Dawn of Us [18+] | WATTYS 201...

By TheWorldByStorm

253K 5.2K 638

|| C A U T I O N || This story is RATED: SPG. Strict guidance from an adult is needed. This may contain scene... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Quick A/N (RANT!)
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Forty-Three

2.9K 71 16
By TheWorldByStorm

My eyes twitched at Tyler. "Very well done, Tyler!" I said,  clapping my hands. "Is acting your new hobby?" I asked.

Tyler laughed. "I almost got ya, dammit!" He said, shaking his head in defeat.

"Yep. I heard you signed up for this musical the school is planning." I asked.

Tyler sighed. "Actually, no. I didn't sign up." He said. "I was forced to sign up. If it weren't for my grades, I wouldn't want to be in it."

"Why? Are you failing?" I asked, curiously.

Tyler chuckles. "Good one!" He said. "But yeah. Only in one subject though---- World Literature." He said, rolling his eyes.

I shook my head. "What? I thought you were the literary guy. You know, the "I-write-poetry-to-please-my-sexual-needs" type."

His eyebrows crossed. "The what?" He said, half-laughing. Is that even a word? "I write songs, which are basically poems, but I dislike reading stories."

I brought my hand to my chest as if I was offended. "How dare you?" I said. "Stories  are great! It's like an entry to a new world where you can immerse in the adventures of a character."

He smiled. "Stories are lies which make you believe that there are happy endings. They are sugar-coated traps that you allow yourself to be in. You start to think that their magic will work in life but you're just being fooled, they don't." He said.

I stared at him in the eyes. "Atleast you believed." I said.

He stopped and stared  back at me for awhile as if he had something more to say but he shook his head and smiled. "Whatever." He said. "None of the fairytales will ever happen in real life. Take for example, Cinderella. You'd think that they'd end up together, but instead they get a divorce and leave their two kids confused as to which side of the story they should believe in." He said. But I know that he is not referring to the infamous Disney classic. He took a deep sigh. "I don't even know if my parents will make it til the holidays. I'm pretty sure they want to be separated as soon as possible."

"I'm sure it'll be okay, Tyler. They are just going through a rough time." I said, as if I had the knowldege about relationships.

Tyler shifted his position and straightened up. "They've been like that for two years now. I'm pretty sure they are finally going down hill." He said.

I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I said.

Tyler laughed. "What for? It's not your fault."

I shrugged, not really wanting to answer.

Come to think of it, I'm so lucky for my parents for not resulting to divorce or separation. Yeah, they had ups and downs but everytime they were down, they brought each other up. It's funny because you probably think that I'm just putting all these flowers and praising my parents so much but it's true. I couldn't lie when it comes to them.

Tyler stood up and went to the counter to get a glass of water. "So, what about you? What happened with you and your boyfriend." He asked, leaning on the counter.

"You know... the classic it's not you, it's me scenario. And after that I got hospitalized." I said.

Tyler bursted. "What? Why?" He asked frantically.

I shrugged. "From having a broken heart?" I said, sighing.

Or just the fact that I am pregnant and I was stressed and almost lost the baby. Which would've been better because I don't want the baby to grow up without a father.

But what would life be like if Axel knew? Will he be happy? Will he accept me? Or will he run the way he did and leave?

"I knew I should've kicked his ass!" Tyler exclaimed, bringing in his fist. "First he goes ballistic over some stuff and now he leaves you? What kind of man has that much audacity?"

I sighed, not wanting to remember. "I don't really want to talk about it. I'm done crying. I don't want to anymore." I said, bringing my hands to each of my arms.

"You deserve better, Violet. Joke's on him because he is not a loss. He should be the one crying right now because he lost you! Not the other way!" He said. "If I were him, I'd never let a girl like you go. He doesn't know what he's missing and how much you love him."

"Hmmm... What a statement." I said, sarcastically. I stood up and went  to the cupboards and got myself a glass. "You know, I've always wondered why you are still single."

He smiled,  bowing down.

"Come on! It can't be that hard to find somebody!" I said,  pouring water on the glass.

"The thing is, I'm not looking for just somebody." He said, shifting his eyes at me. "I'm looking for the perfect one."

I paused. The perfect one. Was Axel the perfect one? Was he for me? Was I for him? Maybe not. Maybe never.

"Well, it's still 8:30. Mind getting something to eat? I'm starving." He said, grabbing his keys.

I felt my tummy rumble which made me shrug. "Yeah!" I said enthusiastically. But I came to a halt as I remember Kristine who's passed out in Tyler's room. Was it Tyler's room? I don't even remember. "But, how about Kristine?" I asked.

Tyler sighed. "She'll be fine. For all I know, she will not wake up until tomorrow afternoon." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door.

I shrugged once again, trusting his judgements. He knows her better anyway.

Tyler opens the garage and instantly, I saw three sports cars and two big bikes to which I can't explain because my dumb ass has no idea about cars. All I know is that they are beautifuland probably fast. Okay? Okay.

"So, what do you want to ride?" Tyler asked, staring at me.

My eyebrows crossed. "I mean, as long as it gets us somewhere, I'm fine with anything." I said, havibg no real answer in mind.

Tyler chuckles a bit. "I thought it was me." I heard him whisper,  walking towards a black car that bearly resembles Batman's bat mobile.

"I heard that!" I exclaimed,  shaking my head in a 'I-can't-believe-you' kind of way.

Tyler opens the door for me, posing like a butler. "I'm just joking, woman." He said.

I rolled my eyes as he called me woman.

As soon as I was comfortable enough on my seat, he closed the door and went to his side of the car. "So, where do you want to eat?" He asked as he closed the door.

"Hmmm. Surprise me!" I said like Anton Ego from Ratatouille.

Tyler smiles as he drove the car.

After a few minutes of total nonsense, we arrived in a small diner that was a few blocks away from the mall.

It was much like the diner in Riverdale but a bit cheaper. Its walls were a single color of red, there were pictures of what looks to be the past owners in the 60's, but there were also neon signs plastered in each cubicle which showed their corresponding numbers.

"What I like about this diner is the food. I know.. " He started. "I know it doesn't look much but I swear, the food here is like a piece of heaven."

"Really?"  I asked.

"Yes." He said before heading to the counter. "In fact, their hash browns and mashed potatoes are my favorite."

"But they're all potatoes." I said, plainly.

"True." He said. " But hashbrowns are crispy on the outside and delicate on the inside while mashed potatoes are these creamy delites that melt in your mouth." He plopped up one of the chairs by the counter.

A middle-aged woman named Rita came out from the kitchen doors and instantly, her smile radiated from her face. "Good evening lady and Tyler." She said, leaning against the counter, facing us. "What brought you here today aside from your quaking stomachs?"

"Just the quaking stomach." Tyler replied. "But, yeah. We went to this party... you know... the one--"

"Yeah?" Rita said.

"And Kristine... you know..."


"So, we had to bring her to my house because... you know..."


"Then, I got hungry so I dragged her here." Tyler finished, pointing at me.

"I am not even surprised. Kristine... that girl is just up their!" Rita said.

I figured Tyler's a regular here and Rita is a friend because  based on their conversation, they seem to know the same things.

"I try to tell her. I really do!" Tyler exclaimed. "But god! That girl never listens to me. It's as if my words passes from her ear and goes through the other." Tyler finished and then faced me.

I looked at him a bit out of place.

"Well, she knows what's best for her and whatever she does, it'll be her responsibility."  Rita said, standing straight up. "But the question is, who is this young lady here?" She asked, looking at me.

I smiled shyly. "I'm Violet, ma'am."

Rita laughed. "Don't call me ma'am. I ain't a teacher!" She said. "Just call me Rita. Plain old Rita." She said.

Right off the bat, I knew she's friendly and just down to earth. She wasn't exactly mean looking or anything. It's just that most of the times, ladies who work in diners are either: a) have no care, b) are totally mean for no reason. Atleast in my experience. But yeah, she's different.

"Welcome to my diner, Violet. I hope you like my food." She said. "Don't worry, I won't put poison in yours." She said, giving a wink.

"Okay, Rita. I'll take the usual." Tyler said. "What do you want." 

"Uhm..." I said, going over the menu that was placed conveniently up the wall, infront of us. "Hmmm... I guess, I'll have an apple pie. Maybe make it two slices and french fries with ranch dip please." I said.

"Okay. Got it." Rita said. "Is that all?" She asked.

"Also, maybe add some chocolate milkshake supreme on there. It sound heavenly." I added.

Rita's lips curled into an amused grin. "Okay." She said, nodding to me and then to Tyler. She leaves not a second longer.

Tyler and I both sat on our chair quietly.

There really wasn't that much customers in the diner. It was just us and some old men at the darker part of the diner playing chess whilst drinking beer. There was also a girl texting by the window but I think she works here.

To break off the silence that was creeping in between Tyler and I, I decided to speak up. "So, how'd you meet Kristine?" I asked.

Tyler's eyes lit up. "Well... uhm.." He murmured, tilting his head a bit. "It's kind of a long story but I met her freshman year. They had just moved from another town. At first, I never really thought that we'd be friends or even have a chance to talk to each other because she was so quiet and alone." He said, taking in a deep sigh. "Much like you when I saw you at the park."

My eyes widened. "You remembered that?" I asked.

He nodded. "So, I didn't mind her presence even though I literally saw her everyday. But then, long story short, I was passing by her house when I heard a noise from the inside. His father's voice coming through and I got worried because I knew that something bad was going on. So, I took a peek at their window and saw his dad with a bottle of beer on one hand while she was pressed on the wall." He said, taking a deep breath. "So, what I did is I went inside the house, pushed her father and dragged her out. And since then, I never left her and she never left me." He said, with a sigh of relief.

My mouth was left agaped. I never really imagined that that was how they'd become friends. I never would have thought that Kristine went through all that shit with her father. " But she's still living with him?" I asked.

Tyler nodded once again. "Yeah. She wanted to stay no matter how hard I tried to convince her to leave. Her father is ill so he can't really do much right now. And even when she doesn't look like it, but she is very caring. She's also hard working and determined." He said, proudly.

I smiled. "Is there any chance that you liked her?" I mean, it would be fitting after all he had done for her.

He smiled. "Uhm... actually." He said, shaking his head after. "No. She's more like a little sister to me. Yeah, I love her but it's nothibg romantic." He said, shifting his body towards the counter.

"Oh." I said, sadly. This would be a truly disappointing news for Kristine if she were here. She likes Tyler as she said she does and to know that someone doesn't like you the way you do for that person is just heartbreaking.

But I can't blame her if she felt how she feels for Tyler. Afterall he has done for her, there is no doubt that she'd somehow feel that Tyler likes her more than she expects to. It's just sad to think that when she confesses to him, she will not receive the same love. And I know how that feels.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked.

I looked at the guy who was looking at me and I swear to god that I wanted to tell him that Kristine loves him and that he should give her a chance. But I know she has plans this monday and I do not want to ruin it for her. It will be a painful news to her though but if she truly loves him, she'll accept the truth and just let it go.

Should I let Axel go?

I nodded and smiled. "Y-yeah." I'm not.






So, who wants to read some Axel? Hahahaha. I miss him so much and I know you do too.

Do you want to see some Axel?

Comment down below!

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