The Luna Cure

By blankwriter18

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// sequel to Alpha Symptoms, can be read separately // Dante Valentino-Lancaster seems to be out of luck. At... More



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By blankwriter18

It was slightly warm for Genoa today, or that's at least what Dante said one of the locals told him. A nice 17°, and with all the walking we were doing, I was very happy it was warmer than usual. The shops were nice and warm, too, so we could always just hop in one of those when the wind brought cold. Currently, that's what we were doing. I was flipping through a rotating display of postcards, not to buy—because I certainly didn't have anyone to send anything to—but just to look at all the pictures.

The bell rang above the door, and feminine gasps disrupted the otherwise quiet store.

"Prince Dante!"

"Oh my goddess!"

My head fell back in a groan as I heard more fans of Dante's rush over, and I was glad Dante was a couple meters away so he could be the focus of all their attention.

I continued flipping through the postcards, hearing Dante give them the same sort of speech he had to all the other groups of girls, sorry to disappoint but I'd really appreciate if you all would just pretend like I'm not here. When that didn't work—which so far, he was 0 for, maybe 6? 7?, he resulted to his other line, I'd hate to have to order your removal. Have a wonderful day. That line was far more successful, and I didn't know why he didn't just lead with it.

Generally, it left the girls trudging away, groaning and moaning about lost love. It brought me beautiful relief and gratitude, because for once, being the most bland looking person I knew—especially near someone like Dante—was absolutely marvelous. I could just do whatever. Unlike Dante, who couldn't even visit a town on the one day of the year when most people aren't out.

This current group, like a few of the previous ones, was determined to not be sent away from the Alpha Prince of all Werewolves, and so when Dante subtly threatened their removal, one of them spoke up.

"But this is meant to be, Prince Dante. I mean, meeting you, here, on the most magical day of the year—"

"Magic isn't always good. I wouldn't use that as a sign for anything." Dante said, and I turned around to find him leaning against the wall as the four—four? It had only sounded like two—beautiful girls surrounded him, nearing closer like sharks to their prey.

I bit back an amused grin at just how annoyed he looked, and returned to looking at the postcards. I spun the display to find a whole new array of shots of Italy, from the ocean to the Vatican to all the other landmarks.

One of the girls spoke up, and her voice was new. "This is definitely the good type of magic." I rounded the display, away from them, and I saw out of the corner of my eye one of them try to place a hand on his bicep.

"Unfortunately, I'm just not feeling it." He slid out of their circle and started walking towards me, and as the posse followed, and I hustled over to another part of the store, not wanting any of that attention.

I must say, this group was far more tenacious than the last, because after that sort of diss from the Prince, the others always left. But for some reason, this only seemed to amp up the energy in these four.

"But Prince Dante, I feel it. I know we're right for each other."

"You and the other three, it seems." Dante continued his leisurely stroll towards me, and I zipped back around a corner. No way was he bringing me into this. He sent me a slight smirk, his eyebrow cocking. "I love the chase, you know."

I knew he was speaking to me because that look was challenging me to keep running, but the other girls were too busy fawning over my mate to recognize this, and instead thought he was speaking to them.

"You like the chase? We can make you run."

"Oh, we'd love to get chased."

"You could catch me right now, Prince Dante."

"I would lose so quick for you."

Dante shot me another look after this, still strolling after me as I tried to pretend like I wasn't jumping from each display in the store.

"Oh, yes. But play fair. At least a couple kilometers away so I can have a true challenge."

One of them let out a squeak of excitement, and quickly ran out the door. The others were hesitant to leave their Prince.

"You'll really chase us?"

"Goddess, to get caught." One swooned.

Dante rolled his eyes but didn't turn back around. "Better get started." Those eyes drilled into me. "I don't lose."

The small herd was suddenly off, bursting through the doors with another ring! Dante, however, wasn't done, and he kept bearing me.

I picked up whatever was near me, which happened to be a mini Leaning Tower of Pisa, and pointed it towards him. "Stay away."

"Did you not hear me earlier?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking the statue. "Then you better get started on finding the greatest loves of your life out there. They can't be far."

"Maybe it wasn't my magic they were feeling, it was yours. Did you feel drawn to them? Maybe they were meant for you. Your secret admirers."

I scrunched up my nose. "Funny."

"They seemed pretty adamant that they were feeling some magic." He shrugged.

"Stop trying to get close to me!" I shook the Pisa once more and set it down, walking around the glass table as he neared. I found my way to the jewelry, little pizza earrings and Italy shaped pendants.

He continued his slow trail, obviously not worried about time. "I was over here thinking you were more of a Cowboy's type, but obviously you attract a lot more than I would expect." My cheeks flushed red at his mention of the cowboy, and I shook my head at him.

"You are so annoying."

"Yee-haw, right? I don't know what about you screams country, but he was interested. That fucker." Dante shook his head as he swore, and I slowed in my movements, distracted by the way swears rolled off his tongue. It shouldn't be that attractive. He needed to swear more so I could be desensitized.

"You think about him way more than I do. I only bumped into him."

Dante shrugged. "I don't like other wolves trying to get with my mate. Obviously, this is an unheard of concept."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, trying not to think about his words. "He wasn't trying to get with me, he was just—"

Dante finally broke the gap, moving those hands to hold my hips as he leaned down and kissed me, effectively silencing me. I grabbed onto him as my body exploded with soft sweet sparks, not an ounce of me wanting to resist as those lips made magic against mine.

He broke away, leaving the kiss short and sweet. Too short, a nagging voice in my brain said.

"I don't want to talk about your cowboy friend. I would much rather talk about how I just won."

I blinked, my eyebrows raising. "Won?"

"I told you I always win."

After a moment of looking confused, his words came back to me, and that blush returned to my cheeks. I shook my head at him. "You are annoying. And you did not win. You still have all those girls to catch."

He groaned. "I'm worried they won't go as far away as I asked and they'll be back."

"What happened to ordering them away?"

Dante shrugged his big shoulders, leaning against the sturdy jewelry display. "I never actually do that. It's messy. I can't just use my Alpha position to order them, it's the full Alpha Prince, which is really no different than an order from the Alpha King, and then the palace's guards are alerted when I do it, and it's just not worth the hassle. It's good for leverage, though."

My head tilted at the information. "Does your dad use it a lot, then?"

"Only when necessary. It's less messy for him, but still annoying."

I gave him a nervous smile. "I feel like these are confidential secrets I'm learning about your family." I should not know the tricks the Prince and King use to get their way.

"Oh, please. You've lived in the palace. And, you are kind of a living confidential secret of us for the time being. At least until you want to be known."

Ring! Ring!

Dante let out a groan, pulling out his phone. Upon seeing the caller ID, he sent me an annoyed looked.

"It's been two hours." He glanced at the time, and rolled his eyes. "On the dot, actually. Here."

I took the phone, reading the large, Maxwell Abernathy..., before I answered.

I beat him to speaking first, knowing he probably thought he had Dante. "Hi Max!"

"It has been two hours. Please enlighten me as to why Dante gets you on Christmas and not us."

"Maxwell!" Maggie hissed in the background. Max grumbled something back.

"I left you guys a note. It's fine. We'll be back later."

"Okay, but you still left. Do we get to know where to, or what you're doing?"

"Be nicer." Maggie spoke again, this time much quieter.

I glanced up at Dante, seeing what he thought. He motioned toward himself with his hand, and I slowly took the phone away from my ear, trying to gauge if this was what he wanted.

He took the phone from me, and then grabbed my hand, guiding us out of the cute trinket shop. The bell rang after us, and we once again were subject to the decent weather. The wind wasn't back, so that was at least a positive.

"Hi Max. Merry Christmas." Dante tried to sound warm. At his greeting, I was suddenly aware of the fact that I didn't wish my family a Merry Christmas in my note, either.

"Tell him I say the same." I told Dante.

"Florence also says Merry Christmas. Listen, I know you wanted to have some older brother macho-no-boys speech—been there, too—but it's Christmas, and we shouldn't bicker."

Max mumbled something back, or at least it sounded muffled to me.

Dante nodded. "We'll be back at a reasonable time. You can ask all of your questions then. Maybe even get in that speech."

Max replied, but this seemingly took a while, because Dante nodded a few times.

"You know me. Things haven't suddenly just changed." Dante said after a while, and then waited for Max to finish speaking.

"Of course. I don't think I'm too shabby at this whole thing. But thank you. Merry Christmas."

I leaned up to Dante's ear, and tried to join in. "Merry Christmas!"

Dante sent me a slight smile, before nodding one more time and ending the call.

"What'd he say?" I asked, as Dante led us across the street between cars. Other tourists and locals stopped to stare and point at us, but at least no phones were out. Genoa had busied up during our time at lunch and in the shops, and was now bustling with people going to and fro. Like, a lot of people.

"Just protective big brother stuff."

"That's all you're going to tell me?"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "It's nothing he hasn't already said."

We approached a large, long dock with enormous boats floating next to it, but we kept walking down.

"What are we doing?"

"It'll be short-lived, but I'm still going to call it a surprise."

I only shook my head at him as we continued to the end of the docks, towards the grander boats. The edge of the dock was so near, but then I saw that it broke off and went to the left, creating a much larger dock than I had been expecting.

"So you have a boat?" I asked. "Unless you were planning on pushing me in."

"Ha, ha." He narrowed his eyes at me as we made the turn. At the end, I could already see some of the guards Dante had brought both on and on the docks in front of a behemoth of a boat. I'm pretty sure it could be called a yacht, honestly. I looked at Dante with wide eyes.

"My family has a boat, over at the palace. And there's a couple boats for the Royal Guards to circle the kingdom. This is a friend's." He answered as we approached the enormous vehicle.

We finally stopped in front of it, and I got a good look at the boat. There was obviously a level under the deck, as evidenced by plenty of windows, as well as a level on the deck, and the whole boat was a bright, shiny white. It swayed in the blue water, majestic and beautiful.

I saw a stairway already in place for the both of us to get on, and glanced up at Dante.

"So we're going on a boat." I tilted my head. There was a small—okay, maybe that's a lie—part of me that was actually excited for this. Dante did a fantastic job today with his surprises, and I didn't want to give it to him. Not after leaving me in suspense for so long.

"Would you rather do something else?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at my reaction. "I'm sure—"

"No! This is great. I've never been on a boat before." I glanced over to the guards, who were standing a couple meters away, surveying everything around us. It was a bit odd for me to be around them. I wasn't used to it like Dante, and I didn't know them, either.

"That's too bad." He motioned towards the metal stairs, and I didn't take long walking over and ascending the platform. Dante followed, and I stared around at the deck. It was far nicer than I could've imagined, with clean wood floors and a shiny silver railing. On top of that, there was a beautiful enclosed room in the center, with more stunning hardwood floors and I'm sure wildly expensive furniture.

This boat was magnificent. Far too wonderful for me.

I shook that thought out of my head. Dante had done an amazing thing for me, and I wasn't going to be ungrateful.

I walked over to the railing and leaned against it as Dante strolled over, raising an eyebrow at me.

"This is really nice. I didn't mean to sound unhappy." I told him, wrapping my arms around myself as he approached. Otherwise, they probably would've reached out to touch that toned chest, or those beautiful biceps. That was a bad idea.

"I'm glad. It was quite hard finding something to do Christmas Day around Gilette."

Of course it was. Everything with me was hard. I felt bad for putting him in that position.

I shook my head at him. "You didn't have to go all out. I just couldn't be there. Hiding out in your car would've sufficed."

He rolled his eyes. "Remind me next year to just trap us both in a tiny car for ten hours. Such a fun Christmas."

I gulped at his mention of a next year. If Batilda didn't kill us by then. If I didn't get you to reject me. If you still wanted anything to do with me. He had spoken about the future a good amount of times so far today, and I didn't know how to handle it. The schooling thing was a definite no, but not because I didn't want it. I'd kill to not feel so stupid, so small, to feel like I could get back some of that lost time. The schooling was a no because it was too much from Dante for the minuscule amount that I give back. I do nothing for him or the werewolf people, and I'd be wasting prime resources and time.

I wasn't going to get tutored, as much as I had been drawn to the idea and grown fond to the benefits, because I couldn't let Dante or myself get my hopes up. Batilda was going to kill me, and that was okay. Dante and my family just couldn't get hurt. They'd move on and prosper, just like they had been doing before I thrust myself into all of their lives.

"Your Highness, we will be in the control room unless you need us."

"Highnesses," amother guard corrected from the back, and I perked up.

"Not plural!" I yelled to them as they opened the door to the inside. They stopped, glancing up at us. Their eyes seemed to latch onto Dante for instruction on how to deal with my correction.

"Er, your, uh," The tallest one glanced between the two of us. Dante gave me raised eyebrows, seemingly challenging how serious about this I was.

"Your Highness and Your Highness' Mate, we will be in the control room. Our apologies, Miss."

They shuffled quickly inside and away, leaving a clearly-amused Dante and I.

"That's funny?" I asked.

"Did you see how nervous you made him? That was fantastic." Dante's grin was so bright I almost had to squint at it, and it was then that I noticed the ship had departed the dock by a few meters.

"Are there anymore surprises today?"

His grin didn't falter as he answered me. "No, unless you don't come with me to pick out a bottle of wine."

I blinked. "Alcohol and I—"

"I will keep you from overdoing it. And you can come with me to pick out one you might possibly get along with."

I shrugged, but had no real reason to turn it down. "Alright."

Dante flashed me a smile, before leading me inside and through the luxurious interior. This boat was drenched in elegance, from the gray sofas to the stunning crown moulding—but it was almost in-your-face elegance, not the regal, majestic beauty I was so used to being around Dante and in the palace. Even if Dante didn't tell me, I still think I would've figured out that this was not his boat. It just wasn't Dante.

Goddess, I cannot believe I know the Prince enough—or at least I think I do—to say that. I have been spending far too much time with the second most important man in the werewolf world, his father's role only slightly more important.

We walked down a flight of stairs, through a winding, confusing hallway, before Dante opened a dark wood door, leading to a dimly lit wine cellar. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all wood, with wood wine cases and shelves. And due to the room's location, as well as it being a wine cellar, there was very little lighting in here. Nor was there a porthole or window to provide some light.

I didn't even realize I had frozen in the doorway until Dante let out a soft swear. His eyes were soft with warmth. "I'm sorry. It didn't even occur to me—"

I turned my head to him, blinking away the dark haze that was forming. "I, uh—it's alright." A breath escaped me as I glanced around the space. It was reminiscent of the horrible place I knew all too well. My heart thudded painfully, and I closed my eyes for a brief moment in a sigh. This was different. I wasn't in her basement. I wasn't waiting to die. I'm safe. Batilda wasn't a present threat, and Dante was here. I had my voice, too. That helped remind me of some good, recent change. "I'm okay."

"Yeah?" Dante made sure. He still looked ready to come over and comfort me.

I nodded, taking another step in the room, and glancing at all the reflecting glass. There was so much wine in here.

That was another thing. There wasn't wine in the basement. Actually, there wasn't anything in the basement. I'm not down there. My heart wasn't erratic, and I felt fine, but I couldn't help but compare the two places. There were a few guards hidden on this ship somewhere, but just Dante and I here. The basement only held a maximum five girls, or at least no more than that during my time there. Maybe before me, or after me, had things not turned out the way they did, Batilda would've taken more.

Upon thinking about it, I realized that Batilda didn't actually do that much. I had arrived to be with four others. A couple years later, and all had been replaced, and it was just me and three others, including Wendy. A couple years later, and we had lost two more, and then gained Daisy and Millie, before Wendy left. Was murdered, I corrected myself bitterly.

But even then, she had only ruined ten lives in the eleven years I spent with her. We were all niveus, and I'm sure the small number of niveus wolves present had taken a hit, but that still wasn't an enormously high number for what she was capable of.

Then again, that was ten families that she ruined. Ten wolves—or seven, since Dante should really be excluded, and Millie and Daisy would hopefully still get theirs—that wouldn't get the mate they were meant for. Or a mate at all for some of them, I'm sure.

I turned around to find Dante regarding me quietly, his eyes not revealing his thoughts.

I let my arms drop, glancing around at all the wine again. Thinking about everyone I knew that Batilda killed hurt me deeply. Not to mention the toxic guilt that ate away at my soul. But speaking and being around Dante didn't. I wanted that comfort.

Say something. The atmosphere was crushing, a result of my negativity.

"You have to teach me all this wine stuff." I told him, hoping I'd perk up the somber mood in the room that I had caused.

He raised his eyebrow, the corners of his lips lifting into a soft grin. "Yeah? It's a lot." And then he let out a laugh. "I might just make you try and pronounce all the names."

I scrunched up my nose, turning back around to actually inspect the bottles. "Just to get a good laugh at me?"

"I would definitely have some fun with it."

I shot him a little glare as he laughed some more.

* * *

A little over an hour later of Dante making the wine selection process far more intensive than it needed to be followed by a tour of the ship, Dante and I were sat in the living room area, with the cute fireplace on and crackling.

"So you don't like the guy that owns this ship?" I asked quietly, swirling my second glass of wine and watching the deep plum color run around the sides.

Dante snorted. "Absolutely not. I've never met anyone with a bigger ego."

I raised an eyebrow, glancing around at the magnificent yacht. It was not hard to believe that someone who owned a ship this extravagant could be slightly full of themselves. "How so?"

Dante took a deep breath, glancing up at the ceiling from where he was. When we ended up here, I very carefully stole the lone chair to keep from any sort of contact with Dante that wasn't necessary. Keep him away. It was for his own good.

"Alright, so Josh—that's the guy—he's just a wolf with money. No Alpha-Beta-whatever blood in him. He just inherited a fortune. Never went to school, never shadowed his parents, no work at all for the money. He doesn't donate any of it, even when he's invited to all of these charity galas and whatnot. But then events where actual diplomacy occurs—like the Alpha Conference and the Full Moon Gala, which is actually the biggest waste of time—he always demands a way in or he'll shut down his factories that some packs depend on for economic stability." Dante rolled his beautiful eyes, setting his glass down on the coffee table in front of him.

"Why borrow his ship, then?"

"Because he asks so much from us. He's relentless to Sapphire about going on a date, constantly asking for favors he doesn't deserve from us, and somehow always finds his way into gatherings he wasn't invited to. And then he clings to Finn, Isaiah, Sapphire, Me, even the twins, trying to schmooze us into investing." He shook his head. "A leech of a man. But, he had a ship in this port, so I reminded him of all the events I've gotten him into, willingly or not."

I tilted my head, regarding Dante curiously. "Why did you put so much effort into planning all of this?" I gestured towards the magnificence that surrounded us. "I would've been happy just hiding in like, a gas station."

His lips lifted the slightest bit. "You deserve all of this." His gaze intensified into me, resting warmly on my face. "Everything and more." His voice was softer, introspective. I shivered at his intensity, not knowing how to respond to that.

"For doing what?" I finally whispered back. I didn't deserve this. I was weak. A mere human, parading around with the greatest werewolves in existence and going on lavish boat dates with them. Goddess, I just called this a date.

Dante shook his head, but that warm glow still found its way to me, melting my insides. Why was this so sweet?

Those damn legally green eyes, that's why.

"Whatever I say, you'll just fight it." He glanced at his watch, before he got up again and grabbed his wine. "Besides, it's time to make you lunch."

"Dante," I started, wishing he didn't know I'd fight it and just wanting to hear why he thinks I'm worthy of anything, and also wondering why food was the most important thing to him for me. "We just ate!" He made his way over and held out his hand, which I oddly took without protest, and let him lead me through some hallways.

"We ate three hours ago. Lunch happens around noon. I'll find something with a long cooking time."

"I'm not even hungry."

He turned back around, those beautiful eyes capturing mine as we finally entered the brightest white kitchen I have ever seen. "Remember that promise that you'll eat all three meals?"

I groaned, letting go of his hand to take a seat at the island. "I didn't think that through. Can't we just call breakfast like, brunch?"

The island was a pristine, white granite, with not a streak of any other color through it. All of the cabinets were blindingly bright, and directly behind the other side of the island was the gleaming silver sink, directly under a window, which delivered even more shine to the room. Goddess, my eyes hurt.

"If you want to do that, I'm sure we could speed back in time for Christmas dinner." Dante threatened, peering over to me from the fridge.

I shook my head, taking a sip of my wine. "You're cruel."

He offered me a bright smile, even brighter than the white white room we were in.

"I'm going to end up obese from all of the food you're forcing me to eat."

He laughed, and the sound warmed up the entire room. His hands finally grabbed a few things from the fridge before he placed them on the counter next to the sink. "I don't think that will ever happen. And I'm not forcing you to eat anything. Just threatening."

A breath escaped me at his joke, but the corners of my lips lifted in the slightest smile. My eyes drifted to the large, bright—obviously—French doors over to the right of the room, exposing another part of the ship I hadn't seen yet.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I got off my chair to go look out the window, still holding my wine. I can't even remember the name of it, but Dante had been completely right in choosing this one.

Outside was absolutely beautiful. The water was oh-so-blue, sparkling on either side of the deck, and the sky was a cloudless blue. Not as bright as a summer day, I'm sure, but more than good enough for a winter day. The deck was a clean white wood, with silver rails, and in the middle of it sat an odd silver shape. There was a black covering over it.

"What's that?" I asked Dante, who was working under the sink window.

He glanced up at me, and then out the window. "What's what?"

"The silver thing. In the middle."

Dante glanced back in the window as he was preparing the food, before he gave me a raised brow. "The hot tub?"

Hot tub. My eyes widened, and I glanced back out there. I hadn't gone swimming in so long. So long. My lips formed a line as I tried to recall the last time I had been in water that wasn't for cleaning myself. Certainly before I was abducted. And I knew I had never been in a hot tub.

So much gone, never experienced.

"What are you thinking?" Dante asked, those eyes regarding me softly.

That I really, really wish things had been different.

"Nothing." I tried, and when Dante's inquisitive look didn't let up, I added, "I've just never been in a hot tub before." Which shouldn't be a super depressing thing, but it was that and so much more. I didn't even have the thought to be embarrassed that I didn't know what it was, I was just suddenly so sad about everything.

"We'll fix that. Food first, though."

I blinked, not understanding what he meant. When he didn't elaborate, I just shrugged and returned to my spot at the island, watching him cook.

Watching Dante cook, with all his little comments and jokes, was actually very entertaining. Especially when I just got to sit back and finish my second glass of wine. I asked for a third, but Dante cut me off—probably for good reason, since I was already feeling a little bit buzzed, but still annoying.

His promise to find a recipe with a long cooking time was kept as whatever he made needed an hour in the oven. Even then, Dante and I stayed in the kitchen just talking, which was becoming easier and easier to do with him the more time I spent with him, and the hour was over awfully quick.

From our chatting, I learned Dante had a lot of cousins and relatives all over, and that when his parents relocated to Mont Saint-Michel, a lot of his family either came with or scattered. He did mention that quite a bit of them still lived in Georgia, and that I need to prepare myself for all of them wanting to meet me. I, of course, asked how they already knew about me, and he said his mom, the Queen, had gushed about Dante finding his mate. That sent me into a little internal freak out, for both the Queen's gushing and the amount of family I'd have to meet.

Not like I had a small, simple family, though. Dante had had to meet a good number of them for the first time in a day, and I'm sure that wasn't super easy.

Eventually, the food was ready, and Dante finished preparing it before we ate. It was actually delicious, some chicken dish I couldn't pronounce but very much enjoyed.

"Come outside with me." Dante offered, stealing our dishes to put in the sink.

"I—uh," My kind blanked on any sort of excuse as to why I couldn't, so I just shrugged and stood up. "Okay."

He didn't grab my hand again to lead me, and I didn't waste the effort grabbing my empty glass. We stepped outside into the surprisingly pleasant day, although the winds had gotten stronger the more we'd been at sea. Off in the very far distance, I could still sea the shoreline faintly, making me feel a little more secure on this enormous boat. And that gorgeous blue water surrounded us on all sides, reflecting the bright sun that sat above us.

"This is all wonderful, by the way. I can't say that enough." I told him, gesturing to the boat, the sea, everything.

"Even with all the food I'm forcing you to eat?"

I gave him a look at that comment, but nodded. "Dinner better not be for like, twelve hours, though."

I drifted off to the rail, leaning over and watching the water slap against the sides of the boat. The sea was relatively calm, which was good, because I didn't know if I'd love a rocky boat experience.

I felt Dante's presence come beside me without him having to touch me.

I turned my head to look at him, and all that he was. An enormous, muscled, beautiful werewolf. Who I had only seen in his wolf form once.

"Why don't you ever shift?" The question was out of my mouth before I could really even think of the consequences. Like, possibly offending the strongest werewolf. Goddess.

He offered a smile, leaning against the rail but facing me. "I can see why you'd think I don't, but I do. This past month has been very busy," With me and all of my problems, I filled in the unsaid blank, "and I shift in Georgia a lot more than I do here."

"Why don't you shift a lot here?"

He shrugged. "The forests are better in Georgia. And they're everywhere. Besides, when I'm here it's usually for family or Prince stuff."

I nodded, and there was a moment of quiet between us, in which the waves were the only thing audible.

I let out a breath, feeling oddly like self-disclosing now. "I don't think I miss it." The words just tumbled out, and at Dante's raised eyebrows, another shaky breath escaped me. "I just... I don't know. I didn't have my wolf for more than a couple days, and my family was so freaked out and worried for me. And everything it led to..." I shook my head. "If I weren't surrounded by wolves, I don't think it'd be a huge loss."

"You never got the chance to experience everything. I think if you had, you'd feel differently."

I shrugged, moving my gaze out to the sea. "But I'd still be niveus. And that's just problems galore."

"Sapphire and Tristan seem to be pretty happy with their niveus wolves."

I blinked, turning to look at him again. "Sapphire and Tristan are niveus?" I didn't realize anyone other than the Queen had a white wolf.

He nodded. "But even we have to keep that guarded. They can't shift as freely as my dad, Triton, and I can."

I knew a few things about niveus wolves. They had pure white coats, they had been hunted for centuries, and each one had their own individual ability that normal wolves didn't. I hadn't had the time to figure out mine, and now that my wolf was basically dead, I knew I'd never figure it out.

But for three niveus to be in one family?

"Is it hereditary, then?" I asked, very curious now as to how that had happened.

He gave me an unsure shrug. "We don't know. Triton's coat is darker than mine, so we're guessing niveus wolves blend coats with their mates, but we really don't know. If that were true, we'd all be gray wolves." He explained, and I remembered his luscious silver coat, which was a little on the lighter gray side.

"When did Sapphire and Triton shift?" Normal werewolves shifted around fourteen or fifteen, alpha and beta wolves shifted a little closer to twelve or thirteen, and niveus wolves were generally around ten.

"They both shifted at eleven."

If only I had shifted a little later. I'd have had more time with my family. Maybe Batilda wouldn't have found it so easy to capture me.

A reassuring hand gripped my wrist, sending warmth through my body. His thumb rubbed over the skin on the inside of my wrist. "I'm here, you know. I hope you don't need two glasses of wine to feel okay telling me things like this."

"I know. I know you are." And I have no idea what to do with you. Well, one big one, but that actually ended in him not being here. So maybe that doesn't count.

Suddenly, Dante's phone rang again, and he pulled it out of his pocket. "It's Sapphire. I'll be back in a minute." He gave my wrist a squeeze before he excused himself back inside, already having the call answered as he did so.

Now that I was alone, things felt colder. A gust of wind swept over me, making my hair fly all over the place. My eyes landed on that hot tub in the middle, and I walked over to it. I grasped the smooth black cover and pulled it back, revealing the shiny silver inside filled with water.

I let my fingers dip in, and the water was perfectly warm.

Without much other thought, I pulled the rest of the cover off, and then took off my shoes before I let my feet drop in.

My hands were supporting me on the deck as I let my head drop back, the sun a welcome presence on my skin. One thing I had figured out since getting away from Batilda is that I had missed nature horribly. The sun, the wind, all the sounds that came with it, were all so beautiful to me.

After a few more moments of just sitting, the wind hit me again, whipping my hair all around. I quickly put it up into a bun with the hair tie I had sleepily grabbed this morning.

I shifted forward to pull the hem of my pants up, trying to keep them dry. As I did so, I must've hit some button, because the hot tub jets roared to life, and suddenly bubbles were covering the surface of the water. "Ooh," I couldn't help but let out, swishing my feet in the bubbles.

Eventually, and I say this like more than a few minutes had passed, I just laid down on the deck, my ankles submerged in the pleasant water, and the sun shining on my skin.

Today could have been catastrophic. I wouldn't have wanted to bother my family during their cute moment of opening presents, nor would I have felt like I could share in any of the warmth or positive spirits. I just would've been this depressing mass, crushing any and all good feelings. And while I'm sure I still put a damper on the first part by disappearing and leaving a messy note, I didn't feel as guilty as I think I would've if I were there.

So, lost in my thoughts, the opening and closing of the door went unnoticed, as did his light footsteps, until I realized he was beside me, dropping down to sit with me.

I lifted my arm off of my eyes, to find his bright smile and the even more glaring sun. "Hey."

"Hi." I suddenly felt sheepish, having messed around with stuff without Dante around. I had kind of intruded by pulling off the cover. What if it was on to keep us from using it? I sat up again on my hands, ready to pull my legs out and pull back down my pants.

"What was, uh, Sapphire calling about?" I asked, bringing my feet out and moving to fix my pants.

"Stop moving. What are you doing?" He put a hand on my knee, holding me firm as I was practically getting up.

"I, uh, I don't know." I let out a breath and relaxed, putting my feet back in the water. "Is everything okay? With Sapphire?"

He nodded, pulling his hand away. "She just wanted to check in. Everything's fine."

"Okay." I replied, swishing my ankles around a little. "Is Sapphire in college? She's that age, right?"

He nodded. "She's twenty, and she should be at uni right now, but she took this year off. She's not too sure if it's what she wants."

"Where does she go?"

"PSL." He answered. "She wanted to stay close."

I nodded, recognizing the Paris University. But Paris was still a ways away from the kingdom.

I glanced over at Dante, to find he still had some dark wine in his glass, which he had set next to him. My mouth was a little dry. Boldly, I leaned over and made a reach for it, but he snatched it away before I could get it.

"I don't want you drunk, Florence." He fought, but the amusement on his face was clear.

"I'm far from drunk. Just a sip." I fought, sitting up straighter. A little challenge had arisen, and suddenly I wanted to win.

"Later." He promised, and I made another lunge, this time almost leaning on him to grab for it.

Dante had moved the glass far out of my reach now, his eyes sparkling with humor. "I didn't peg you for an alcoholic."

I rolled my eyes. "We both know that's not the case." My legs moved out of the warm water and curled to my side, so I was more or less leaning towards Dante, supported by my hand on my side. Ready to attack. "I'm just a little thirsty."

"There's always water." He reminded me.

"Nope!" And with a burst of sudden energy, I sprung forward. My shoulder knocked into his side, and his instinct to that must've been to pull us both down, so he was laying down with me on top of him, which only brought my hand closer to the glass. I squirmed forward, moving inches closer on top of Dante, and I let out a laugh as I gripped the glass.

Before I could get off him and celebrate my win, his hands were on my hips, pulling me back. In the process, I knocked over the glass, and I'm sure it's contents spilled all over the deck. I had managed to let out an "eep!" before those strong hands moved to my face and he silenced me with a surprise kiss.

His hands on my face, his lips on mine, me, laying on top of him. It was very easy to get lost in his touch, in his sparks, and especially those lips. They were so soft, and he knew how to use them. Moving against mine, not rushed but not painfully slow. A hum of pleasure escaped me, and my hands moved on their own accord, sliding up the soft button-down he wore, smooth and warm from his heat, before they settled on his strong shoulders.

For once, that stupid urge to push him off because this wasn't right was nowhere to be found. Not that kissing Dante was ever not right, because it was always perfect, but my impulse to find reasons to escape his touch wasn't present.

And so, when his teeth nipped down on my lower lip after long moments of touch and sparks and warmth, I only let out a heated gasp.

His hands slid down, brushing against my neck, my collarbone, pushing the top of my jacket down as he did so, bunching the fabric around my elbows, before his hands found my waist, and his grip there remained firm. Goddess, he was so muscular and warm and I couldn't get enough.

And so I surprised myself by bringing my mouth back down to his, completely acting on impulse and the memory of all the kisses before now. A short growl escaped him at my actions, and I couldn't help but love the way it tumbled through my body, exciting every nerve.

Dante tasted of his usual spicy mint, but now it was tainted with the warm, sweet wine, and all that much more intoxicating. His tongue peeked out and teased my bottom lip, brushing against my flesh at first, before he finally delved in and captured my own tongue, swirling against mine and driving me crazy.

I felt his fingers slide under my shirt, and his skin pressed against my warm flesh, intensifying the sparks that already came from his touch. And I wanted more. I certainly wasn't ready for much more than this, but my body was craving him, his touch, anything.

I certainly got that when his lips and tongue left mine, leaving me panting, but quickly found their way on my jaw, pressing soft, short kisses. Those soft lips trailed down, under my jaw, down my neck. They stopped for a moment on the junction between my neck and collarbone, a his touch there elicited a faint moan from me, the nerve center exploding at his sparks. My eyes closed, and my hands slid up to his neck, my thumbs on his strong, sharp jaw.

His mouth apparently wasn't done, because he trailed down again, across my collarbone, leaving little nips and kisses all over. His tongue darted out, flicked against the skin, before his teeth would pinch the slightest bit.

Sparks slid up my side as Dante's hand moved up, leaving my hips, excruciatingly slow in its movement. I could die right now and be okay. My mind was a hazy mess of Dante and his effects on me. As his lips travelled lower, down my chest, all the way down to the off-the-shoulder neckline of my shirt, the haze intensified, and I don't think I would've had the mind to stop Dante if I understood where his lips were going. Thankfully, he decided to move back up, trailing up the center of my neck now, under my chin, and back to my lips.

The wine taste in his mouth made me forget all about the original goal that had gotten me into this position, and his tongue was back on mine, taking control and practically dominating my mouth.

Holy Goddess, this was technically making out, right? I was making out with the Prince. Oh my Goddess. My subconscious started functioning again as I was still fixated on him and the heated kiss he was delivering. Goddess goddess goddess. This isn't good for the plan. I'm not meant for him. I can't be his in the end. She will kill me. My lapse in judgement had caused an overflow of thoughts and reminders that as right as this was right now, it was wrong. I was wrong for him. This would only lead to more pain in the end, for me and for him, and I couldn't have that.

So, with a heavy heart, I placed my hands back on his firm, warm chest, and pushed just enough to disconnect our mouths.

My lips felt swollen and my body buzzed with heat and energy, but my heart throbbed. He was so perfect, in every possibly way, and I couldn't have it.

"I'm sorry. I can't—" I shook my head, barely speaking loudly enough to hear myself, and I crawled off of him. My face felt hot with embarrassment at my lack of control over myself and my actions. I had just made out with the Prince. The Prince. Goddess, what was wrong with me?

Well, besides everything.

"Hey, don't be sorry. Never say sorry for that." He reached a hand out to touch my arm, and I stupidly pulled away, and instead leaned over to pick up the wine glass, which had thankfully not broken.

"Uh, I knocked over your wine. Sorry." I can't be his. I can't ever be his. That reminder wasn't supposed to hurt. It had been fact for years. I had known that if I was the one to get out of there through being mated to the Prince, I would be nothing but a shell that he didn't deserve. And I was that very shell. Instead of staying strong and true to my vow, I was breaking down, allowing myself to get involved, invested in the perfect man he was, and that had to stop. We could be friends—in fact, I think anything less would be horribly awkward, given the amount of time we spent together. But nothing more.

"Did I do something? I probably should've asked—"

"No. You're fine." Perfect, actually. Far too good for me. "Is there anything I can clean this with? Wine stains, right?" I asked, gesturing to the small pool of burgundy liquid splayed next to us.

"It's fine. Here." He reached over and splashed some of the water out of the hot tub onto the spill, diluting it and making it move to the left, towards the side of the boat. He kept splashing until the liquid was a slight purple. "It won't stain now."

He stood up, offering me a hand which I tried my best to pretend like I didn't see. I stood up and accompanied him to the kitchen, where he grabbed a towel.

"I'll finish it. Are you alright?" He asked me. I set his glass on the counter by the sink, doing my best to give a convincing nod.

"I'm fine." He raised a brow at this, not moving to go back outside and only staring at me with those beautiful blue-green eyes. I held up my hands. "Really. I'm really fine."

His eyes didn't show any sign that he believed me, but he wordlessly left to go back outside and wipe up the rest of my spill.

Once he was gone, I held my head in my hands. I'm an enormous mess.

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