golden > reddie oneshots

By grazer_boi

170K 3.5K 13.5K

a book of IT oneshots mostly reddie (some don't belong to me and I will credit the appropriate owner) More

do it again
Must Love Dogs
Im Letting You Go So You Can Be Happy Without Me
Youre so patient (sick of waiting)
The Art Room
a masterpiece
The Irony of Forgetting
Pizza Panic
Im Letting You Go So You Can Be Happy Without Me (part two)
What's My Name?
cut my hair
youtuber au
heart made of glass (my mind of stone)
love me hard
The Sea Around us
makes me feel like i cant live without you
you trip me up
everything you and I have got (it takes so long to find)
The Flame

babysitters club

8.5K 172 2.1K
By grazer_boi

written by: me

babysitter au

8352 words

・゚: *・゚:*   *:・゚*:・゚

"mom. i'm seventeen."

"but you can't be home alone!"

"mom, i'm seventeen."

sonia brushed him off and grabbed her purse from the table, " you've been getting in a lot of trouble lately Edward. i can't trust you to be alone."

that was true. ever since eddie found out his pills were gazebos he started doing whatever he wanted. dated boys, snuck out, ditches class, he didn't care.

"ma, i don't need a babysitter! i'm a senior in high school!" eddie threw himself down on to the couch dramatically and sonia huffed.

"he's a very nice boy eddie bear! mrs.denbrough suggested him to me, he babysits Georgie." sonia began putting on her coat, "please be good for the next few days."

eddie huffed and crossed his arms, "we'll see about that..."

his mother was leaving for a few days because her sister was having a wedding that he apparently wasn't invited to. don't get him wrong, he was happy to be away from his mother but a babysitter?

"he'll be here soon. i've given him specific instructions to follow. love you eddie bear" she blew him a kiss and left the house. eddie listened to her car pull out of the driveway.

he squished a pillow against his face and screamed. he picked up the home phone by his mothers recliner and dialed bills number.


"billy!" eddie whined, "you won't believe what my mom did this time..."

he heard bill laugh over the receiver, " what n-now?"

"she got me a fucking babysitter" he sat up on the couch and ran his fingers through his wavy blonde hair.

bill exploded into laughter and eddie rolled his eyes.

"aw! baby e-eddie needs a babysitter?!" bill teased

"it's not funny shit head!" eddie huffed

the doorbell rang and eddie sighed, "i'll call you later bill, it's here..." he hung up on bill laughing and trudged to the door.

he opened it expecting to see some old man but was taken back to see a young boy. a good looking one at that. he had messy black curls and freckles against his pale skin. his eyes were a deep gray and his jawline was cut sharp. he was tall and lanky and had a goofy smile on his face.

"is this the kaspbrak household?" he asked

eddie gawked up at him, trying to keep his cool, "your... the babysitter?"

"i am. richie tozier at your service" he held his hand out and eddie shook it, stepping aside to let him in. richie dragged a duffle bag full of things behind him.

"so where's edward?" richie asked looking around the quiet cozy home

eddie cleared his throat and held his hands behind his back, "uh... i'm eddie."

richie turned and looked at eddie with a raised eyebrow, "nice one. are you the older brother?"

eddie didn't respond and richie got the point, "your serious?" he let a laugh slip and eddie became annoyed.

he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "yes. my stupid mom hired you for some reason. i'm seventeen, and i don't need you here to watch me."

richie chuckled and ruffled eddies hair, "your an ankle biter aren't yu?"

eddie swatted his hand away, "you can leave. i won't tell my mom."

"no can do eds, i was paid to watch you for four days and that's what i intend to do" he put his hands on his waist in determination and eddie frowned.

"oh yeah?" he stepped closer to richie and crossed his arms, "then get ready for the next four days of Hell." with that he stomped up the stairs leaving richie with a shocked expression.

richie found his way around the house easily. it was small. the upstairs had eddies room (which was locked shut when richie tried opening it) and the guest room where he was staying. downstairs there was a kitchen, living room etc...

in the fridge was a handwritten list for richie from sonia

thank you for watching my eddie bear!

i have a few rules.

-eddie does his chores every night. there's a separate list for that.
-eddie may not have friends over or go outside due to allergies
-i like to keep a clean house, please make sure it stays that way.
-eddie needs to take his meds with dinner. no exceptions.
- if eddies is hurt in anyway i will refuse payment.

please take good care of my boy

richie set the letter aside and took a deep breath. why did she want a babysitter for a teenager? whatever, money is money.

"it's fucking ridiculous bill..." eddie laid in bed talking on the landline, "and he's flipping hot! how am i supposed to—"

"eddie, dinners done" richie knocked from the other side of the door. he was going to pretend he didn't hear eddie talking.

"yeah okay" he heard eddie shout through the door.

eddie uncovered the receiver and huffed, " i hate this."

"i'll c-come over tomorrow with stan. now go eat d-dinner mister!" the phone made a buzzing noise and eddie hung it up.

he got out of bed and trudged down the stairs. he saw richie at the stove stirring a pot. he sat down at the table, his chair creaking and making richie turn around.

"hey eddie! i made spaghetti!" richie smiled placing a plate of pasta in front of eddie.

eddie frowned at the smile face made out of meatballs on his plate, "what is this?"

"it's spaghetti, eddie" richie shrugged and a smile bloomed on his face "eddie spaghetti! that's your new nickname!"

eddie crinkled his nose, "ew."

richie chuckled, and refrained from commenting on how cute eddie looked just then. he began eating his own spaghetti and watched eddie pick at it. he suddenly remembered that he was supposed to take some pills.

"hey, your mom said you need to take your pills at dinner" richie reminded eddie, accidentally tapping his foot against eddies earning a glare.

"there gazebos." eddie frowned

"honey i think you mean—"

"don't call me that" eddie huffed

"aw your so cute when you pout!" richie gushed. he couldn't help himself.

eddie blushed and crinkled his nose, "not cute."

richie shrugged, "to me it is."

"how old are you anyways?" eddie asked out of the blue

"eighteen" richie shrugged

"unbelievable. not only do i have a babysitter, it's someone that's a year older than me?" eddie leaned back in his chair and mumbled under his breath.

"sucks to suck i guess. but your stuck with me. i'm not giving up on you, now take your pills."

"no." eddie refused


"there fake."

"your mom said—"

"my moms a fucking liar!" eddies face turned red and he stood up from his chair. he looked at richie to see his shocked face. he turned even redder in embarrassment and went back up to his room, slamming the door.

richie sighed and laid his head down on the table. "come on tozier keep it together..."

eddie laid in bed with his face shoved into his pillow. he hated these outbursts. they seem to happen more often.

there was a soft knock on his door and he huffed, "go away fucker."

he heard a chuckle through the door and the knob jiggle. "let me in kid, please?"

eddie walked over to the door, "i'm not a kid."

"fine. let me in big boy."

eddie held back a laugh and unlocked the door, going back to his bed and sitting at the edge of it. richie walked in with his hands behind his back and a small smile on his face.

he sat by eddie and held out a bowl of ice cream with every topping imaginable. eddie looked down at it with wide eyes and his mouth watered.

"truce?" richie offered, placing a cherry on top.

"my mom doesn't let me have sugar." eddie said, keeping his eyes on the sugary treat.

"if you don't tell her that i didn't make you take the gazebos, i won't tell her you ate this." richie waved the bowl in front of eddies face challengingly

"fine" eddie took the bowl and began eating the cold treat. he hadn't had ice cream in what feels like forever.

richie watched with a fond smile until eddie finally noticed, "what?"

"can you tell me why you said that about your mom?"

eddie stared at richie for a moment wondering if he should or not. he doesn't trust him, not at all.

"she forced me to take those pills everyday for years until i found out they were fake. i heard her talking on the phone to a pharmacist asking if they would "cure my faggot". so i stopped taking them. when she gives them to me i throw them away." eddie shrugged and ate the cherry from its stem.

"that's awful" richie said after a minute of silence, "sexuality isn't a choice."

"i know. she just doesn't understand" eddie kept himself from looking at richie. he told him too much.

"when i came out to my family as bisexual, they didn't understand either. but they still support me." richie tried to connect with eddie on some level. maybe then it would be easier

"wait your bi?" eddie asked finally looking up at richie

richie nodded with a slight smile

"that's interesting..." eddie set aside his bowl of ice cream and put his full attention on richie. he knew how to get under this boys skin.

richie shifted uncomfortably. this was the first time eddie actually looked him in the eye. he was so pretty. wavy golden locks and soft tan skin. starry freckles and doe eyes surrounded by thick lashes that batted up at him— fuck. he can't be doing this, he's supposed to babysit this boy.

"um," he cleared his throat and eddie giggled, " yeah, i guess so."

"ever been with a boy?" eddie asked quietly, brushing his hair behind his ear and giving him his best puppy eyes.

richie hesitated before answering, "yeah." he stood up and shook out his sweating palms, "i'll be down stairs. you should get some sleep." he left the room without a word and eddie smiled in victory.

richie sat downstairs on the sofa watching an old movie on cable. he hadn't heard a peep from up stairs in about an hour so he assumed eddie was asleep. boy was he wrong.

he heard the pitter patter of steps coming from the stairs and looked to see eddie coming down the stairs. the sight made richies shift in his seat.

eddie was wearing the shortest black running shorts and a cropped pastel sweatshirt. he stretched and the hem of it showed more and more skin. he walked in front of richie slowly making his way to the kitchen.

richie heard the sink running, "whatcha doing eds?" he asked from the couch

"just getting some water before bed," he came into the living room with a glass of water and rubbed his eyes sleepily, "care to join me?" he giggled and richie ran his fingers through his curls

"uh..." he tapped his foot nervously, "no you get some sleep."

eddie shrugged and waved flirty at richie, going up the stairs. richie heard the door shut and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. what the fuck was wrong with him?

Day One

eddie woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

he made his way downstairs to see richie at the stove...not wearing a shirt. his back flexed his muscles when he moved his arms to reach for things or flip an egg. it made eddie all hot and bothered but he ignored it. The 1975 was playing through a speaker on the table. maybe richie had caught on to his game and was fighting fire with fire...

he sat at his chair in the kitchen, "good morning"

richie glanced back at him, filling a plate with eggs bacon and toast, "good morning eddie" he placed the plate in front of him along with a glass of orange juice. he slung a dish rag over his shoulder and eddie tried not to look.

he was exactly eddies type. stupid lanky skinny boys with just enough muscle to—

suddenly his arm was outstretched reaching over eddie to grab his own glass of juice. eddie wanted to reach out and touch but it was gone before he could even blink.

"how'd you sleep?" richie asked bringing eddie out of his trance

"fine." he stated as he bit into a piece of bacon. richie nodded and went back over to the stove to flip an egg.

"so what do you do around here for fun?" richie asked nonchalantly

"i usually hang out with my friends." eddie shrugged

"no can do. your mom said no friends over while she's gone." richie pointed a spatula at eddie who raised an eyebrow

"did she now?" he sipped his juice and finished off his food, "then i go outside." he stood up from the table and richie shrugged.

he turned off the burner and heard the front door open. "wait."

- eddie may not have friends over or go outside due to allergies

"shit" he went outside and circled the house to see eddie climbing a tree in the back yard.

"get down eddie!" richie demanded as eddie scooted along a tree branch.

"i'm having fun" eddie shrugged and dangled his feet from the tree branch.

"this isn't funny eddie." the drop was pretty high, "you have allergies."

"so?" eddie rolled his eyes until there was an awful crack sound. his eyes widened and then it cracked again.

the branch broke off from the tree and richie dove under him to catch eddie. he ended up just tripping and having eddie land on his stomach, breaking his fall but taking the wind out of him.

"are you okay?" richie croaked out, looking up at eddie who's hand had clawed into his chest from fear.

eddie felt dizzy. he felt a sharp pain his his leg and arm. he looked down at his leg to see blood pouring out of a cut on his leg and scraped on his forearm. he let out a small noise that sounded like a whimper to richie.

"what?" he followed eddies eyes to see the huge gash on his leg, "shit.."

how many of the rules has he broken?

richie felt a hot tear land on his chest and looked up to see eddie crying silently. he'd be lieing if he said it didn't break his heart.

"no, no, no don't cry," he sat up so that eddie was in his lap.

eddie sniffled and stared down at his leg that was bleeding out and leaving a stain on richies jeans and his socks. he started to cry harder and then richie took his face in his hands, making him look at him.

"don't look at it, i'll fix it" he stared into eddies reddened eyes and felt his own heart shrink.

he carefully picked eddie up bridal style. eddie wrapped his arms around richies neck and buried his face in richies neck to hide his crying face.

they made it inside and richie set eddie down on the kitchen counter, instructing him to not move while he went to get the first aid.

eddie felt blood trickle down his leg and more tears pour down his cheeks. god he was being such a crybaby...

richie came back and he hung his head in shame. richie didn't notice this as he began cleaning the blood. eddie winced when he ran an alcohol pad over the cut. he felt a bandage being stuck over the cut and looked down at the mess of curls on richies head.

"thankfully, i don't think you need stitches." richie stood up between eddies legs and shook his head, "that was really dumb"

eddie hung his head and wiped his eyes, "i know..."

richie sighed, "where else does it hurt?"

eddie held his arm up and pointed to the scrapes from the tree bark on his forearm. they were bleeding but not as bad. richie reaches into the first aid and pulled out another alcohol pad. he held his hand out for eddie to take.

eddie looked at richies hand in confusion.

"it's gonna hurt like a bitch" richie answered. eddie hesitantly held richies hand, noticing how much bigger it was than his own.

eddie gasped at the sudden pain and squeezed richie hand tight until his knuckles turned white.

"i know, i know..." richie put a band aid over the scrapes and threw the trash aside. richie noticed a few red bumps that looked like hives. he went over to a cabinet and pulled out benadryl. he poured some into a large spoon and held it up to eddies mouth.

"open" richie instructed

eddie did so and took the spoon into his mouth, slurping all the medicine from it. richie watched with his mouth hanging open until eddie opened his mouth and he tossed the spoon in the sink.

he shook his head, "your mom is gonna kill me."

eddie looked at the boy and felt an ounce of pity, "i'll hide it until it heals."

richie looked up at him, "really?"

eddie nodded, "it was my fault anyways."

richie smiled at eddie, "thank you"

eddie wiped away the last of his tears and shrugged, "your not off the hook. i'm still making this hell for you."

richie chuckled, "i don't think it could get worse than this."

"mhm" eddie hummed. he looked down to see that richie was still holding his hand. he blushed and richie seemed to notice too.

he took his hand back and swept it through his curls, stepping out from between eddies legs and washing his hands in the sink.

" does it hurt to walk?"

eddie jumped down from the counter and instantly fell to the ground in pain. he winced and held his leg. bruises were now starting to form on his skin.

richie quickly went over to him and helped him up carefully, "i'm guessing that's a yes."

eddie leaned against richie, in too much pain to stand on his own, "shut up trash mouth"

"trash mouth? that's a new one" richie chuckled and held eddie up by his hands. they were so small.

"you should rest," without warning he picked eddie up again, taking him to the living room and setting him on the couch.

eddies face blushed crimson as he leaned against the cushion. "stop that"

"stop what?" richie chuckled, picking his hoodie up off the recliner and slipping it on

"picking me up!" eddie crossed his arms

"your so light though," richie teased, " take a nap grumpy pants" he walked off into the kitchen with a smirk plastered on his face.

eddie huffed and realized that he actually was tired from crying. he hates that he was right. soon he slipped into a deep sleep without even realizing.

when he woke up there was a blanket thrown over him and his legs were curled up on the couch. he groggily looked up to see the clock read "5:30pm". that medicine really knocked him out

"have a nice nap princess?" richie asked, leaning on the doorway

eddie rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket up to his chest and snuggled into the pillow next to him, " shut up, i am a princess"

richie chuckled and set a mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table in front of him. "it's raining"

eddie looked out the window to see that it was in fact raining cats and dogs. no wonder it was so cold. he looked at the mug and back up at richie, "thanks."

richie nodded and sat on the couch next to eddie, flipping through channels until he landed on a decent show. eddie looked up at the tv, still feeling drowsy but completely forgetting about his injury from earlier. he sat up on the couch more to keep himself more awake.

"some boy came by earlier... he had curly brown hair. your boyfriend?"

eddie looked at richie and burst into laughter knowing exactly who he was talking about. richie looked at him questioningly, "what?"

"that was stan," he giggle again, "me and stan? ha. never again."

"again?" richie repeated, facing eddie more.

"we tried awhile ago but decided we're better off friends" eddie wiped a tear from his eye and calmed his laughter.

"so your single?"

the question made eddie snap his head towards richie, "don't get any funny ideas."

richie held his hands up in defense and laughed, "just a question chief don't shoot"

eddie rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. "i'm too much for you to handle."

"oh really?" richie asked with a smile

"yep. i would destroy you." eddie said sipping his hot chocolate

"ha more like i would destroy you. you don't look like a top"

eddie nearly spit out his cocoa, "i meant in a relationship way!"

"oh" richie burst into laughter, "but am i right?"

eddie blushed and shifted in his seat, "maybe."

richie laughed again and playfully punched eddies arm, " lighten up eds"

eddie giggled and punched richie back, " whatever trash mouth" he yawned at the end of his sentence and sunk deeper into the cushion. the sound of the ran tapping against the windows didn't help.

he soon slipped into another sleep state.

richie felt a weight on his side and looked down to see eddie falling asleep and curling into his side. he blushed and held his breath to make sure eddie didn't wake up. he needed to sleep.

he held his hands up not knowing what to do with them. he eventually let one settle around eddies shoulder and the other resting on the couch. he didn't have the heart to wake him up.

or so that's what he told himself.

Day Two

eddie woke up to a warmth below him. he opened his eyes and felt his hand enveloped in heat. he moved his fingers to feel them wrapped in the palm of richies hand. he sat up a little bit and looked down to see a sleeping richie. apparently he fell asleep on richies chest last night. that's normal.

he blinked again, taking in richies flushed cheeks and long thick eyelashes. his hair was mushed against the pillow but it made him look so vulnerable and cute. he smiled softly and carefully laid back down, resting his cheek on richies chest.

"your gonna pretend you didn't just stare at me in my sleep?"

eddie jumped up, falling off the couch and landing on his butt. richie shot up and looked down at eddie, "are you okay—"

"fine," eddie stood up straightening out his sweater and ignoring the sting in his leg, "just fine."

richie noticed the wave in eddies voice and reached out to hold his hand but eddie pulled it back. "what's wrong?"

eddie looked down at richie, biting his lip, " this is what's wrong" he gestured vaguely to the two of them. hes supposed to hate richie, not cuddle with him.

"what's wrong with that?" richie asked, his voice kind of hurt. eddie noticed that and almost reached out to touch him but held himself back.

"i..." he really wanted a hug, "i have to do my chores." eddie limped into the kitchen ignoring the pain in his chest.

he found his chore list on the fridge. today was dishes. yuck.

he went over to the sink looking at all the dirty dishes from the mess before. it made him cringe. he turned on the faucet and rolled up his sleeves. he filled up the sink with water, pouring some soap into the mixture.

a pair of hands dove into the dishes and began wiping down a plate with a sponge. he looked up to see richie with his glasses on and concentrated on the task.

"that's okay." was all he said.

eddie looked back down at the dishes and began drying the plate richie handed him and put it on the rack.

it wasn't okay.

once the dishes were cleaned eddie went up to his room and dialed mikes number. it rang for a second until he picked up.


"hey mike it's eddie"

"what's up short stack?"

eddie ignores that, "i have a situation..."

"ah, what's wrong?"

"i have a babysitter-" he heard a nicked over the line

"sorry sorry, continue." mike pretended to cough

"as i was saying," he took a deep breath, "he's our age... and i think i like him?"

"what's the problem here?" mike asked

"i'm suppose to hate him!" eddie threw his hands in the air as if it was so obvious

"why?" mike asked confused

"i started it. i told him i would make his stay here Hell and if we cuddle that's the opposite!" eddie blushed at how dumb he sounded

mike let out a short laugh, "eddie you can't help it if you like him maybe don't make his life a living hell. i can't even imagine what you've done to the poor guy."

eddie twirled the chord around his finger, "well... that's not the point. what do i do?"

mike sighed, "if you really want to make these next few days a living hell continue flirting and being a little asshole," eddie huffed, "but i think you should just be nice."

eddie thought it over in his head, "thanks mike."

"your not gonna take any of the advice i just gave you are you?"

"nope." eddie hung the phone up and opened his door to see richie standing there with with wide eyes and his tail between his legs.

"were you spying on me?!" eddie frowned crossing his arms

"no! i was just—" he calmed his panicked voice and took a breath, "i was just coming up to see if you wanted to go out to eat tonight"

eddie raised a brow, "you know my mom would kill you right?"

"she doesn't have to know if you don't tell her." richie shrugged

eddie hadn't ate out in awhile. it actually sounded really good.

"come on eds... don't you want a burger and fries...?" he tempted, "i'll but you a milkshake...?"

eddies eyes brightened at that, "let me change real quick!" he shut the door hearing richie chuckle.

eddie met richie out in his car and buckled up. it was already dark outside.

richie looked at eddie and smiled. he was wearing black overalls and a pastel pink sweater under it. cute.

"what?" eddie asked as he stared at richie with a smirk

"nothing," richie lied, starting the car, "let's go." he turned up the music blasting his tape of "The 1975"

"You said some day we might
When I'm closer to your height,
Till then we'll knock around and see If you're all I need" eddie sang along to the music, richie looking at him with a smile as he drove.

streetlights passed through the windows illuminating eddies face for a few seconds at a time.

" Don't you see me I
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
And don't you need me I
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
On this night, and in this light
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
And maybe you, change your mind" richie sang, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

eddie looked at richie as he sang. feeling like the lyrics were being sang to him. he was dumb for even imagining that richie would feel like that for him.

the car came to a stop and the music stopped. eddie looked out the window to see a diner. richie got out of the car and he followed.

they sat in a red vinyl booth across from each other. eddie looked around the diner in amazement. it was 50s themed and smelled amazing.

richie watched him with his chin in his hand. a waitress came by and smiled at richie. she had brown hair and eddie thought he recognized her from school.

"what can i get you to drink?" she asked holding open her note pad. he looked at eddie and she looked at him.

"i'll just have a sweet tea please" she nodded and flipped her hair to look at richie.

"coke please" he said

she smiled and scribbled it down. she flipped to another page and wrote something else down, sliding it across the table to richie. eddie kept his eyes on it as richie flipped it over.

"huh," he crumpled the paper and threw it behind his head to another booth.

"what was it?" eddie asked feeling something deep in his gut

"doesn't matter." richie shrugged and opened up his menu to look at the meals

eddie did so too brushing off the feeling in his stomach. the waitress came back to give them their drink and took their orders, "i'm clocking out so someone else will bring out your meals, you have a goodnight" she winked at richie.

"thanks..." richie mumbled sipping his drink.

"can i get you number?" she asked with a cocky grin.

richie looked up at her but felt eddie hand fall on top of his, "i'm sorry he's taken."

richie smirked and flipped his hand over to lock his fingers with eddies. eddie glared daggers up at the waitress who glared back and walked off.

"taken huh?" richie teased

eddie pulled his hand away and tucked it between his thighs, his cheeks blushing, "i don't know why i said that..."

"i do," richie smirked playfully tapping eddies converse with his boot. eddie grinned and rolled his eyes. placing his hand back on the table face up and looking away. richie chuckled and laced their fingers back together.

"i'm gonna say i'm doing this because i feel bad for you." eddie huffed taking a sip of his tea through a straw.

richie laughed and looked down at their hands, "that's okay, as long as i get to hold you hand"

eddie blushed and bit back a smile. tonight was the only exception.

soon their food was brought over and they began talking.

"so how come i don't see you in school?" eddie asked. it was summer break but he still never saw richie around.

"i graduated last year," richie explained as he stuck a fry in his mouth, "todays actually my nineteenth birthday"

eddie looked at richie in shock, "why didn't you tell me?!"

"because it doesn't matter" richie shrugged

"of course it does don't you want to down today with you family?" eddie asked confused

"nope." richie answered, "i'm happy right here."

eddie relaxed at that statement. at least he was happy. "are you not going to college?"

"i want to. that's why i'm babysitting kids in Derry" richie sat back with a full stomach.

"oh, how much do you need to make?" eddie asked

"an amount that you don't need to know sweetheart"

eddie tried to act like that nickname didn't effect him. "fine, keep your secret."

richie chuckled and a milkshake was slid between the two. just one. with two straws.

"how cliche" eddie giggled and richie wiggled his eyebrows.

eddie shrugged and leaned forward to sip the sweet chocolate shake. richie leaned in too, their noses bumping together as they shared the milkshake.

suddenly richies hand was on eddies cheek and he took in a sharp breath. he met richies eyes and felt his breath on his lower lip.

"rich..." he whispered, his eyes beginning to close. he barely felt richies lip on his when he came to his senses and pulled away before they could kiss.

"i'm sorry—"

richie slowly sat back, "no eds it's okay, i get it"

"no i just—" eddie began but couldn't finish

richie nodded his head, "i'm kind of tired, we should get back to the house" he stood and put some money on the table not waiting for eddie. eddie jogged after him and met him in the car.

the ride to the house was quiet. no music or talking, just silence. eddie felt guilty. he shouldn't of let him hold his hand. he shouldn't of caught feelings.

when they arrived eddie immediately went upstairs and shut his door. he's such a fucking idiot. he didn't hear richies door next to him open or close. he must be downstairs.

he owed him an apology.

he quietly opened his doors and looked down the staircase. he could see the tv screen flashing lights on the dark walls. he crept down the stairs and saw right sitting on the couch watching a movie. he awkwardly walked in front of the tv and took a seat next to richie.

he felt nervous. why? he felt butterflies in his stomach and he played with his fingers in his lap.

richie didn't acknowledge him. he was hurt. all he wanted now was to get his money and leave and never see his cute face again.

"richie..." he quietly spoke up.

richie hummed in response.

"i'm sorry"


eddie finally looked at richie who continued to stare at the tv.

"i am."

"and i said okay."

eddie felt a lump in his throat. he felt the tears build up. why was he such a damn crybaby? he stood up and rushed up to his room before richie could see him cry again.

Day Three

eddie woke up at noon. he didn't wake up to the delicious smell of breakfast or lunch. it was quiet.

he went into the hall and peaked into richies room to see an empty bed but still all of his things in his room. he jogged down the stairs and looked around seeing no goofy smile or bright eyes. it kind of hurt.

he went into the kitchen to find a note


went to the store i'll be back soon.

eddie set the note down and looked around the quiet house. it was too quiet. lonely. isolating.

he went over to the kitchen land like and dialed bills number.


"party right now. here." he hung up the phone and wen upstairs to change.

he put on high waisted fishnets and black distressed shorts, along with a white cropped long sleeved sweater and classic vans. the doorbell ran and he felt a smirk grow on his face.

"coming!" he ran down the stairs and opened the door to have tons of teens push passed him into the house. some held boxes of beer and others snuck in bags of green.

bill came up behind him and clapped his back, "what a r-rebel you've become. this i-is amazing"

eddie laughed and took a solo cup he was handed, "nope. it's Hell."

the party went on. sweaty teenagers danced in the living room and others played beer pong in the kitchen. eddie danced around with stan and bill. music blared throughout the house.

eddie was jumping around until a hand spun him around roughly. he looked up to see a very angry richie.

"what the fuck."

eddie smiled up at him innocently, "drink?" he held a solo cup up to richie who smacked it out of his hand and sent the drink flying.

"what is wrong with you?!" he went over to the speaker and turned it off, everyone attention was brought to him, "everybody out now before i call the cops!"

teens ran out of the house fast. soon everyone was gone and eddie flopped down on to the couch.

richie slammed the front door closed and stood in front of eddie with his arms crossed. "what was that?"

"a party dimwit." eddie sassed

richie fumed, pacing in front of eddie, "if your mom finds out i'm not going to get paid."

"and that's my problem because...?"

richie glared at eddie, "you are a brat."

eddie looked at richie with a shocked expression, standing up, "i am not!"

"yes you are! a teenage brat who thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants! you don't carry about anyone else but yourself!" richie yelled

"not true!" eddie yelled back, "i care about—" he stopped himself, sitting back down.

" that's what's i thought." he sat on the coffee table pushing solo cups off of it.

"this is what was finally gonna get me to college." richie sighed, rubbing his forehead

eddie looked at him, "i didn't... i didn't know..."

richie looked at eddie and took a dee breath. "why?"

eddie knew what he was referring to. "because i hate my mother. i'm a brat because she's always held me back. because she lied to me for sixteen years of my life. and anyone that goes along with her dumb plans i hate."

richies face softened, "you hate me?"

eddie huffed, "i tried! i tried really fucking hard to hate you! but i just can't and i don't understand why! i'm an asshole for doing this but i did it just because i hate my god damn mother. i'm sorry."

"why can't you hate me?" richie asked

"i don't know..." eddie sighed and covered his face. he felt so stupid.

suddenly a hand was holding his chin and forcing him to look up. soft lips met his and he closed his eyes. he melted into the kiss, his hand reaching up and holding richies cheek. he knows why now.

richie parted from the kiss and stood straight, "i will put you being a shit head behind me, if you help me clean this mess up."

eddie nodded and went straight to the kitchen for cleaning supplies.

he grabbed trash bags and threw every solo cup and piece of trash away. richie scrubbed the carpet stains. they moved furniture back in its place together.

eddie raked all the trash on the lawn into a garbage can and wiped the sweat forming at his hair line. richie sprayed lysol in every room trying to get rid of the weed and booze smell.

by the time they were done it was night time. richie fell on to the couch on his back and took a deep breath. he felt eddie crawl between his legs and lay his head on his chest. he smiled to himself and wrapped his arms around eddies torso. he couldn't be mad at him.

Day Four

richie woke up to fluffy soft hair tucked under his chin and a face buried in his neck. he opened his eyes and felt eddies weight on top of him.

it was refreshing.

he hadn't been this close to someone in a long time.

he felt a light kiss on his neck and tangled his fingers into eddies blonde hair, "good morning"

he felt another kiss on his neck and chuckled.

eddie sat up, his legs straddling richies waist. he rubbed his eyes and sleepily looked down at richie. he could wake up to those soft eyes everyday and never complain. he smiled lazily and leaned down to kiss richie. richie held him down and kissed him longer.

"your mom doesn't come home until tomorrow morning..." he whispered against eddies lips

eddie smiled and giggled, lacing his fingers with richies, "i know"

"what a shame she can't join us on this couch— ouch!" richie was cut off by eddie pinching his arm

"you're disgusting" eddie grimaced

"you weren't saying that two second ago" richie teased wiggling his eyebrows.

eddie got off of richie and began walking up the stairs.

"wait— i didn't mean it eds," richie sat up and fixed his glasses.

eddie looked back at him, "what? you don't want to fuck?"

he kept waking up stairs and it took richie about a minute to realize what was happening. he raced up the stairs after eddie.

eddie laid in his bed staring up at the ceiling when richie finally appeared. richie smirked and sauntered over to eddie, crawling on top of him and kissing eddie softly. moving down painfully slow to his jaw and his neck. he sucked a few bruises earning pretty noises from eddie.

he ran his hands down eddies fish net clad thighs and squeezed. he felt eddies thighs tighten around his waist. he'd be lieing if he hadn't been thinking of his creamy thighs since he got there.

he pulled eddies sweater off revealing his toned chest that was blushing a pretty shade up to his cheeks. he licked his lips and kissed down his chest, leaving love bites on his collar bones and taking every second to praise the beautiful boy beneath him.

he sat up to take off his own hoodie as eddie kicked of his shorts and fishnets, leaving just his briefs. eddie looked up at richie who still had his pants on. he tugged on his waist band, "off"

richie chuckled and cupped eddies cheeks, "not yet baby" he leaned down to catch eddies lips in a kiss. they switched spots and eddie straddled richies legs, sitting in his lap. he wrapped his arms around richies bare shoulders and leaned in to kiss him. richies hands traveled down eddies torso and landed on his thighs.

he licked eddies lower lip and eddie opened his mouth. richie dove his tongue in, exploring eddies velvet warm mouth. eddie moaned quietly and grind down against richies clothed crotch. he could feel his briefs becoming tight.

"rich..." eddie whined as richie kissed his neck.

"i know baby," richie groped eddies ass and eddie yelped in surprise.

"can i taste you?" eddie asked quietly and richie smirked against his throat.

"i don't think your hard enough for me yet." richie teased and eddie whined.

"please chee..." eddie begged

"work for it." richie leaned back propping himself up on his hands and watching eddie. eddie bit his lip nervously, suddenly feeling nervous around richie.

richie noticed and cupped eddie face, kissing him gently, "don't be shy eddie," he hugged him tightly and rubbed his hand up his back, "im not gonna judge you"

eddie nodded and richie pulled away, slapping his ass. eddie held back a moan, "now move."

eddie began grinding against richies jeans, feeling little to no friction through the clothing. he moaned and moved faster, holding on to richies shoulders for support. richie watched with lust filled eyes, imagining what it would be like if he was riding his dick.

"do you want me to fuck you?"

"yes!" eddie whined, his eyes closing as he threw his head back

"prove it." richie said in a low voice

eddie became painfully hard, leaking pre come through his boxers. richie noticed and stopped eddie by kissing him, "you did good baby"

eddie got off of richies lap and dropped to his knees on the floor, "can i please taste you now?" eddie begged.

richie looked down at eddie. his eyes watering and cheeks rose red. it was beautiful.

he began unlooping his belt and eddie pulled his pants down till they pooled at his ankles. he looked at the hard bulge in eddies boxers. he wasn't prepared for what came out when he pulled richies boxers down.

"fuck.." he muttered

richies dick was huge. about seven or eight inches long and thick. he licked his lips and looked up at richie for permission. richie nodded.

eddie took his dick in his hand and kitten licked the tip. he heard a groan from richie and did it a few more times.

he always prided himself on his dick sucking ability.

he took in just the head, swirling his tongue around it and then all at once taking his entire dick down his throat until it his nose touched richies abdomen. richie moaned and clutched the bed sheets.

"fuck eds—"

eddie began bobbing his head and richie weaved his fingers into eddies blonde locks. eddie hollowed his cheeks and richie groaned deep. eddie took his mouth off completely and richie opened his eyes to look down at him.

his lips were slick with spit and pupils blown wide. "you can fuck my mouth"

"you sure...?" richie asked hesitantly. he didn't want to hurt him.

eddie nodded and took richie ur back into his mouth suddenly. richie grunted and tightens his grip in eddies hair. he slowly thrust in and out of eddies mouth. eddies hands rested on his thighs as he let richie use him.

"so good baby.." richie moaned. it felt too good. he began thrusting in a bit harder and faster. eddie hollowed his cheeks and it pushed him to the edge. he was about to pull out when eddie held the tip of his dick on his tongue and began jerking him off until he came down eddies throat. richie let out a low moan as he let his load loose down eddie throat.

eddie swallowed it and wiped his mouth off. it wasn't that bad.

"fuck eddie..." he looked down at eddie to see eddie staring down at the dark gray spot on eddie boxers.

"i came." was all he said

"from what...?" richie asked

eddie looked up meeting richies eyes, "swallowing your come."

that made richies spent dick twitch. eddie got up on shaky legs and climbed into richies lap, avoiding touching his sensitive cock.

"i want you inside me.." eddie whispered against richies lips, "i want you to fill me up.."

richie kissed eddie back hard, already becoming aroused again. he held eddies waist and flipped him over so he was on top.

"on your knees" he commanded

eddie did so, his elbows propping him up. richie helped him slip out of his underwear. he sat at the bottom of the bed and groped eddies bubble butt, slapping it a few times.


eddie just nodded, excited to see what richie was gonna do. he sound out pretty soon when he felt something wet against his rim.

richie licked eddies hole, making the smaller boy moan and drop his head into a pillow.

richie smirked and pushed his tongue into eddie entrance. flicking it around and making eddie moan loudly into the pillow and squirm. richie prodded his tongue around and eddie became hard again.

richie pulled out and flipped eddie around on his back, "where's a condom?"

eddie shook his head, "lube is in that drawer but i want to feel you"

"it'll only take a second—"

"i want you to fill me up." eddie said again.

richie stared down at eddie for a second waiting to see if he'd change his mind but he didn't.

"jesus fuck eddie.." he went through the drawer and found the lube, going back to the bed and kneeling between kneeling between eddies legs. he popped the cap open and throughly layered himself. he leaned over eddie and pressed a kiss to his lips. he lined himself up with eddies entrance and slowly pushed in. he should of prepped him first but it slipped his mind.

eddie winced and dug his nails into richies shoulders, "fuck your so big.."

richie bottomed out for a second and pressed hot kisses on eddies throat. he slowly pulled out and slammed back in making eddie moan. he started a steady pace and soon eddie began thrusting back. he rocked into eddie, listening to his heavy breaths and being highly aware of eddies small hands roaming his back.

"ah.." eddie moaned, "fuck me chee.."

richie loved hearing him talk so filthy. "what?"

eddie whined and bit his lip, "fuck me harder. please go faster!"

richie groaned and sat up, gripping on to eddies hips and pulling out completely just to slam back into him hard. eddie let out a scream and gripped on to the bed sheets.

richie fucked into him harder, leaving finger prints on his hips and thrusting in faster. he threw his head back and fucked into him harder.

"ah fuck me daddy!"

richie lost it. he threw one of eddies legs over his shoulder and fucked hun at a different angle. eddie was seeing stars, his dick pressed hard against his abdomen.

"i'm so close!" eddie moaned feeling richie hit his prostate dead on.

"come for me." richie demanded thrusting in harder than before hitting his prostate dead on. eddie screamed as he came on his chest.

richie went over the edge at the sight and came inside of eddie. he groaned and leaned down to press a needy kiss to eddies lips. he carefully pulled out, his come leaking out of eddies hole. he looked away from the filthy sight as to not get aroused again and went to the bathroom.

he came back with a warm wash cloth and wiped eddie clean. he heard eddie giggle and looked up to see eddie lazily smiling.

"my legs feel like jello"

richie chuckled and brushed eddies hair from his face, "too hard?"

"fuck.." eddie shook his head, "that was the best i've ever had."

richie smirked at that and kissed eddies forehead, throwing the towel aside and laying in the bed next to eddie who curled up into his side.

"your pretty"

eddie looked at richie confused, "huh?"

"your pretty," richie began nervously, "and i... i don't want to lose you."

eddie stared up at richie for a moment longer and leaned up to kiss his cheek, "you won't"

"everything went okay?"

eddie and richie smiled up at sonia

"yep mrs.K, dandy" richie grinned as she looked around the house

"your okay eddie dear?" she asked from the kitchen

"yes mama" eddie called back

she cane back into the living room, "here's your payment" she handed richie an envelope and he tucked it in his bag.

"your mama is tired eddie, i'll be upstairs. be a dear and show richie out and thank him?"

"of course ma" eddie calmed after sonia. he heard her bedroom door shut and pushed richie against the door, kissing him hard.

richie grinned and held eddie, "i'll see you later babe" he opened the door and began leaving.

eddie kissed him again and waved, "bye rich"

sorry i didn't really edit this so excuse any spelling errors i just was excited to get this out!


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