the shock on their faces as they listened. She avoided what she could of Stain's Quirk and her ability to bypass it... She gave them something general about different blood types among different animals and let it be at that.

She kept on talking until the story drew to it's close- and then paused only a little, on the last thing.

"I had to make a choice on whether or not to follow him, or call backup instead." Spirit murmured lowly, "I decided I needed to contact the Police first and get an ambulance out here, and that that was the priority over pursuing Stain right off the bat. As soon as help arrived I moved to track him again... it's just interference from someone else's Quirk the I lost the scent, as far as I can guess." To this she earned a grim nod from the Police Chief, his hands in his pockets and quiet for most of the story- everyone was, who was listening in.

"I understand the decision... And it was probably the best option of any." The Chief mumbled, "This was a complicated situation, and you handled it as well you could... I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less of the No. 26 Hero."

Spirit bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes flashing slightly.

"For now we have a team of Heroes with Tracking Quirks trying to find Stain's trail again, and the Police unit here will keep the crime scene contained and clean everything up. We'll have to make a formal statement to the Press about this too..." he grumbled, looking worn. "... You probably ought to get yourself looked over, Animal Spirit. We have everything handled from here, thank you for what you did. You've probably saved Ingeniun's life... And you've proven the Hero Killer is not untouchable. The fact you managed to hold him off and even wound him will help to boost moral about this, at least a little."

I didn't prove a damn thing

She kept her mouth shut though, and just nodded. "Let me know if you need anything else." Spirit mumbled, he smiled softly.

"Thank you, but you should worry about yourself for right now." The Cheif told her quietly,

"He's right, you've held off on seeing the paramedics long enough." Recoil mumbled,

"Here's your phone, kid." Rock Lock mumbled, handing over said phone as Spirit grimaced.

"Don't call me kid." She grumbled lowly, he just blinked, and she took her phone from him. "I'm not that much younger than you."

"Young enough." He grumbled, Spirit bit the inside of her cheek harder, a bit irked at that- but she just dropped it. She shook her head at him and waved a hand dismissively over her shoulder as she walked away and toward where the ambulance had stopped and had been waiting patiently- Recoil followed Spirit in that direction but lagged slightly.

... She seems like she's hovering...

The paramedics moved up to meet her halfway, fidgeting and on edge and clearly having been struggling to keep themselves in place while she'd been busy talking. "Please take a seat, Animal Spirit..!" The first one murmured quickly, a man with a more bovine appearance than a human one. The other one was another man, but he looked normal enough, and his dirty russet hair glowed slightly in the dim blue and red lights flashing. Recoil slowed up and halted herself as Animal Spirit fell into the hands of the paramedics, her green eyes lingering on the No. 26. She waited a few moments before turning back and joining up with the other Pro she had arrived with.

The view of the alleyway was mostly blocked by barricades, police cars and police themselves- and the ambulance blocked it pretty well too... But she saw the onlookers craning to catch a glimpse of her as the first paramedic grabbed her arm lightly and (sort of) lead her to the open back doors of the ambulance and ordered her to sit down. And she did so, his hand leaving her arm as she let out a small sigh, tilting slightly as lift her right arm up a bit and Mr. Moo-

... wow that's probably really offensive Spirit... Noooot that I have the energy to care right now...

- started to look over the wound in her side and the sleeve she had tied around her torso to staunch the bleeding. Redhead dude asked for her other arm and she gave it- and he set up an (unnecessary, as she felt) IV line.

"... Pressure low, heart rate elevated..." Redhead mumbled quietly, his hands working away as he checked her vitals. "... Temperature a bit high... Are you feeling dizzy at all?" He asked, Spirit shook her head.

"Not particularly." She mumbled, he nodded a bit.

"... I won't try and remove the sleeve, I don't want to cause more bleeding. For now I'm going to bandage it." Mr. Moo grumbled after a few moments of thought, "The wound goes straight through you... I doubt it hit anything major but you run the risk of internal damage with a puncture wound, especially one this large. You look like you've already lost a good amount of blood from this wound alone, and not counting the others..." He paused, grimacing. "... You're going to need to go to the hospital. We'll put some more pressure on to try and staunch the bleeding all the way, but you're going to need stitches, and a more thorough examination to make sure there's no serious damage internally. You might even need a transfusion, pending how much blood you've actually lost and might lose by the time we manage to close the wound." Mr. Moo said quickly and quietly, his tone serious and straight to the point- and Spirit grimaced a bit. "The rest of your injuries are comparatively minor, but they need to be treated too." Mr. Moo's eyes moved toward Redhead. "You said her temperature was high?"

"Yea, 99.6° F." Redhead mumbled,

"Alright, you'll probably be given a course of antibiotics in case of any infection from the injuries." Mr. Moo told her, he tilted his head to Redhead. "I'll help you to settle on to the gurney, and head to the hospital. Kuho will radio ahead and tell the ER to expect us."

"I really don't need to be wheeled in-" Spirit muttered, he raised a hand and stopped her.

"You've been moving too much already, you move the wrong way and tear something- you really will bleed out." Mr. Moo told her lowly, "I understand you're not feeling faint or anything, but we should try and be cautious, alright?"

"... Tch... Fine, but don't you dare strap me to that damn thing." Spirit muttered lowly, he smiled nervously.

"I won't, but do let me help you up and into the vehicle." he told her, Redhead had by now moved to 'radio ahead'. Spirit bit the inside of her cheek but relented anyway, taking his hand as he helped her up and into the vehicle and stayed close as she settled down on the stretcher. He sat down across from her and adjusted and fluid bag attached by a tube and line into the IV stick in her arm. Spirit settled back a bit against the raised back, her hand falling lightly on her knee and watching him from the corner of her eye. He pushed something else into the line and she guessed it was a painkiller- given the throb in her body dulled a bit.

Redhead reappeared briefly to flag down an Officer and let him know they planned to leave, before he shut the back doors and cut off all view she had of that bloody alleyway.

I don't wanna go to the hospital... But shit

"What's your blood type? And is there any preexisting medical issues we should be aware of?" Mr. Moo asked, Spirit's head tilted his way a bit as her eyes stayed fixed on the darkened window.

"... O negative." She mumbled, he nodded and typed it into a small console set up in the car. "... And nothing important... just that if I start running a fever, it's got more to do with overextending my Quirk than it does with any sort of infection." He paused, glancing toward her in question and intrigue- and still her eyes were on the window. "... I went way passed the Limit I set for myself fighting Stain. Using my Quirk too much in a short time-frame is a huge strain, and when I overdo it, I usually end up running a fever and feeling like hell for a few hours or a day afterward... It's nothing serious though, just overexertion. A little sleep and I'm fine."

Well, sleep and the other, not at all fun bit...

Mr. Moo nodded in understanding, typing away for a few moments. "... Alright, I made a note of that. I'm going to bandage that wound for now, to stem the bleeding a bit more. Could you please lean forward a bit?" He asked, gathering up supplies in his hands and Spirit complied. She was sitting slightly crosslegged on top of the stretcher, and she leaned forward as he set to work binding the wound in numerous lengths of bandages and gauze- which soaked through slightly almost right away, but never more than slightly.

Spirit's chin fell in her hand as she set her elbow down on her knee, the ambulance started to move off and the alleyway through the window was replaced with the crowd. Many of which craned their necks trying to see inside as the vehicle passed them by.

"We'll be at the hospital in a few minutes, Animal Spirit." Mr. Moo told her as he pulled up the screen and console again, she nodded but didn't say anything.

"... Ingenium was admitted into emergency surgery when he arrived at the hospital." Mr. Moo said after a few moments, Spirit stiffened a little. "He lost a lot of blood and his injuries were severe... But they are doing what they can. I'm sorry I don't know much else other than that."

Spirit grimaced, her eyes falling slightly. "... Its fine... Thank you for telling me."

"Of course."

She pulled her phone up, the lock screen already flooded with a variety of notifications and most of them all rumors about an 'incident in Hosu, possible Hero Killer sighting' where they weren't something about the UA Sports Festival... She cleared all of those and went down the list until she hit something different- a text message.

From: Death Arms
You're late, where are you?

Spirit bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes flashing slightly as her attention flickered from the words and toward the clock.

It's already 9:40... I've been late for over an hour and a half.

Damn it... The way things are going I'm not going to get to UA for a long while... If at all

... What... Do I even do... After this...? Do I stay and help and try to find Stain again...? Is there any point...?

He's not going to let himself be found so soon, not after all of this shit... I doubt anyone is gonna find him either, Tracking Quirk or not...

... 'Where are you'?

Her eyes dropped and her hand with her phone in it did too.

... I'm in an ambulance... On the way to the hospital after going head to head with the Hero Killer... Who let me live... Even when he tried what he could to kill Ingenium... And I won't text that because you're busy, and I need to... Just settle a bit, before I do anything.

I'm still on an adrenaline high, it's not faded hardly at all... That's why I'm not dizzy, and why I wasn't feeling much pain... And if I talk to you now, I'm not going to be okay

... I'm not okay... Damn it...


Three hours later-

"... Animal Spirit totally ditched us." Mount Lady grumbled, her hands on her hips and bored as bored can be. Around her stood a multitude of other Pros and a barricade that held back onlookers and spectators- the Pros all dressed up in their uniforms and all of them with a lanyard and an ID card around their necks.

There were large screens set up all around and attached to the side of the Arena itself, broadcasting the Sports Festival for them, and for the people who couldn't get in.

"Don't say that." Kamui Woods mumbled, his attention briefly darting from his phone and toward her. Mount Lady cocked a hip, huffing slightly.

"Seriously, everyone working Security was supposed to be here before the Event started. She wasn't- and now we're already more than halfway through the Individual Battles, and she still hasn't showed up. The Sports Festival is gonna be over and done with and she'll never have made an appearance." Mount Lady grumbled, "I suppose I'm not surprised though, why the No. 26 Hero was going to be working Security instead of scouting for internships is beyond me- she probably ditched us to go inside and watch."

"If Animal Spirit agreed to work Security she wouldn't just blow it off." Kamui grumbled,

"And how would you know? You've never met her, she could be a total prude and you wouldn't have any clue." Mount Lady replied,

"She's an honorable Hero, and she isn't the sort that would do something so underhanded." Kamui grumbled, "... She's not the sort to trample others to get her way or better her odds either..." He muttered lowly, Mount Lady's eye twitched at what was a comment clearly about her.

"This was a job, Spirit wouldn't miss it over some little thing... And especially not to watch the Sports Festival. She has no interest in scouting... She had every intention of being here today to work." Death Arms' low grumble caught the attention of Mount Lady and Kamui with ease, their eyes moving toward the large man and what tense and serious expression he wore. "She's not been answering her phone either, and that's not like her. If she's not here and she's not picking up... Something must have happened."

"... You have her number?" Mount Lady mumbled, "... So that's who you been dialing up all morning. What are you, lovers or something?"

"High school friends." Was the curt reply, Mount Lady blinked and Kamui did too in clear surprise- however the latter got sidetracked when his phone dinged in his hand- a few others around the room did too, though no one noticed the coincidence.

"... Okay, so you say something must have happened- what then?" Mount Lady murmured, her arms crossing over her chest.

"I haven't a clue." Death Arms muttered lowly, looking less than pleased and even a bit worried- which was unlike him.

"Well it can't have been something big right? We'd have heard something by now, and it's not like she's the No. 26 for nothing. She can handle herself, right?" Mount Lady mumbled, waving a hand dismissively. "For all you know she slept in on accident. She does work those god-awful hours that nobody likes taking." She sighed, "Besides, she could very well have tried calling you back and the call didn't go through- there's thousands of people here, reception is crappy at best." Death Arms' eyes narrowed at the floor, his arms over his chest and grimacing.

"... Maybe..." He mumbled lowly,

Mount Lady's eyes moved from him and toward the big screens, "The last battle is about to start." She murmured, sighing a bit to herself. "Those two kids are something else..."

"D-Death Arms..!"

Both Death Arms and Mount Lady jumped at the sudden frantic and tense voice of Kamui Woods- who broke his few minutes of silence out of nowhere. He was fidgeting, his expression one of shock and slight fear as he stepped up toward the larger man quickly and gestured toward his phone in hand violently.

"I-i just got sent the link to this video, it's Animal Spirit..!" Kamui stammered quickly, handing his phone over toward Death Arms as Mount Lady pulled herself up to his shoulder to get a good view of the device.

Both Mount Lady and Death Arms went rigid, their eyes widening as they watched the screen and the video playing on its face- a high angle and lower quality than a professional camera... Security footage, but it was quality enough they saw the red and they saw the blade, and the three figures in the alley- where only two were moving.

"Shit..." Mount Lady mumbled, looking slightly repulsed. Death Arms was nothing but a silent and unmoving figure, his hold on the phone tight and his eyes locked.

"... That's bad...!"

"Is she okay...?!"

More and more people were going stiff around the area, their eyes turning from the big screens and toward their own phones and devices. Pro and citizen and news person alike all standing and muttering among themselves in shock and fear as the video that Kumui had rushed to show Death Arms started to circulate around the area- scared and intrigued and repulsed all at once as they saw the blood and the sweat and the conflict and the violence.

"W-what about Ingenium...?!"

"Is he even...?!"

"Oh my god..."

"... T..this is..."

"Where did this video come from...?"

"Is this for real..? Like not just some prank or something...?"

"... It... It looks like security footage... And its dated for four hours ago, why is this the first thing we're seeing...?!"

"She... Animal Spirit and... S-stain..."

"Shit... That guy's fucking... Terrifying...!"

"... Is he seriously going head to head with the No. 26...?!"

"W-who put this video up...?"

News reporters and their teams were shifting, their phones ringing as their managers and stations began to call them.

"Y-yeah I'm watching... There wasn't anything else about it before now...?"

"... Shit, smaller stations have been reporting about an incident in Hosu but the Police haven't given out a formal statement yet-"

"-there've been sightings of Heroes with Tracking Quirks in Hosu."

"They've got the area and the alley cordoned off tight and haven't let anyone in, there's a lot of evidence to collect..."

"-any word on Ingenium or Animal Spirit?"

"How long has this video been live-? Already an hour...?!"

"How haven't we seen this yet...?!"

"It's starting to gain rapid momentum..."

"It's going viral...!"

Death Arms and Mount Lady both flinched as the image of Animal Spirit and Stain interlocked- with the Pro pinning the Hero Killer for a few seconds before he ran his sword straight through her. Death Arms paled slightly and so did a few of the people around them who had gotten to that part of the video. Mount Lady's hand moved up to clap softly over her mouth as her eyes flashed at the view- Kamui just grimaced, he'd already skimped through the video and seen it before rushing to hand it off.

"-yes sir, guys! Pack it up, we're headed to Hosu General Hospital!"

"But the Sports Festival ain't over yet-!"

"Doesn't matter, we gotta beat the rush to the Hospital about this Stain incident!"

"Does anybody have any confirmation on Animal Spirit?"

"Witnesses in Hosu say they saw her get taken away in an ambulance!"

"And what about Ingenium?"

"Him too! They rushed him out, sirens and everything!"

"They're both injured, but how badly-?"

"-w-whoa wait a minute! Animal Spirit looks like she's got Stain on the run even after he stabbed her!"

"She totally does, do you see that? How she bit his arm? He's bleeding good!"

"She had him scared, she was gaining on him-!"


"Why would she...!?"

"No, she wouldn't just let someone like that get away...!"

"You saw it! She had him and she totally let him get away!"

"But it looks like she diverted to guard Ingenium..."

Death Arms gave Kamui his phone back and grabbed his own from his pocket, grimacing as he unlocked it and started stalking away toward the edge of the space between the stadium and the crowd, distancing himself from them and from the other Pros working security.

He dialed up the first number and brought the phone up to his ear, grumbling to himself as the ringer went on and waiting on the last ditch attempt to get her to pick up before he left UA altogether.

Pick up Spirit



Pick up, you had damn well better not be-




His hand started to fall from his ear, the other lifting and ready to call a cab-

"... Mm... I take it you saw the video... I'm gonna hunt down and maul whatever security guard asshat... decided posting that was a great idea..."

His movement and his body halted at the groggy yet familiar voice that filtered through the speaker quietly. His heart skipped a beat, instinctively turning his back on everyone else as much as he could and bowing his head a bit as he lowered his voice.

"Are you alright?" He asked quickly, "The news people are saying you were taken to the hospital. The Hero Killer stabbed you-"

"Yeah, I'm fine... And... yeah he stabbed me... but he didn't hit anything important. They took me to the hospital to get stitched up... and looked after for a bit... Sorry... I saw you texted me, but I got distracted when we got here... and they did their thing and fixed me up... I nodded off for a few hours without meaning to... I guess I wasted a lot more energy than a realized... And lost more blood..."

"... are you sure you're 'fine'?" He asked lowly,

"... Yeah... Mostly... I rushed in and started using my Quirk left and right like an idiot though... So I hate myself..." Spirit sighed on the other end, her voice weary. "... The doctor says I'm fine, I'll just have to take a few days off to let the stitches do their thing... Which sucks... But I was in the boat of staying home for a bit even without getting stabbed... It'll just suck worse now, probably... But they gave me some fancy painkillers so maybe it won't be so bad..." She grumbled, "... Though honestly I think I might forgo the meds and just... Have a drink instead..." Death Arms paused, his eyes narrowed.

"You don't drink, Spirit." He murmured,

"Yeah well... Today I think I do." Was the soft answer, he grimaced at it. "... That's my not so subtle way of asking if you'd come with me to get said drink... By the way... and preferably soon... Before I end up getting to the point of being stuck in my house... And wanting to die..." She paused on the other end for a few seconds. "... The doctor probably won't be so willing to let me leave if I start that in his eyeline..."

"You can stay with me if you need to, Spirit." Death Arms told her softly,

"... Appreciated, but I'll be okay... Just come have a drink with me, and let me rant for a bit before I go home... Kay...?" Spirit sighed, and the large man seemed to deflate a bit.

"... I'll get a cab and head over." he murmured,

"... Ah, don't bother with that, there's already one headed your way." Spirit said quickly, Death Arms blinked in surprise. "... Courtesy of a creepy government agency guy..."

He would have asked what she meant- but he didn't, because he was sure to hear the story from her view soon enough, and he wouldn't be surprised to know someone from a higher branch than just the police had made an appearance in all of this.

"... Alright."


"... Considering the fact I just heard you threaten to maul someone, you might want to keep from insulting me."

Spirit grimaced, her hand moved from her ear and her phone with it as she shot the owner of the voice- and said 'creepy government agency guy'- a small glare. She was sitting cross legged on a hospital bed in an empty room beside herself and him- her Hero Uniform by now having been abandoned and replaced with hospital clothes since she was officially admitted and had technically undergone some sort of surgery- what with being stabbed and all. She'd fallen asleep sometime between the latter end of having the stitches put in, and waking up half an hour ago to find her newsfeed on her phone littered with two things;

The UA Sports Festival and a video of very much leaked Security Footage from the alley she and Stain had fought in, and in particular a video with the title:


Damn it

"Such comments can be seen as unruly behavior on your part, adding fuel to the fire given life after how you bit into the Hero Killer hard enough to break bone. And them promptly swung him by said arm, to slam into a wall. That much force and momentum might have been enough to tear his arm off." The man went on, his tone nothing but neutral at all times- it always was. And to make it worse, his face was unreadable too. Him and his tall, lanky stature and cleanly pressed suit and tie- paired with proper shoes and a trenchcoat over that... Clean and proper all the way down to his cleanly but black hair and dead grey eyes in a face that had such a small and flat nose he seemed almost noseless. He gave her that dead stare and stood there at the edge of the bed with his hands in his coat pockets, "That was quite violent of you." He added, she growled.

"Sue me for being a little rough with the guy who stabbed me ten seconds beforehand." Spirit muttered lowly, "Any Pro who could manage it would beat the hell out of Stain at this point, and I doubt all of you are gonna get on their case about it-"

"Your situation is drastically different however." He cut her off with ease, "Though despite that- you could have handled the Hero Killer in a much different way, and though illegal as it is- you'd likely not receive much hate for it. He has killed a great many, and injured more... Harsh punishment is not unexpected." He added, "You refrained from handling the situation in a way that would land you in true trouble, though. And though you were harsh, you were also rational and you did manage to not only save the one the Hero Killer had come for, but also drive Stain back and injure him where no one else has ever managed to. All in all you handled the situation admirably."

"... Tch...if I'm not actually in trouble, then why are you here, Dante?" Spirit growled, and the man blinked at his name... Or at least it was the name she'd been given. The authenticity of it was always in question,

"It's been a number of years since we spoke face to face, this event with the Hero Killer has provided an apt excuse to check up on you again." Was the simple reply, his hand lift from his pocket as he extended his index and middle finger together, and drew them out in air in a circle shape that left a thin haze of white in it's quake- his Quirk. Which subsequently, the walls all around the room in a perimeter were painted across by that same light in sequence as he painted the air. It was a familiar sight, and Spirit stiffened at it,

"I'd already reviewed the security footage before it was unleashed upon the internet without authority." He said simply, his hand falling back into his pocket. "And I had already come to the conclusion that you acted accordingly, and appropriately. So yes, you are not in trouble... Expected maybe, given your track record. You've proven yourself much less a risk than most I monitor." His eyes dropped closed, "So, now to review your actions and activities the last few years. Please do correct me if I am mistaken on some part, 'Kage'." Spirit stiffened at the psuedoname out of nowhere,

... Of course he knows about that... Why am I surprised...

"That is the name you have decided to go by among the populace of Shinjuku Kabukicho, where you currently reside, and is also the location of your second occupation as a part-time bartender in the Yowai Hikari Club. You're still siphoning off a large portion of your government pay for being a Pro Hero and the No. 26 currently ranked Hero. Siphons that are used to fulfill your self-appointed support fund to America, and also to repay what debt you owe for services quite illegal four years ago." Spirit bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes narrowed- but there was no judgment nor disgust in him, just calm and cool and flat. "Illegal and ill-advised, but perhaps appropriate given the situation- so I've continued to ignore it. Between these two hefty blows to your salary as a Pro, and other expenses for living quarters and whatnot, you took on a second job to try and earn a cushion, and have been making do. You have refused numerous offers to join a Pro Hero Agency, and make no effort to change that stance... And have steadily climbed the Rankings since your debut two years ago, and now have settled on 26 for a few months. Your current working schedule includes a 5am-12pm shift as a bartender, and then a 5pm-4:30am shift as a Pro Hero."

His eyes opened again as he looked at her and what disgruntled look she had at the fact he knew so fucking much about her.

Creepy government agency guy

"You've made no noteworthy acquaintances since leaving high school and have kept one friend- the Pro Hero Death Arms." Dante murmured, "You've remained an honorable Pro Hero with a stellar track record and have always used caution and restraint against the opponents you've faced. And until today, your First-Contact Capture Rate sat securely at 100%. Despite your efforts, and those of the police and other Pro Heroes- Stain has gone to ground, and no amount of searching has yielded anything useful." Spirit bit the inside of her cheek harder,

Damn it

"However that said, your Rescue Rate is still 100%." Dante said coolly, she blinked, perking up instantly at that. "Pro Hero Ingenium was admitted into emergency surgery upon arrival at the hospital, and after a number of hours- they have managed to stabilize his condition, and do not expect his injuries to prove fatal." Spirit's eyes widened slightly, her heart skipping a beat at the news. "All in all, you get an A+ for your actions today- which brings you to an A for your overall score." Dante murmured, "Impressive, Animal Spirit." She looked a bit nervous at the praise, "Perhaps that will provide some solace, considering the consequences you'll be facing from using your Quirk so extensively today."

... No kidding...

"You intend to go for a drink with Death Arms, and go home afterwards yes?" Dante murmured, Spirit nodded slightly. "Will my warning for you to take more than a few days, and instead a week off at least, have any bearing whatsoever?" He asked next, Spirit frowned, and the man nodded. "I assumed not, very well..." He turned and bent over a bit, his hand closing around the handle of a metal case that had been on the floor and hidden behind his leg. Her eyes flashed, recognizing the familiar case and a little taken aback by it.

"The hospital staff sent your Hero Uniform in for repairs earlier, but I took the liberty of stopping by the Support Office and collecting your old uniform for the meantime." Dante murmured, setting the case down in her hands as she reflexively moved to take it. "There is a large number of news reporters and media outlets camped outside the hospital waiting to catch you for an interview or some comment. By now the police have issued an official statement on what transpired with the Hero Killer, but pending it is an ongoing investigation- they left out quite a number of details. You can make a statement if you wish to, as long as you keep that in mind." Spirit's eyes dropped to the case in her hands and Dante blinked at her, still so expressionless. "You can also choose to avoid them altogether, if that is your preference." He murmured, "I'm sure the doctor has more he'd like to say before you check yourself out. Do try and take it easy, Animal Spirit. For now I'll take my leave... Call me if you need something of course, though I won't expect you to." He murmured, his hand raising in air and fingers extended as he drew a decisive line downward- and those faint white lines that had surrounded the walls of the room suddenly broke apart in dozens of different places. With that he waved a hand behind him and started toward the door, leaving Animal Spirit in silence.

"... Oh, that car that Death Arms is coming in, is yours to use as you like for the rest of the day." He added flatly, Spirit blinked.

"... Thanks... Dante..." she mumbled lowly and slowly as he reached the door.

"Don't strain yourself." He murmured, she grimaced.


He opened the door and stepped through it with not another word or glance back, and it shut between them as he left as quickly as he'd popped into her life... again.

Spirit's red eyes fell down and toward the metal case in her hands, her knuckles bruised and her arms covered in more and small, tiny scrapes... And here and there actual bandages from the cuts she'd earned from Stain's blades. There was one in particular across her shoulder blade that stung with every movement, and the one cutting across her cheek did too when she made a face... But even those were dull nothing to the deep, incessant throb in her core, radiating and almost hot from the stab wound through her torso. A throbbing that was worse when paired with the way her stomach was churning and her head felt hazy and muddled... Tired and dizzy even.

I pushed my Quirk way good far... I'm a fucking idiot

And I'm gonna pay for it... Oi

She sighed, her eyes falling as her head did too and her forehead pressed against the cool surface of the case.

... Today sucks... So... So badly...


"... Are you sure you're not willing to stay a bit longer, Animal Spirit?" The nurse on the other end of the counter Spirit was now leaning over a bit asked, her eyes glinting and looking wary. She glanced quickly over Spirit and what new attire she had on- her Hero Uniform Version 1.0. Which had been abandoned about a year prior for the uniform she wore nowadays- but was at the moment trashed from the fight with Stain, and getting repaired.

She'd changed into Version 1.0, after being given the case housing the uniform by Dante- and did what she could to wash away what lingering stain of blood had been covering her person even after having the bulk of it scrubbed off upon first arriving. And then after that, she'd packed up what few belongings she had with her and removed the IV line herself- and headed for the counter she was at now. She wanted to leave and she knew that car and Death Arms with it would be here soon enough... Just that little bit closer to heading somewhere and drowning what storm and turmoil her body felt like in the bottom of a bottle of liquor...

... I don't even like drinking, but right now it sounds... Wonderful

"I'm sure. I'm fine, and I'd really just rather go home." Spirit murmured softly, the lie about her intended destination slipping passed her lips with the utmost ease. The nurse nodded, still a bit reluctant- but after all, Spirit was legally allowed to check herself out whenever she wanted, even if it was against the hospital's advice.

Power to the patient

"Alright, I'll inform the doctor you're leaving and check you out from the system." The nurse murmured softly, "Be careful, alright?" Spirit nodded,

"Will do." She murmured, stepping back from the counter and turning to head up the hallway and towards where the elevators were... Leaving behind this section of rooms and whatnot and not bothering to glance at the people who (most of which) were all looking at her as she passed them by.

And why not...? I'm Animal Spirit... the No. 26 Hero... And the one who let the Hero Killer escape... And everyone saw it happen, thanks to that stupid video...

Fucking hell

"Animal Spirit...?"

Spirit's walking down the hallway and passed a set of locked and warded doors to another section of the floor- and a small, quiet waiting area- failed at the sudden call of her name from a voice so soft and somber. She stuttered to a halt, her attention shifting towards the direction it came from and catching sight of a thin, tall, older woman with dark hair coiled into a bun and a pair of glasses perched on her nose. Her face was worn, creases at the corners of her eyes that were tired and glazed, frown lines around her lips and almost gaunt and pale... Worried, and strained, and almost unkempt in a way that betrayed the otherwise prim and proper attire she wore, and Spirit felt her heart skip a beat.

The woman cleared the distance between the two of them quickly, swallowing a bit as she took in a breath that was probably meant to regain some composure- but really didn't. "I'm sorry to stop you so unexpectedly, I just wasn't expecting I'd get a chance to see you." The woman explained softly, her hands folded together in front of her. "My name is Tomoko Iida, I'm Tensei's... Ah, I'm Ingenium's mother." She murmured quietly, her words backtracking almost nervously in the middle there- and Spirit felt her heart skip a beat.

I... Ingenium's... Mother...?

"His injuries are severe even though he'd stable now, the Hero Killer... The doctors told me that if he'd been brought in even two minutes later than he was, they wouldn't have been able to save him." Tomoko murmured quietly, her expression pained. "... They also said that what you did, trying to stop the bleeding and keeping him awake- you improved his chances. What you did was quick thinking, and it helped him... They were actually impressed with how level-headed you were in that situation, and I am too. Even outside of what you did to help with his injuries, you did more- you saved his life even before all of that. Stain was going to kill him and he would have if you had not arrived, and been so quick to guard him." Spirit swallowed a bit, her eyes glittering as the older woman's gaze fell on her own hands. "Tensei was alone and hurt and his life was seconds away from being taken... And out of nowhere you appeared, and you didn't hesitate for a single second. You rushed in and you protected him, and fought against the Hero Killer with everything you had... you gave my son a chance to live, Animal Spirit. You saved him." Tomoko's voice dropped, quivering slightly and Spirit fought to keep her composure up, even as her stomach churned- violently.

"I've seen the video, Animal Spirit." Tomoko murmured softly, her eyes moving up toward the No. 26, and Spirit stiffened, paling just faintly as her blood ran cold at the assertion. Tomoko's hands moved forward and took Spirit's (very much bandaged hands... You know, she did stop a knife with only her palms...) up gently, the older woman smiling faintly and her eyes gleaming as Spirit stood stiff in her spot, not wanting the contact but not arguing with it either. "... Thank you for saving my sons life." Tomoko said quietly, her voice breaking at the end a little and Spirit felt her heart break with it. She swallowed back at it, nodding stiffly as she gave the woman's hands a small squeeze.

"... You're welcome..." Spirit replied softly, her red eyes glinting as she failed to hold the older woman's gaze- and instead let her attention fall on their interlocked hands uncertainly.

... Even though...

"... Hmm... Are you alright?" Tomoko asked gently, "Your injuries I mean.."

"Yeah... I'm fine." Spirit mumbled,

Not really though


Tomoko jumped, her hands pulling away from Spirit's quickly as she turned to the new voice- the tense, and afraid voice. Spirit jumped herself, her head turning to spot a young boy- high school maybe- standing behind her in the hallway and the light of the overheads bouncing from his glasses... He had the near the same hair and face as Ingenium.


Tomoko stepped up and passed Animal Spirit, the Pro stepping to the side a bit and immediately out of place and... I shouldn't wait around, this is a personal... Thing...

"Tenya, I'm sorry to pull you away from the festival..." Tomoko started, Spirit was already moving away, her eyes averted and slipping passed the young boy.

... a UA student...huh...?

"Mom, it doesn't matter! How is Tensei...?!"

"... Come with me... His injuries are bad... But he should live... Only..." Tomoko murmured, her voice trailing away as Spirit left them behind- but she caught the words, and her heart dropped.

"... They think he might be paralyzed from the waist down..."

Spirit paled, her shoulders hunching as she continued to walk away and her lungs forgetting how to breathe.

... S... Shit...

... Stain... he...

... Fuck...

She shut her eyes tightly, biting the inside of both cheeks hard enough to draw blood as she turned the corner.

Fucking... Shit...

She felt the lump in her throat and her stomach, cold and heavy and sickening. Her hand lift to cover her mouth, her fingers brushing against the underside of her nose as she held her breath a few more moments, before forcing herself to let it out... Slowly.

... Lot of good I...

Her steps faltered, her will to keep walking failing her as she drew closer to the elevators and passed a number of offices and empty rooms.

... Fuck me...

"Hmm? Ah, Animal Spirit, I was hoping to catch you."

Spirit grimaced internally, not looking to have another conversation with anyone, and her heart skipping a beat at the second unexpected voice in the last three minutes. Her eyes opened quickly to find the owner... Huh?

There was no one in front of her, at least not in her eyeline.

What... The...?

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, though the circumstances are rather grim." The voice went on, and she dropped her eyes and toward the floor to find someone short and white and animal-like.

Who the hell...?

"My name is Nezu, I am the principal of UA High." He introduced himself softly, hands (paws...?) hooked behind his back. "I accompanied one of our students here, given what unfortunate events happened with his older brother. I've heard the details from the lead investigator on the issue, and I've also reviewed that video that is circulating...you handled an incredibly difficult situation with temperance and cool. You were rational and you took the best course of action you could in a situation that was less than ideal. You minimized your own injuries and saved the life of another when you opposed an enemy that does not match up well with your Quirk or your fighting style. Even for the No. 26 Hero, you fought well and kept ahead of an opponent that has outmatched many others before you." Nezu murmured, Spirit blinked.

A lot of good praises did...

"Even though the Hero Killer may have escaped today, you still saved a life, and fought admirably. I personally would like to thank you for preserving the life of someone dear to one of my school's students." Nezu murmured, smiling gently as he nodded toward her. "You are an excellent Hero, and your determination to protect others is laudable."

"... uhm... thank you..." Spirit mumbled slowly, "... Did you need me for something... though...?" she asked, he smiled slightly. "... Or ah... Were you just 'hoping to catch' me just to say some praises...?"

"Hmm, I'll step away from that for now, though you do deserve those praises... even if you, or many others do not agree on that right now." the principal told her softly, she swallowed a bit. "I actually did wish to speak with you on a different matter, and I'll make it short- you've had a trying day and I doubt you'll appreciate drawing things out for any lengthy amount of time." Spirit blinked slowly, standing still and quiet as she just waited for him to continue... She didn't have the energy to really engage in the conversation, and he was right- she didn't want to stand here for longer than she had to.

It was odd though, that the Principal of UA would want to talk to her...

"Now, you needn't make up your mind right this instant, you'll have plenty of time to think it over- but given you were unable to view the Sports Festival for yourself today, I made a small file of the Hero Course Students at current for your review." The principal said simply, Spirit blinked in surprise and confusion. "I've detailed the basis of their personalities, and their Quirks, so that you can look over them, and should one or two catch your eye- you'd have the information you need to submit an offer for a potential internship." Spirit's eyes widened, her expression falling flat as she simply stared. His arm extended toward her with a folder in hand,

I'm sorry, what..?

"It is your choice to participate in the internships of course, but I went ahead and cleared you for it. Usually Hero Agencies and Pros go through a screening process before they are allowed to make offers and potentially take one of one of our students- but given your lack of an office, I handled all of that for you. And I'm sure you'd take excellent care of anyone who interns with you, should it come to that." Nezu murmured, smiling faintly as her expression twisted more in confusion and shock, her eyes dropping from him and to the folder, pausing. "But as I said, it is up to you. There is no obligation for you to take on an intern if you truly do not wish it. But this way you have what you need, and you have the choice to look over the files at your own leisure."

Spirit blinked, swallowing a bit as she reached forward and took the folder tentatively... though for a few moments she didn't say anything, and mostly because... well, she hadn't any idea what to say. Because she had already decided that the internships with UA (or any other Hero course in the country...) were not something she planned to participate in. Outside of being busy with two jobs and working awkward hours for a highschool student... It just wasn't something she could ever really imagine seeing herself do.

She wasn't social and she certainly didn't see herself as someone capable of being a mentor, teacher, role model, employer or... Whatever. And this was an internship with a kid, someone 15 or 16 and fresh into Hero work as it was... She wasn't that old, nor really experienced herself, despite being the No. 26. What could she possibly have to show or 'pass on' to someone not much younger than she was?

... Its not something I've ever considered or looked at and just thought; 'hey, that might be cool, let's give it a go'... I've never given it much thought at all.

And why is the Principal giving me these files personally...? There's no way in hell he hands them out to everyone who misses the festival... And why me? It's not like I'm a UA alumni... I've never even been to that school, let alone met him... And this... He's placing a lot of trust in me for no reason at all, even just offering this let alone clearing me without any sort of formal security check...

... Why... Me...?

It didn't matter how much she pondered it, she hadn't an answer for the behavior that was... Well, out of nowhere.

... Aaaaand... She just didn't have the will nor the energy to ask, or keep thinking about it.

I just... I can't right now... My head's not in the right place...

"... Right... I guess I can... At least look them over." She mumbled softly, hesitantly even as her hand reached out and she took the folder from him. "... I'm not really interested in internships... But I can look... If only for curiosities sake..." Nezu smiled coolly and nodded, his hands hooking behind his back again.

"As I said, it is up to you." He repeated with ease, "Now then~ I have taken up enough of your time, Animal Spirit. I'll leave you be now, thank you again for your work today- and be safe." He hummed, waving goodbye to her as he stepped passed and started walking away. "Do take your time, there's no need to rush anything." He cast the comment over his shoulder lightly, though he never looked back at her. Spirit blinked, a bead of sweat falling down her cheek as she watched him go for a few moments.

That was... Really odd...

Her red gaze shifted toward the folder in hand and she bit the inside of her cheek.

... I don't understand... What his motive is... With this...

Her head ached the longer she thought that, and stood there... Her whole body ached and it was sharper and hotter an ache around her side and her abdomen.

... I feel like shit...

Her attention diverted from the folder and towards her phone as it buzzed. She pulled the device from her pocket and ignored all notifications except one;

New Message From: Death Arms
The car's about to pull into the hospital, there's a...

She pulled the notification bubble down with her thumb to open the full message, and not just what little bit the lock screen allowed.

... Lot of press and news people camped out in front. Do you want me to tell the driver to pull around back?

Spirit frowned, biting the inside of both cheeks and sighing as she opened up the keyboard to reply, and swallowed back at the nauseating feeling in her core.

Just this once...

Her thumb tapped against the keyboard and only two single keys before she hit send.

... Just this once.

She'd fallen into more than a few times of 'just this once' in the past week than the latter would describe.

Once has ceased to be single


There was a line of police cars and actual police-persons lined up in front of the hospital, warding off and barely holding back the sheer number of press, news reporters, cameras, and journalists there were outside Hosu General Hospital. All of them pressing closer to the line they were meant not to cross and wearing quickly on the nerves and patience of the authorities- everyone in an uproar and so many looking for answers, a sneak peak, a glance... Anything.

Amidst this mass of people and vans and police cruisers- a single, black, unmarked vehicle drove slowly through the crowd and passed the barricaded line with but a single show of a badge from the driver. In the back seat of said car, and safely 'invisible' behind tinted windows and one-way glass was the heavy, large, grim-faced figure of Death Arms. His eyes trailed along the crowd and the police as the car pulled up as close to the front doors as it could, and safely tucked behind the police line as not to be bothered... And where she could walk to and get in without being mobbed.

The driver of the car was behind a low wall that separated the drivers space and the backseat- spacious and with seats facing one another limo style. The driver had said nothing to Death Arms outside of first stopping at UA and picking him up, and continued to say nothing as they waited. Death Arms hadn't a clue what part of the government he worked for, and quite frankly- didn't really care. He had one thing on his mind at the moment, and he wasn't going to get distracted wondering about something he'd likely never get answers for anyway. In his hand the screen was lit up and showing that one word reply that the No. 26 Hero had messaged back- and that reply that had him reeling slightly,


"... What are you doing, Spirit...?" He mumbled under his breath, his hand finding the door handle and pulling it as he stepped out of the car and refrained from looking toward the crowd- even as cameras flashed and they called his name, asking things and just generally trying to get his attention. But their attention on him diverted in an instant as the front doors slid open and they all found Animal Spirit as she walked out, straight-faced, and dressed in a Hero Uniform that hadn't seen the light of day in over a year. The Pro who was standing tall and walked out, calm and collected and not seemingly feeling her injuries at all. Who looked entirely unperturbed by the sudden commotion and the hundreds who turned their eyes and voices on her. The Pro who stayed collected even though the world had seen her in a video gone viral, battling against the Hero Killer, wounded in the midst, and-

"Animal Spirit!"

"Animal Spirit over here!"

"Do you have any comment on Ingenium's condition?!"

"What about your own injuries?"

"Have you found Stain again?"

"Do you know the whereabouts of the Hero Killer?"

"Can you explain just what went on? And what we've all seen in the video?"

Spirit made her way down the front steps slowly, a folder tucked under her arm and eyes cast down as she moved- ignoring the calls and the like, and her eyes darted briefly to the side to see the car and Death Arms with it. She'd make a beeline for him and for the safety of the car, as it was- she never liked the press and he doubted she had any patience for it right now... Not today, not with what happened. He kept his eyes on her, searching for her injuries and any outward indicator of what she was feeling-

"Animal Spirit! Do you have anything to say on why you let the Hero Killer Escape?!"

"We've all seen the video! You had Stain on the defensive, but you pulled up and let him go!"

Death Arms grimaced, the questions starting to fill more and more with admonishment and distaste- and he felt a small flash of annoyance run through him.

She would never just-

Spirit hit the bottom of the stairs and instead of veering left- she walked straight forward, and straight toward the barrier, and the crowd.

Death Arms' eyes widened, his jaw growing slightly slack in sheer surprise.

"Why did you stop trying to apprehend someone who's killed so many?!"

"What do you have to say in your defense?"

"Your First-Contact Capture Rate has remained at 100% in the two years you've been a full fledged Pro, but letting Stain get away today has broken that. Why did you decide to let him go, and let the record you've held on to even above the likes of All Might be destroyed-?!"

Spirit's utterly unreadable expression changed- just faintly, and hardly at all- but there was anger there, and resolution, and a certain fire.

She stopped right in front of the barrier, her red eyes narrowed and her countenance nothing but tall and calm and so damned firm. She was almost daunting in a way, and she had everyone's attention in the span of a single second, her voice steady and her soul too.

"When I arrived at the scene, the Hero Killer was a few seconds away from killing a Pro Hero he thought 'fake' and unworthy based of his own personal agenda. A Pro Hero who has saved countless lives and worked hard, and done his job time and time again- and Stain labeled him unworthy of the name 'Hero', and reduced that man into something less than human. In his vendetta against Heroes and society as a whole, Stain has killed and harmed countless people- and regardless of what he says, or believes, or sees, or what he or anyone else tries to drum up to justify his actions- it does not matter." Spirit growled, her eyes flashing.

"Cleaning society of 'fake' Heroes, or slapping that name on someone because you believe their reasons for becoming a Pro are less virtuous than another- that does not matter. None of that does, because argue it and try to defend it all you like- none of that does, or ever will change the fact that he is killing people, and hurting them." Spirit said loudly, her voice curt and clear and easily rising above the clamor- all of which died a few seconds into her starting to speak.

"Call them what you like, it doesn't change the fact that they are all people. They are living, breathing, feeling things- and they are lives, no matter what you say. There is no justifiable reason on this earth for anyone to kill any living being. None at all. They are still alive, and their lives matter, always." Spirit growled, "When I fought Stain I was shoved into a situation with little room to maneuver and no time nor leeway to second-guess what I did, or why I was doing it. I ran in and faced him head on with one thing in mind and one goal- I had a choice to make and I chose to do what my job as a Pro Hero is meant to mean."

Her red eyes flashed, her head high and her voice clear and unwavering.

"Above all else, the first job of a Hero is to protect others. We rush in and we stand tall against every sort of danger and we risk ourselves trying to save the lives of other people- no matter what. We do everything and anything we can to preserve a life, even if that means risking harm to ourselves, or choosing to back away from a fight. If there is any chance we can save someone in the middle of a crisis, or a full on battle- there is nothing that comes before helping them."

The crowd quieted more, all eyes on her and all of them listening- fixed.

"I rushed in because there was a threat on someone's life, and I chose to stay and help someone who was hurt and in need. I chose to stay and act on that chance to save someone's life ahead of trying to pursue Stain, regardless of who he is, or what he's done. I fought Stain only to save someone else, and the only goal in my mind was protect them- no matter what. My first priority was to protect, and guard and save a life when I had a chance to do so, and I took that chance without a seconds hesitation even when it meant Stain might get away, or he might hurt me, or that others would lash out at me. None of that mattered as long as I could save someone, even if it was just one person." Spirit went on, her expression stern and unrelenting- determined and genuine all at once.

Her eyes snapped toward one reporter in particular among the many who had been calling out, and the women jumped a little at the intense gaze. Animal Spirit's hand moved up, falling on her chest as she forced a silent breath, and stood just a bit straightener. Her eyes flashed, crimson-red and steady and there was not a soul who was not riveted on her.

"The day that I try and preserve some stupid Capture-Record over saving someone's life, is the day I stop being a Hero."

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