Second Chance..

Oleh RenikArkanum421

93.7K 1.3K 256

Oct. 10 the night the Kyuubi was unleashed on Konoha, Minato Namikaze is about too perform the Fuin Shiki on... Lebih Banyak

A Timeline Squared Away
Seeing is Believing
Once Upon this Moment
What a Drag
Feeling Mutual
Ghost of the Past
Well.... Here We Go Again.
Tears of Amegakure
A Moment in Time
A Timeline In Trouble
The Haunting (Halloween chapter)
A Day To Remember
In Kith an Kin
Paved with Good Intentions
Oto and the Nine-Tails
The Quite Place
Ghosts of the Winter Moon (Christmas Chapter)
Jinchuuriki vs Hanyou
An Unexpected Defeat
Final Valley
The Next Chapter
Trip to the Mist
My Curse
To Savior Sorrow
Meeting the Summons [short chapt]

A Hope In Hell

1.1K 20 2
Oleh RenikArkanum421

Naruto stood in his backyard in the early morning, taking in the sounds of the birds and the gentle breeze kissing his skin, it had been a week since the incident and and it was discovered that Menma and Oto went underground, so for now he would wait, then attack went the moment called for it.

But for now he was enjoying the quite time, unknown to him thought, his wives, mothers, father and baby sisters and daughter were there with him coming to surprise him, Kushina gathered the three little girls whispering into their ears, devilish little smiles appeared on there faces making the grown ups snickering.

With plan set in motion, the stealthy little children made their way too him, and pounced, falling face first into the grass, with a yelp and thud. The others began laughing at this till he shook of the girls, he slowly got and his aura began glowing as he stood up and then spoke.

"A sneak attack...huh?".

Everyone became afraid for a moment with sweat dropping down there heads, they turned to them with his own devilish grin, making them sweat more when four more copies appeared next to him, making there fingers wiggles like worms he cackled in his throat.

"N-Naru-chan..." Kushina said but never finished.

"Time to take your punishments, operation tickle monster is now..go,".

He charged after his targets, the little girls and his mothers. Who yelped and began running away.

He caught the little girls easy and began to tickle them silly, laughter was heard as not only the babies were laughing but everyone else was dying from this. Anko was cracking up Mei was turning red and Shizune was holding her sides.

While two other Naruto's chased after his mother's, Kushina ran back to her house...key word tried. She was caught by the front door and was at his mercy.
"Naru hahaha, stop i hahaha can't breath".

The final one caught Tsunade in the back making two more clones and tickling her feet, she never stood a chance, "haha, hey st-stop it, i didnt hahah do anything," she said through laughter.

Once done all five were breathing heavy catching their breaths, while Naruto had a smug look of victory giving the peace sign, "i am the tickle master," he proclaimed proudly.

After their exciting morning, they had gotten ready and headed to a council meeting were it was deiced the next move would be made, then a thought came to him in another six months his children would be born so he had a whole other worry to think about but one battle at a time.

They made it too the council room where he got his wives situated in comfy chairs with the three little girls then took his spot as Minato got the meeting started.

"Alright this meeting is called to order, it has been a week since the attack and the enemy has moved underground, we now have to refortifying the village at large and thanks to Naruto for the new plans he gave us we can not only add more defenses, we can add better ones, that way should Menma come near the village again we will able to help defend the village," He said getting nods from both sides.

"Now on too other matters it is now the second week of February and the upcoming Couples Retreat is in three days time and now comes the time for who becomes the babysitter," he said.

No one spoke up for some reason so Naruto did, "i'l do it, since the girls will be here resting up during the pregnancy i'l help out with the kids," he said.

They all looked at him then nodded, "it's decided, Naruto will be the babysitter for the week," they all cheered and the meeting was adjourned.


The time came and the clan couples along with a couple civilian couple were heading out, along with Jiraya and Tsunade who had become a couple a few months back, were dropping there children off at Naruto's compound.

The Uchiha twins, Kiba and Hana, Tenten, Hinata and Neji, Ino, Shino, Choji, Shikamaru, Lee, Sakura, Karin, Tayuya, Kin, Itachi, Yakumo and couple other civilian kids were all there, in the backyard on a big blanket, after the parents said goodbye and left.

His wives sitting in chairs watching, he got started, "all right guys, now then what would you like to do?" he asked.

They all began shouting out things except for Shikamaru while Hana and Itachi were his helpers. He got them calmed down and spoke, "how about this some competition games, like tag and such that way you get your exercise in and we can become better friends," he said and they all nodded with stars in there eyes, while Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Hinata, Hana, Yakumo and Suki were fangirling over him as they just adored him, making him sweat drop at their antics.

Meanwhile the pregnant ladies were watching this with total amusement, "huh quite the little fanbase he has going here!" Anko said eating some dango.

"Your right, who would have thought he was so good with kids, but at least our babies will have a good father," Mei said rubbing her swollen belly feeling her baby kick.

Shizune just sat there looking on, a smile as she watched the kids play there games, laugh and have fun even little Hinata who was very shy and reserved came out to have fun. She smiled at them she could not wait for this when there was a knock at the door she went to get it, opening it up she saw three men in black her eyes widend then all went black.

Naruto felt something off, Shizune's chakra signature was missing summoning about 20 clones he went and tracked her down, he caught her scent and it was leaving the Leaf in a hurry, growling he using pure speed gave chase and he caught up too them, they were of Danzo's ROOT.

Three two holding his wife another in back, not wasting time he got infront of them stopping them, "where are you going with my wife?" he stated coldly.

The four stopped, Shizune who was crying, heard her husband's voice and felt relife, "we are taking her to Lord Menma," one said charging after him. But Naruto was in no mood and caught the attack the grabbed his throat breaking his neck. His eyes flashed dangerously at the other two and they were disposed of by clones, as he ran to Shizune catching her as she cried into his arms, taking the sack off her head, she looked at him with terrified bloodshot eyes, tears staining her cheeks, he kissed her tenderly as he picked her up.

"Listen well, tell your chicken shit boss to face me himself, unless he is nothing but a little bitch, like i always knew he was, he can find me at the valley of the end in one month," he said before vanishing.

The couple made it home, safely with no one being the wiser about it, so he sat her down on the seat and got back too there activities. The children were laughing and playing unaware of what happened, but it made Naruto annoyed his defenses were breached, so now he'll have too go back and fix them again. But that is a chore for another day.

The rest of the week went by without incident and all the parents came home, to pick up there children who had great stories of all the fun things they did, while the clan hieress were gushing over there 'Naru-chan' talking about how he helped them with reading or writing or whatever, the majors were Ino, Hana, Sakura and Hinata. TenTen thought of him like an older brother like Ayame. While Kin, Karin and Tayuya just loved spending time with him and Mei, Anko and Shizune the trio loved the little girls as well and it was good bonding time.

When Minato and Kushina came to pick up there girls Naruto stopped them for a moment.

"We need to talk," he said to them.

Taking them too another part of the house he told them everything, which them tense and very nervous, but he reassured them he changed the seals and such making them stronger, which put them at ease for now they picked up their girls and left.

That night as everyone else was asleep he sat up a little while longer trying to locate Menma, but he had no luck so he gave up for the night and went too bed, as he made his way in he saw his lovelies taking up to whole bed, their bellies about ready to burst with Mei was drolling and Anko was snoring.

He could only smile and chuckle at them, and went to bed in the spare room for the night.

Next morning the typical routine and they went about there day, and all went smooth, when an urgent message was brought too them from several different villages.

In his office Minato received five different letters, each from their allies.

"Sir we have reports of former hosts going missing from their respective villages, all saying the same thing Oto invaded them, for one person," Hawk said aloud.

The blonde's eyes went wide at this, "what are the demands?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"Only that Naruto-kun is too offer himself in exchange for the former holders," she said to him sadly, she like many of the villages civil servants liked him and his willingness to help out when needed.

Minato looked down, one hand he didn't want to trade his son, the other he wanted to keep the alliances.

"Were not giving him up Minato," Kushina said adamantly.

"I'm sorry but that is not your choice to make," a voice said coming.

They all looked over too see Naruto wearing blue pants and a blue long sleeved shirt, a green battle vest, black shinobi boots, and his white battle coat with red flames on the tail ends of the coat with with the Kanji for Sage in black in the middle.

"No Naru-chan, it's a trap...he'll kill you," she said stubbornly.

Naruto gave his Mother a loving smile, he still after all this time couldn't get over the fact people actually cared about him.

"If i don't innocent people die and all that i have fought and bled for is ruined, that is exactly what Menma wants," he said to her.

She knew she couldn't fight it, "you better come home alive, you hear me. I don't want too think about the alternative," she said to him.

He nodded to her, "i love you all," he said before vanishing.


Menma was at the valley of the end were Hashirama and Madara had their epic conflict.

Standing on the edge, he grinned out at the vast expanse, "the age of peace is over, the time of chaos has come," he said.

Looking behind him he saw the original Jinchuuriki being held prisoner.

Kurara was holding little Garra, who was whimpering, "Kaa-chan," he whispered.

She just held him close to her, both angry and afraid of what might come.

Yugito and Bee who sat next to each other were worried as well, 'come help us please Naruto-kun' she thought.

Yagura and his friend Utakata sat their glowering at there captor.

Roshi and Han sat their waiting to meet the Uzumaki.

While little Fuu was being held by her mother, while she cried in fear.

"Shhhh, all is well my little hoshi," Ainame Tetsuro said too her daughter.

Menma looked back at them all and just cackled, "but your wrong all is lost, and i will lay waste to this world like i did to mine," he said cackling madly.

Next thing anyone knew Menma was sent flying off the cliff face hurdling 100 feet below to the water's surface.

They looked up too a blonde haired man as he turned he showed his face too them a happy grin on his face.

"Sorry i'm late everyone traffic was murder," he said.

They all looked at him with relief, while Kurara and Yugito were ecstatic he saved them.

"Thank you for coming, so quickly," Yagura stated happily at his brother in law.

He nodded to them as both Garra and Fuu saw their 'Onii-chan' and brightend up.

"Onii-chan" they said in unison with big smiles.

Naruto looked at the two giving them a big smile, "well i'm glad to see your safe, now then i will see you two after i deal with him, ok?" he said to them making them nod happily.

Making seal less clones he helped them all up, "you know what do to get them out of here," he said.

"NOOO," came three voices.

Everyone looked at both the kids and Yugito, "we have no time for this, he is a monster you need to..." he didn't finish as he felt Menma's bloodlust.

He looked down and saw him entering stage one biju cloak.

Clicking his teeth he looked back at the clones, "put up the barrier now!" he said.

They nodded to him and got in a circle formation as blue and green aura exude from them.

"Fuin: Uzu floating barrier," they said in unison.

A huge chunck of the ground began lifting up in the air and soon was at a safe distance away. Naruto looked back to see Menma up and ready to fight.

Unveiling his Sharingan as well s the Kyuubi, few moments later a red energy began to surround both he and the Bjiu soon enough it shown to be the perfect Susanoo.

Everyone in the barrier looked on in horror, "dear Kami, were about to see the battle that took place between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha," Roshi said with a little fear in his voice.

Naruto looked at him and put his hands. the snake sign and the ground began shaking and cracking as wood began to take the shape of a thousand armed Buddha to which got on top of as Menma jumped back up to the top standing parallel to Madara's head.


Rasa with Baki and a company of Suna nin were heading to find his wife and son, when they felt the ground shake.

"We must hurry," Rasa said to his men.


Autsuchi and a company of Iwa nin were also heading to them, when they felt the earthquake.

Next to them were Kumo nin with Ay leading the charge who was none to pleased with his brother and cousin being taken by a monster.

Kiri with members of the Seven Swordsman leading the charge to save their Kage.

"Come we need to go now!" Zabuza roared out.


Shibuki with his brother in law headed out to save his sister and Niece, he like Ay was big on family and would not take this sitting down.

"Hurry we must make haste and get their, we can only hope, he showed up as well," Shibuki stated.


In Konoha, Minato had place the same jutsu the kage crystal ball had on to  screen projector in the middle of the village so they could see the fight as well.

Everyone in the village stood their as the screen went from white to the picture, the first thing they saw was all eight former hosts, With Menma as he looked at them with a sick grin.

"Kaa-chan" little Garra said terrified.

Kushina held her babies, her heart going to Kurara, no one wants to see the face of their child like that.

Tsunade held Kin in her arms, she wanted to go up their and kill that sick fuck, Kin was in tears for her friend, "Gaa-kun," she said quietly.

Mei saw her brother their looking a little worse for wear.

Shizune and Anko stood by their friend and fellow wife, for comfort and strength.

When all the sudden they saw Menma go flying.

"Sorry i am late, traffic was murder," Naruto stated as the former hosts and both Mothers looked up to see their savior again.

The village erupted in cheers, Minato and Jiraya looked on as Naruto summoned several clones and got into a circle and perfomed an old seal jutsu that Kushina had forgotten about.

Once in the barrier they saw Naruto, look back at the ground, to see Menma activating his Sharingan and unleash the Kyuubi.

"What the hell is he doing?" Anko asked.

Tsunade was the first one to catch on and he gasped.

"He is encasing the Kyuubi a Perfect Susanoo," Obito said first.

Hearing this got people nervous, but soon it went back to Naruto who closed his eyes with clasping his hand in a prayer, when black lines appeared under his eyes and the Senju crest appeared on his forehead and he ground broke apart to show wood coming through forming a thousand hand Buddha.

"My god, their re-enacting the fight between Hashirama and Madara," Hiruzen said as sweat began to drip from his head.

The village went quite, all eyes on the screen, hoping and praying Naruto would survive.

"This is the fight to save our world, Naruto the boy who came from another world, ended the age of Jinchuuriki and brought not only the major villages together, but the smaller ones as well, bled so we could the world through his eyes and brought the Leaf from he brink of total chaos and right now he needs our strength, now is the time for the Will of Fire to light the Darkness," Sarutobi stated to all.

Naruto and Menma stated each other down, "one last fight, there can be only one!" they said in unison.

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