Taciturn | Min Yoongi

By monobabe_

564 75 454

Her serene aura was enough to entice Yoongi into attaining a peculiar attraction towards the fellow being, wh... More



34 6 49
By monobabe_

Diary Entry 007
23rd November, 5:36 pm

Happiness, what is it? It an emotion that makes us all cheery and exuberant and in an other word, yellow. The colour of laughter and youth, the colour of clarity and optimism, the colour of cowardice and deceit.

To me as of right now, happiness is going to the carnival with my 6 friends whom I refer to as brothers now.

Honestly, I'm absolutely terrified.

Well, the is going to be awkward tension between Joon and Hyung. Jungkook will constantly ask me for approval if Taehyung will like anything he'll win him a stuffed giraffe. Hobi will be glued to Jimin if they go inside a haunted house. And I will be munching on those infamous street food in agony.

God, please can Joon and Hyung please talk and reconcile so I don't have to play Hyung for 6 children?


This is a end of season carnival, I hope maybe Heiran would come. I mean it's open for all, I think she would come.

I should probably stop writing and head home to change my clothes or else I'll get a lecture from Kookie for not being punctual.



Swifly Yoongi closed his sepia stained journal and carefully placed it in his bag along with his charcoal coloured pen. His folded the waste paper from his honey lemon chicken wrap and placed the empty cup in the ash gray tray. He pushed back the wooden chair against the yellow cream coloured marbled floor.

"Good day!" The waiter chimed as held a tray that emitted fumes of the delicious, hot and fresh food. Yoongi gave a sweet smile in return before turning towards the exit of the diner.

His ivory skinned palm pressed against the icy metal handle and left the warm, insulated diner. His bright red Converse stood out in the nearly dark illuminated area as he walked the familiar steps to his beloved home.

Turning in streets into streets, he finally reached his home. His body automatically calmed as he entered inside his cosy apartment.

Yoongi swung off his bag on flopped it on his bed before rummaging through his ebony double door wardrobe.

Considering that the night will be cold today, he took out a milky white, plain shirt and black denim jeans and he's black Converse to compliment his attire.

After changing his outfit, he sat on his dark olive green sofa and ate raw baby carrots as a snack. The clock ticked as every moment passed in Yoongi watching a random episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The bell rung twice indicating Jungkook was here. Yoongi finished his half eaten baby carrot and turned off his television. He grabbed his leather jacket before turning off the white luminous lights and stuffing his phone and wallet in his jeans pockets.

He opened the caramel coloured polished door, revealing Jungkook fiddling with the hem of his sleeves. Jungkook's eyes glimmer as he saw his Hyung appear outside his porch. "Hyung!" Jungkook beamed. "Hey kid." Yoongi smiled at Jungkook before walking down the steps.

Yoongi halted his steps as he saw the charcoal black land cruiser that consisted of Namjoon and Seokjin sitting in the front and the rest; Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok sitting inside, waving at Yoongi with euphoric smiles.

The two entered the car with greetings and Coldplay's Hurts Like Heaven playing on the radio. Strapping the seat-belts on, the seven of them started their journey to the carnival as they bobbed and sung their lungs out to the lyrics of the songs that played on the radio.

What this night held for them involves heartache, happiness, photo booths and cheesy pick up lines. Most of all, this night deteriorates a bond and creates a beautiful new one.


His umber orbs gaze pierced through his silver analogue wristwatch, his eyes moved left and right as each second passed. Yoongi was tired of waiting in this tremendous stream of sweaty and nearly impatient mortals. Yoongi rolled his neck back as he let out an exasperated sigh. Beads of sweats formed around the nape of his neck and forehead. The seven of them had been standing in this never-ending queue of humans for a good sixty minutes. Everyone was getting annoyed for moving a millimetre forward per every five minutes.

Hoseok, who was behind Yoongi, rested his head at the crook of Yoongi's neck. "We're gonna die here." Hoseok spoke in a muffled voice lifelessly, "I'm too young to die."

Before Yoongi could reply the long line started to move and due to this every single human standing in that queue had their eyes glistening with hope that they would soon enter the highly anticipated carnival.

The commotion within the extensive queue increased as the noisy bunch of adolescents felt ebullient. Adrenaline pumped into their blood as they became more buoyant than ever.

The 7 youngsters got their entry wristbands and were awestruck by how picturesque and aesthetic the carnival seemed from the inside.

The sudden screams from the life-threatening roller-coasters made Hoseok jumped in fear. The whole magical aura was overwhelming for them.

"We made it here, now what do we do?" Yoongi asked as the 7 circled themselves around him. "Eat!" Seokjin and Hoseok shouted. "No! We should play games and go to different rides." Jimin suggested.

"How about we play and do everything else first and eat at the end? I'm not taking cleaning your vomit if you barf on the rides." Taehyung said as he held his hands up. "Agreed." Jungkook nodded in approval.

Yoongi rubbed his eyes before answering, "The kids' are right. It's better to play first rather than eating first. Taehyung and Jungkook high fived each other as they both whisper-yelled,"Yes!"

The youngsters let their youthful eyes wander around the extravagant stalls and rides. "Hyung?" Jimin tapped Yoongi's shoulder. "Yes?" Yoongi shifted his head towards Jimin who fondly gave him an eye smile to which Yoongi would sure melt. "Could I win you a penguin?" Jimin thoughtfully asked the elder.

Yoongi was speechless and his pale cheeks turned crimson as Jimin fondly stared at him.

"A penguin?"

"Don't you like penguins?"

"No, no I do but I'll win you a dinosaur in return."

Yoongi knew Jimin adored dinosaurs and he would try to win that stuffed toy even if it took him all night.

The freshly dyed blonde beauty and the dark brunette beauty both walked towards the small stall of the classic game of shooting the tower of cans.

"For the penguin, I shall win." Jimin stated as he rolled up his sleeves, showing off his waxed pale arms on display. The stand owner handed over three vibrant coloured balls to Jimin.

His light skinned fingers tightly gripped the fluffy rose tinted ball, he flexed his arm and threw the ball, aiming at the lower line of the cans.

The sudden noise of the cans' chimes made Yoongi and Jimin, himself startled as he giggled and gave have a sweet eye smile to Yoongi.

Four cans remain standing with unequal distances between one another. "I can do this." Jimin chanted under his breath as he pursed his plump rosy lips to blow out air.

"For the penguin." Jimin whispered as he positioned his arm, "For Yoongi Hyung." Jimin swung his arm forward but slightly tilted as he aimed for the empty Red Bull can. The sun like ball knocked three cans down leaving one empty Red Bull can to the far left.

"One last try, Jimin." He murmured as he quickly shot the now sky blue ball directly at the tin can. Jimin jumped as he cheered with gleeful smiles and laughter.

"Hyung, I did It! I won you a penguin!" Jimin seemed more excited than Yoongi but Yoongi enjoyed seeing the younger happy.

The stand owner took off the medium sized penguin from the hook and handed it over to Jimin with a warm smile.

"It's so cute, thank you Jimin." Yoongi cooed  at the plushie and gave Jimin his gummy smile. "Now my turn." Yoongi stated as he asked for another round of balls for the game.

What Jimin didn't know what that Yoongi was a pro at aiming and throwing things. There was a lot that the pair didn't know about each other but they are more than happy to strength their bond.

In one fantastic swing, Yoongi at the cans and shot the lilac ball a but curved but  straight, knocking loads of cans and leaving only one.

Now this was when Yoongi's nerves started to kick in. "For Chim." Yoongi whispered as he smiled at the newly made nickname for his dear friend. It took one powerful shot to knock that lone Red Bull can and give the viridescent brontosaurus plushie.

Jimin could not stop jumping and petting the soft, fluffy toy as he giggled. "Thank you, Hyung." Yoongi ruffled the younger's flaxen hair.

The pair walked further until they saw Taehyung  and an awkward Jungkook walking towards the Teacup ride.

Jimin looked up to Yoongi. "No!" Yoongi declined straight away,"That's not my kind of ride." "Then what is?" Jimin questioned as he look around. "That." Yoongi pointed to UFO ride.

"Mother, save me." Jimin prayed as he stood next to Yoongi as they waited for their tickets. 


"Remind me never to ride rollercoasters with you again." Yoongi shook his head as he stated. Jimin gave him a look. "My ears are bleeding!" Yoongi complained.

"Stop acting like you didn't whine for your Kumamon plushie to save you!" Jimin exposed him with his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Speak of this again and you can say goodbye to Diminnie the brontosaurus." Yoongi threatened as Jimin gasped,"You wouldn't dare!" He wrapping his arms around the dinosaur plushie securely.

The pair had a minute of intense glaring their eyes before intertwining their fingers together as the moved towards to their 5 friends who stared at them with sceptical looks.

The seven adolescents stood near the pretzel and bagel stand as they argued on what to eat.

"Lamb skewers!" Jungkook announced and munched on bagel fed by Taehyung. Everyone looked at Yoongi. "What do you think I'm going to great lamb skewers again?" Yoongi eyed Jungkook to which he just pouted and ate the bagel. 

Before anyone could suggest more options or Seokjin scold Yoongi for not buying lamb skewers Taehyung shouted a very familiar name, "Heiran!"

Taehyung smiled  saved his hands for Heiran to notice her brother. Heiran turned around when she heard the familiar voice of her brother, her dead straight ebony hair swayed against her caramel pale skin. Her rosy lips curved into a wonderful smile as she noticed her adorable little brother and his undeniably attractive friends.

And there she was dressed in a Guns n' Roses T-shirt, black jeans and her black converse. To top off her attire, her Black leather jacket hung on her shoulders. Hands gripping the cherry red handbag which was slung across her body she walked towards her brother.

Taehyung left Jungkook's side and hugged her sister. He turned to his friends and introduced Heiran to them.

Heiran waved at the smiling 6 people identifying two which she knew. Her breath hitched as she saw Yoongi dressed up in a similar attire but smiled to him nonetheless.

"Yoongi Hyung and I know Heiran. That's how Hyung and I met. She teaches us sign language." Jimin beamed.

"She can hear you guys but she can't speak." Taehyung held her hand tightly to which Heiran rubbed her thumb over his hand to comfort her. "That doesn't mean she can't have fun with us." Taehyung announced and clapped his hands,"There are plenty of rides waiting for us, shall we all go?" Taehyung looked at sister then to the rest for approval.

The following hours went by them riding mulitple rollercoasters and putting their life on the line. Currently, the rest were roaming around or stopping for a quick bite.

The six of them walked forward deciding amongst themselves whether to go anywhere else. But for Yoongi? He was busy admiring and fighting his subconscious to speak to Heiran.

"Beautiful." Yoongi blurted. Heiran looked at him with a sweet smile radiating a serene atmosphere. Heiran gestured, "Handsome." and gave him a cheeky and playful smile.

Yoongi's cheeks turned crimson and stared at the ground. Yoongi pointed at the scintillating yellow carousel that emanates a youthful exuberance. Heiran nodded furiously and grabbed his warm hand to drag him to the carousel.

Yoongi forgot what this yellow feeling meant. The feeling of being happy and youthful. The feeling of not caring about anything and just be content with the present. The feeling of admiration and hope. And that the optimistic side of yellow.

The two adoloscents ran towards the carousel looking like the classic '90s power couple. The combination of them being in all black with perfect cherry red, gave the perfect example of retro and the '90s. Yoongi and Heiran's laugher and smile joined with the children riding the jubilant ride.

Hand in hand, they walked past different stalls that displayed local handmade embroidered jewellery. Heiran stopped in front of one and held the black and white bracelets with grace and care.

"You like it?" Yoongi asks sweetly. Heiran puts down the bracelets and gestured,"I'll buy one for you." Heiran hands the white bracelet to stall owner. The stall owner packs the delicate bracelet in a mustard coloured paper. Heiran pays the amount and smiles brightly at Yoongi.

Yoongi was sure his cheeks are going to hurt due to constant smiling but he was Heiran. He knew how lucky he is to be with her.

"This one too." Yoongi picks the black bracelet and gives it to the stall owner as he pays the desired amount. The pair walk forward and sit on a lone timber bench.

Facing each other, they sat. Yoongi gently grabbed Heiran's left hand and rubbed his thumb warmly over her soft skin. He then too out the black bracelet and placed on her pale wrist.

Heiran took out the mustard paper bag and took out the white bracelet. She held his left hand. Mentally dying over his warm, veiny hand. She gently placed the bracelet on his hand.

Yoongi was blushing mess and stared at Heiran with pure endearment.  Before Heiran could gesture him actions of admiration a raindrop fell on the apple of her cheeks.

She blinked and looked up to the sky and the shower of rain fell, making the two's clothes wet slowly.

Yoongi pointed at covered bench near a Turkish stall. The pair ran together towards shelter and ordered some lamb skewers. Yoongi was glad to spend his Friday night with someone special. He content for this night being yellow.


The night is about to show the other side of yellow that many seem to overlook. Seokjin and Namjoon were currently near a small shack, waiting for the others. As awkward it seemed, it increased when Namjoon tumbled and fell next inside a photo booth, dragging Seokjin with him too.

Their chests bunped with each other as they stood in the small cramped booth. "Joon..." Seokjin trailed of. 


Like replay, the other nights event replayed  in their lost minds. "Hyung, I'm sorry." Namjoon started off, "It was wrong and I shouldn't have done that."

Seokjin gave him a sympathetic look and held his hand but Namjoon immediately took out his hand out of his grasp no matter who much he wanted to stay in embrace,"Don't."

"Please don't. Don't look at me like that. Don't hold my hand like that. I can't break my heart and yours anymore. So please stop." Namjoon croaked, tears threatening to spill.


"Joon." Seokjin repeated and held his hand,  "What do you want me to do?"


Namjoon didn't utter a single syllable but his action spoke thousands. He wrapped his arms around Seokjin's torso and hugged him tightly. This hug wasn't an ordinary hug, it was a hug filled heartache and woe.


Teardrops fell on Seokjin's shoulder but he didn't mind. He knew Namjoon needed him and he was going to be with him whenever he needs to be comforted. He'd be there for him whenever he felt weak.
This was the other meaning of yellow. Weakness, however yellow also means loyalty. And Seokjin filled the spot for loyalty.


Taehyung and Jungkook were currently eating corn dogs and held multiple plushies won by each other. The two stopped in front of a fruit juice stand as Jungkook was thirsty.

"Baby, if you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple." Taehyung winked and handed over the pineapple juice to Jungkook. The frog headband which stood proudly on Jungkook's head slipped to his nose. Taehyung giggled and placed the headband on it's respective postion.

Jungkook knew some tricks up his sleeve too and he said,"Boy, if you were a vegetable then you'd be a cutecumber."
The two spent their night filled with glee and surely the rain won't stop them from having fun. And that is the true shade of yellow.

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