Torn Between The Gaight: [Lir...

By ZarryIsBae

998 51 17

This can't be. I spent my entire life enjoying girls, and obsessing over them with my best friend Harry. We'v... More

Torn Between The Gaight: [Lirry]
Two: Liam
Three: [H]
Four: [L]
New Fanfic
Five: [H]
[L]: The Plan p1/3
[H]: The Plan p2/3
[L]: The Plan p3/3
Officially Off Hold
Six: [H]
[L]: Journal

One: Harry

149 7 1
By ZarryIsBae

Just a quick thing: I'm sorry if this is bad because it isn't... accurate. I don't really know how guys' bodies work.. ⊙︿⊙

I haven't seen Liam in forever. Last week he swung by but that was just until Jenna called him. Jenna really is a bitch. She breaks Liam's heart every so often then leaves me to pick up the pieces until she decides to come crawling back to him. I remember the time before the last time he came over. Right after the bitch broke his heart for the millionth time. He cried in my arms and we had a jam session with the lads in our band. Then we played some Call Of Duty on Xbox. We talked a little and Liam told me he loved me. Now, Payno and I have been friends for some 12 odd years. I've always had you know a bit of a man-crush bromance thing with him. He's my best mate. Well when he said that I felt it, like it got to me in a way it shouldn't have. Like I've been waiting my entire life to hear him say that. It made me feel weird, weird but satisfied, in a way that made me realize a lot. I think there's something weird between Liam and I, but weird good I guess.

Now we're all sitting at Zayn's house playing Black Ops. Zayn called me up and said that Liam was coming over and wanted me to join. "So tell me why Zayn had to invite me here Liam? " Liam smiles, "Jenna says we can't hang out. " I pause the game, "Wait what? What do you mean? You're my best mate. She can't regulate your life like that Liam. " He nods in agreement, "Yeah she can try but there are always loopholes. Come on Harry you're my best mate too I'm not just going to stop hanging with you. Get this, she called you my 'boyfriend.' Isn't that funny? " My stomach flutters a little when he says that. "I always knew it. " We both look at Zayn and he laughs. Liam rolls his eyes, "Really Zayn? Really? " He shrugs and we go back to the game. We both work together to take out Zayn and his team then we go after each other's teams. Zayn goes to the kitchen to make some nachos. It's just Liam and I left in the game and we're really intense. We built a cardboard wall on the split screen so we can't look to see where the other is. I look at him sitting next to me, "You ready Lord Payno? " He looks at me and spins his snapback to the back, "I was born ready Styles. Ready for victory. " I laugh, "Well sorry to say you won't get it. " He winks at me and we go back to the game. After looking around for a few minutes I finally find him, standing in a building across the street from me. I take aim and then my screen goes red. He stot me first. He stands up at the edge if the couch, "Victory! Suck it Styles. " He laughs. I stand up and throw my beanie at his face, "You dickhead! " I run at him and tackle him onto the couch. He laughs and tries to grab me. I take his hat and toss it, "I would've won. " We tumble onto the floor and he falls on top of me, "Well you didn't. " He ruffles my hair and a smile spreads across my face. I feel something hard poke me in the stomach, "Ow, Payno what's in your pocket? " He looks away and gets off of me. "What are you two doing? Did I interrupt something in here? " We look up and see Zayn eating his nachos. Liam shakes his head and plops down on the couch. I sit up rubbing my stomach where Liam jabbed me. It really hurts. I sit on the couch next to Liam, Zayn is on his other side. Liam pulls the couch pillow out from behind him and puts it on his lap. He sits back and puts his legs out. I lean over onto him and he puts his arm around me, our typical bromance behavior. I reach up and touch his scruffy beard. I've wanted to grow a beard but I can't. My face is too smooth. I like Liam's though it looks good on him, and it has a nice feel to it. It calms me when I feel Liam's beard. Zayn puts in a movie and turns off the light. I take Liam's hat off his head and he takes off mine. I put the snapback on to the side and lean into Liam.

We're watching Annabel and it's pretty scary, I think. I haven't paid much attention. I keep looking up at Liam and his scruff. I don't know what it is about his face but he looks really good today. The last time I saw Liam for more that a half hour was almost a month ago, I've missed him a lot. I stroke his face from his smooth cheek to his rough chin. He jumps a little from something in the movie then looks down at me. I quickly look at the tv and my stomach flutters wondering if he saw. I watch the movie confused about what's going on. But none of the less there's a creepy doll doing scary things. It's like the girl version of chucky. Liam jumps again and so do I. Liam's hat flips over onto my lap. Liam picks it up off my lap and places it on my head backwards. Just a quick act of kindness but it makes me feel special. My phone vibrates and I glance down at it. It's a text from my ex Trish. I open it up and it's a picture of her breasts with a caption that says: Now!! I sit up and stare at the picture wide eyed. I can feel a boner rising in my jeans so I jump up, "Hey, lads I will be back soon. " They wave and I step out the door. When I get in my car Trish is right in the passenger side topless. ***She kisses me and puts my hands on her chest. I squeeze the smooth things in my hands and now I have a full on rager. She grabs my pants at the waist and I pull back, "Whoa wait. What are you doing? We can't do it here. " She smiles, "We aren't. I can't anyway but I want to give you a gift. " She undoes my button and unzips my pants. She pulls them down and my boxer briefs. She wraps her hand around the base of it then leans forward and slowly pushes it down her throat. I moan. She does her thing, whatever it is and the pleasure pulses through me. "More tongue. " I feel her tongue graze up it and a loud noise escapes and my eyes roll to the back of my head, "Oh God. Yes perfect. Maybe faster. " She goes a little faster and I lean back my seat. This is the best blow job she's ever given me. I can feel the smooth walls of what might be her cheeks or her throat but it pulls the feeling out of me. My breathing gets uneven and I start panting and moaning. I grab the sides of my seat. She reaches up my shirt and pinches one of my nipples (don't know which one but I don't care.) I let out a weird moaning whimpering sound and I feel the cum shoot into Trish's mouth. My boner disappears.*** She turns and spits it out the window. I try to catch my breath and I feel my heartbeat calm back down. I get out the car and go in the house. I sit back with Liam and my eyes are so heavy they pull themselves down.

When I open my eyes I look up at Liam. He smiles, "Morning sleeping beauty. " I smile and raise my middle finger up at him. He pushes me up and I wipe sleep out of my eyes. Zayn rolls his eyes, "Did Trish do you good? " I look at him, "What? Trish and I have been over for two months. " Zayn laughs, "Cut the shit Harry. We all know that you and Trish still fool around. But where'd you do it? " Liam elbows me playfully, "You did it in your car didn't you? " I shake my head and push my hair out of my face. "We didn't have sex but she gave me a blow job. " Liam gives me a high five and Zayn gives me a fist bump. Liam smiles, "Appreciate it. Jenna doesn't give me bj's. " I frown and Zayn nods, "Christy does it every once in a while. " I shrug and a smile crawls up my face as I think about it. "We are not together though. Dating for us doesn't work. " Zayn laughs. I look up at Liam, Liams smiles too, but slyly, "Teach me how to play the drums. " I raise an eyebrow at him. That was random, "Ok... why? It's not that hard after you get the hang of it. " He shrugs, "Well then I'll also teach you how to play piano. Yeah that's really long and time consuming. " I laugh, "Like I'd want a guy who's mediocre to teach me piano. " He winks at me again and I gently run my fingers through my hair (bad habit), "Where's all this coming from? " He winces a little, "I need to tell Jenna we're doing something important. She's really into my music career so I can use that. " Unbelievable, "So you need to lie to Jenna so we can hang out? That's sad. " Liam rolls his eyes, "Ok I'll actually teach you piano and you'll actually teach me how to play drums. " I shrug, "Sure. I guess that's not a bad idea. At least we can hang. " More time with Liam is always better. He gives me a high five, "Yes. That's what I'm talking about Styles. " I laugh and sit back. Liam looks at his watch, "Well, I need to get back before Jenna gets home from work. Harry I will text you. " I wave, "Bye Liam. Tell your girlfriend your boyfriend thinks she is a bitch. " Liam rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Trust me she knows. " He opens the door and Zayn says bye.

Christy shows up after a few hours to hang out, "Oh. Hi Harry. What's up. " Christy isn't English like the rest of us, or Irish like Niall. She is American. American girls are really hot. They're out going, they say what's on their mind, they talk loud, and a lot, they're just out there, and you have to like that. Both Trish and Jenna are American. She sits on the couch between Zayn and I and pulls a cover over her and Zayn. I look over at Zayn for a second and he winks at me. I chuckle and sit back. I wonder how long it will be until Liam texts me. I look at my phone, nothing. I sigh and look up at whatever movie this is. After the movie, and checking my phone 5 million times I go home. When I get there I lie down on my bed and close my eyes.

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