A Short Note

By Nameused

188 0 0


Nights When I Don't Sleep

Deep Sleep

17 0 0
By Nameused

Time: 11:00 P.M.

I was still at Lou's Cafe with a note book and a pencil right in front of me. I was all set and ready to write away to my hearts desire. But. There was always a but. Something stopped me. I don't know if six cups of coffee wasn't enough to give me a burst of energy and a sudden verge to write or if the cushioned chair underneath me was just too comfortable for my own taste. It could've been the fact that it was eleven fifteen at night and I hadn't eaten or drunken anything but coffee since 5 in the morning. Maybe, just maybe the reason was that I had no life and writing was definitely not the way to live....

No. Nope. No, no, no, no. Writing is the way I live.

That meant I had to think of another possible reason....

I smacked my four head on the table and just let myself rest in that position for a good, um-mm.

Two, three minutes?

That would be a lie.

I was there for at least an hour.

I counted the minutes down to  the seconds of my very unnatural position of self pity in Lou's Cafe which is three blocks away from where I friggin live...

My stomach grumbled to let the world know I was starving. Oh, right. I was hungry. How forgetful of me. Why do I have to be such a sad piece of sh-

"Look mate, you gotta eat. I heard your empty gut from across the room."

I looked up at him and sighed. "Lou give me a break, I have to finish this by Mon-"

"Eat this. It's that girl's usual, the one you were staring at earlier. I bet you will like it." Lou said as he put a plate in front of me.

"-day, and today is frigging Saturday and guess what? Just guess! I have NOTHING done. You wanna know something funnier? I have nothing started either! I should ju-"

The delicious food on the plate made me choke back on the words I was about to spill out.

In front of me was a cinnamon roll with a small strawberry next to it. It was literally picture perfect. In fact it was beautiful. It looked too good to eat and too good to be true. I inhaled "The Usual". After that I wrote like a maniac. Filling words on every single page until I ran out of room on the two hundred paged note book. I felt accomplished. I looked up to the clock to see it was four in the morning. I glanced around the room to see dim rays of sun light and a tired Lou who was passed out on a love-seat.

It would've been a good idea to go back to my isolated apartment, right?

I seriously didn't want to tolerate the thin walls that violently shook from the house parties my very "thoughtful"  neighbors always had.

And I wasn't in the state of mind to help out one of their wasted beer buddies that was usually past out in front of their door...

Because I am the great genius that I am, I closed my eyes only for a second and I was on my way to a deep sleep...in Lou's Cafe.

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