Reader x Daryl Dixon

By HollieLawrance

399 4 2

she was the daughter of a Hunter who watched her family get slaughtered in front of her. after wondering arou... More



99 0 0
By HollieLawrance

Run. That's all I could do. It was all my legs could do. The walkers were close behind me and I had to be fast. I didn't want to die not this way. I saw a tree with a low branch and I ran jumping up on it climbing up the tree as fast as I can. "Not today dead ones" I smiled to myself as i watched them stalk by the trees base. "I have a while to wait" I sighed checking my gun to see how many bullets I had left "I'm short damnit" I put my gun back in the holster.

I waited for what felt like years until they left. Being as silent as I could I climbed down the tree looking around in case there were any left behind. Once i saw that the coast was clear I ran towards what looked like a prison. I had to get shelter for the night. I wasn't expecting to be met with guns to my face "who are you?! Why are you here?!" Someone shouted. I turned and faced the man who I assumed to be the leader. "My name is (y/n) I'm sorry I didn't realise that there was a group here I just needed a place to stay the night" I showed my corporation by Iowering my gun "I mean no harm". The leader looked at me lowering his own "I'm Rick Grimes. This is my group you're welcome to join but I have to ask. How many walkers have you killed?" I thought about it for a second "to many to remember" he nodded at me and then asked "how many people have you killed?" I felt the memories of my family come flooding back as I had tears in my eyes. "Four" he looked up at me in the eyes "why?" I let a few of the tears fall from my face "because they had been torn apart and were suffering" I wiped my eyes as I looked at the man I now knew as Rick.

"Welcome to our family" 

Hey guys I'm back sorry I took so long but I'm back and I plan to update as often as I can. Sorry this part is short as I had a bit of writers block but give me ideas on how to continue this
Signing off shadowwriter

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