The Four Bs

By darcyjog

169K 13.2K 3.3K

It is finally happening. This is what the four guys have been wanting since Tae was left behind when Bas and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Cute Little One-Shot
Cute Dog
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Going Away Party
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 32

2.2K 193 31
By darcyjog

A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Kimmon POV

Am I dreaming? Did my Dimples really get aroused by being next to me? Is that really true?

Oh, he was looking so cute when he was all flustered and embarrassed. I wanted to just keep him in my arms. I did try really hard, but he finally got enough strength and he was finally able to break free of me, but I think he is a little more endowed than I thought. If the size of him half hard is any indication of what he will be like when he is completely hard, I think I'm in for a real treat.

Then he runs off. I know that he isn't ready for more yet, but at least I know where I stand with him now. He is attracted to me and he clearly likes me. Yes!!

Well, I finally figured out that I liked him too, when he was assaulted. I didn't know that I had this strong of feelings towards him until that happened. I wanted to rip that guys arms off for hurting my Dimples. Yes, I realized that I was unconsciously already calling him my Dimples. I even accidentally said it in front of the King. Oh, that was a big mistake. King almost came unglued and was going to throw a punch at me. Well, that would have been a big mistake if he did, because I would have had to defend myself and that means that I would have fought back. More than likely, I would have made a few people mad and maybe even seriously hurt the King too. Now, that wouldn't have been good for anyone.

I know that Dee and Shane are right. We all need to get along since the prince and Tae are dating. I'm trying but the King is making it really hard. He is so arrogant, but he seems to be able to push all of Bas's buttons just right. I have never seen Bas this mad at anyone before. Even with his last boyfriend, Steve. Now that guy was arrogant just like King, but he was even arrogant with Bas, which surprised me, and I knew from the beginning that it was only going to end with Bas having a broken heart. Steve seemed to want to only be with Bas because everyone wanted him, so it didn't come to any surprise when Bas and I went back to our apartment and found Steve having sex with some girl and some guy. Talk about someone thinking that they are better than everyone else. Who in their right mind would think that taking people back to your boyfriend's apartment and having sex in his bedroom would be all right? And, not just one partner but two. Not even Bas does a threesome. Well, not that I'm aware of. He likes to make love to someone that he is in love with and not some random stranger that he picks up. Okay, when Bas is drunk, he has tried that, but I have stopped him each and every time, so he still technically hasn't had a one-night stand. He has come close, but I wouldn't let it go that far because I know that he would hate himself the next day.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when I hear a soft moan coming from the bathroom.

My heart suddenly skips a beat. Is that what I think it is? Is Dimples actually jerking himself off in the bathroom?

I slowly walk over to the bathroom door and I don't know if I really want to know or not. My heart is pounding so hard that if I hear one more thing, that I may just lose it, too. I have been fighting so hard to keep myself calm when I could feel Dimples' length pressed again me. I almost exploded right then and there. Oh, I fought with all of my might to keep myself under control and then when he was blushing so hard and embarrassed, I wanted to pounce on him. I have never wanted someone as much as I have wanted Dimples.

Spending that night in my room together was almost too much for me. I nearly tried to kiss him so many times but every time that I got close, Dimples would move around, and I quickly pulled away. I was so afraid that he didn't feel the same way for me, but now I know that I shouldn't have been worried.

"Ahhhh......" A soft and muffled moan comes from the bathroom.

Oh, this is torture. I know what he is doing in there and I can only imagine what he is like. I want to see him, and I want to be the one to make him feel better. How can I get in there?

I slowly walk to the bathroom door and I can hear some more muffled sounds, but I can't make out what he is saying. However, I'm pretty sure that he is moaning, but I'm sure that he now has something in his mouth to try and hide his beautiful voice. Oh, I want in there so bad.

I hold my breath as I reach out and try the bathroom door knob. I sigh in disappointment when I find it is locked. However, I'm not giving up yet. Just hearing his cute and seductive voice has me getting hard now. It doesn't help with my mind trying to picture what Dimples looks like while he is stroking himself.

I can't take it any longer and my length is begging for some attention. What do I do? I want to be in that bathroom right now with Dimples and I want to have him wrapped around my throbbing member, but I can't force myself on him. As more images of what I want Dimples to do dance around in my mind, I can't take it any longer. I lean my body against the door frame and sigh.

Slowly another soft and clear moan goes from the bathroom. "Ahhhh....."

Oh, this is too much.

I put my hand on the bathroom door and I softly whisper, "Dimples, let me in. I need to see you."

My shaft is aching to get out of my jeans and my body is aching to feel Dimples touch again. I had him so close and he was in my arms, but he got away before I could get more. However, having to listen to him moaning in the bathroom, while I'm on the other side not being able to do anything is too much. I need him next to me and I want to kiss him.

I slowly lean my head against the door and whisper one more time, "Dimples, I need you right now."

To my surprise, the bathroom door slowly opens just a little bit and Dimples peeks out from inside. He is blushing and I see in the mirror behind the door that he is holding up his pants.

Wait. Is he not finished? Or did he just finish?

With the saddest puppy dog face that I can do, I look at Dimples and whine, "I need some help. Someone got me all aroused and left me alone to go stroke himself in the bathroom alone. I need you, Dimples."

Dimples eyes suddenly pop wide open as he looks at me and then he slowly moves his eyes down my body to the rather large bulge in my pants. I'm not going to hide it. He did this to me, and I want so desperately for him to help me relieve myself. Only his touch will satisfy my needs now.

I beg, "Please help me. It was your seductive moans that pushed me over the edge. Please."

Dimples is frozen in place and he doesn't say anything.

I try my luck and I slowly push the bathroom door open. Luckily, Dimples isn't holding it and the door slowly swings open.

I take a second to enjoy the view in front of me. Dimples' pants are still undone, and he is holding them up with one hand, but one side is practically falling off his hips and I can see some skin. Oh, it looks so gorgeous. I would love to be running my fingers over that little bit of skin right now. I bet it feels just as good as what I think it does.

Dimples is still frozen in place.

Oh, what should I do? I don't want him to run away. I must keep him right here in front of me.

I lower my head and softly whisper, "Can you help me with my problem?"

I anxiously watch Dimples to see if he does anything. However, Dimples doesn't move. His eyes are now locked on with mine and I think I'm starting to have some hope that things will go my way. I think Dimples is really going to help me.

Dimples blushes and quickly moves past me and mumbles, "I'm done. The bathroom is all yours."

Before I can say anything else, Dimples shuts the down and I hear his foot steps as he scurries away. Well, that didn't go according to the way I was hoping it would. Well, I have no other choice but to relief myself. However, I'm going to fantasy about Dimples and someday, I'll have him all to myself.

Wait! How could I forget. We are spending the weekend at the beach house and we are sharing a room. This will be my chance. I'm going to get Dimples to be my boyfriend and I'm going to make sure that no one else can have him. This is perfect. However, I'm not going to force myself on him, but I really want him. I will be a gentleman and I will wait until he is ready.

With the thought of the weekend and being able to wake up next to my Dimples, I go straight to resolving my current problem.


When I finally come out of the bathroom, Dimples isn't anywhere to be found. Now, where did he go?

I slowly look around and I take the opportunity to examine his room. I wasn't paying attention earlier because of Dimples' noises that he was making in the bathroom, but now there isn't anyone to stop me.

I slowly walk around his dorm room and I stop to look at the pictures on the wall. They were mostly of King and the prince, but there were a few that had what I think is his family. One of the family pictures even has a post-it note on top of one of the faces. Why did he do that?

I slowly left the piece of paper up and I see a beautiful girl who has her head leaning towards Dimples' head and I take it that she is one of his ex-girlfriends. The prince was telling us that Dimples isn't like the him or the King. Dimples usually has a steady girlfriend when he finds someone that he likes. He doesn't play the field or have one-night stands. He wants to be in a serious relationship before he goes to the next step. I don't want to mess this up. Well, I did try earlier to get Dimples to stroke me, but I failed. I knew that I was pushing my luck, but I wanted so badly to have Dimples touch me and stroke me. I decided that I would try it anyway, even though in the back of my mind, I knew that he wouldn't agree to it.

As I look at the picture, I have to admit that she is pretty, but I can't stop wondering why they broke up. Dimples is perfect. Why would anyone let him go?

"Oh, there you are."

I quickly take my hand off the picture and I turn around. The prince is smiling, as he slowly looks me over. What is thinking?

I quickly chime, "Did you guys miss me already?"

The prince's smiles get a little bigger. "Oh, I already know what you were doing and what Copgi did right before that. Did you forget that I know my friend like the back of my hand?"

I can't argue because it is true. I simply shrug my shoulders and chirp, "So, what. I'm sure you do it too when you aren't with Beast."

The prince chuckles, "You got me there. Okay, now let's go back to my room. Copgi is getting worried."

I nod my head but just as I take a step towards the door I stop. I turn back to the picture and I quickly gather my courage. "Ah, can I ask you about the picture?"

The prince raises an eyebrow and asks, "What picture?"

I turn and point to the picture with the paper covering the girl's face, as I say, "This one. Why is the girl's face covered?"

The prince's face instantly turns to a frown. He hesitates for a moment before he sighs.

Oh, I'm not getting a good feeling about this. What did this girl do to my Dimples?

The prince takes a deep breath and replies, "Copgi likes that photo of his family. They are all happy, but the nasty girl is in it, so he decided to cover her face up. And, before you ask, yes, she is Copgi's ex-girlfriend. To be technically correct, she is his last girlfriend that he had. She was down right a nasty witch to Copgi and we would love nothing more than to get some revenge on her."

Oh, I had a feeling that it wasn't good. Now, I definitely need to know more.

I quickly ask, "What did she do?"

The prince looks behind him before he turns back to me. "Well, she had been dating Copgi for almost two years and then all of a sudden, she disappeared. Copgi nearly went mad trying to find her. He called her parents and talked with her friends, but none of them claimed that they knew where she was. It was so hard for us to watch, so Godt's dad had a friend that does some P.I. work and we asked him to help locate her. Well, we got the shock of our life. We found out that everyone knew exactly where she was, and she was actually married to another guy. According to the P.I., she was already pregnant too."

I couldn't hold back anymore, and I shout, "What? How? Why?"

The prince frowns and begins to fidget. Well, I know that this isn't going to be good, but I need to know.

The prince looks back at the door again and whispers, "You can't tell Copgi. We couldn't bare to tell him the whole story."

I quickly nod my head. "Yes. I won't tell him anything."

The prince continues on in a whisper. "Well, it appears that she found a guy with more money and she immediately slept with him and then she got pregnant, so they had to get married. If you ask me, she planned the whole thing. I'm glad that she never got pregnant with Copgi's baby, but it didn't help. We told him that she went overseas to study and he never questioned it. He was hurt that she never said good-bye and he tried to call her several times, but her number was already disconnected. He has no idea that she is still here, married to another guy and now has a baby."

I understand completely. I quickly demand, "Give me her name and her husband's name, just in case something comes up. Okay."

The prince nods his head and he pulls out his phone and sends me the info.

Well, I'm going to do a little digging too. Both Bas and I have learned through the years that people often come back to the people that they think they can control and I'm not going to let her do that, not to my Dimples.

Posted January 30, 2019 

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