Hidden Acres

By ElizeDee

529 58 5

Amongst the arid plains and snow peaked mountain tops lays a cowboy's refuge with a mysterious air. Clinton B... More

Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

111 17 2
By ElizeDee

             Light was filtering through her curtains as Rosalyn woke up. Peeking outside, she could see the sun had just risen and only a few ranch hands were bustling about for the early morning feedings. Pulling on her clothes and duster, she shoved her feet into her work boots and headed out the door.

            "Hey, Rosalyn! You ready to start training?" Mara stood off to her left as if she had been waiting for her. Riding boots covered fawn colored breeches and a dark brown, riding blazer exposed a ruffled, white shirt. She stood holding a velvet riding helmet under her arm and a smirk on her face. Her green eyes sparkled and her short, dark hair was teased by the slight breeze.

               "Uh, yes. Though I feel a bit underdressed." She looked down at her own ensemble of her jean top and bottoms underneath her brown duster. Her scuffed up, brown work boots were heavenly to wear and provided the support she needed whether she was working on the ground or on the back of a horse.

              Mara's tinkling laughter was her only response before she came and looped her arms through Rosalyn's. "Come on, I think we are going to be great friends."

          Rosalyn let herself be dragged to the riding pens where some of the geldings were already milling about after their feedings. She listened to Mara in detail about each horse and was impressed at her memory skills. Mara had taken over training of the geldings in addition to the studs she prepped for breeding and showing. The stallions were well known for their even temperaments and heeded easily during mating season. Mara had a way with connecting to the horses; placing herself at a mental and respectful level with each of them. Rosalyn understood that and felt more at home than she had in a long time.
             "Wow, Mara. I can see why you are so good at what you do with these horses. Thank you so much for showing me." Rosalyn stroked her hand lightly over the gelding's  glistening, black neck beneath her as they rode side by side. Mara was enjoying the spirited young stallion who tossed his head and attempted to side step underneath her. Neither woman carried a whip nor needed the prodding boot spurs to communicate with their horses.
                  "Your welcome. I am happy you found us and will continue with our way of training. We aren't the type to beat our horses into submission or break their spirits. Precious gifts surround us everyday and too many take them for granted." Mara clucked gently to the stallion and encouraged a change of pace as they loped across the rolling, green hills. Rosalyn couldn't agree more and encouraged her own horse to follow.
             Cresting another hill, Rosalyn stopped her horse short as she took in the valley below. There was a large herd of horses frolicking and grazing, their black coats shining in the afternoon sun.

           "That is Mr. Bellingraves personal herd. We check in from time to time, but they are free range and are only brought in when sick or for breeding," Mara spoke as she brought her horse over to Rosalyn's.

           "It's truly amazing what he does for his horses. Are we allowed to get closer?" Rosalyn kept her gaze on the herd as she waited for Mara's response.

           "Come, follow me." Mara urged her stallion down the winding slope as Rosalyn followed, excited to see more of the Nivernais horses.

          A few whinnies were the only disturbance as they stopped at the edge of the herd. Some of the closer horses looked over at them before turning their noses back to the ground. To think the breed had once been on the brink of extinction; seeing all the dark beauties in front of her now gave one so much hope.

             Leaving the wild herd, they made their way back to the barns and started grooming the horses.

            "So how long have you worked for Mr. Bellingraves?" Rosalyn was curious about Mara and what had brought her to the secluded ranch.

              "A few years now. I did a lot of training over in France before I heard what Clint was doing here in the States. Timing was everything and I was lucky there was a spot open when I inquired." Mara looked over at Rosalyn and smiled before focusing back on the stallion.

            "I thought you sounded French. I've never been outside the country so I can't imagine moving to another country. Do you get to see your family often?" Rosalyn finished brushing her horse and moved on checking his hooves for rocks or injuries from their ride.

          "No, my parents passed away and I am an only child. No other relatives but my home is here now." Mara stated matter-of-factly as she unclipped the stallion from the cross ties and moved him to one of the stalls.

           "I'm sorry to hear that. My family is all gone too." Rosalyn empathized with Mara and knew what it felt like to be alone in the world. It seemed Mara had found a new family here at Hidden Acres and she hoped to find the same. She had never met her parents but her grandparents had raised her and given her a good life until they passed away two years ago in a car crash.

         "I know, I helped Lawlor with your background check. You will find most of the people here to have similar stories who say Hidden Acres is their family now. Clint truly provides a most inspirational place here." Mara stroked the gelding as Rosalyn walked him out and towards the other barn. Rosalyn was at first taken aback but understood it made sense for some of the employees she would be working with to have some say.

         "That's really nice to hear and I was hoping for the same." Rosalyn smiled as she led the gelding into his stall before closing the door and facing Mara.

              "So-" Rosalyn was cut off as a young man ran into the barn, frantically searching for someone before his eyes found Mara.

             "Mara, come quick. Blue is giving hell and no one can get near him. I'm afraid someone's going to get hurt." Mara was already out the door and following the young man as Rosalyn followed behind.

            Commotion could be heard around the backside of a barn before a rearing, black horse came into view. He was in a corral and bucking his way around, a lead dangling from his halter.

              "Damn, Blue what crawled up your derriere." Mara snorted as she walked right up to the corral with Rosalyn stopping just outside. Stepping into the corral, Rosalyn watched as Mara squared her shoulders and faced perpendicular to Blue who was looking at her while pawing the ground. Small, soothing sounds were too low for Rosalyn to hear but Blue appeared to be paying attention as his ears flickered and he snorted in response. Mara turned but kept her voice and eyes low as she approached him.

              She watched as Mara walked up to Blue, his snuffling of her head and hands had her own shoulders slumping in relief as the others drifted off back to their duties. It seemed Mara was the local horse whisperer, Rosalyn mused as she watched her lead the young horse away.

         "Amazing isn't she?" A voice stated behind her.

            Rosalyn turned around and faced a young man, taking in his boyish features and work clothes. His eyes returned back to her after Mara disappeared around the corner, a half smile lighting up his face.

           "Mara? Yes, she certainly is. I'm Rosalyn by the way, a new trainer." He smiled and shook her offered hand. He had that puppy dog look still present in his eyes and Rosalyn could only smile in response. She could see anyone having a crush on the mysterious and amazing Mara like this young man.

            "Everyone calls me Ty, short for Tyler. I-" Someone called out to Ty, cutting him off as he spun to see who needed him. Another ranch hand called out from beside one of the barns, a stern expression on the older gentleman's face.

              "Oops, gotta go. Stan doesn't like when I take too long to get back to my chores. See ya around, Rosy." Rosalyn waved him off, shaking her head at his shortened use of her name. It reminded her of her grandmother who had taken to calling her Rosy since she was a little girl.

             With everyone scattering to do their duties, Rosalyn felt a little lost as she wandered around the barns and watched all the bustling activity. She was used to routine but hadn't found hers yet with Hidden Acres, knowing it would take time. Still wanting to feel useful, she found a barn full of stalls that needed cleaning and set to work, pulling along the wheel barrow and pitch fork.

             By the tenth stall she was feeling the need for a break and set her pitch fork against the stall door. Dragging her sleeve across the sweat on her forehead, Rosalyn stopped suddenly as voices at the other end echoed down the empty barn.

               "Law, really you need to calm down old man. I highly doubt she is snooping around looking for Clint." Rosalyn recognized Mara's voice as she spoke to Lawlor, wandering who they were talking about.

              "She's already snooped him out once, missy. She's only been here a day-"

              "Lawlor, stop. I know you are protective of Clint but he will let you know if there is cause for concern. Just leave her be." Rosalyn stopped herself from stepping forward as she realized they were talking about her. Had to be, she was the only one that had been here a day.

              Lawlor grumbled and left Mara in the barn, not bothering to respond as Rosalyn waited with her breath held.

                   "You can come out now, Rosalyn. Big, bad Lawlor is gone." Mara's teasing voice trailed down toward Rosalyn who stepped out sheepishly.

            "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just taking a break from mucking out the stalls." Rosalyn knew she wasn't here to sniff around the owner of Hidden Acres but apparently Lawlor didn't think so. He had seemed so nice but than she remembered his quick departure at dinner last night and wondered if he had misunderstood her interaction with Clint.

             "Oh, ignore Lawlor. He's going a little daft in the head as he gets older. Come on, let the stable boys finish the stalls." Mara looped her arm through Rosalyn's before dragging her out of the barn.

             "You might as well start with the those show ponies and get a nice little routine going for yourself. Don't want Lawlor thinking you're not fit for your roll." Mara gave her a smirk before guiding her towards a different barn. Leaving her alone, Mara gave her another reassuring smile before disappearing.

            Rosalyn found herself quickly lost in the day; learning and teaching the horses now in her charge and delighted by the feeling of belonging she was starting to feel. Despite the weird vibes she had first felt upon arriving, she knew better than assuming and could feel it in her bones how good this place would be for her.

            Exhausted and feeling filthy from the day's dusty work, she was happy to sink into a hot bath and soak her sore muscles before making her way to the mess hall for dinner. She saw Ty and gave a small wave which he returned with an exuberant one of his own before digging into his meal.

             Mara was nowhere to be seen but Lawlor stood off to the side, a look of speculation on his face as Rosalyn studied him. The look disappeared as he spotted her staring at him and he gave her a weak smile making her wonder if he knew she had overheard what he had said earlier.

             She really was not here to "snoop" around the owner of the ranch, especially since said owner had found her and not the other way around. And, it wasn't up to her to put Lawlor in his place. She would just to have to show him that she was here for the horses and not as some star struck groupie hoping for a chance with Mr. Bellingraves.

             Again, she found herself solo as she watched Lawlor leave the mess hall before she took a seat at an empty table. Looking around at the other workers, she found a few welcoming smiles thrown her way while others regarded her indifferently. There was a sense of calm to this place that had her enjoying her dinner and not minding the solitude of eating alone. It gave her a chance to people watch and revel in the change she had made to her life.

            Leaving behind her old life had been easy, especially with her grandparents gone she had had no one. Spoiled kids and snobby parents had tired her out while failed relationships had made her wary of love. Love, the only true love of hers was the magnificent creatures she now had the pleasure to work with.

              Shaking her head, she finished her dinner and made her way outside into the coolness of the spring evening. The stars shone brightly in the Wyoming night sky and took her breath away. Compared to back home on the east coast, the city lights had dulled the beauty of the stars at night and she counted herself lucky again to have found this place.

             Walking back to her cabin, she looked up at the darkened house beonging to Clint Bellingrave's and wondered at the mysterious owner. He had seemed nice enough when he had shown her around the barns and she had found him attractive, who wouldn't really.

              What puzzled her the most was how secretive and withdrawn he was stated to be and the reason behind it. Success and fame certainly were motivators, her own interaction with well known clientele in the horse world had shown her that already. But, as a man who was rich and could have anything he wanted, he still hid in the hills of his ranch and rarely ventured out.
            Shrugging at her thoughts, she continued to her own cabin and found solace in the peace that followed as she readied for bed. Whatever his reasons, she was glad to have found such a place and would be sure to thank him next time she saw him. Lawlor's words came back to her though and she wondered if she would even get the chance to do that if it was true many who had worked there for years had yet to meet the elusive owner. Closing her eyes, she fell into a dreamless sleep as exhaustion took over and her thoughts quieted.

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