Elijah's Eternity (COMPLETE)

By eternityunicorn

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AU: Elijah Mikaelson didn't know what to expect when he encountered the strange archer in the night, but he c... More

Chapter 1: The Stranger in the Dark
Chapter 2: Diner Talk
Chapter 3: The Strange White Beast
Chapter 4: The Walk Down Maine Street
Chapter 5: The Dinner Date +18
Chapter 6: Whatever We Are +18
Chapter 7: The Hybrid's Visit
Chapter 9: Entering Chicago +18
Chapter 10: The Adventure in the City
Chapter 11: The Blood Rose Club
Chapter 12: Dancing in the Club +18
Chapter 13: The Plan for the Witches
Chapter 14: Conflict Resolutions
Chaptet 15: The Disappearing Immortal
Chapter 16: When Sleeping Beauty Awakens +18
Chapter 17: Trouble in the Night +18
Chapter 18: The Mitchell's Conversation
Chapter 19: A Day's Work
Chapter 20: Niklaus's Impromptu Visit +18
Chapter 21: The Night of the Wolves
Chapter 22: In the Aftermath +18
Chapter 23: The Anticlimactic Battle
Chapter 24: The Californian Diner
Chapter 25: The Coexisters +18
Chapter 26: In the Bliss of Each Other +18
Chapter 27: The Fight in the Hotel Bar
Chapter 28: The Needed Distraction +18
Chapter 29: The End of an Era

Chapter 8: The Roadside Rescue Mission

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By eternityunicorn

By: eternityunicorn

Elijah and Eternity walked over to the diner for breakfast, which would be the last meal they would have at the place. A place that held meaning to them both. They had sat in the same corner booth, away from prying eyes. The older woman that had served them the first time had been their waitress. She looked at Eternity with the same awe as she had then, performing that awkward curtesy and bow of her head with every one of Eternity's requests. Then she would scamper off quickly in order to fulfill Eternity's order - and his too.

The meal had been pleasant. Unlike before when their conversation had been stranger to stranger, serious and to the point, this time their conversation was light and full of quiet laughter. They showed their affection for each other openly as well. He would reach for her hand, holding it while they ate. She would lovingly smile and kiss his knuckles sweetly in return. It felt like they had been lovers for decades, despite that not being the case.

After the last meal at the diner, they discussed their destination and then returned to the manor one last time. From there, Elijah left Eternity standing on the steps of the manor to go around to the back where the garage was located and fetch his car.

Since staying in the small Maine, he hadn't had need for it as everything was within walking distance, but of course, he had kept it handy in case he had to leave town for any reason. From the garage, he pulled the sleek black Bentley around to the front to collect his lady.

Leaving it running, he stepped out of the car and went around to the other side to open the passenger side door for Eternity. She gracefully floated down to him, redressed in a flowing yellow sundress and a pair of heeled white sandals. He watched her as she stood before the car looking impressed by it.

"Beautiful car," Eternity said appreciatively.

"Yes, it is," he smirked pridefully, holding his hand out to her in order to guide her into the car.

A look of mischief crossed her delicate features then. Without warning, Eternity darted off to the driver's side of the car, it's door still open. She grinned widely at his bewildered express. He hadn't expected her to go for the driver's side. By the way she looked, she wanted to drive it.

"What do you think you're doing?" He inquired, hanging his arm on the car's roof while looking at her incredulously.

"Get in," she answered without hesitation. "I'm driving."

He didn't comply. "Do you even know how to drive?"

"Aye. Though a portal would certainly be faster."


Eternity nodded, "It's the standard way of traveling for immortals: a wormhole that leads directly to one's destination."

"Fascinating," responded Elijah. "What makes you think I'm about to let you drive?"

She smirked playfully, "I am a queen. I outrank you. Therefore, you must comply with my wishes."

He chuckled with a shake of his head, but relented. It wasn't as though he could argue against her when she pulled the 'queen' card, even jokingly so. "As my lady wishes," he said, "but if your driving skills are atrocious, you are pulling over and I'm taking back my car. I will not have this work of art destroyed, not even by your queenly self."

"Of course," she agreed with a laugh. "As you wish, my lord."

With another slightly shake of his head, Elijah climbed into the passenger seat, hoping all the while that he hadn't made a terrible mistake. He knew they would be fine if something went wrong, but he really like his car and didn't want anything to happen to it.

Luckily for him, Eternity really did know how to drive a car. Even better, she knew how to drive a manual car. She didn't even need his guidance at any point, driving down the road as anyone with a lifetime of experience. Her driving was smooth and flawless. It made him curious about her experience with cars.

"I learned a long time ago, when cars were first invented," she answered his curious thoughts. "From there, I kept up with the times, as they say. With each better made car, I learned how to drive it. A    hobby of mine since I don't actually need to know how to drive. I just happen to like all things human. They are ingenious creatures with the marvels they are capable of - and without magic. It's impressive."

"I agree," he replied, looking out the window at the scenery that blew past them. "I've seen the marvels of humanity as they were invented for the past thousand years. They never cease to amaze. To watch humanity progress has been an honor, one positive to a long life."

They fell into a short companionable silence from there. The roar of the engine and the quiet music of the radio were the only sounds for a time.

Then Eternity's lightly laugh filled the cab as she said, "I have a cousin, who also appreciates the human world as I do, except she could never master the operation of human inventions, certainly not a car." She grinned a little at whatever memory was dancing around her head. "It was always quite amusing a sight."

Eternity had Elijah's full attention then, not that she hadn't before. He was always aware of her. It was just that she hadn't mentioned a family member before, that he knew of anyway. Though in all honesty, the woman she had mentioned before, Ceres, could have been a family member for all he knew of Eternity.

"Ceres was my ancestor," she again answered his thoughts. "My great-great-great grandmother to be exact."


"Aye, she died using what has been dubbed the Unicorn Crystal, the ultimate power of the universes," explained Eternity. "It was what she used to split the one universe into two. It takes a lot of energy, life energy to use. No queen that uses its full power once lives to use it a second time, except for myself, that is."

Elijah was taken aback by her words. A power source strong enough to split a universe in two was incredible enough, but to learn that said power source killed it's user in the process, and yet the woman beside him was strong enough to do what her predecessors couldn't was unfathomable. It was damn near unbelievable. He couldn't get his mind around such an idea; of a creature that powerful. It was impossible for an Earth man like him to grasp. Especially since she was extraordinary to be sure, but didn't give off any indication of that kind of power capability. He expected someone of that magnitude to be less...humanlike.

"For me, a prophecy predicted my destiny as the crystal's true master long ago. The crystal is a part of me, imbedded in my heart," Eternity carried on, her hand touching her chest where her heart was. "Though it's true I cannot die from using it's full power, it is still best to use caution when to use it."

"Why is that?"

"I forget myself completely. It's like being rebooted - starting over; a dangerous prospect for the Universal Queen, as much as dying in fact."

"I see. Are you absolutely certain that you are not a goddess? Because it sounding more and more like that to me."

Eternity shook her head and smiled at him quickly, "Still not a god."

"I think you might be in denial," jested Elijah.

She laughed lightly as her attention returned to the road, "No, I think not." Then she looked thoughtfully, "Although, I suppose it's all about perspective. For example, in some worlds, there have been religions created around me because of some great deeds I did for the people of those worlds. This is even amongst immortal ones. I detest it, but I also cannot control people's perspectives - how they see me."

"No, none of us can do that," agreed Elijah.

Then once more, quiet fell between them.

Until Eternity heard a certain song come over the radio, that is. She began singing softy along in perfect harmony with the artist's singing. It was a dramatic rock song fronted by a female with classically trained talent. Both women's voices were angelic and Elijah found himself enjoying the entertainment, even if rock music wasn't a genre he preferred. Niklaus did though, he recalled. No, he preferred the classical music of Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart, along with other orchestral masterpieces. Yet, he enjoyed listening to Eternity belting out the lyrics to the haunting rock beat nonetheless.

She continued to sing to the radio as they headed into the next state: New Hampshire. It was as soon as they were over the border that Elijah noticed the line of police and emergency vehicles on the shoulder of the highway. The officers were heading out into the woods that lined the highway. He found himself mildly curiosity as to what has happened, but hadn't expected to stop and find out.

Eternity had other ideas, however. Immediately she pulled onto the shoulder a little ways ahead of the rescue vehicles. She parked and cut the engine, tossing them haphazardly to Elijah. Then she opened the car door and moved to exit without a word, when he caught her hand to stop her.

"What are you doing?" He asked, not that he couldn't guess the answer.

"I'm a guardian, a hero, whatever you wish to call it," she replied quickly. "There is a abducted little boy in the woods out there. His kidnapper is with him, no doubt intending to hurt the child. I can save him and I will. You can accompany me, if you'd like, to deal with the perpetrator. Or you can stay here and I'll deal with both. The choice is yours, but I'm going."

With that, she left the vehicle, leaving Elijah to make his choice.

In reality, there wasn't any choice. Of course, he was going to go with her. Therefore, he too climbed out of the car and followed behind her into a different section of the woods from the rescue crew. He trailed right behind her, following Eternity through the wall of foliage until they reached the heart of the woods, where it opened up.

It was under a large oak tree there in the clearing that they found the boy - and his kidnapper. The child was sitting against the tree looking up at his assailant with fear in his large blue eyes. He was malnutrition, dirty, bruised, and the scent of blood permeated the air around him, meaning he was wounded too.

The kidnapper stood over him. He was a tall, thin man, who was clean cut with graying slicked back hair and a nearly trimmed gray beard. He wore dress pants and a tucked in polo shirt. Upon close inspection, there was a level of resemblance between the two and if Elijah had to guess, they were most likely father and son. The similarities were too obvious for them not to be.

The man had a weapon in his hand - a large hunting knife! There was blood staining the silvery metal of the blade. Neither the boy or the man seemed to notice their approach, but they may have been in part due to the stealth that Eternity and he had used to find them.

Elijah watched as pathetic human moved toward the boy with the knife, looking as though he was preparing to finish the child off. It was that moment that would define the fate of the boy. Of course with a vampire and a goddess on the scene, the boy would be fine.

"Stop!" Eternity shouted at the perpetrator.

The man did, startled into acknowledging that he wasn't alone. His blue eyes were wide with fear like the child's and it was immediately made obvious to Elijah that he wasn't all together, that madness had crept into him. The madman turned his weapon toward Eternity, whom stood perfectly still before him, unperturbed.

"Put the knife down," she commanded softly.

He didn't.

Though, despite his maddened state, his instinct seemed to recognize her otherworldliness all the same. He stood in fearful awe of Eternity. Elijah could see tears forming in the man's eyes at the very sight of her.

"Put the knife down," she commanded again in that same steady softness.

This time, the madman did throw the knife down. He acted as if it had burned him. Sobs bubbled up in the man's throat, as he began to take steps backwards away from them both. Then forgetting the boy all together, the perpetrator turned and ran for it, trying to escape. A mistake to be sure, Elijah inwardly smirked.

Before he could give chase, Eternity grabbed his arm and told him with quiet seriousness, "Catch him, but do not kill him."

It was a command of a queen, one that left no room for disobedience. He nodded in understanding and took off after the man with his vampire speed. It didn't take long for him to catch up, finding the man sprawled on the ground a short distance away from the crime scene, after having tripped on a tree root. The bastard was just getting up when Elijah happened upon him, ready to end him...without killing him, of course.

The pathetic man seemed to sense him and quickly scrambled to his feet, turning to face Elijah while backing away in fear. "Hey man, don't hurt me. I'm sorry. I am. Please, don't do this," he begged him, his voice shaking uncontrollably along with the rest of him.

In an instant, Elijah had the man by the throat, raising him above his head effortlessly. He looked darkly into the human's cowardly eyes. "My lady told me not to kill you, and so it is by her mercy that I shall refrain from snapping you in two," he growled, almost literally, "but that doesn't mean that I can't give you nightmares you'll never forget."

The man's level of fear rose to terrified the moment he realized he was dealing with something other than human. He struggled in Elijah's hold, whimpering and pleading to be released. It wouldn't do the fool any good, of course. After a few minutes of wriggling about like the worm that he was. His sobs grew into gross crying and the smell of urine soon waffles up to Elijah's sensitive nose, making him cringe in disgust.

Yes, it was time to end this. Lowering the pathetic sod enough to stare into his eyes, Elijah compelled the man to forget ever seeing him. He also ensured that he would spend the rest of his life seeing an unknown monster in his nightmares, hunting him down and then graphically tearing him apart over and over again. Finally, he told his captive to turn himself into the authorities. Once the task was done, he released the man and quickly rushed away from the scene, leaving the sobbing man on the ground.

Returning to Eternity, he found her, though not as the woman he knew. He found her as the strange white beast, that was her true self.

The unicorn had her head bowed over the boy, whom stared in wonder up at her the whole time. Elijah could hear the hum of the unicorn's horn and saw a flash of it's bright blue light, but both faded quickly. Once they did, the unicorn nuzzled the boy gently, earning a giggle from the child.

Elijah noticed the smell of blood was gone and when the unicorn reverted into the form of a woman, he saw why. The little boy was completely healed and cleaned. He was like new, as if nothing bad had happened to him in the first place.

He watched as Eternity bent down to the child and softly said to him, "You are free now, little one. There are good people coming for you. Just sit here and wait for them, alright?"

The boy nodded eagerly with a toothy grin.

Elijah could hear the rescue team heading their way already, knowing it was safe to leave the child now. "We should go," he urged Eternity.

She nodded and with one last smile to the boy, she let him lead her out of the woods by the hand. Just as they were out of sight of the child, Elijah could hear the rescue team reach the boy. He heard one ask after the boy's health. Yes, the boy was safe now.

Once they were out of the woods and back at the car, Elijah saw the kidnapper coming up to the officers there on the side of the road. He was sweating and flushed, but he did as he was compelled to do. He turned himself over to them.

"Good riddance," Elijah muttered quietly.

He quickly became distracted by Eternity, who smirked at him mischievously. She held out her hand to him and said, "Keys."

He couldn't help but grin at her. "I think not, my lovely. I believe I'll take it from here."

Elijah chuckled as he watched her smile turn into a pout. The expression was so ordinary - human, and incredibly adorable on her rounded, youthful face. He kissed her lips swiftly before opening the passenger side door for her like the gentleman he was. She sighed defeatedly and gracefully climbed in without protest. After closing her in, he elegantly moved around to the driver's side of the car, opening the door and sliding into the driver's seat.

Once the car was started up again, they were off once more on their journey, heading west toward Chicago - their agreed upon destination. He knew a vampire clan there that he was well acquainted with. He would introduce Eternity to them, let her see an example of his people first.

"Thank you, Elijah," Eternity piped up.

"For what?"

"For not killing that man."

Elijah glanced at Eternity and saw that she looked over at him with gratefulness. He smirked a little in response, "Well, I had to obey the command of my queen."

She grinned at him, "Perhaps, but you didn't have to."

"No I didn't, but for you...anything." He reached over for her hand, lifting to his lips and planting a kiss on her knuckles affectionately. "Besides, there are always more ways to deal with filth than to kill them."

"Aye, there is."

To Be Continued.

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