By _Baby_A_A_

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SHS (Seducer, Hacker, and Stealer), three mysterious girls with dark pasts, have come together and started to... More



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By _Baby_A_A_

{3} Training


"Oh my god, it's you!" Brax didn't think he would see them so soon, but that's not the thing he was surprised about.

Never did he think that these model like girls were actually criminals, just like him. His eyes moved to Halsa whose face was slightly red now. She looked so innocent, how can she do these sort of things?

When Simon called him to teach three girls how to use guns, Brax actually laughed because Simon's workers were all deadly criminals, obviously they would know how to use a gun, but agreed to teach anyway.

Now looking at these three, he can understand what Simon meant.

"What the fuck are you doing here, you pervert?" The bitch with raven hair barked out. Giving out a frustrated sigh, he reached behind his back pocket and took out the gun, slowly pointing it at them.

All of their faces turned pale making him want to smile.

"How about you shut the fuck up unless you want a bullet in your head?" That made them quiet.

He kept his gun back in his pocket and turned his attention to the girls.

"I am the dude who's supposed to teach you how to use a gun. But before that, tell me more about you, which sector do you work in?"

"Well... Umm... We steal the most expensive treasures from the richest men." Halsa mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"So, you just break in and take it? I am pretty sure that's not possible as these rich fuckers always have guards."

"Yeah, we don't just break in. Josephine here first seduces the owner of the house to lead him to his room, then knock him out and find the card. And I, Halsa, scan the card and then hack into their system to unlock the door where they keep their treasures. At last, Shaelynn here steals the jewels and yeah, that's how we do it." Halsa explained.

Brax was quite surprised with their teamwork, they were fucking brilliant.

"Hmm, I see you have brains cause most pretty girls don't, no offence intended to them." Shaelynn raised an eyebrow at him and smirked slightly.

"So, you think we are pretty, huh?" Shaelynn asked, crossing her arms above her chest.

"Well, I am a honest man, I can't lie." So honest that you almost kill people for a living. Brax snickered at his thought and smirked back at her.

"Can we just start?" Halsa asked in a snappy tone making them both look at her. Brax wanted to smile, she was just too cute.

"Sure babe." Her face literally turned red hearing him calling her babe. Oh god, this girl is just so innocent!


Josephine wanted to laugh seeing them, she never saw Halsa speaking in such a snappy tone.

"Okay so, have you guys ever held a gun?" They shook their heads.

"Alright, so first, I am going to teach you how to hold the gun in the perfect way. Let's start off with Halsa as she's the most impatient one here." Halsa glared at him slightly as she moved forward.

"Come here." Taking in a shaky breath, Halsa walked and stood in front of him, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, so she was facing her friends.

Her heart started to pound faster when he bend down close to her ear, his breath tickling her right ear.

"Take the gun." Brax told her as he handed her the gun and with shaky hands, she took it. The gun felt heavy and it was a scary thing, all right.

"I think you have seen in movies how they hold a gun, didn't you?" Halsa nodded and raised the gun, pointing it at the lamp post.

"Like this?"

"Almost. Bend down a little and stand sideways. Oh, the most important part is to keep the gun to your eye level. I will show you how it's done." He placed his hands on her shoulder, pushed her down and turned her a little sideways till he thought she was in the perfect position.

Halsa felt her face grow hot when she bent down, her ass was literally touching his crotch in a slight brush. She didn't know if the others heard it or not, but she did. She definitely heard it. The way he grunted softly against her ear when her ass touched his crotch. It was so sexy, she didn't think a man's grunt would sound this hot.

Clearing his throat, Brax stood up straight and moved away to stand beside her. She remained in her position, holding the gun tightly in her hands.

"Perfect. Did you both get it?"

"Yeah, but why is this even important?"

"Postures are one of the most important factor. Having the right posture helps you to set your aim even better and more accurately. Obviously, you wouldn't always stand and shoot, there are times when you have to move or kneel while shooting, but this is the general position. Understand?"


"Good. Now, you both try and then we will move onto aiming and shooting." Halsa gave the gun to Josephine who took it and stood in position.

"Perfect. You are a quick learner, aren't you?" Brax asked smirking as he took the gun from her and handed it to Shaelynn. Josephine just laughed, tossing her hair back.

Shaelynn took the gun and stood in position, but she was bending down too much.

"Shaelynn, don't bend down that much." And she stood up completely straight making Brax curse under his breath.

He placed his hands on her shoulder and made her stand in the right position. This did not set well with Halsa, she felt a bit mad for some reason.

"Like this, understand?" Shaelynn nodded and he let her go.

"This is exciting." Shaelynn said giggling as she stood straight and handed the gun back to Brax.

"Now, you all know the perfect position. So, moving on, are you ready for the next round?" All of them nodded. He raised his gun to show them clearly.

"Look closely, over here is the trigger. You pull the trigger, you shoot. Do you get it? No? I will show you." Their level of excitement just went up higher. They can see somebody shooting live!

He stood in position, one leg back and the other front, a little bent down and standing sideways.

Halsa felt her heart skip a beat seeing him like this, he looked so hot. No, no, no! What are you thinking?! She slapped her warm cheeks and peered at him.

"I will shoot that wall at a random place as I will teach you how to target after this." They nodded and waited impatiently for him to shoot.

He raised the gun at his eye level and stood still for a few seconds before BANG! Flinching a little at the loud sound, they all watched in awe as the bullet flew and embedded itself in the wall, small smokes forming around the hole.

"Wow, that was fucking amazing! I wanna try first!" Shaelynn exclaimed, moving towards him and opening her palm.

"Did you see how I shot?"

"Yes and I am ready." Taking the gun in her hand, Shaelynn followed whatever directions he gave and placed the gun at her eye level, preparing to shoot.

After a few seconds, she pulled the trigger causing the bullet to go flying and hitting the wall, she recoiled at the impact and giggled. Both of them cheered loudly at her acomplishment.

"That was good for your first try." Shaelynn winked at him and walked back to the girls.

"My turn!" Josephine took the gun, stood in position and fired.

"I love how quickly you manage to learn things, Josephine. It's a blessing." Brax said to her as he took the gun from her hand and looked at Halsa who didn't seem too confident.

"Come here, Halsa." Taking in a deep breath, she walked upto him and took the gun in her hand. She stood in position and raised the gun to her eye level.

Her hands were literally shaking. For some reason, she was scared. She tried to calm herself down and pull the trigger, but failed. You can do this, Halsa! Your friends did, so can you. Encouraging herself wasn't the best option as it was not helping the fact that her hands were shaking.

Suddenly, a pair of large hands covered her shaky ones making her heart skip a beat.

"Relax Halsa. Take a deep breathe and relax." Brax's soothing voice was actually causing her heart to accelerate.

"Relax... You can do this." Hearing his calm deep voice near her ear caused her hands to stop shaking and her fear also started lowering.

"Okay, I am okay. I can do this." She mumbled and targeted the place on the wall she was going to shoot.

"Good." A gasp escaped from her lips when his soft ones connected with her warm right cheek. She could literally feel him smirking as he stepped away from her. Despite everything, she felt her core starting to get wet.

Shaking her head to get these naughty thoughts out of her head, she firmly held the gun and pulled the trigger, the sound of the shot almost making her deaf. She watched as the bullet hit the wall with absolute amusement.

"You did it!" Halsa looked at her friends with a wide smile on her face.

"Good job. Now, if you are out of bullets, you pull this out and refill it. Understand?" He showed them how to do it and they nodded.

"Alright and finally, you are gonna practice how to shoot at your desired place." He said as he walked to the wall and drew a red circle with a red chalk that he picked up from the ground.

Inside the big red circle, he drew another small one and pointed his finger at that.

"Try to hit this point. Once you can do that, you are ready for battle."

The next few hours had gone by them trying to hit the spot, it was very hard, but they still somehow managed to do it.

Josephine didn't expect him to be such a cooperative and excellent teacher. He certainly doesn't look like he has that much patience to teach them, but then he did and she was glad.

"Perfect. Now, you all know how to use a gun so my job here is done." Brax told to the girls as he turned his back and started to walk.

"Wait!" Brax stopped walking as soon as he heard Halsa's voice and turned around to look at her.

"Umm... Can I talk to you? Personally...?" Halsa asked shyly as she peered at him. His eyes widened for a second before he cleared his throat and nodded.

"Come with me."

Josephine watched Halsa and Brax walk away with her lips parted. Wow, what the hell is actually going on between those two? He did kiss her once, but she thought Halsa was gonna brush it off.

"Why do I feel like they are gonna fuck? Are they gonna fuck? Hopefully, they will fuck." Josephine glared at Shaelynn as she kept repeating the same word over and over again, but she didn't bother on saying anything.

"Yeah... I am not too sure about that... He is a total stranger, after all."

Halsa walked with her head hung low as she followed Brax. He brought her near a corner of that empty park where it was darker and no people.

She felt a blush rise to her cheeks when she realized how silent and dark this corner was, they literally had a lot of privacy. Privacy?! What am I thinking?! She glanced back to see that she was standing really close to the wall.

"So? What is it that you wanted to tell me?" He asked her and she looked up at him with a small smile.

"Umm... I just wanted to thank you for teaching us. I didn't think you would be so kind, especially after..." Her eyes widened and her cheeks started to get red as she trailed off, her mind wandering to that kiss. He raised an eyebrow at her when she didn't complete her sentence.

"After what?"

"After you... Umm... Nevermind! That's all I wanted to say! Goodbye!" She quickly sputtered out and was about to walk away, but he placed his hands on the either side of her shoulders, trapping her against the wall.

"After that kiss?" He completed her sentence with a slight smirk on his face as he leaned down, his hot breath hitting her face.

"N-no... That's not what I meant..."

"No? You didn't mean that?" He asked in a mocking tone as he shoved his knee in between her legs and leaned down further, causing her to turn her face to the other side. His knee connected with her wet cunt, eliciting a soft gasp out of her.

"What...? Don't want me anymore?" He asked in a low voice, his lips slightly connecting with her cheek.

"I-I never wanted you..." She whispered, looking down at the floor. Lies. All lies.

"Yeah? But your body seems to be telling a complete different story." Her eyes snapped towards him to see his eyes focused on her breasts, more specifically, her hardened nipples. Dammit!

"It's cold..." Those words flew out of her mouth before she had a chance to think. As he was referring to her nipples, there are a lot of other excuses. Not the best lie she could come with, but it had to do.

His eyes met hers, a frown masked her face as she saw his expression. He was trying his best not to burst out laughing, he was making her feel really stupid.

"Cold? They are erected because you are cold?" He asked, an actual laugh escaping his lips. He was looking at her like she was some sort of idiot.

"Well, for your information, there a lot of other reasons why they harden, being sexually excited is not the only reason, but obviously you wouldn't know as dirty things are the only thing you always think ab-"

"So, you are telling me that if I insert a finger inside your pussy right now, I won't find it wet?" Her cheeks turned even a deeper shade of red at his words, his knee grinding against her core. But hearing him using such vulgar words caused her panties to dampen more.

"N-no, it's not like... No, I am not-"

"Relax now, would you? I am just having some fun. Don't take everything so seriously." He said stepping back and ruffling her hair a little bit causing her to groan and pout lightly.

"Don't do that. Don't pout."


"Because I said so. Now, do you have anything else to say? If not, I am leaving as I have a lot of shit to do."

"N-no... Bye." Halsa mumbled, giving a small bright smile and his eyes widened for a second before he nodded and turned around to walk away.

Giving out a soft sigh, Halsa looked up at the darkened sky, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. Why am I feeling this way? Why is my heart beating so fast? She never felt like this before. Is this what they call...

Her eyes widened when realization hit her.

Starting to have an attraction towards someone?


A/N: Aw, is our cute innocent Halsa actually in love with the bad boy Brax? God, the last part was so cringy to write, but I love cringy and cheesy things, so yeah.

By the way, I know shit about guns, so I apologize if some of the things didn't make any sense. Plus, I don't think I will write from the boys' point of view anymore, it gets too messy.

Anyhow, thank you for reading. I will be updating soon.

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