Balotelli-Bale Series Book #4...

Por jmhallewell

170K 6.6K 3.4K

"You don't have to keep reminding me that I'm a mistake and that I ruined your life. I'm not sorry for meetin... Mais

Author's note
Chapter 1: Beautiful Distraction
Chapter 2: Masks
Chapter 3: Suggestions
Chapter 4: Dossier
Chapter 5: Bestie
Chapter 6: Not Him!
Chapter 7: A Good Day
Chapter 8: Picked Up
Chapter 9: More Than An Affair
Chapter 10: Black and blue Part 1
Chapter 11: A New Friend
Chapter 12: Cut Off
Chapter 13: My Weakness
Chapter 14: Our Mothers
Chapter 15: London
Chapter 16: Popping Bubbles
Chapter 17: Mallet To Your Dreams
Chapter 18: Troubled Marriage
Chapter 20: Aphrodite & Adonis
Chapter 21: The sea below
Chapter 22: Jealous wife
Chapter 23: Sheer coincidences?
Chapter 24: Doubt
Chapter 25: Going Back To Florence
Chapter 26: Make up
Chapter 27: The Overflow
Chapter 28: The Big 'O'
Chapter 29: Reap What You Sow
Chapter 30: Black and Blue Part 2
Chapter 31: Healing
Chapter 32: The Narrator Of The Story
Chapter 33: Wicked Tales
Chapter 34: Cuffs
Chapter 35: All The Right People
Chapter 36: A Man's World
Chapter 37: Uncertainty
Chapter 38: A Bad Day
Chapter 39: Parents
Chapter 40: Odd Endings
Chapter 41: Strange Men Part 1
Chapter 42: Strange Men Part 2
Chapter 43: A Shot In The Dark
Chapter 44: Where Is Jason?
Chapter 45: Red on Blue
Chapter 46: A Rainy Day
Chapter 47: Rose Anderson
Chapter 48: Sacrifices Part 1
Chapter 49: Sacrifices Part 2
Chapter 50: Raven Barbie
Chapter 51: A Present For Timmy
Chapter 52: Jail Bird
Chapter 53: Favors
Chapter 54: Imbalance
Chapter 55: At A Loss
Chapter 56: Prisoner 5935
Chapter 57: Pick One
Chapter 58: Rock Bottom
Chapter 59: The Dust Settles
Chapter 60: Toxic Nick
Chapter 61: Cheers To Painful Goodbyes
Author's Note

Chapter 19: Ex wife

1.5K 116 39
Por jmhallewell

"...The deepest secrets of the heart will always come to light when the time is right..."

Keira's POV
Yesterday was a burst!

Keith got sentenced to ten years in prison. My parents were devastated and my mom is so sad she will not even get out of bed anymore. I wasn't sure how to feel. I think I have been hit by so many misfortunes that I'm becoming numb. I couldn't cry. I couldn't speak. Lorraine took me out to a spa so that I can feel better but I'm still somewhere in between shocked and numb if such a place exists. How many misfortunes can a human being be hit with before the mind and heart become numb? How many more before I fade into a grey emptiness?

Cleaning up the mess of Jason's outbursts is something routine to me. At least this time I'm not planning to go to hospital for stitches. He was too drunk to see me clearly. Dodging his attacks was easier. He ended up falling asleep on the bedroom floor. I left him there. I just couldn't bring myself to care enough time even cover him. He left in the morning hours and has not come home. That doesn't bother me, not at all. If anything I am glad for his absence. It gives me personal space and peace of mind.

I paused for a second to look at my hand. Ferrer came looking for me. He parked his car a few houses back and he asked me to allow him to tend to my hand. We didn't speak to each other. Not even a word. He gave me painkillers and a number for a physiotherapist should I need my had rehabilitated. It's been a couple if days. It feels a little better. Jason hasn't even acknowledged it. I had to lie to my parents that a door did this. Mom rolled her eyes. Dad looked at me suspiciously but neither one pushed the matter. I think they know.

Lorraine's words still linger at the back of my mind. She was right when she said my tolerance only serves to empower Jason. I can't help but be patient with people. I always hope for the best. But the best hasn't happened in a long time. I'm still stuck in an endless carousel of misery. It goes round and round serving me one misfortune after another.

Divorce. That word is getting louder in my mind. I need to get away from Jason. For the first time in my life I want to be free from him like I really want to jump ship.

Nick paid off what we owe and my husband is probably in Vegas blowing it off while I am here still playing a good wife. I have come to learn that physical bruises are easy to get past but emotional wounds last forever. I cry alone but I smile in public. My picket fence life isn't as rosy as Jason makes it seem. I am dying inside, slowly... steadily... quietly... He remains unbothered. So why am I still doing this?

When the door bell rung it distracted me from the so called bliss of memory lane.

With my broom in hand, I opened the front door. I was almost shocked to death when I saw Nick's wife standing there. She looks dangerously beautiful in a little black dress. She looks like something out of a french magazine. I held my broom closer feeling under dressed in her presence. I feel small.

"You look good holding a broom." She remarked in a thick french accent. "Have you considered a career as a maid?"

Oh boy! She's a mean one! Normally people will begin with a greeting but she has to insult me first.

I never thought we would meet like this. I never imagined we would ever meet. How naïve of me! I'm having an affair with her husband. This was bound to happen. I feel embarrassed.

"How may I help you?"

"Won't you invite me in?" She is already pushing the door open. She pushed me aside and stepped in. "You're not doing a good job keeping your house clean."

"Can I help you?"

"Oh yes! In case you're not aware snow white, I'm Mrs Bale... the only Mrs Bale. There is no other before me and there will be none after me. Oui oui?."

The emphasis on her name is clear.

"No one said you weren't."

"Imagine my surprise when I got pictures of you grinding your ass against my husband. It was Cuba, right? That smokey little intimate club? Before that Miami, our yacht? Your trips to his office. Nickolas moving big sums of money to your family? Paying bank debts he doesn't owe? Do you have anything to say for yourself Mrs Burke?"

"There is nothing between your husband and I." I immediately resorted to a lie. It is a big lie! Why am I lying? "I promise there is nothing going on between us. We were just talking."

"Just talking..." She scoffed. "How stupid do you think i am? My husband has never paid attention to any woman  until you came along. I don't know what hold you have on him but I'm warning you to stay away."

"I'm not sure what you're thinking but I'm not pursuing your husband." I assured the woman. I was certainly convincing myself of a non existent reality. I have every intention of entertaining Nick's advances. I like them.

"Don't make me come after you Keira. Don't give me a reason." She warned me.

I stood there at my door dumbfounded by the sudden confrontation. There is something dark and scary about the woman. I don't like her.

As soon as her chauffeur got the back door of her car, she pointed two fingers at me in the shape of a gun and flicked her thumb. The shooting gesture unsettled me. 

In my daze of fear, I failed to notice Lorraine standing beside me. When she touched me I almost jumped.

"It's just me, calm down. Who was that?" She asked.

"Come in and I'll tell you.

She stepped inside my house and I realized how shaken Margaux has left me feeling. Even when I served Lorraine a hot cup of tea my hand shook uncontrollably.

"Whoa! Keira! What's going on?" She steadied the left hand that is already useless.

"I want to tell you something but please don't judge me." I spoke sitting down beside her.  "I chose Nick. I want Nick."

Lorraine's already pale face got paler. "Nick, huh?"


"Why Nick?"

"Jason will probably kill me some day. You said Mr Perfect is dangerous for not having flaws. Nick is very unapologetic about his nature. No pretences. I like how I feel when I'm with him."

"How do you feel?"

"Safe. Almost invincible. I feel cared for."

"Aha... Okay. If you say so." She shrugged. I can tell she's not in favor.

"Why is it that it seems you have a lot to say about him? Do you know him?"

"I have never met him. I don't know them. I only know what is online. Do you realize hat woman is his wife?"

"Yes. She was here to ask me to stay away from him."

"I regret encouraging you to go to Miami. I honestly thought it was a weekend fling that would pass but it seems he's taking you seriously."

"He is."

"I don't doubt he's a great catch but the woman has a point. He's married and you should stay away until he's divorced. I am guessing Jason is yet to catch on."

"He doesn't know."

"But for how long? Pretty soon everyone will know including Jason. What is your exit plan? Are you getting divorced? Are you moving to another planet?"

"I'm going to Greece. Nick has invited me to his cousin's wedding."

"A high profile wedding?"

"I'm not sure."

"I love that you're becoming brave and chasing what you want but I'm scared for you because this is not your scene. You're crazy!"

I am attracted to the man. Some part of me keeps yearning for an alternate reality. An alternate reality where I am not married to Jason... where Nick is mine and I am his. One where I am Mrs Bale. But some things are out of reach. Lorraine is right. Waiting will be better. Pursuing him now is wrong. But why does it feel so right?

"You have to end it."

"Trust me I tried. That was the intention. With Cole it was easy. With Nick... I lost my resolve as soon as I was in his presence."

"Since you have made us your mind, will you be telling him about Jason's abuse?" Her eyes dropped to my hand. "How will you explain the hand?"

"Do you want to come to my parent's place for dinner?" I asked her the random question to change the subject.

"I'd love to!" She answered. "But if you're in this thing with him, you'll need to come clean about it. You can't sweep it under the rug and assume nothing will happen. What is for dinner?"

My mom was hosting an important guest for dinner. She didn't say who but she needs me to be there to do all the cooking. Lorraine will certainly help me with the dinner preparation.


"This better be an important guest... Like the president or something. I better not have broken a sweat for nothing!" Lorraine complained collapsing on the sofa. "I don't cook. I don't clean. I pay people to do those things."

"I just fluffed those pillows!"

She cursed me. I decided not to bother her especially when my attention shifted to my mother. She beamed at me like she is up to no good. "Mom. Who is your very important guest?"

I'm just happy she got out of bed today.

"Take off this dress. Put on this one." She handed me a dark purple lace dress. In my opinion it would be trying too hard. We are at home, not out at a restaurant. It's too much. "No. I like my dress very much. It's comfortable."

"It's not classy."

"It's functional." I argued. "Who is your guest?"

"Class over functionality! Who raised you!" She complained.

"He's here!" My father called out. Even Lorraine looked up from where she was.

My father presented Nick to us. Of course he isn't a stranger to me but still!

He greeted my mom with a tender kiss on her cheek. "Mrs Ballard, it's an honor to meet you  I see she gets her looks from you." His tone is soft and of course luring.

I turned to look at Lorraine but she's gone. She's not here anymore. The patio door is wide open. Where did she go? "Would you believe she was an accident?"

"Mom!" I chided her before she brings out naked baby photos.

"Cara mia, these are for you." He handed me a bouquet filled with an assortment of flowers. To my mom he gave a long narrow box.

She kept us curious when she decided not to open it but it has to be a necklace or a bracelet.

When Nick closed in on me so did my parents' eyes. I know they schemed this and they are eager to see their scheme succeed. He bent his head low, swooping in for a gentle kiss. Nothing could stop me from kissing him back when his lips met mine. Only my mom squealing and her camera flashing stopped us. Nick suddenly blushed but it was so quick and hard to notice.

"Where did Lorraine go?" My mom asked.

"She must have left. She left Terrance with a nanny so she must be rushing back."

"It's okay. I can meet her next time." Nick shrugged.

"Will this be a thing? Family dinners?"

"Don't be rude. He can sleep over if he wants to. Your bed is big enough for two."

It is official. My mother lacks a brain to mouth filter. On top of that she is the kind of mom who encourages me to party and have fun. Rules didn't matter to her. They are there to be broken. No wonder Keith is such a mess! She raised him!

"I don't think it would be appropriate to spend the night." Nick politely declined as my dad brought us glasses of wine.  "But she can spend it at my place if she wishes."

His house? I would love to but what about Margaux? Our encounter from this morning is still haunting me.

"To the two of you." My dad toasted. "Everyone else may see this union as wrongful but in the eyes of a father, my daughter's happiness matters most."

"Cheers!" My mom hurried to get to her wine. She isn't supposed to be drinking either but the stubborn woman cannot be stopped.

"Can we talk in private?" Nick asked me with a concerned gaze.

We made our way to the front porch of our house. There are two rocking chairs facing the driveway. A black sports car is parked beside my father's old truck.

"I'm sorry for ambushing you. Your dad had invited me. This date was sort of last minute. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. "Actually no."

"Is it Keith? You must feel the impact of the ten year sentence."

"I do. We all do. But that is not what is weighing me down right now. I saw your wife today."

"What did she want?" He frowned.

"She wants us to break up."

"Did you tell her to go to hell?" Nick emptied his wine glass. I'm still holding mine, swirling the red liquid around.

"Quite contrary. I denied our relationship."

A measure of disappointment showed in his eyes. He cast his gaze far off biting his lip. "Why would you do that?"

"She's your wife!"

"Soon to be ex wife. Are you going to break up with me?"

I hesitated. Playing with my fingers I weighed my answer carefully. His hand caught mine drawing my palm to his lips.

"We should. But I want this. I want you Nickolas."

"I want this too."

"But your wife won't let us of easy, will she? I sense it will be q big problem, even with the divorce."

"She won't be a hinderance for long. Keira, I want you and I would rather burn down the world than let you slip through my fingers. We are not breaking up for anyone or anything."

We kissed slowly. He is being gentle, something he rarely does. His lips left mine to grazie my neck. "You are still my plus one to Athena's wedding, right?"

"Right. I have never been to Greece."

"You'll love it." He assured me.

I believe things with him are set in stone and there is no going back.

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