Ash Thinking About Serena

By Tony32122

27.8K 504 114

Professor Kukui assigns a assignment to the class to write to one person. Well Things get really well Sad wit... More

I want your input into this story
Class Assignment
Ash Letter
Not a Chapter
Listening To your Heart
Ash True Feelings
Mysterious Green Light
The Return of Greninja
Things go to Normal or so it seems
Team Flare Assault Part 1
Team Flare Assault part 2
Not a Chapter(IM SO SORRY)
Ash vs Lysandre
Ash and his Thoughts
Doctor report
Ash is Released from the hospital
Ash Surprised Party
Ash going to the airport
Red Blur Revealed
Air Flight to Kanto
Walking through Viridian Forest
Serena Appearance
Ash and Serena Admit their Love for each other
The Announcement and walking to Professor Oak
Professor Oak Ranch part 1
Professor Oak Ranch part 2
Professor Oak Ranch part 3
the Straw Hat
Pallet Town Rivalry Renewed part 1
Black eyed Appearance
Sinnoh vs Kanto Part 1
Sinnoh vs Kanto Part 2
Sinnoh vs Kanto part 3
Sinnoh vs Kanto part 4
Sinnoh vs Kanto part 5
A King Challenge
A Team Rocket Attack
Ash Greninja Rematch
Going to a Early Dinner
Ash wakes up for Dinner
The Reactions
Ash Nightmare
Ash nightmare talked over Breakfast
A Nightmare explained
Arceus Appearance part 1
Arceus appearance part 2
Zygarde Returns and Story
Poke Base and the Call to Grace
Grace Response
The Goodbyes
Lunch and the Grassy Surprise
Report from Sinnoh
All Happy Things have to Come to a End
Back in Alola and the Adventures in Kanto I
Back To Alola and the Adventures in Kanto II
Hiatus till further Notice

Pallet Tow Rivalry Renewed part 2

310 9 0
By Tony32122

Nintendo owns Pokemon not me 

No one has  so far guessed the  last trainer  but have guessed who the next trainer going be  whether or not they will be right is another story

Last time Gary sent out Blastoise meanwhile

I choose you as Ash Pokeball flying out and the pokemon in the pokeball was


Wow a rematch Brock exclaimed

Rematch? Bonnie asked

Yes Charizard in the victory tournament of the silver conference defeated Gary final 3 pokemon including the finale fight between Blastoise and Charizard.

Charizard Flamethrower

Counter with Hydro Pump Blastoise

The hydro pump gets past flamethrower hitting charizard

Fly up Charizard!!

CHARRIIII flying up

Use Ice Beam Blastoise

Blast! As ice beam is fired

Dodge it

Use flame thrower over and over

Each just barely missing Blastoise

Use Hydro Pump Blastoise

Dodge it Charizard

CHARI!! Just dodging the Hydro Pump

Ash notice the ground (it a rock field sounds awfully familiar)

Charizard Use Flamethrower all Over the Ground

WHAT!!! As everyone even brock and Misty who seen this sericaro before but didn't think he would do at professor Oak Ranch do that

As the field becomes a infereno

I don't understand why Ash did that though Bonnie replied

Misty then explained Blastoise might be a water Pokemon and can do with fire attacks it cannot deal with volcanic like conditions. In fact this is the same strategy Ash used against Gary back in the 1st round of the victory tournament in the silver conference in Johto when charizrad battled Blastoise

Use hydro Pump on the Ground

It created a thick Fog

When the fog cleared Charizard and Blastoise were hand to hand combat

Use Ice Punch Blastoise

Use Flamethrower Charizard as both attacks hit

As Charizard was knocked back a bit

Ash saw Gary Blastoise was tiring

Charizard Use Seismic Toss!!

Blastoise use Bite

*meanwhile watching the battle on a ridge was the mysterious black eyed being who could this possible be

Charizard Lifting Blastoise super high and turning it around and around 6 times then nosedive into the Ground hitting the ground hard

They Both stood up and looked at each other then

Blastoise Collapsing

Brock announced Blastoise is unable to battle Charizard is the winner

Great work Charizard

Charizard sends a flamethrower at Ash

The mysterious black eye trainer is smirking it time i had another battle with him.

Ash while walking over to everyone was thinking about this saying

"When Live meets another life, something will be born"

As the black eyed trainer approaches coming into view of everyone but no one pays attention till

I like a 6 on 6 Pokemon battle vs you Ash the Black eyed trainer says

As the Journey Continues 

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