Forgotten Friendship | Genji...

By Blackwatch_Reyes

130K 2.8K 1K

{Highest ranking: #1 in Genji!} You were friends with Genji and Hanzo in their youth. Tragic events split you... More

Childhood friends
The accident
Swiss Base
New life
Catching up
Late Night
First Mission
Workout Room Talk
Battlefield Talk
New teammate
Morning after
Weapon Upgrade
Sudden Surprise
Journey's End
Bonus After Ever After

Ten years later - Post Omnic Crisis

6.3K 138 97
By Blackwatch_Reyes

The omnic crisis hit you and your family hard. Not only did you lose your mother and your home to the damned things, you also managed to lose the one person you found yourself running to in times of need;


You don't know where he is, if he's even alive. You haven't seen him in a few years when these things really started to pick up pace at killing innocents. You wish your mother didn't go out that day, you wish you had stopped her.

You were homeless now, though the streets were safer to be on in the sense of killer robots. However when it came to actual crime it was at its all time highest. With everyone scared of the robots, people decided now was a good time to make people scared of each other.

You had tried to go to the Shimada's, knowing Hanzo was still here. However with the new security guards no one knew who you were and wouldn't even pass a message to Hanzo for you. You were at a loss and you didn't know how much longer you would live on these streets. You needed a solution, and fast.

That's when they showed up. You would call them angels only they wore all black and had a gun to your head. So they were more like demons with an offer. "I'd hate to see a pretty face like yours die out here. And a Y/L/N decedent? We could find a lot of use with you."

Unsure of their intentions, you kept quiet as they shared looks. "Do you think she's a real Y/L/N."

"Yeah, there was word of that sleaze bag having a daughter before he died." The mention of your father hurt your heart, but you remained silent still. "If she possesses even a fraction of his strength, Antonio will be pleased." 

"And if she doesn't?"

The man shrugs his shoulders, his eyes turning towards me, "If she prove to be of use, even without the strength of a L/Y/N, we keep her. If not, we kill her and end that blood line." 

You finally spoke, your voice a bit raspy. "Do not speak of my father like that."

The two men smirked at each other behind hooded eyes. "We got a little deal for ya." The gun forced your head up. "You come with us, work for us, do what we need you to do, and we'll feed ya. If you decline we shoot you now and put you out of your misery."

Your eyes close, your choice basically being made for you. 'Forgive me, father.' You open your eyes to meet theirs, "I'll join you."

"Of course you will." The gun was pulled from your face before you get lifted off the ground. "Welcome to Talon."


"What do you think, boss?"

Antonio looked upon you training with one of his men. You had gotten the best of three of them now and this was the forth. You froze one, burned the second and electrocuted the third. You were out of ideas besides an old fashioned beat down, which wasn't your strength. Your powers are confusing and never last long. Just long enough to cause an impact. In a blink of an eye they're gone.

"She has... potential." Antonio stroked his beard. "A Y/L/N descendant. In Talon. She would make a perfect wife for me. Our offspring would be unstoppable."

"Shall I arrange for a wedding?"

Antonio held up a hand, "Not yet. I do not wish to put her out of commission just yet." He took a long drink of his scotch. "I have other plans for her first."

"And if she doesn't survive?"

Antonio shrugged, "There will be other woman for me to impregnate. She is just ideal. If she dies, she dies." 

He watched you again, just in time to watch you disarm his brute when he had you on your stomach with a gun to your head. You managed to get your foot to swing up and knock him in the head, sending him unconsious to the ground. 

You picked up the gun and checked it, seeing it was loaded. You point the gun up at the one way glass, you knew someone was watching, and you shot at it. The bullet hit the glass, but didn't pierce it. It fell to the ground as if it hit rubber and bounced back.


"She's perfect." He smirked, holding his glass of scotch. "Strong, powerful abilities, a pair of balls bigger than any of the men that fight for me. She will go far here."



"Yes, you will be on your way to Switzerland tomorrow and you will be sneaking into their base." You were being briefed on your first mission and it was a death wish. Infiltrating Overwatch Headquarters? Unarmed? Alone? No doubt you were being set up but you weren't about to talk back.

 "upon arrival you are to blend in with the locals until dusk where you will enter the base. You will most likely have to hack into the base, try to not set off any alarms. You have three days to do this. If you do not return, we will assume you are dead. If we catch you after we will kill you on sight. If you take too long to return, we will kill you upon your return."

"So in three of these scenarios I die." This is the first time you gave attitude to your superior. "Is there one where I don't?"

"Yes. You successfully return with the files we require you to get and your reward for your success is becoming Antino's wife."

'What?! I don't want to marry that piece of-' "Do I make myself clear, Y/N."

You grit your teeth, snatching the briefing paper out of her hand, "Crystal." You were going to die, but you might as well try your hardest. Maybe Overwatch will make your death quick, Talon seem like the type to torment you through it.

"You leave effectively immediately."

You read over the briefing as you walked. You weren't looking forward to this mission, but if you were going to fail;

You were going to make it a fail Talon remembers.

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