50 Shades Of Destiel

By DestielNochester

395K 10.5K 30.7K

What happens when Castiel Novak finds himself falling in love with the handsome CEO Dean Winchester and learn... More

50 Shades Of Destiel
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

31.4K 833 4K
By DestielNochester

     "God morning sunshine" Anna said tiredly as Cas walked, or more correctly, dragged himself into the kitchen. They both had classes today and they had been up for too long the night before talking about Dean Winchester. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but they both regretted it now. Anna was taking a sip from her coffee as Cas slumped down at the chair, he pulled the plate closer to him and threw one slice of bread on it. He looked at the eggs in front of him, too tired to understand what to do with them.

"We're so screwed. I'm so going to fall asleep during class" Anna said an moved her index finger around the edge of the yellow and blue striped cup.

Cas nodded and decided to just eat the dry bread, too tired to care for the eggs, if he couldn't figure them out, he wasn't going to eat them.

"How long is yours?"

"I have two, one is one hour and the other is two and a half" Cas answered, mouth full of dry bread, some of it fell out and landed in his lap "what about you?" he poured some orange juice in his glass and took a sip to remove the dryness of the bread.

"One, two hours and forty five minutes" she yawned and scratched the back of her neck, looking out the window.

     It was sunny today and Cas waved Anna goodbye as they headed to their class. Cas was wearing his trench coat, Dean mentioned that he liked it during lunch. He didn't feel like wearing the suit at school, but he would wear it later when he was having dinner with Dean. His mind was so caught up in Dean Winchester, that he didn't notice that the front door was shut and he walked straight into it, falling to the ground. He moved his hand up to his nose to see if he was bleeding, letting out a relieved sigh when he didn't. He stumbled onto his feet and used his hand to massage the back of his neck. He must have stretched something.

     Inside, people were rushing to their classes, someone dropped their papers and desperately tried to pick them back up before some other would kick them away. Someone was standing in the corner making out and another pair of people was sitting in the staircase, almost blocking the way for everyone else. Cas looked at all the people while walking to his first class, math. He didn't find it necessary, but it gave points and he needed all the points he could get. While walking he bumped into his friend, Adam Milligan.

"Hey Cas!" Adam said and gave Castiel a high five.

"Uh, hello"

"I'm going to the cage tonight, with Michael and Lucifer. Do you want to join?"

Cas gave him a look of are you fucking serious? And Adam got the message "Right, Michael... Well, I'll see you around" Adam waved at Cas as he disappeared in the ocean of people.  

The cage, it wasn't anything special, just a little club in the back alley somewhere. It was where all the young people would go every Friday. Cas had been there two times because Anna practically forced him to go when she had just started dating Michael. He had of course brought Adam, because he knew he was going to end up alone when Anna found Michael, and now, Adam had become best friends with Michael and his other friend, Lucifer. Castiel didn't care for Michael, but he thought Lucifer was okay, even though he was a little sketchy and he also believed that Lucifer was the one who introduced Michael to Naomi, resulting in Michael cheating on Anna, twice. Cas shrugged the though off and continued walking to class.

     Math was horrible. Castiel could never get the hold of it and his math teacher, Metatron, didn't make it any better. He was always so angry and he would constantly complain about how he should be the principle and how the current principle, Chuck, didn't do a good enough job. Castiel was happy when class was over and he could leave that horrible room. Next one was history and that was Castiel's favorite class, he also liked the teacher Bobby. He was calm and sometimes he could crack a joke that would make the whole class laugh, but everyone respected him. He was fair and no one dared to make him angry because he got really angry. When someone did something stupid or didn't pay attention to class, he would call them idjit, and then the whole class would laugh for a while and the class would continue.

Bobby knew a lot about a lot of things and he had this old book with a lot of facts that he had lent to Castiel a few times. He had read thought that book so many times he had almost memorized it all and he had started to make his own. Just in case he became a history teacher in the future. He wanted to the type of teacher Bobby was.

     Of course when class started, some guy was late and Bobby would call him "Idjit" and the class would laugh. Castiel always paid attention in history class. He was so eager to learn more and Bobby had said that you can never learn enough, there are always new things to be discovered.

     When class was over Castiel walked out to meet Anna at their usual spot, but there she was standing, making out with Michael. Castiel took a deep breath and slowly walked over. Anna pulled away from Michael and waved at Cas.

"Hey Castiel, are you coming to the cage with us?" Lucifer asked and Michael glared at him "What?"

Cas shook his head "No, I have plans".

Anna grinned and gave him a hug whispering "Good luck" before pulling away and getting into Michael's car. Cas waved at Anna as they drove away and then he started his walk home.

He liked walking, he could take notice to all the things around him and even though he had his driver's license, he didn't want a car. He preferred walking and it kept him somewhat healthy, not that he cared much, but he thought about it every once in a while.

While he was walking down the street he was humming some song he didn't remembered the name off, but he had heard it on the radio once or twice. He didn't know the lyrics and only one part of the melody had gotten stuck in his head. His peaceful humming got interrupted by a car stopping by his side, engine growling and breaks squealing. He turned his head and saw a black Chevrolet impala, 67' model, and when the passenger seat window rolled down he saw the beautiful hazel green eyed man, with the name Dean Winchester, smiling at him. Cas bent down to look into the car.

"Are you stalking me?" Cas asked and Dean chuckled, turning his head to look forward.

"Maybe" he turned to look at Cas again "maybe not" he shrugged and gave Cas the brightest smile Cas had ever seen. "I was just driving by and I saw that trench coat and I knew it was you so I decided to ask if you wanted a lift"

"How could you know it was me? It could have been someone else" Cas held is hands on the doorframe and his head was almost inside of the car.

"Okay, I guessed, took a shot, but hey, I was right" Dean fired up the engine and the growl was so loud it made a few bypasses turn their heads. "Jump in"

Cas didn't think much about it, he opened the door and got into the passenger seat. Cas looked at Dean and he smiled at him before turning up the volume on the stereo and AC/DC filled the car. Cas rolled his eyes, but Dean didn't notice or maybe he didn't care. Cas thought about it. Maybe Dean was the type of guy who didn't care much about the people around him, maybe he only cared for himself. Cas found that very annoying, but also very attractive and it irritated him. That someone could be so annoying at so attractive at the same time. It made him want to hate Dean, but he couldn't, because he was just too perfect to be hated, something that made Cas want to hate him even more.

     The drive was silent, only the constant noise of banging drums and squealing guitars kept it from being too awkward. Cas was staring out the window the whole time and he didn't realize that they had reach his apartment and that the car had stopped, not before Dean put his hands on top of his.

"We're here" he said and removed his hand again, all to sudden Cas thought and looked down at his hand, resting on his lap. It seemed like Dean took notice to Cas looking at his hand and quickly got out of the car and ran over to the other side to open the door for Cas. He looked confused at Dean first, but got out of the car and then Dean slammed the door shut.

"I'll see you again at eight?" Dean asked but at the same time confirmed, as if it was a question, but Cas didn't have any other choice than say yes. He nodded and Dean gave him that crocked smile again, but this time it was more a devilish smirk. It sent a shiver down Cas' spine and he hoped Dean didn't notice.

"Good" he said and started walking back around the car, opened the door on the driver's side, but stopped and looked at Cas for a moment, before sighing and getting into the car. He gave Cas one quick wink before he drove off and Cas was standing, in the middle of the street, alone. He waved back, but not before the car was out of sight and his brain was functioning again. Dean did something to him, paralyzed him, made him unable to think and move. It was dangerous. Dean was dangerous, Cas knew that, but he couldn't stay away.

     Cas was standing in front of the mirror, trying to make his hair stay in its place. He had this one curl that wouldn't do as it was told and Cas was so close to just cutting it off, but that would just lead to him having one, small, bald spot on the top of his head. After trying to get it to stay in place for fifteen minutes he gave up and just let it be. He picked up his tie from the kitchen chair and placed it around his neck, struggling to get it right, but he got it, somewhat correctly, after a while. He took one quick glance at the watch hanging on the wall. Half past seven. Dean would be here in thirty minutes, so Cas had time to check his mail real quick. He didn't get much mail, only someone from his teachers and some commercial adds and of course, Dean. Everyone else sent text messages.

He opened his computer and he saw he and one mail, from him.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Dress code

Date: May 19th , 5:57pm

To: Castiel Novak


Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.


Cas looked at the mail, just one word, formal, as if Cas wouldn't know better than to show up in a pair of old jeans and a worn out t-shirt. Cas knew, judging after where they ate lunch, that the place Dean would pick out for dinner would be even more fancy and Cas knew he would feel underdressed, even if he wore a suit. Cas decided not to reply. He didn't seem the point, what would he write? Okay? Fine? Got it? It would just seem stupid, so he closed the computer and picked up his phone. Quarter to eight. He placed his phone in the left pocket on his suit pants and picked up the blazer lying next to him. He put it on and then he just stared at the wall until he heard the familiar roar of the engine on Dean's car outside. He quickly picked up his trench coat and threw it on before stepping into his patent leather shoes and running down the stairs.

     As Cas thought, the restaurant was way too fancy for his taste and everyone was dressed in tuxedos and evening dresses, even the waiters were dressed as if they were going to a wedding. Cas felt so under dressed in his suit and it didn't help him standing next to Dean, who was dressed in a navy blue tuxedo that looked like it could have easily cost a million dollars. They got shown to their table, a small round one right by a big window with a view over the whole city. It was beautiful and Cas found himself just standing there, staring out. He shook his head and turned to look at Dean who was already sitting down, supporting his head by resting his chin on his folded hands, elbows down at the table, looking at Cas. He felt a little uncomfortable and tried not to fall while making his was over to the chair.

"Do you like it?" Dean asked, still looking at Cas.

Cas nodded and Dean laughed, someone turned their heads, but Dean didn't seem to care, he just kept laughing.

"What?" Cas asked a little annoyed.

Dean used his thumb to wipe away a tear and took a deep breath before he locked his eyes on Cas.

"Every time I ask you a question, you just nod"


Dean shrugged "It's adorable"

Cas turned his head to look out the window again, but it didn't take long before a waiter came over to take their orders. Cas looked down at the table, he hadn't even looked at the menu.

"We'll have two of the chefs special and a bottle of your finest wine, thank you" Dean said it so casual and Cas started wondering how many times he had done this, how many he had brought to this place, ordered the same food, said the exact same things and what was going to happen when they were done here.

     The food arrived their table really quick, almost too quick, as if Dean had called beforehand and told them that they were coming and told them what he was going to order. It was lobster. Cas had never tasted lobster before, but there's a first for everything he thought to himself as he lifted one of the claws. Dean chuckled a little and Cas placed the claw back down, wiping his hand at a napkin.

"Tell me about yourself" Dean said and looked up at Cas, face turned down towards the dead sea creature on his plate.

"There isn't really much to tell" Cas said and started playing with the salad around the lobster with his fork.

"Well, tell me what there is to tell"

Cas thought about it for a moment, what was there to tell? My name is Castiel Novak, I live in an apartment with my bestfriend Anna, I go to school, I like history, I want to become a journalist and my dream is to work at your company? Oh and did I mention that I have had a crush on you for, I don't know, forever. Cas' mouth shaped into a thin line before he opened and said "My name is Castiel Novak and this is the first time I'm having lobster".

Dean laughed again and put down his knife and fork. He picked up the bottle of wine and poured some into Cas' glass, then his own. He lifted his glass and held it towards Cas "to your first time eating lobster".

Cas looked at Dean confused, but lifted his glass and let it meet Dean's. The sound of the two glass hitting each other echoed in the room and Dean took a sip, smiling as he placed the glass back down. Cas copied his motion and then picked up his fork again, looking at Dean, trying to figure out how to eat this creature in front of him.

     After being quiet for a while, eating what he could, Cas decided to ask Dean as question. "Tell me about yourself", copying Dean's question to him.

Dean dropped his knife and fork and couched, eyes slowly moving up to meet Cas' stare. He didn't say anything, he just looked at Cas, before picking up his fork again saying "Let's eat, not talk."

"Why?" Cas asked

"Because I said so!" Dean snapped and Cas' mouth opened wide.

Dean placed his fork back down at the plate and used his hand to wipe around his mouth.

"I'm sorry" he said "I just, don't like talking about myself"

Cas frowned, Dean Winchester, doesn't like talking about himself. He looked like a guy who couldn't wait to get a question where he could talk about himself for hours at a time, which made Cas very confused and yet again asked "Why?"

Dean picked the napkin up from his lap and threw it on the plate before standing up, "I think it's time to take you home."

Cas felt is heart fall hard in his chest.

"I didn't mean to say anything wrong"

Dean sighed and placed himself back down at the chair "I know, Cas, I know. I just-" he stopped and looked around "we shouldn't have this conversation here" he whispered and Cas suddenly felt a lump in his stomach.

He knew there was something about Dean, something that made him dangerous, but if it was something that couldn't be spoken off in public, then he must be really dangerous. Cas was debating if he should just get up and leave now and never think of Dean again, but he was so curious about what it was Dean wouldn't tell him out in public, so he decided to play a little with his luck.

"Then let's talk about it at your place"


"Why not?"

Dean gave Cas a look that made Castiel feel like the bad guy here, but he was going to stand his ground, "Why can't we go to your place? Don't say because you don't have one, because I won't believe that for a second. So unless you live in a dungeon like Dracula, I say we go to your place."

Dean sighed and looked away from Cas for a moment before looking back at him, but his eyes were different, they were darker, a darker shade of green, as if something had possessed him in that second he looked away and Cas was very frightened about that.

"Fine, Cas, we can go to my place, but remember, no matter what happens, you wanted it"

Cas swallowed hard and he could feel his pulse when Dean stood up and started walking towards the exit, turning around in the door to see if Cas was coming or not. Cas threw his napkin on the plate and quickly got up and followed behind Dean all the way to his car. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

     Dean parked the car outside an apartment building, but he held his hands on the steering wheel, just looking out the front window for a long time, even though the car was still. Cas was tempted just to ask Dean to drive him home, this was making him feel more and more afraid, but his curiosity was too great to let this one slide so he got out of the car and started walking toward the entrance on the building. He heard the car door shut and then he hears Dean's footsteps behind him.

Inside the lobby there wasn't much more than a front desk and a few plants and two elevators. Dean smiled politely at the man behind the desk and then he walked over to the elevators, pushing the 'up' button. While they were waiting, none of the said a word, Dean was looking at the numbers changing at the little screen above the elevator doors and Cas was looking at everything in the lobby. It all looked so, exclusive.

One of the elevator doors opened and Dean gestured of Cas to walk inside before he got in himself and pushed the button saying '15'. The button turned yellow and the elevator doors closed. They were standing next to each other, side by side, and Cas swore you could cut the tension with a knife. He was facing front, but in the corner of his eye he could see Dean. His face was emotionless as he stared at the elevator door in front of them, as if it told a story. The numbers on the little screen changed, 2, 3, 4. Cas took a deep breath, as if he was going to say something and Dean turned his head slightly, but not a word came from Cas' mouth. 8, 9, 10. Cas moved his eyes all over the elevator, the floor, walls and roof. He tried avoid looking at Dean. 13, 14, 15. The elevator said 'ding' and the doors  opened. Dean let Cas walk out first and Cas started thinking that Dean was a true gentleman. Cas wasn't really sure which door lead to Dean's apartment so he let Dean pass him and just followed behind him. Dean stopped in front of a black door and the number said 317. He pulled up a key and unlocked the door.

     The first thing Cas saw when he walked in was a huge window, covering the whole wall and a white couch in front of it, with a white coffee table and a white rug. He heard the door close behind him and the sound of Dean's shoes against the parquet floor was southing. It echoed thought the whole apartment. Cas walked further in and saw that the living room and kitchen were one room, but it was too big. There were more door on the wall and this apartment seemed to go through them all. Cas turned towards Dean who was in the kitchen pouring some whiskey into a glass and taking a sip from it.

"How?" was all Cas managed to say and for the first time since they left the restaurant, Dean smiled.

"I bought the whole left side of this floor and made it all one big apartment. Wasn't allowed to remove the door though, but they don't have a number on them anymore. They're all 317."

Cas turned back around and walked further in, he saw a few doors, two on his right and one in front of him. Without turning to face Dean he asked "Can I?" which to Dean replied "knock yourself out".

Cas opened the first door on his right and it revealed a big bathroom. It was tiled with white tiles and there was one toilet, but two sinks next to each other and two mirrors and a shower that could easily fit two people. He closed the door and walked over to the next one, feeling Dean's eyes follow him as he did.

Inside of the second door was a bedroom, same size as both the living room and kitchen together. There was giant bed placed in the middle of the room and the whole west wall was a closet. On the east wall there was a picture of a sunset on a beach, the waves hitting the shore. This room was also completely white except for one red chair in the corner with the picture and a black lamp standing next to it.

The third door revealed yet another bedroom, this was smaller, but the bed was just as big, but there was only one closet and no picture. As the rest of the apartment, this room was also white and Cas found it odd that his whole apartment was white, but his office was nothing but black. Cas closed the door and turned around.

Dean was now sitting on the couch, still watching Cas as he walked over to sit down next to him.

"Any questions?" Dean asked and took a sip of his whiskey.

"Yes, actually, I have two"

"Just ask, I have the answers"

"First, how come your office is all black, but your apartment is nothing but white?"

Dean smiled, obviously relieved about the question. "You see, it's like this. Black makes me focus and at work, I need to focus, but white, it makes me relax and at home I need to relax"

Cas nodded in agreement and he could see smile, suddenly he had three questions, but he was only going to ask the original two. Why Dead liked when he nodded could wait for another time.

"And second, how come you have two bedrooms when you live by yourself?"

Dean took a sip from his glass and placed it down on the table in front of them, before placing his arm on the back of the couch and turned his body to face Cas.

"It's for when I have guests" Cas nodded, but then Dean continued "special guests."

Cas eyes grew big "W-what kind of special guests?"

"You know, the occasional one night stand and so on"

"And so on?"

"It's complicated"

Dean picked up his glass again and took another sip, arm still on the back of the couch. Cas looked at him. And so on. What did he mean by that? And why would he have a separate room for one night stands? Isn't it normal to fall asleep in the same bed after you-

Suddenly Cas had a million questions, not only three.

"Am I?"

Dean laughed a little and placed his glass back down.

"You don't have to be rude about it"

Dean let his eyes fall on Cas' and Cas could feel his heart stop beating, there was something in his eyes.

"I don't know. Are you?"

Cas suddenly felt very uncomfortable and although he wanted to stand up and run away, he couldn't. His feet wouldn't let him, so he sat put, trying his hardest to avoid having eye contact with Dean.

"You know" Dean started "When we were standing in that elevator, I had a hard time keeping myself from pushing you up against the wall and have a go at you"

Cas turned his head to look at Dean in shock and he saw Dean biting his bottom lip, looking at Cas' lips before moving his eyes back up at his. Green meeting blue.

Cas swallowed hard, unable to reply to what Dean just said. Have a go at you. Cas swallowed again, Dean still gazing into his eyes, as if he was trying to read his soul, then he suddenly looked away and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"But I have rules that need to be followed. I can't just make out with you in the elevator. That would be nothing but trouble for both of us."

Cas' mind had a hard time wrapping itself around all of this. Rules? What rules? There was something really weird about Dean Winchester and Cas had to figure out what.

"What rules?"

Dean didn't reply, he just sat there with his eyes closed and Cas could have sworn he heard a silent moan deep down in Dean's throat.

"You're the first man, Cas" Dean opened his eyes and looked at Cas again "You're the first man I have brought to this apartment" 

Cas couldn't take his eyes of Dean, he couldn't say something to reply, he just waited for Dean to continue. He had to know more, but he was unable to ask questions. He was paralyzed.

"It has always been girls, but there was something about you" Dean bit his lower lip again "when you walked into my office, all clumsy and nervous. I don't know, man, it just, you did something too me. I felt drawn to you and I just had to get to know you."

Cas was in shock. Dean Winchester, the most perfect man alive, was drawn to him. Castiel wasn't anything special, just a normal citizens, trying his best to get through the day without falling in front of a bus or something.

"I had to find out if you were right"


"You are. Or?"

"Right for what?"

Cas jumped at his own voice, finally able to speak properly and it scared him a little. As if he had forgotten how his voice sounded. Dean winked at him and stood up from the couch. He walked over to a white desk at the other side of the room and opened one for the drawers. He pulled out a stack of papers and walked back over to the couch and sat down, handing the papers to Cas.

"You take these, read them, properly. Do research on the internet, send me mail with questions if you must and when you have read it all and when you understand it, we can meet again and discuss this further" Dean said and placed his arm on the back of the couch again.

"Is there a manual on how to date you?"

Dean laughed "not date, I don't date, Cas. You just read this, then you will understand, but you have to be a hundred percent sure before you sign it. When you have read it we'll discuss it and adapt it to fit the way you want it. We're two in this and I want it to be as good for you as it's going to be for me"

Cas gazed at Dean with wide eyes, having a firm grip on the papers. There was something really weird about Dean Winchester and Cas was about to find out exactly what.

"But" Dean continued "You cannot tell anyone about this. This is between you and me, okay?"

Cas nodded as he swallowed hard.

"Good" Dean took a deep breath "God, I sure hope you are willing to do this"

Cas tiled his head and gave Dean a confused look.

"I want you so bad Cas!"

     Cas was sitting on his bead, looking at the stack of papers. The front read Contract and nothing more. He hadn't opened it to read it yet. Dean didn't want him to read it while being in his apartment and he hadn't dared to open it yet, even though he had been staring at it for at least an hour. He opened the drawer on his night stand and put the stack of papers down in it before closing it and lying down in bed. Unable to fall asleep right away, his mind filled with questions about Dean Winchester. 

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