ROB-BIE: Robotic Boyfriend In...

By Antigoni

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Sam was surfing the internet one day when she saw an add by Robotic Boyfriend Incorporated Enterprises. She s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
The Invisible Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

1.7K 88 6
By Antigoni

Hey guys! Antigoni here. I know I promised to write more but oddly Summer was worst than High School and now with college??Q?!?!?!?!  Anyways, I wrote this one during a class, you guys are worth it... Hope it satisfys you, at least for a little while! Love you guys! Thanks for being patient with me <3 


 Chapter 12

As I walked down the steps, I could already picture my mother helping Billy up on his feet scowling and apologising for my outrageous behaviour, which would most likely be followed by her leading him into her newly renovated kitchen, which she adores, and handing him a piece of her homemade banana bread. She really cares too much for him. I smirked. Poor boy. I shrugged then turned my attention to Leo’s house. I could make out a small figure opening the door; this was my chance.

I began running; letting the wind flow through my hair as the balls of my feet hit the hard pavement, pulling me closer to the closest thing to the perfection, guy next door.  I hoped it was Leo at the door and  hadn’t left yet; it would give me reason to be with him and avoid seeing Billy until our next class together, French. I felt weightless when I ran, jumping effortlessly through this crazy world. Within a few seconds, I was in front of his house, a huge smile spreading onto my face, counting my luck stars as Leo exited his house.

“Leo!” I called. His gorgeous head snapped up to greet me.

“Hey Sam! Need a lift?” I nodded; I was so out of breath. He then bent over, giving me a gentlemanlike stoop and opening the car door. “Your chariot awaits you.” I jumped into the front seat placing my bag on my lap.

“Is that Billy leaving your house?” He inquired with a confused look on his face. My heart skipped when he looked at me, his eyes sparkling, his perfect bedhead as if it were coiffed to look that well. I sighed in my head.

“It seems to be so,” I smiled leaning over and closing the car door. Leo laughed and walked over to the other seat. I looked at him with a mischievous look. He raised his brow. I shrugged and he smirked, putting the car in ignition.

We drove towards school listening to some local rock station with a very old new hip-wanna-be-cool-shit who made me want to rip my hair out every time his voice echoed through the car speakers. I wanted to talk to Leo, to say something; I needed to think of something quickly, we were approximately five minutes away from school.

“How was your weekend?” Leo’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

“It was tiring; you know training and school stuff.”

He nodded approvingly. “I know what you mean, James and I were at the gym all weekend.” He laughed, “Ashley got mad, told me I should date the gym equipment.”

“No room for studying I imagine,” shaking my head. Leo took his beautiful eyes off the road to look at me and give me a roguish grin.

“Depends on what you mean by studying.” He winked. I burst out laughing; my face was beginning to heat up, tears streaming down my face. I probably looked extremely unattractive but I didn’t care. It was just so hilarious, even Leo joined in on the laughing; his angelic singsong resonating throughout the car.

I hit his shoulder. “Stop l-laughing and watch the road!”

Soon our laugher ceased and all you could hear was our wheezing, anyone who heard us would have thought we had just run a marathon.

Leo’s car came to a stop in the student parking lot. We sat there trying to catch our breath.

“Okay, common’ we are going to be late.” I said giving him a light poke.

He leaned back into the seat and sighed. “Can’t we just stay in this car and drive forever just laughing.”

I gulped. Was he serious? Oh God, I hope he was. “I wish. It would most likely be the best trip I’ll ever take.”

His head turned sleepily towards me and he smiled. It then faded. “Ashley would kill me.”

Ashley… It seemed everything always ended with her ruining my happiness.

“We’re going to be late,” I said numbly getting out of the car. I turned back towards the car. Leo was slowly getting out of the car. “I’ll see you later Leo!” I called walking towards the school. I then felt something vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out my phone. There was a message from Billy.

Did you forget? I’m bringing Robbie in to school today.


Oh shit. 

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