Cherish (My Horror Academia S...

By ToxicBlood18

49.6K 1.5K 433

After a failed Suicide attempt, Mei Hatsume learns to value her life and decides to teach others to appreciat... More

Chapter 1: The Creation of Jigsaw
Chapter 2: The First Game
Chapter 3: Fallen Green Angel
Chapter 4: His Side of the Story
Chapter 5: Setting Up
chapter 6: Mineta and Monoma
Chapter 7: We Are Live
Chapter 8: Love and Pain
Chapter 10: Jigsaw Rules
Chapter 11: City on the Edge of Battle Part 1
Chapter 12: City on the Edge of Battle Part 2
Chapter 13: Please Come Back
Chapter 14: Just When Everything Was Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 15: A Mother's Love
Chapter 16: Friends in High and Low Places
Chapter 17: Doing The Right Thing
Chapter 18: Callous Hearts
Chapter 19: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 20: The Plan Goes Bad Part 1
Chapter 21: The Plan Goes Bad Part 2
Chapter 22: Rules and Promises
Chapter 23: Bloody Money
Chapter 24: Toga and Iida Got a Mission
Chapter 25: From Okay to Really Bad
Chapter 26: A New Enemy
Chapter 27: Information
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Keeps Getting Worse
Chapter 30: Family Game Night
Chapter 31: You're a Celebrity
Chapter 32: Truth
Chapter 33: Story of Hosu
Chapter 34: Cat's Paw
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: You Want to Play a Fucking Game
Final Chapter: Let The Games Begin
Things I Cut From Cherish

Chapter 9: The Fangirl

1.6K 49 20
By ToxicBlood18

Many hours later the drug in Tooru's system wore off again and she had awoken to find herself still stuck in the chair, she looked down on the floor to see that it was covered in glass, nails and small lego pieces, "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME." She yelled but no one could hear her cries, the tv suddenly turned on playing static until it cleared and weird looking puppet was staring at her with it's black and red eyes, "Hello Tooru, I wanna play game, some people may call you a pro hero in training, but i call you a theif. You use your quirk to pickpocket unsuspecting victims, rob from stores just for a cheap thrill, and spy on others for your sexual pleasure, these acts are none of which a future hero should represent. For this game you will expierence what it feels to be one your victims as they cannot see you but you can see them, there is a bomb that is invisible to you because it is disguised as something in the room and will go off in one hour, you must find out what the bomb is and defuse it before time runs out if you try to leave the room before defusing the bomb then it will explode automatically. Good luck Oh wait, there's one more thing, watch your step." The TV went back to static before showing a count down timer, the restraints keeping her in the chair unlocked and she was free to look around at her own free will but she took another look at the assortment of sharp objects on the floor, "CAN ANYBODY HERE ME, PLEASE HELP ME!" She yelled hoping to get someones attention but no results came of it, She sat in the chair and began to cry with small tears running down her cheeks, "I'm sorry i did those things, please i don't want to play, i'll stop just please let me go."

She just sat there and cried hoping this would all end pleading for her life, minutes passed and she finally gathered the courage to try to search the room and walk on the sharp mess of items, she knew it would hurt so with a one quick movement she stepped in the mess but immediatly jumped back into the chair, "Dammit, Dammit, Dammit." She said as she pulled a leggo piece out of her foot, She then tried again this time not going as fast *Crunch, she took her first step and managed to keep her foot down, "Oh god it hurts." She took a step now having both feet in the sharp mess, she slowly took steps towards the TV stand and began investigating it to see if the bomb was there but she couldn't tell if it was, she then headed to some Drawers on the otherside of the room but tripped falling face first into the mess, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW." She screamed as she slowly got to her knees removing glass bits from her face, as she played her game Izuku watched through a small peephole he drilled in so that he could see the games progress and to make sure everything went according to plan, "Well it's been twenty minutes, might as well put act two of this trap into action." He pulled out a phone he had bought just for the game and sent out a message, all at once everyone in class 1A got the message but some ignored it while the others actually hit it

The first thing they saw when hitting play was a creepy puppet, "Hello Class 1A, it's nice to see you all again after Mineta's and Monoma's game, your probably wondering why you recieved this video and the answer is a simple." The video cut to Tooru who was sitting in the chair crying, "Your friend Tooru is stuck in a room with a bomb she does not know the location of and will go off in 35 minutes , i will give you a hint to where the bomb is in the form of a riddle, You answer me, although i never ask you questions what am i? Now that you know the hint you have an option to either tell her the riddle or solve it yourself before telling her, the choice is yours." The video stopped and the students were shocked to see what had happened to there friend,

(In The Class 1A group chat)

Iida: Everyone there's an emergency

Todoroki: we know we got the same message as you

Tsu: where do you think she is?

Sero: Couldn't tell

Shoji: don't recognize the place but we got a little time to figuare that out

Ojiro: We have to help her

Tsu: we will but all we got is a dumb riddle

Momo: Anyone good at riddles?

Sero: no

Bakugo: What the hell is going on

Ochako: Sorry terrible at riddles

Iida: Maybe Tooru know's the answer

Jiro: that's a bad idea

Ojiro: why?

Todoroki: Isn't it weird that he gave us the option of telling her

Jiro: exactly, it must be a trick

Bakugo: What a dumb riddle

Ojiro: but what if it's not a trick?

Sero: i'm with Ojiro, we gotta do something unless one of us can figuare it out

Momo: God this guy is a monster

Bakugo: What has she done to deserve this?

Ochako: who cares, we must save her

Tsu: we'll find out after we save her, i'm contacting the police right now

Ojiro: she only has a half hour left, i'm calling her right now

Shoji: no we should solve the riddle first

Ojiro didn't care as he left the group chat and began to type in her number,

Bakugo: god damn it monkey boy never listens

Ochako: like your any better

Bakugo: Fuck you

Jiro: now isn't the time for this

Todoroki: i solved the riddle, someone stop Ojiro NOW

Momo: why

Todoroki: The answer is a cellphone

Iida: What?


It was too late to warn him as he made the call to Tooru, She had been so distracted from the game that she forgot all about her phone in her pocket until it went off, "What, the killer forgot to take my phone? I'm saved." She said as she pulled it out and swipped right, the phone exploded in her hands sending shrapnel into her face and blowing off her fingers to both hands, She fell to floor convulsing and bleeding out of the cuts that went deep into her neck, after a minute she stopped moving and a pool of blood surrounded her corpse. Izuku sighed as he went over to the room, "I told you anything in this room could be a bomb, that included your phone." He talked to her dead corpse as if it could learn from it's mistake, he pulled out a knife and cut a piece of Tooru's flesh in the shape of a jigsaw piece before leaving the motel room heading back to the warehouse to start packing for the trip to Hosu, as he drove off he couldn't help but feel something was off like he wasn't alone, "HELLO!!!!" "AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW." Izuku swerved off the road hitting trash cans before making a complete stop, "Wow, where did you learn to drive?" Izuku looked over his shoulder to see a girl in a school uniform with sharp fangs smiling at him, "Let me just say, i am a huge fan of your work." Izuku was mentally screaming, not only had someone figuared out he's a jigsaw killer but that someone was in the van with him, "Uhh, a fan?"

"Not just a fan, I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN." She said with a smile that never seemed to go away, she crawled into the passenger seat holding his pig mask and reverse beartrap in hand playing with it, "What's this thing do?" He watched as she toyed around with his creation trying to find out how it works, "What do you want?" He asked slowly reaching for a knife he kept on him at all times, "What i want, hmmm, oh i know what i wan't." Izuku finally grabbed the knife but before he could pull it out he was met with a blade against his throat, "I want to spend time with one of my idols, now let go of that knife and start driving to where your hideout is." Izuku did what she asked and got back on the road, "So who are you exactly?" Tha fangirl blushed at the question and wen't beserk on him, "OhmygodmyJigsawwan'tstoknowmyname OH MY GOD."She eventually calmed herself down after a few more minutes of rambling to him like he was like some type of youtube celeb, "My name is Himiko Toga, what your name?" "Izuku, now that we know eachother can you please take your knife away now." She laughed and took the knife away from his throat, "Okay Izuku, do you mind if you answer a few questions for me, kind of like a an interview?" He knew if he said no she would probably cut him or just threaten him with the knife again, "Sure not like i have a choice." But what he didn't know was that Toga had started recording the conversation, "Okay Jigsaw, tell me about your games." "What about them?" "Why do you put them on is what i mean?" "It's simple really, i want people to appreciate their gifts, too many people in this world take their gifts for granted or use their powers to commit petty crimes and then call themselves heroes or good members of society, that disgusts me."

Toga squelled from excitement, "That was so rivetting, okay tell more about you like what made you start the games, no one just wakes up and decides to start torturing people to teach them moral lessons." Izuku didn't know what to do, he thought that she probably had no clue about Mei and only thought he was the only Jigsaw, he decieded to keep Mei out of it for as long as he could but for now he would tell her his story, "When i was little, the docter told me i was quirkless." Toga's smile disappeared and was replaced by a look of sorrow, "I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault i was born like this, anyways i was bullied for most of my life to the point where my best friend abandoned me and told me to kill myself and pray i get a quirk in the next life." He looked at her and he could tell she was horrified from the look on her face, "At that moment i actually thought about it but i talked myself out of it, on my home i was attacked by a villain and i was saved by All Might but-." "YOU MET ALL MIGHT?" Her sudden screaming caused izuku to swerve off the road and crash into streetlamp, once he was sure he was okay he checked on Toga who knocked out and bleeding from the head, he sighed as he got out of the van and dragged Toga with him, "Should have buckled up." He said as he layed her on the sidewalk and hopped back into the van, He knew he probably should have killed her while she was out but he couldn't go through with, it just right with plus why would a fan screw him over? He started up the car and drove off leaving her there, "She'll be fine, probably." Toga woke up a few minutes alone on the sidewalk wondering happened, "Fuck my head, god dammit it hurts fuck." She suddenly remembered her phone and quickly check to see if it was still there, "YES I GOT IT, I GOT THE INTERVIEW WITH JIGSAW AND HE KNOWS WHO I AM OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, AAAWQWWWWWW." she calmed herself down and started editing, "I'm can't wait to show everyone on the site these videos."

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