The locket- a Ryguyrocky fanf...

By smoothunicorn

5.6K 69 29

This story was NOT written by me, my friend is not able to get a Wattpad account so I am writing this for him. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Authors note

Chapter 13

258 6 3
By smoothunicorn

Chapter 13- High School Reunion

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V.

I arrive at the crime scene. I look around to see every cop there unconscious. Which was weird considering that it was only Hang Glider Man. I soon realize why. Hang Glider Man hadn't chose a regular five thug gang, no, no, no, no, no. He had paired up with the Hoola Hoop Twins. The Hoola Hoop Twins were 2 18-year olds with a liking for hoola hoops. The twist is is that they were very different hoola hoops. They were different colored, and each color meant something different. Red meant fire, blue meant ice, green meant knock out gas, and yellow meant that you would be temporarily blinded. I assume they were all hit with green ones.

"Unicorn Mann," said one of the twins. I look up to see a red hoola hoop coming straight toward me. Luckily my suit is fire-proof so it did nothing.

"Listen. How about we cancel this, I put your faces back in jail, and I can leave," I say. I wasn't really in the mood to fight right now. I hadn't had breakfast yet, and I don't like to fight crime on an empty stomach. Instead of responding they continue to throw more hoola hoops. I am successful in dodging them all, except for the yellow one. Since I'm already practically blind, it doesn't do much. I get an idea. I fall down next to a green hoola hoop.

"AH! My eyes," I say. They walk toward me. One of them pulls out a knife. I though their things were hoola hoops, but i hues hoola hoops can't kill people.

"Any last words," She asks. What a rookie move. I quickly throw the green hoola hoop at them, and they collapse. Perfect. I snap the knife in half.

"Now that that's done with time to find Ha-," I begin to say, but I was hit in the face. I look at the person who did this. It was none other than Lake Moonster. This guy is a kelp based villian, with kelp like skin. He has a moon necklace that gives him super strength. Great.

"You?" I ask. He doesn't even waste any time, and punches me square in the face. I was about to punch back when I was held back and thrown into the side of a building. It was L.I.Q.U.I.D. He was just your average blue skinned, water controlling person who likes to rob banks.

"What is this, a high school reunion?" I ask because it was starting to feel like one. People are reuniting, there was practically meaningless fights, all it's missing is the alcha-..........grape juice. I look at them. I had the disadvantage.

"Two against one, that's no fair," I say. I mean it's the truth.

"We don't care," they say at the same time while punching me. They toss me around and throw me. I land next to the unconscious twins. I have another idea. I walk up to Lake Moonster. Before he can punch me, I pick him up and throw him at L.I.Q.U.I.D. I then pick up a blue hoola hoop and throw it at them. L.I.Q.U.I.D put a water shield around him. But instead of protecting him, it freezes him loans with Lake Moonster's leg. While Lake Moonster was busy trying to pull his leg out I knock him out.

"K.O.!" I yell. I look around. Good. No more villains. Now time to find Ha-. I get punched in the face. I look up to see Mutant Milo.

"Oh come on!" I yell. I'm so done with this. Mutant Milo is a ten foot monster with the strength of a rhino. His skin is dark gray and- you know what flip this I'm done. Normally I like to joke around with my villains before I take them to jail, but I was not in the mood. I use my super strength to knock him out. He falls with a mighty thud. Then Hang Glider Man FINALLY comes out.

"Drats. You have defeated my comrades," he says.

"Finally the last one," I say. He tries to fly away, but I fly up and slap him in the face. Let's just say he lost grip of his hang glider and fell on a car. Don't worry he's not dead, I'm not a killer. After the cops wake up and arrested the villains, I get a text from Goldy.


Goldz: sorry we cant hang out for the rest oftoday cuz tina is sick

Luke I Am Yo Father: You know I can't get sick right? I can still hang out with you guys.

Goldz: this is for a good reason so dont some right now

Goldz: *come

Luke I Am Yo Father: Fine


I turn my phone off, looks like a got a whole day to myself. For the rest of the day I get some McAvieez, go on patrol, stop a robbery, fall off another building, land on the pavement, signed some autographs, got hit by even more cars, did a barrel roll, stopped a car burglar, got stabbed, and gave some directions.

11:03 PM

And now I'm here, on a building with no friends to talk to. I guess I got so used to my friends now that I feel even lonelier than before. I start to get up so I can fly to my house when *DING*. I look at my phone. It was a text from Goldy.

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