Housemates: The Boyz + Stray...

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Childhood friends end up living together when they enroll in high school . its a total chaos at their house b... Más

author's note 📝
character explanation
01 dinner - ish
02- Suspicion- ish
03- prank- ish
05- Trauma - ish
Aftermath - ish

04 - Memory-ish

79 9 4
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3 years ago

Seungmin was sick of it. He resisted rolling his eyes

"how was the exam you had yesterday, son? math was it?" the thirteen years old seungmin was asked the moment he stepped inside the kitchen, already in his uniform, for breakfast. 'Isn't it too early for this!' Seungmin wanted to snap but he feigned a smile,
"not bad, father" he replied to the man, who was sitting on one of the very fancy kitchen stools and sipping his hot coffee.

You can tell what kind of man he was by just a glance. He was in one of his expensive, classic suits, the blueblack one with white stripes on it, his neck tie already on and hair perfectly groomed.

Seungmin's father is the CEO of one of the most richest technological groups in Seoul.

It is normal for a father to ask his son how exam was, but seungmin knew what was about to come
" dear , what do you mean 'not bad'? " his mom was pacing around the kitchen, making pancakes
She is a beautiful woman with a gorgeous body, tall and elegant, taking graceful steps around the kitchen, but stopped when she heard her son's answer. She had a beautiful smile and her tone was sickeningly sweet , but seungmin just gave her a blank stare, waiting till she drops the act.
" you know damn well that 'not bad' is not gonna get you to soorim academy!" she added with an ice cold voice and he almost snorted. I mean why bother with the nice act in the first place. It amazes him how her tone could drop to ice cold that fast...  it's just amusing
Give him a break!
Seungmin loves his family. He does! But he didn't love how controlling they are, and their ambitions to get him enrolled at soorim high.  He hated every part of that.
Seungmin did roll his eyes this time, the slogan of the most amazing academy in the whole of south Korea
'Soorim high - the way to youth's dreams' ringing in his ears.
It's not like he hated the thought of going there, who would? but seungmin didn't Want to force himself any harder. Jacob told him not to.
" what's the matter with not going there, mom? there are other great schools too, you know... like Harlim - that school is-"
if seungmin was bitter, that was his business and he kept the conversation light, but he was cut off.
" no seungmin, we're not having these conversation again." His father said sternly. seungmin wished he just left without breakfast.
" do you think I enjoy talking about it? but maybe if you were a bit more understanding-" he didn't even finish when his mother snapped. he couldn't even voice his opinion anymore.


Seungmin felt trapped in an invisible cage, and it was suffocating. It was as if there was an invisible barrier between him and what he wanted. He tried to make it clear, over a million times, that he wasn't interested in taking over his father's company. He hated paper works  with passion. but no! he can't even have his own dreams. Why ? because that's not what his parents want. and he was sick of it! why was everything always done just the way they wanted it! why can't he have a say in his own life! It was so damn amazing that they chose everything for him! from what he ate daily up to what his dreams are!

If there was something they didn't choose for him, it was only his friends. His friends that he wouldn't change for anything in the world! Only them.
And it was amusing how his patents always find something to say against them!
But he didn't care enough to actually listen to their rants about him needing better friends, and sometimes, that he didn't even need friends at all so he could focus on his studies more. The irony of it! if seungmin wasn't focusing enough, he didn't know who else was.
He wished they would leave his friends out of this, but luck was being a bi***!

"does this have anything to do with one of your idiot friends, that chose to go to Harlim High when he clearly had the chance to go to Soorim academy! he just ruined his chance of making himself better than the trash he is!" He flinched at his mother's outburst.
"Leave Jacob out of this, mother! and he is not a trash! neither does my school interest has anything to do with it!"
"son, you know we're saying this for your own good." His father stated calmly.
"for my good huh? " he chuckled darkly
" so what you are saying is that you are practically trying to live my life for me for my own good!? Do you even hear yourselves? "
"don't you think it's better than watching you destroy your future? "

"At least Jacob's parents are educated enough to understand and respect their son's dreams! have a great day"  and seungmin was out the door and walking on the driveway before they could react.

His thoughts were racing as he walked to Jae's, the slightly chilly morning wind rustling softly and calming him. Was he being selfish for not wanting to take over his dad's company, he knew he was their only child but what about his dreams? was it too much to ask for to decide on what you want to be?

He wanted to help people feel better, safe and in peace with themselves. He wanted to help people who are mentally unstable, he wanted to console  and understand them . he wanted to make them feel loved and worthy of living.

Seungmin wanted to be a Psychiatrist.

Sighing deeply as he got to Jae's house, he leaned on the fence, waiting until she comes out. there were only a few houses between their houses and it didn't even take more than two minutes to get there.

"you're early!"
he snapped his head to the side, where a 13 years old kang jaesun was standing beside the gates of her one story house. How could she manage to look that terrible early in the morning.

Seungmin looked at her shoulder long, pitch black hair which was tied into a messy bun down to her shirt which was not fully buttoned and finally to her sneakers laces which were not tied.
"Stop looking at me like I am the first version of stat wars !" She whined.

"Am not early you're late" he said as he walked up to her and started fixing her hair, combing the hair with his fingers and brushing her bangs with his palm, he retied it into a cleaner bun. She just kept quite.
" and button those" he pointed to her shirt, frowning, as he crotched down with one leg, resting his other knee on the ground, tying her shoe laces.

"you woke up late right? did you even sleep last night?" , he asked as they walked down the driveway to hyunjae's house.
She just ignored him, and seungmin took it that she hasn't slept.
"Kang jaesun, I told you to stop watching those horror movies all night long !"
"Kim seungmin, stop nagging me already!" she replied, turning to face him. He stopped and opened his mouth to say something but he just sighed and went on. Jae looked at him weirdly, because any other time , he would have made a comment on how she had such big eye bags and that maybe she wouldn't need to hold back bags because all her books would fit in them.
and they would argue all the way to school.
But he just walked off?
"Hey!" She shouted as he was getting further. But he only just slowed down a little.
"What's up?" she asked once she was walking alongside him. he was not ok.
"Not much" he replied, head hanging down to avoid her eyes.
"Soorim high? Again?!" she shouted , already figuring it out. he just sighed, and jae confirmed her thoughts.
"You know, sometimes, I wish my parents were a bit more like Jacob's. a lot of things would have been easier." seungmin couldn't agree more.

Jacob has achieved the passing marks to attend soorim high but convinced his parents that he preferred harlim, because harlim was more of practical than theoretical .He always thinks that its better to see things than being told things. and his parents have gladly supported his decision. because he had his reasons.

Jae was tired of being told to have the manners of a young lady and to act more like a girl by her parents. how was she supposed to act like a girl? Wasn't she one? why act? what does that even mean? "you don't even have a single female friend!"
Yes, its true that she hangs out with boys a lot. but why does that matter? Why would they hate on that?
She thought of what would happen if she had parents like Jacob's.

"hey what if Jacob's Parent's want to adopt a child?" she suddenly asked.
"I am totally all in for it!" he replied, chuckling lightly. They both knew they wouldn't trade their family but it was worth jocking around with at their age.

"ew... who would adopt you?" there was this disgusted look on her face that made seungmin frown.
" hey! you know am much better than you" he shouted looking offended.
" I mean, what do you have? " She continued. He looked down to his feet,  pretending to be hurt, but he knew  she was just trying to mess with him.
"Except a smart brain" he smiled lightly when she said that.
"And an amazing voice" he smiled a little more and looked up at her. Jae kept on talking
"and a really cute smile" by now he was grinning from ear to ear.

What seungmin and jae had was pure friendship, or maybe a little like siblings but nothing else. they just didn't see each other in any other ways, and they were fine with it.
"though when you grin like that, you look like a maniac ... its creepy" and seungmin only head locked her as they strolled down the road as she groaned in pain and barked out empty threats. Seungmin wasn't showing her the slightest bit of mercy.

They got to hyunjae's house only to see the other 3 already waiting for the said boy to come out, all of them wearing the same kind of uniform, gray trousers and white button up shirts with black blazers over them, except Jacob, who became a high school freshman this year.

He had one of his legs propped up against the fence of hyunjae's one story house, leaning on it coolly, while his hands were tucked inside the pocket of his black trousers, which perfectly go along with his light blue blazers worn over the white button up shirt.

Changbin had to use every ounce of his patience, not to stomp to the school with out them. he didn't like waiting.

Hyunjoon was just standing there, staring at the ground, his thoughts racing miles away but he was soon knocked out of it when a sudden click sounded from above him.
He looked to his right to see seungmin throwing little rocks on the window of hyunjae's room, again and again.
The window was barged open revealing hyunjae, whose shirt was totally unbuttoned, with his toothbrush in his mouth and hair sticking out in every direction.
"Are we going or what?" Jacob asked
"just 5 minutes and am out" he replied before walking back inside while rolling his eyes and mumbling about impatience.

Hyunjoon was already back to spacing out again, and this time changbin has noticed.
" that's it! See y'all at school " he exclaimed, taking Hyunjoon's hand and walking off to school.
" yah Lee Jaehyun! if you don't come out of there right now, god help me!" Jae was getting impatient.
"Would you chill?" he appeared at the window, now fully dressed, glaring down at her." and where's the 'Oppa' in that?"
"Earn it!" she snapped back.

"Even a girl getting ready for a date wouldn't take that long! I mean seriously, you just wash up, wear uniform and eat breakfast right? not to mention hyunjae hyung doesn't even eat breakfast at home! what could possibly make him late everyday? unless of course that stupid 'who can watch more horror movies all night long' competition thingy he has with jae! but still-" changbin stopped his mono dialog because... well ... he felt like he was talking alone. He glanced at Hyunjoon, who was walking next to him. The boy was still out of it. he suddenly stopped waking but Hyunjoon took some steps ahead before noticing and whipping around to look back at changbin, who was scowling at him. He gave the other a questioning look.
" spill!"
"You can't fool me, joon what's bothering you- am not asking again" he added quickly.
"Its mom"
"What about her?" Changbin could see the worry in the younger's eyes and if it made him uneasy, he didn't show it.

"Its just that she has been getting this phone calls lately, she said it was a guy" Hyunjoon wasn't the best with words and he didn't know how to tell changbin about what was worrying him. He though maybe he was just exaggerating everything, but it was just unsettling.
Changbin knew Hyunjoon was trying to find the right words, he was pressured.
" does she know him?"
"No she doesn't, yet he insists he does know her and he even said that they were involved with each other in the past, not in a good way though, it was dangerous."

Hyunjoon didn't want to think that his mother was lying to him and his dad, she wouldn't. if she was lying, she wouldn't have brought it up over dinner and told them the weird things this guy does. Including the regular calls, the threatening messages that read
'It won't be long before I make you pay'
'you'll pay for everything'
'watch your back'
Hyunjoon shuddered, he thought it might be a scam or just some teens fooling around, but what he heard yesterday had his head spinning.
His mom said she felt this weird presence behind her back when she walked home yesterday, as if she was being followed. and it hasn't left Hyunjoon's mind since he heard it.
It was a little relieving that his dad suggested she stays at home today, and that he will get off work early so they could go to the police station together and report everything for good measures.

Changbin stayed quite after Hyunjoon finished explaining. He didn't know what to say and he thought, if he opened his mouth, he might say something unhelpful to the younger's concerns. because truth be told, he was panicking in the inside, but changbin had good control over his emotions.
" its probably a coincidence, joon, don't over think yourself" he mentally face palmed at his own words. Way to go changbin!
Hyunjoon chuckled " hyung, your eyes say it all, don't act like you're not worried"
changbin didn't get the chance to reply as something strong jumped on his back, sending him stumbling a few steps forward to balance himself.

Hyunjae has came down not long after changbin and Hyunjoon left. the first thing he got when walked out was a smack on his bottom, from jae on the right and from seungmin on the left, as they both run down the drive way clacking in laughter like the maniacs they were.
"wait till I get my hands on you! you little disrespectful brats!"
"serves you right " he turned to Jacob, who was trying to hold back his snicker from the look on hyunjae's face.
"Serves you right"  he mimicked Jacob with a higher pitch. Jacob laughed this time.

Seungmin and jae run down the shortcut alley they always take, seeing Hyunjoon and changbin walking ahead
" quick... on their back!" Seungmin panted,  jumping on Hyunjoon's back when he was close enough, giggling like a kid. Changbin stumbled to the front from how forcefully jae jumped on him.
" girl, you need to lose wait!" He groaned

Hyunjoon silently wrapped his arms under seungmin's knees, so the other wouldn't fall as he made himself comfortable on Hyunjoon's back and they strolled down to school.

Next chapter will be a more intense flashback.
I was just too lazy to write it at once😞
bear with me y'all😁

don't forget to vote
ask questions through comment if y'all have any... 😉

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