You Can Call Me Daddy |A Team...

By Sinny4585

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⚠️ HEAVY SMUT WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️Currently a W.I.P⚠️ Cassie O'Donovan is a 23 year old girl who's led a pretty rou... More

| Intro & Warnings | Very Important To Read! |
| Prologue |
| One | The Redmoon Bar |
| Two | Puppy |
| Four | You're Joking |
| Five | Welcome Home |
|Six| Welcome Home Pt. Two |
|Seven| Sucky Sucky Amiright |
|Eight| Pool |
|Nine| Pancakes |
|Ten| Cant sleep? |
|Eleven| Thighs |

| Three | Final Plans |

684 28 8
By Sinny4585

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

The club was reasonably busy when I arrived at nine. I intended to immediately go talk to Jacob to tell him I've made my decision, but he didn't seem to be in yet. I headed to the dressing rooms and checked my schedule for the night. I had a duel routine with Penny, with half an hour to get ready. I searched the costumes rack for an outfit with a sticky note that read my name. I pulled down a lacy cat costume, Penny's dress a matching cheetah print.

As I was sitting in front of the mirror applying smokey eye shadow when Mayelle thundered in the door,
"Cassie! What the fuck?" She shouted. Shit, she found out. How the fuck did she find out? Did Wade tell her? I turned around, eyes wide with fear, ready for the worst.
"Why didn't you answer my calls last night?" May demanded.
"I-um, I passed out around two, w-what did you need?" I asked, voice shaking nervously.

"It was pouring rain last night, and I missed the bus, I was hoping you could pick me up," She frowned, dropping her purse on the bench in the center of the room.
"That's all your upset about?" I asked as she undressed. "And I wouldn't have been able to, my cars in the shop till Monday."
"I mean I was fucking soaked, but other than that, yeah," She shrugged and pulled on her waitress uniform. I let out a sigh of relief that I could hold off informing her of my plans a little while longer.

May bent over to slide on her heels, her dress riding up and exposing her thong. Damn, that girl had a body, like shit, no wonder I'm not straight.
"Babes I can literally see your entire ass when you bend over, so please crouch down if you drop anything while out there," I pleaded and went back to putting on makeup.
"Don't be silly. I gotta get my tip money," May giggled. I rolled my eyes,
"Okay, but don't come crying to me when you get catcalled in a way you don't like."

I had a few minutes to spare before I had to perform, so I decided to grab a quick drink. When I found my way to the bar, Wade was sitting there.
"Hey, what are you doing here? You're normally only here Fridays," I commented as I walked up behind him, startling him slightly.
"Cass! Finally, you're here, I didn't know what time you came in tonight," Wade chuckled. I had the impression he had been sitting there a while.
"I have to go on stage soon. What's up?" I asked, pouring myself a shot. It always helps to get in the fake flirty mood when tipsy.

"Did Mark call you last night?" He questioned quite hastily.
"Yeah, he did, but also what the hell, who else did you tell? Like thirty minutes passed after I talked to you and you had already run your mouth, what the fuck?" I exclaimed after downing my shot.
"No it's not like that, I only told Mark, I just want to help you, did you guys-"
"Help me?" I hissed. "You say that like I have some sort of condition. I'm going through with this, Wade, stop trying to intervene."

"No, no that's all wrong, I didn't mean that, and I know I can't stop you that's why I called Mark he-" Wade was cut off by Jacob shouting from across the room,
"Cassie! Get your butt on stage. Penny's waiting for you!" He informed me. I turned back to Wade with a glare,
"Please just stop, Wade, I know what I'm doing," I snapped and walked towards the stage.
"You're not listening to me, Mark wants-" Wade's voice was drowned out by the sound of booming music starting up. I didn't see him in the bar when I was on stage, nor when I was finished.

As I was getting changed, Jacob walked into the dressing room,
"Woah, privacy invasion buddy," I joked.
"We both know it doesn't matter, now can I see you in my office when you're done?" Jacob asked as I shoved tip money into my purse. I made a significant amount less since Penny was a greedy bitch and snatched anything that was directly for me.
"Yeah, I need to talk to you anyways," I replied. He nodded and left me to my business.
As I walked towards Jacobs office, I still looked around for Wade. I felt sorry for snapping at him, even if he was just trying to help. I knocked on the office door,

"It's open!" He shouted from inside. "Take a seat," He gestured, not looking up from his papers. I glanced around the room and saw no trace of a chair,
"On fucking what, Jake?" I chuckled with a scoff.
"On the..." He turned around and saw the lack of seat, "...Chair. Who took my fucking chair?" He questioned to nobody in particular. I chuckled,
"You could say they..." I paused with a smirk, Jacob shooting me a glare that would normally be reserved for a cat about to knock something off a shelf, "...took a seat," I laughed, earning a groan from Jacob.

"Moving on," He chuckled, shaking his head, "Have you made up your mind?"
I fidgeted in my spot for a moment, sucking on my lower lip.
"It's a huge decision, but if you want this money, and this is the way you want to get it, I'm not stopping you."
"Yeah, I know. I'm gonna do it. What do I have to do?" I asked. Jacob smirked devilishly,
"You just get to sit back and relax, I'll put you in the system, and in the next few days I'll call you if you got a taker." He stated.
I stared blankly at the floor, the choice I made really sinking in. Even though it could be a life-changing experience for the better or worse, I genuinely didn't care what outcome I received.
"Great, thanks, Jake."

Sunday, June 25th, 2017

"So I'm doing it, it's actually happening. Jacob put me is the system or whatever last night so I'm just waiting for someone to chose me," I informed Leo as we were lounging around my bedroom. Leo sat up with an excited squeak, throwing a pillow at me,
"Really?!" Leo exclaimed, I glanced up at him and hummed,
"Yeah, so I don't know how much longer I'll be staying here. Can you take care of the house for me?" I asked, throwing the pillow back at him.

"Like when May took you to Disney?" Leo held the pillow against him, resting his chin on it.
"Yeah, except for six months, not two weeks,"
"Can you leave me instructions for your plants again?"
"Yup, make sure to tell them you love them though, that's an important step," I chuckled. Leo let out a giggle, grabbing my small Chinese money plant and giving one of the leaves a kiss.
"I love you, you're very pretty," Leo complimented it. "What's this ones' name?" He asked.

"I haven't named it yet, just got it the other day," I shrugged.
Leo gasped in horror,
"You haven't named it?! You always name them!" He yelled. "Can I name him?"
"Go ahead."
"Elliot," Leo smiled and gave the plant another small kiss.
"Did you just name my plant after your boyfriend?" I asked.
"You bet my bitten ass I did," He laughed, placing it back on my window sill. Over the sound of my laughing, I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand. I looked over and saw it was a call from Mark.

"Ugh, what does he want?" I mumbled as I answered the phone, putting it on speaker.
"Whos Mark?" Leo whispered. I shushed him,
"Hi, mystery-man, what do you need now?" I asked, focusing on writing 'Elliot" on a piece of tape.
"Hi to you too, I never got to my point the other night," Mark told me. I handed Leo the tape to put on the plant pot.

"I already know your point. You're just trying to stop me from going through with this. Wade already told me all I needed to know today. It's too late anyway, I'm already in their fucked up system," I scoffed. Leo stared at me confused, mouthing the words 'what the fuck?'
"What? No, why the hell would he say that I'm not trying to help by stopping you, I'm trying to help by...Well by buying you!" Mark informed me. A silence filled the room. Leo and I stared at each other, mouths agape.

"Oh?! That's all you have to say? Dude!" Leo suddenly blurted out. I shot him a burning glare, and he sank down.
"Who was that?" Mark asked. "Wait do you have a boyfriend?"
"What? N-No, god no, he's just one of my friends. Why do you care anyway?" I spat. Leo looked taken aback,
"Just one of your friends, hmpf," Leo sulked, crossing his arms and turning away, pouting.

"Should he be hearing this?" Mark questioned.
"I would have told him about it after anyways so. But did Wade tell you to do this?"
"Not exactly, he called me worried about you, and I suggested it, it's a stupid idea, and it could ruin my entire reputation if it gets out, can we actually talk in private please?" He requested. I looked at Leo for approval,
"Fine, keep your secrets," Leo sassed.

"Don't wreak havoc in my room please," I told Leo before scurrying out of the room. I made my way down to the living room and plopped myself on the couch,
"Alright, talk, what's going on?"
"So, yeah, I've decided I'll pay the what is it, thirty-six grand?" Mark asked,
"Yeah...But I need to talk to my manager because if you're going to do this, I need to be taken down," I told him,
"Taken down?" He questioned.

"From their website or whatever, I'm currently up for grabs,"
"Oh, yeah, uhm how is this going to work, by the way?"
"Mark, I honestly have absolutely no idea, I have to talk to Jacob, or you need to actually," I told him, leaning back on the couch.
"Alright text me his number, but also text me a picture of yourself! I still don't know what you look like," He chuckled.
"Wow, you're really taking your chances, agreeing to take in a sex slave without even seeing if she's cute. Dude, I could straight up be a troll," I joked as I sent him Jakes number along with a few pictures if me, some of them being on stage.

"Well no offense, but I sure hope you're not,"
"I think you're safe," I giggled, nervously waiting for him to see the pictures. I heard his phone ding on the other end, and then a long pause.
"Woah, this is you? You're a pole dancer?" Mark asked surprised.
"Mhm, been working at the RedMoon bar for almost seven years now,"
"Damn, you're a cutie too," he complimented, I mentally let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank god, I was getting real nervous there," I chuckled.

"Listen, I'm going to call your manager. What's his last name?" Mark questioned.
"Bennet, Jacob Bennet,"
"Thanks, I'll get back to you later today, okay?"
"Alright, talk to you later," And then he hung up.
I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs as Leo nearly tripped over his feet to get to me.
"So?!" Leo exclaimed, jumping over the back of the couch and falling beside me,
"So, I think I got super fucking lucky and found a nice guy instead of some creep," I told him.

"Hey, nice guys can still be creeps," Leo replied, giving me a look. I frowned,
"He's one of Wades' really close friends. I don't think Wade would purposely put me with some weirdo, or even be friends with one,"
"Ok, true," Leo nodded, "So...Tell me about him!" He shoved me energetically.
"Dude you should not be this excited, it's weird,"
"Whatever. Is he hot?"
I grinned at Leo, pulling open my phone and finding the picture Mark sent. Leo made a loud feminine moan when I showed him the pic,
"I'd let him destroy my asshole," Leo moaned,

"Dear lord Leo, you have a boyfriend," I chuckled,
"I'm window shopping!" He defended. I rolled my eyes,
"Nobody exclaims they want a shirt to destroy their asshole when they walk past it in the store. I'm just saying," I teased.
"Maybe I do!"
"That's...That's not right. Anyways, he's going to call me back in a bit, so I'll be finding out how this is all gonna go down soon,"
"Where are you going to tell people you went, or what do you want me to tell them if they ask?" Leo questioned.

"Tell them I went and visited family in Hawaii,"
"Visiting family in Hawaii is a stretch, why not just vacation?" Leo scoffed,
"Leo," I stared at him disappointedly for a moment, "I'm fucking from Kekaha, dumbass,"
"Oh! I entirely forgot about that, oops," He chuckled.
The next hour passed painfully slow as I waited for a phone call from Mark. Finally, he called, Leo nearly throwing my phone at me,
"Hey, so what's the plan?" I answered.
"Everything's sorted; you'll be here next week."

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