Cherish (My Horror Academia S...

By ToxicBlood18

49.6K 1.5K 433

After a failed Suicide attempt, Mei Hatsume learns to value her life and decides to teach others to appreciat... More

Chapter 1: The Creation of Jigsaw
Chapter 2: The First Game
Chapter 3: Fallen Green Angel
Chapter 4: His Side of the Story
Chapter 5: Setting Up
chapter 6: Mineta and Monoma
Chapter 7: We Are Live
Chapter 9: The Fangirl
Chapter 10: Jigsaw Rules
Chapter 11: City on the Edge of Battle Part 1
Chapter 12: City on the Edge of Battle Part 2
Chapter 13: Please Come Back
Chapter 14: Just When Everything Was Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 15: A Mother's Love
Chapter 16: Friends in High and Low Places
Chapter 17: Doing The Right Thing
Chapter 18: Callous Hearts
Chapter 19: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 20: The Plan Goes Bad Part 1
Chapter 21: The Plan Goes Bad Part 2
Chapter 22: Rules and Promises
Chapter 23: Bloody Money
Chapter 24: Toga and Iida Got a Mission
Chapter 25: From Okay to Really Bad
Chapter 26: A New Enemy
Chapter 27: Information
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Keeps Getting Worse
Chapter 30: Family Game Night
Chapter 31: You're a Celebrity
Chapter 32: Truth
Chapter 33: Story of Hosu
Chapter 34: Cat's Paw
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: You Want to Play a Fucking Game
Final Chapter: Let The Games Begin
Things I Cut From Cherish

Chapter 8: Love and Pain

2K 56 7
By ToxicBlood18

(I have never written smut before so don't expect gold here, i had to study alot of smut to write this so here you go, enjoy)

"Mei your not going to tell them our first time together."

"What, there the ones who asked us for the story and i don't want to leave anything out."

"You already skipped several months in the story already and several other people you tortured before you met me."


"oh what's the point of arguing with you just go ahead and tell them if you want."

"Listen i'm sorry for getting you upset honey, how about after this i'll make it up to you by doing that thing you like so much tonight."

"Alright tell them but before you do i want a little something now."

*Izuku kisses Mei and squeezes her ass.*

"Save that for later love, now on with the rest of the story."

Mei and Izuku were both on the couch looking very fluster at one another, "S-so Mei, what is it that you wanted to talk about? Did i do something wrong today." "Of couse not!" She said nearly jumping on him but quickly calming herself down, "You did everything i asked perfectly, i couldn't have done it better myself." Izuku let out a sigh of relief but then he figuared out what Mei whated to talk about, the kiss on the cheek he gave from this morning, "Izuku, your a great guy, your sweet and kind and you always know what to do when i'm feeling down to make me happy again, you also have very big muscles and i like that very much." Izuku was blushing so hard that it looked like he was about pass out, "What i'm trying to say is that i uh, im in, i lik-, dammit why is this so difficult to say it was so easy to say in my head." Izuku put both of his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into Mei's eyes, "Mei i am your partner and you can tell me anything you'd like so don't be afraid to say anything to me." He then gave her a hug which made her feel hot inside, "Izuku?" He sperated from her so he could look at her directly, "Yes Mei." She took a deep breath before answering, "I love you." Before Izuku could react to what she just said Mei pressed her lips against his, the kiss wasn't bad but she could tell this was his first time kissing an actually girl that wasn't his mom, after a few seconds they seperated both red as Strawberries, "I've been waiting to do that all day."

She expected him to be all shocked and mumbling out of his mind but instead he was smiling at her, "I love you too Mei." She was overjoyed to hear that as They kissed again but this time there was little more aggression, after a few minutes of making out they broke apart to catch there breath, Izuku than began kissing her neck leaving little marks, he quickly unbuttoned her school uniform to reveal her blue bra. He didn't waste anytime trying to get the bra off but he was having alot of trouble, "Come on why is this so difficult!" Izuku kept trying as Mei began to laugh making Izuku feel like he ruined the moment, "It's okay, let me help you." With one try she unhooked her bra revealing her huge breasts to him, he began to squeeze and suck on her tits causing her to let out small moans, "Izuku don't stop, don't ever stop." And with that he stopped and got up from the couch, "What the hell, i told you not to stop." She was about to yell at him some more until he took off his shirt showing off his god like body to her, "I'm really sorry for stopping but i felt it was unfair that you were shirtless and i wasn't." She began to feel his well toned abs from top to bottom and then moved on to his thick biceps but his muscles weren't the only thing on her mind, she kissed him as she reached into his short's pulling out his cock and began to pump it until it was fully erect, "Wow Izuku, you cock is huge."

In truth she already knew he was hung from when she had to take off his clothes to preform surgery on him after his failed attempt at suicide but he didn't need to know that, she took off her skirt and her matching blue panties so that she was completely naked infront of him, "Mei i you sure you want to do this." She gave him a peck on the lips before answering, "Yes, i want this, with you." She pushed him onto the couch and crawled on top of him positioning herself so that his member was right at her entrance, She then slowly push herself down onto him until it was all the way in and then began moving her hips up and down while izuku kissed her neck and chest, "Mei your so tight." He suddenly began thrusting into her squeezing her ass tightly as he did, "Izuku, im about to cum." "Me Too." There motions became faster and more intense as they both approached eachothers climaxes, Mei came first her juices trickling down his cock as she nearly passed out from the pleasure, Izuku came too letting his cum flood her womb, She got off of him slowly before just completely falling off the couch. "OH MY GOD MEI ARE YOU OKAY?" She raised her hand up and gave him a thumb's up, "I'm fine, that was just alot." Izuku slowly rolled of the couch and fell next to Mei and wrapped his arms around her kissing her cheek, "We should take a shower." He tried to get up but Mei dragged him back down, "Can't we just lay her awhile." He wanted to say no but she gave him that cute of her's and he couldn't resist, "Okay but only for a little bit."

(The Next Day)

Izuku woke up on the floor with a blanket over him and a note on his chest that he started to read,

Morning Izuku, i had a wonderful time with you yesterday it was absolutely perfect in every way. I locked myself in my workshop for a bit to work on a project for school so you won't see me for awhile but there is some things i need you to do for me,

1. Put Tooru through a game, i believe in you in that you can do this on your on.

2. In a few days when i go back to UA i need you to go to Hosu city and pick up a special order for me from a man named Kai Chisaki, He's a powerful yakuza and may betray you but i have planned for this just in case. Over on the couch i've laid out a series of weapons designed to take them out if you need to.

Once your done in Hosu comeback immediatly to the warehouse where i will have a suprise ready for you.

-Love, Mei

Izuku got up and looked at all the weapons that she had laid out for him each one came with a note explaining what they were, The first were a set of hidden blades that he could hide under his jacket sleeves, "When and did Mei make these?" He asked himself as he picked up a homemade cattle prode but was more suprised at the guns she had out, There was two Izu sub machine guns and a Remington Model 887 shotgun with a note that explained that the shotgun shells are special explosive rounds that she has been working on. After looking at all the weapons He went to his work bench and began scribbling down ideas for Tooru's trap, it took alot of thinking but after hours of writing and designing he finally had a game that was perfect for the invisible girl, he took his notebook and got dressed really fast before heading out to buy stuff necessary for the game to work.

(Two days later)

"Tooru please take out the trash before going to bed." "Yes mom." Tooru walked into the kitchen and grabbed the trash out of the bin, She walked out of the house and through the trashbag on the curb and walked back but she stopped when she heard a rustle in the bushes, she slowly walked towards the sound preparing to strike incase it was villain, once she was infront of the bushes she quickly jumped into them to find nothing just dirt and leaves. "Huh, must have been the wind or something." Tooru turned around to find a pig faced man standing standing behind her, he quickly tackled her and tried to cover her mouth while injecting her with drugs that would put her to sleep but this was difficult since she was invisible and Izuku didn't know exactly where her mouth is, after a minute the drug finally kicked in and she passed out, "And good night." Izuku picked her up and carried her over to his van and put her in the back and quickly drove off to the a low qaulity motel where he had set up the game, "Thank god she's out for awhile this place is far away, note to self place game closer to where you kidnap the person." He said as he turned on the radio, "Well hello to all you late night listeners, this is prseident mic and your listening to Hero Talk, Today's guest is the number one pro hero himself All Might, Welcome to the show." "Thanks for inviting me it's a pleasure to be on the show." Izuku reached over and turned off the radio, "I'm not listening to that piece of shit."

After a half an hour Izuku arrived at the motel, it was rundown to the point where some of the doors didn't even lock and most of the windows were borded up, "someone really needs to fix up this town there's like a hundred abandoned buildings." Before getting out of the car he pulled out Mei's camouflage device and turned it on making him invisible to video camera's, he walked around to the back of the van and picked up the invisible girl carrying her over his shoulders, he walked to the room at the end of the building and opened it, the room was filthy but it didn't matter to him as he placed Tooru in a chair and shackled her in, "alright time to put the finishing touches." He went to the van and grabbed three big sacks from out of the back, when got back he was greeted by an awake Tooru who was trying to escape from her restraints, "Let me go, HELLO CAN ANYONE HELP ME, HE'S GONNA KILL ME." Izuku was glad he didn't take off the mask as he put the sacks down and got another syringe, "Looks like i need to start using some stronger stuff, oh well time to send you back to dream land." He slowly approached her with the syringe and injected the needle in her shoulder, "Why are you doing this?" She asked barely able to stay awake, Izuku got close to the girls face and gave her a simply answer in a quite tone, "Because you must pay for your sins, only then can you walk the path of a hero." He then backed away and watched as she fell asleep and continued on finishing the trap.

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