Why is it You? [BTS Jungkook...

By winter_snow26

452K 13.7K 4.2K

After Rian's mother died, she and her dad moved to Korea to start a new life. Attending Oaks Arts High, Rian... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Part of chapter 32
Summary of the Ending

Chapter 3

20.4K 553 43
By winter_snow26

Chapter 3

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed"

~ Carl Jung

Jinyoo POV

I walk to Teacher Yahn's classroom slowly, thinking carefully of what just happened. That girl, Rian, is strange. First she seems nice and quiet, and the next thing I know, she becomes a big jerk. Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.

Before I open the door to Teacher Yahn's room, I take a deep breath and do a small prayer. I finally barge in the room and notice everyone staring at me, like usual.

"Hi... Sorry I'm late" I casually walk to my seat and poke my pinkie into my ear. I close my eyes and sit back comfortably.

"Jin Yoo Jin!" Teacher Yahn marches to me angrily. I open my eyes, ready to hear her annoying yelling.

"No need to get mad, teach'. I have a good reason" I lift my feet up on my desk.

"Like all of the other reasons when you were tardy for class? This is not acceptable!" She yells.

"Now, now. I have a very good reason. I'm sure even you will understand"

"Ah what is it?" Teacher Yahn massages her forehead while shaking her head.

"I met a new student. She's from the states. Since I know English pretty well, I got a chance to talk with her"

"New student?" Teacher Yahn mutters. The whole class starts talking to themselves, with confusion in their voices. "Don't lie, Jinyoo" Teacher Yahn shakes her head, causing her messy bun to bounce back and forth.

"I'm not. Ask Principal Choi if you don't believe me" I scratch my messy black hair and yawn loudly. Class didn't even start yet, and I'm already getting bored.

The whole class starts talking to themselves again. I frown at the annoying loud talking.

"Jinyoo! Is she nice? Is she pretty? Is she talented?" People asks out of nowhere, making me feel frustrated.

"Well she's not really nice... or pretty. I don't know if she's talented" I answer quickly. Everyone starts talking more to themselves even more, causing me to sigh. Maybe I shouldn't have brought the topic up.

"Okay, okay, calm down class!" Teacher Yahn yells, and the class immediately becomes quiet. She faces me and her angry face returns. "Jinyoo, if you keep being tardy, I will have to take you to Principal Choi. Understand?"

"Yeah" I mutter. What's the point anyway? I see him almost everyday.

"Good. Now where was I? Oh yes, I was talking about pitches..." Teacher's Yahn's loud voice echoes across the room.

I lay my head back and close my eyes, ignoring everything.

Jungkook POV

I pop the earphones into my ear and stare at the white ceiling. My arms and legs are spreaded out comfortably on the bed. Like Rap Monster suggested, I listen to "Rain" and other soothing music that makes my muscles and brain relax. But even that can't help- I still can't stop thinking about quitting BTS, just to attend school.

I sigh when a hear a knock on the door. I want some alone time, but I obviously won't get any since there are 6 other boys living in the same dorm as me.

"Come in" I groan and sit up. Jin, the oldest among all of us, enters the room with a bag. I take off my earphones as he pops down on the chair beside me.

"Hey Jungkook. Sorry to bother you, but your uniform just came" Jin puts the bag on the bed next to me. I sigh and open the bag as Jin leaves the room and closes the door. I jump out of the bed and walk to the mirror. I place the uniform in front of me to get a visual of how I look like, and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

"I never thought I'd see you again" I mutter and jumped back to the bed, with an even grumpier mood.

Rian POV

After saying an awkward goodbye to my dad, I enter my new dorm and drop my suitcases on the floor. The room is fairly big, with posters of singers pinned up on the wall everywhere. Sighing, I jump into a random bed and stretch my arms.

I just can't believe it- no more dad bossing me around, and I have total freedom. Even though I don't want to go to school, at least my dad enrolled me into a decent private school. I get to listen to music everyday- so that's a huge bonus.

After about fifteen minutes of peace and quiet, the door suddenly flies open, causing me to sit up in curiosity. Principal Choi said that my new roommate is going to meet me here, but she is earlier than I expected. I stand up when a girl walk towards my direction. I immediately feel surprised.

Her hair is long (probably extensions), and are curled at the bottom. Her face is covered with thick makeup. She obviously added some jewels in her uniform, and I'm not even sure if that's allowed. The way she checks me from head to toe with a disgusted face makes me feel annoyed, yet amused.

"Are you supposed to be Rian?" She bashes her long eyelashes.

"Um... yeah. Are you supposed to be my roommate?" I ask innocently.

She unleashes her purse from her shoulder, and takes out a mini mirror. While staring at her reflection and fixing her hair, she answers, "Yes. I'm Jenny, you're roommate and translator". She doesn't even give me eye contact!

Where do these girls come from? I thought they are fairytale characters, just like the evil stepsisters in Cinderella. But now that I see one right in front of me, I have be aware for now on. If the whole school is like her, I'll just have to take a bus and get the heck out of here.

I stand still, awkwardly watching her fix her hair. She looks at me at the corner of her eyes and sighs. Rolling her eyes, she drops her mirror back into her purse and looks at me. "So... what are you talented at?" She gives me a curious face, as if she actually did want to know.

I give her a confused look for a moment, and finally get my senses together. It's a music school, so everyone enrolled has to be talented in something. "Um... Singing I guess" I shrug and scratch my head.

She stares at me with an amused face and says, "Hah, and I thought you were something... did you actually have singing lessons before?" I want to say 'yes' with confidence, but I can't. I did have singing lessons before, but that was when I was 10.

"Yeah..." I quickly answer and turn my direction towards my fidgeting fingers. Jenny smirks and starts texting on her phone. I sigh and sit down on my bed. Opening my suitcase, I take out my headphones and plug it into my phone. I close my eyes, and after a while I open them, only to see Jenny lifting one of my shirts with a disgusted face.

"Hey!" I snatch it away from her and hug it tightly. What is she doing with my clothes? I feel stupid for leaving my suitcase open like that.

"You know, no one wears this stuff unless if it's winter. For your information, we're far from that" she smirks again and walks away.

I sigh and take deep breaths to calm me down. I really, really don't like her. But, as much as I hate to admit it, I need her. She is my translator, my only way to get around this school. I have to be patient.

I bite my lip and throw my shirt back into the suitcase, securing it with a lock. When Jenny isn't looking, I give her a mean face and jump back down to my bed. 

It is surely going to be a long year.


The picture on top is Jenny. I know she's supposed to be bratty in this story, but she is actually a really great singer in reality! I just had to pick her~

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