By killingkilgrave

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Tags, tags, and more tags! *I like getting tagged in those tag things, so tag away! More

Aboard The Tag Ship!
Tag 1 = 10 Facts
Tag 2 = Tag Tag Tag
Tag 4 = A Game Of Fandoms
Tag 5 = Sometimes I Don't Know What To Name These
Tag 6 = Why Did Candy Make A Wattpad?
Tag 7 = Who Do You Ship?
Tag 8 = How Much Of A Fangirl Is Candy?
Tag 9 = Tag Time!
Tag 10 = It's A Shelfie (Or Room Tour) Time!
Tag 11 = We Are Not The Only People On This Island, And We All Know It!
Tag 12 = A Tag Instead Of Working On My Fics
Tag 13 = Silz's Fanfic Tag
Tag 14 = Turn The Music Up!
Tag 15 = A Claim Of Faces
Tag 16 = I Should Be Writing (Or Sleeping), Not Doing A New Tag
Tag 17 = A Book Tag Made By Me
Tag 18 = The Quarantine Questionnaire
Tag 19 = A Tag (where Candy sorta/kinda gushes over Danny Smith)
Tag 20 = It's Too Quiet In This Obscure Fandom
Tag 21 = A Music Tag

Tag 3 = It's A Temperature Tag!

29 4 16
By killingkilgrave

I was tagged by floranocturna to do this temperature tag by Silmarilz1701, so here we go

1. Current temperature outside? Currently it's 24°C, or 76°F if you use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. Earlier this week I believe it got up to 30°C, and let me tell ya, that was fucking hot! Today's not too bad though.

2. Current "feels-like" outside? I just went outside before, and it's not too hot, unlike earlier in the week where as soon as you walk outside you'd get hit with the heat. While it is still hot right now, there's a bit of a breeze with it, so it's actually quite nice. It does however smell of paint, but that's because my dad is busy painting outside. On either Monday or Tuesday however, it was way too hot to do anything.

3. First fandom you feel you ever joined? I was going to say either the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, but I was never too big in the fandoms, so I have to say that it was more than likely the fandom for the band My Chemical Romance.

4. What one celebrity would you want to meet at a convention? Just one? Hmm.... Sebastian Stan would be amazing, but is it likely that he'll ever come here? Not really.... Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans would be amazing too. Frankie Muniz would be even better, but I don't think he really goes to a lot of conventions, nor would he ever be likely to come down to New Zealand. Bryan Cranston would also be amazing, same with Ian McKellen, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, and every other Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit actors/actresses.

5. If you were to cosplay, what would you do? I've never really cosplayed before, but I'd love to cosplay the Winter Soldier, Eowyn, Tauriel, or Elizabeth Swann.

6. If you're a writer, what sentence is the last thing you typed on your current manuscript? This is more of a last paragraph that I've written more than a sentence, but oh well.

"He had planned to keep out of sight from his entire family while he's been sent out on this mission in his home town after being gone for ten years, but after the revelation that his own brother is one of the men he has to take down? It's not looking very likely that he'll be able to keep away from his family while he's here after all. Looks like life still isn't very fair...."

7. Favorite character that isn't yours to write about? I enjoy writing about Bucky Barnes, though he's not quite the easiest character to get right. I think I've done okay though. I also really like writing the entire Wilkerson family from Malcolm in the Middle. They're all really fun to write, especially Hal. I think they may also be the only characters who I'm very familiar with, and the only ones who I'm about 95% sure I can write them as true to canon as possible.

8. Favorite character of yours to write about? I've not really written a lot of my own characters yet, but there's one Marvel story I've been working on with my own original character, and she and her creator are quite fun to write. Just a little backstory on her, she was created by SHIELD using the DNA from the Winter Soldier, Captain America, and the Scarlet Witch without their knowledge and consent. Basically SHIELD used her as their own weapon, and in the story, one of her creators discovers exactly what she's being used for and he takes her out of SHIELD's hold and takes her deep into hiding with him. Their names are Nora Barnes and Patrick Spencer, and from what I've written of them both so far - which isn't actually a lot - they've been really fun to write. Or maybe that's just because of the face claims I've used for them? ...anyway, they're both really fun to write.

9. Favorite show as a child? Either Ed, Edd, and Eddy, the original Teen Titans (not that Teen Titans GO! crap), Rocko's Modern Life, CatDog, the Rugrats, Tom and Jerry, Malcolm in the Middle, Drake and Josh, or Big Wolf on Campus.

10. Last song you hear that made you stop and admire it? Umm, I don't really know to be honest. Though Still Breathing by Green Day always does.

Though this one probably doesn't count, as it's an edit, but I'm adding it anyway. It's an edit of my favorite show of all time, LOST, with the backing song as Time is Running Out by Muse, and my god, I never realized how much that song fits the show.

It's just so beautiful and fitting. I've also elected to ignore that the first part of this edit is my least favorite scene in the entire show.... Well, the part where it gets to my fav Charlie (aka, Dominic Monaghan) anyway....

I need to rewatch LOST again after I've finished Game of Thrones....

11. Okay, tags!










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