Sokeefe Oneshots #2

By EllenH2006

77.3K 998 709

Was written 2 year ago! This one is exactly like the first one I wrote and it will probably have the same amo... More

Detention Date.
Game Day
Shallow Pt.2
Lights. Camera. KOTLC!
Game Day Part 2
This Close
Swing Chair
This Close Pt. 2
Swing Chair Pt. 2
Swing Chair Pt.3
Prom Mayhem
Swing Chair Pt. 4
Falling in Love
Falling in Love pt.2
Shallow Pt.3
Falling Love pt.3
Falling in Love Pt. 4
Keefe Foster
Swing Chair Pt 5
Graduation! Part 2
Lights. Camera. KOTLC! pt.2
Prom Mayhem
A Court House Wedding
Sky Scraper
Double Important

Ice Cream and Swimming!

3.4K 38 68
By EllenH2006

AU: Sophie and friends are humans. P.S. This is a KOTLC ONESHOT! NEXT one will be SOKEEFE!

"I want ice creammmmmmm!" Whined Keefe. They had all agreed to meet at Sophie's house. It was bistlering hot. Normally in August the temperature began to drop but it seemed to be ignoring the pleads of cool rain or at least a breeze.

"We should go." Biana agreed. Dex and Fitz nodded along with her. Sophie sighed and got up. After a 5 minute walk in the heat to the ice cream parlor, they were dead, and sweating.   

"I'll have a--" Sophie was cut off by Keefe.

"I have an announcement! Fitz just announced that he is buying the ice cream so you can get whatever you want!" Keefe yelled smirking at Fitz, who's jaw had dropped open.

"No---I'mmmmmm-mmm" Fitz was stopped by Keefe putting his hand over his mouth.

"YAGHHH!" Keefe shrieked jumping back and shaking his hand. "He spat on me!" He wailed and ran off to the bathroom to clean his hand.

"I think Keefe said that he was buying the ice cream." Fitz said laughing. Everyone ordered and Keefe finally agreed to pay.


Sophie looked up to see who had entered the parlor.

"Don't look now, but I spy Stina" She hissed to her friends. Biana groaned. As Stina and her minions walked by she 'dropped' her ice cream on Biana's hair.

 "Oopsies! So Sorry! I didn't see you there." Stina cooed evilly.

"It. Is. ON!" Growled Biana leaping off her chair and launched her cone at Stina. It landed right in the middle of her face. Fitz and Dex managed to control Biana and pulled her out of the store. Stina wasn't done yet. She leaped on Sophie and tackled her to the ground. 

"HEY!" Keefe roared. "GET OFF HER! YOU TWERP!" He yanked Stina off Sophie and flung her into Marcuca's hands. "Get OUT OF THIS STORE AND NEVER COME BACK WHEN WERE HERE!" Keefe yelled stalking up toward them. Marcuca nodded and pushed Stina out of the store. Sophie and Keefe could hear the beginning of a spat outside between Biana and Stina.

"Are you ok?" Keefe asked, a lot calmer now.

"Yep. I think so." Sophie replied smiling at keefe. "Thanks by the way."

"No problema. Stina was being a jerk and she should be fined for that behaviour." He said lending a hand to Sophie as she got up. "You have a little--" Keefe said. He brushed his thumb over her cheek. "Ice cream."

The two walked outside to Biana angrily scratching the air to get away from Fitz, who was keeping her from pouncing on Stina and Maruca's receding backs.

"You know what? I think we should all head over to the Vacker's and go swimming!"suggested Sophie.

"Ya!" Fitz agreed wholeheartedly. "I'm beat and sweating."

They trooped back over to Sophie's house where she grabbed her swimsuit and Dex light-leaped home to grab his swim trunks, as did Keefe. Biana and Fitz light-leaped over to their house with Sophie.


"CANNONBALL!!!!!!" Screamed Keefe launching himself over the edge of the pool.  Sophie and Biana shrieked as they were splashed with water. They were enjoying their time in the cool pool and laughing and telling jokes. Around dinner time Della came by and told Sophie, Keefe and Dex that they were staying for a barbeque dinner. They all heaved themselves out of the pool and swung towels around their bodies. 

"Sophie you lo--" Keefe was caught off when Biana came through to the patio and grabbed Sophie by the arm telling her about the perfect outfit she could wear for dinner. Sophie glanced back curiously at Keefe but he was already busying himself with Fitz and Dex.

'What was he going to say. Did he look embarrassed?'

Sophie was brought back to earth by Biana showing her her outfit for that evening. It was a whit and yellow striped crop top with a tye in the front and the shortest jean shorts Sophie had ever seen in her life.

"Ummm.... Yes to the top no to the jeans. Biana! It'll hardly cover my butt!" Sophie shouted.

"Okay! Okay! Chill! I have other shorts" She said grinning. She pulled out three more pairs of shorts.  "It's your pick." Sophie sighed and looked each of them over. She picked up the middle ones. 

"I suppose this is your longest pair then?" Sophie asked lazily.

"Yep!" Biana said smirking. Sophie grabbed the out fit and changed quickly. She was starving.

"You are gorgeous girl!"Shrieked Biana happily. "Here." She tossed Sophie a pair of brown sandals with blue flowers.


Biana's door slammed open.

"We heard someone yell are you girls oka.... Holy Momma!" Fitz said breathlessly looking at Sophie up and down.

"Out!" Cried Biana shoving Fitz out the door. Fitz took one last look at Sophie before turning around under the glare of Biana. "Let's go down stairs." When Biana and Sophie arrived everyone was already seated.

"Jeez! You two sure need 15 minutes to get dressed e-eh-ehh?" Keefe stuttered, like Fitz, he gawked at Sophie. Sophie blushed  crimson and quickly sat down beside Dex and Della. The meal was amazing. After dessert everyone headed to the livingroom and set-up a movie. Half-way through Sophie was almost asleep.

'This. Is. The. Most. Boringest. Movie. EVER!' Sophie thought. She silently got up from the couch and made her way back to the kitchen. Maybe she'd find something decent in there. 

"What are you doing here?!" Keefe asked surprised.

"Oh-uh...uh wanted something to eat." Sophie mumbled, her cheeks flaming as she hid behind her hair.

"I wanted to tell you earlier..." Keefe began when Sophie sat down on the bar stool across from him. "That I think your really beautiful."

"I-um...Th-Thanks." Sophie muttered looking down at her feet, still, blushing. She shot a quick glance at Keefe and he too, was blushing. They stayed the rest of the movie there. Silently flirting through blushing.

A/N  YAYYYY!!! This one took me ages to write!

Love y'all!


Until Next Time! ;-)

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