
By xEstrabaox

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"What are you looking at?" "You. I'm looking at you, your majesty." Camila G!P Cover by -kayleigh xx More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
New Coverrr
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Everything Is Blue
Check It Out!

Chapter One

9.9K 229 118
By xEstrabaox

The melting snow was finally invisible under the suns bright glare. Spring was making itself known as February settled over Rulan. It had been a long Winter, but as always the small country prevailed and got through its harsh weather season.

Rulan, which was a small, independent country which was far off into the ocean, the closest land was Cuba. The peace had been undisturbed, completely calm after Donald Trump tried to take the land for American colonies, little did he realise the society's strength and the brutal loyalty toward the monarch.

Rulan, was beautiful. Coated head to toe in exotic wildlife, perfect views and a gorgeous beach which surrounded all sides of its coast. Though, it's most beautiful treasure had to have been Morgado Manor, the place where the royal family reside.

High cobblestone walls, hand carved archways and the most protected place in the world. With a thick woods surroundings walls, the closest locals could get was the palace walls, beyond that was unknown. The family certainly loves privacy and Rulan respects that. How can they not? After all, The Iridescent Queen had chased out America from their lands.

The wind graced over her bare skin effortlessly as she stretched, each bone popping in their own way, her muscles expanding slowly and her small breasts concealed under the black sports bra she wore. As she relaxed, she looked out onto the streets of Rulan. Completely desolate at this time in the morning, as it always was when she awoke. A slight ruffle caught her attention and she looked over her shoulder at her Raven, Caster, at he landed on her bed post. The woman smiled at the sight of her winged companion and she whistled him over. She stroked at his wings lightly as he made comfort of her forearm.

"Good morning Caster." Her voice was like velvet, smooth and delicate. Much like the woman in someways. "Go fetch me my necklace please." She ordered lightly and Caster obliged instantly, flying off to the opposite side of the room and picking up a silver necklace of a Celtic Ruin. "Thank you." She thanked the bird before putting on the silver and wandering back into her room to change into her chosen attire. A black hoodie, a black leather jacket, black jeans and her worn out combat boots.

Rolling up her sleeves, she put on hidden blades on either wrist, flicking her wrist back and forth to check that the mechanism still worked, which it did, before rolling her sleeves back down. Taking two hunters knives and placing them on each leg holster strapped around her thighs, taking her single Bowie knife and sliding it effortlessly into the holster at the back of her trousers, on the waistband and finally shoving a set of throwing blades into her boots.

She whistled lightly, signalling Caster to land on her shoulder which he did and she quickly threw her hood up, walking down the stairs of her home. "Good morning Camila." Her roommate Ally greeted as she stepped into the kitchen where her final weapon awaited her. "Morning. I won't be back until later, you know the drill." Camila instructed her friend as she skilfully put on her back holster which was much heavier than the rest. "Yeah yeah, oh and here, I washed it for you." Ally said with a joyful voice as she handed over Camila's skull mask which went over her nose and mouth. "Thank you. If I'm late, I'll send Caster your way." Camila warned, knowing Ally hated worrying about her. "Alright, I'll make sure Polly is far away by then." Camila chuckled lightly at that statement.

Polly was Ally's crazy sister, Caster absolutely despised the woman, mainly because she tried to boss him around but another reason was that she always brought Raul, her cat around.

Camila quickly picked up her matte black spear, which was huge, coming just over her head. Without irritating Caster, she swiftly shoved the weapon downward, securing its place in the holster. Without another word, the woman and her companion took off into the streets, walking down the memorised path.

The feeling of the rose between her finger brought on some strange calmness that only nature seemed to bring. Leaning down slightly to take a whiff of the fragrance, she let a small smile grace her lips as her two companions wrestled playfully beside her. "Iris, leave your brother alone." The woman scolds loosely as her two wolves released each other. The white wolf, Iris, rubbed up against her master in apology, turning away from the grey wolf, Rye, her brother.

The woman turned away from her flowers and looked back at her home, a home she hadn't left in what felt like an eternity. "Your majesty, it's cold out here, please return back inside." A concerned, but firm voice called out and she looked over her shoulder to see her butler Lance, standing before her in a big woolly coat. "I couldn't resist coming outside. It has certainly been a long winter." The woman responded, her voice contained a slight rasp when she spoke. "That it has your majesty. Oh, and your brother requested your presence in his office." Lance responded quickly, internally scolding himself for forgetting about his main reason of disturbing his Queen. "Don't fret Lance, it's obvious on your features. I'll be but a moment. Oh, and as I've said call me Lauren, I may be your Queen but I am your friend too." The Queen comforted, resting her hand soothingly on his shoulder. "Of course." Lance answered with a smile, making Lauren smile as well.

"Rye, Iris, Come." Lauren called out to her familiars and she walked back inside with her Wolves by her side, practically protecting her. She hadn't spoken with her younger brother Christopher, in some time. Whilst Lauren had been running a country from behind the scenes, Christopher had been holed up in his office working on a secret project, one he hadn't let anyone in on. Not even his other sister Taylor.

Christopher was a hothead, hated waiting around and he was a pretty blunt lad. Though, past all that, he truly was a kind soul who only wanted the best for his family. Taylor, was the face of innocence, always pleasing everyone's much as possible, there wasn't a bad bone in her body. Lauren was, complicated. Whilst she had immense love for her family and Rulan, she simply didn't care about finding love. It wasn't something that appealed to her. The reason she had her nickname of The Iridescent Queen is because of her different layers, the more she let you in, the more you understood the woman.

"You called?" Lauren asked as she opened the door to her brothers office. Christopher looked up upon the intrusion but relaxed, seeing his older sister standing before him. "Sadly it's not a good calling. It's about Swayland." Lauren rolled her eyes at her brothers straightforwardness, she sometime hated his bluntness.

Swayland was another place like Rulan, but they couldn't be anymore different. Over there the royal family ruled like a dictatorship, people had no say, women had no rights, men were superior and racism flourished there. Pretty much if you weren't rich, you had no say. The royal family were a bunch of brutes who crave power, so much so that they made an alliance with America. Lauren hated anybody who even respected a Swaylander.

"Continue?" Lauren asked as she sat in the chair across from her brother. "Surely you know of Prince Roman?" She nodded, feeling a slight anger rise at the mention of that name. "Well, he called and announced he was visiting. Didn't ask invitation, didn't ask for your approval. Nothing of the sort, in fact, as we speak he approaches Rulan." Lauren stood up from her chair and stood in front of the window, staring out at the long driveway leading to the palace walls. "Did he state reason for this visit?" Lauren's voice was filled with an obvious irritation, one that she couldn't hide behind a smile. "No sister, but it's not too hard to guess why." Lauren nearly growled, reminding herself of her companions. "He wants my throne." Christopher stood and moved to stand along side his sister.

He knew how much stress Lauren had been under since America's banishment. He wasn't keen on making her stress worst by adding to her plate.

"More than that. He most certainly wants your hand in marriage. Roman will fight for it." Christopher warned lightly and Lauren turned to him with a fire in her eyes. "Well, then we need a fighter of our own. Someone who will stand not only for Rulan, but to challenge royalty. Someone who doesn't care about titles." Lauren's voice carried conviction, she knew exactly what she intended to do.

She wanted Roman to leave Rulan with his stupid title of The Humble Prince, to be tarnished. The only way to do that would be to beat him at his own games.

"I think I know exactly who we need sister." Christopher responded after a moments thought. Lauren watched as her brother paced over to his filing cabinet of family crests and pulled out a specific file. The Raven, with a quick summary and one picture.

The Raven Line
Crest to the Estrabao/Cabello's
Current Head of the Raven Line: Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao
Number of Ravens left: 1

Lauren stared at the photo. Studying the face of the last remaining Raven. Christopher coughed awkwardly, snapped her out her transfixion. "Bring up the file on Karla." Lauren order instantly and the siblings walk to his computer, the Queen taping her fingers on the table in impatience. Normally, she could control it but she was dying to know more about this...woman. "Ah, here we go. Karla Camila, prefers Camila, is a 21 years of age, last of her name, lives in a the South of Rulan and she's a huntress." Christopher summarises and I looked back at the printed picture of the huntress.

"Her. She's the one."

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