
By katoshike

694 25 5

A continuation of Kyonaya on Re:Mind if they didn't disappear. More


Part Time Job

165 7 0
By katoshike

-Kyoko's POV-

Kyoko, have you applied for Hinata College?

No.. I am still looking through the courses that I am interested in, damn this, why is there not a course that suits me?!?

Relax.. Look through it slowly, I am sure there has to be one. 

Now I am worried, I graduated high school with a GPA of 3, tell me Ayaka, which course would actually accept me?

I believe there will, have hope in yourself will you!, Ayaka slowly turns mad as she yelled at me. She is a little cute and turns me on whenever she is mad. 

Yes yes, I will. I said that as I gave her a peck on her forehead. 

Soon, we left the cafe after submitting our university application for Hinata College, I walked Ayaka to the train station as I told her to go back home rather than hanging out with me as I am deep into random thoughts and have no intentions to go back home at the moment. 

Are you sure you will be alright Kyoko? Do you need me to accompany you a little while more?

No Ayaka, just go back. I will be fine. 

Alright then.. Ayaka lefts as she pouts. What a cutie. 

Not long after Ayaka left, I went to do some useless window shopping. I am not sure about what I am thinking, it's like, I am thinking about something, but it turns out to be nothing. My mind was literally spaced out. Maybe I was worrying what if I did not get into university, what do I do with just a diploma.. Maybe I was also thinking about my future plans with Ayaka.. I have to afford her living, I cannot just let her suffer alone by herself. I must be the best of her. I am seriously hoping Kuri Kuri's would accept me as their part-timer.. Dear God, why is life so difficult?

Just then, I came across Sasaki Kumi, our class best leader. Kumi saw my confused face, she stopped in front of me and waved. 


"Hey Kumi." 

"What is wrong Kyoko? You looked so... bad."

"Long story Sasaku."

"Is it about Ayaka? Don't tell me.. You both fought again?!" 

"EH IT IS NOT THAT KUMI CHAN. STOP, WE ARE VERY VERY FINE. Nothing is wrong with us, it is not about Ayaka.. But well, she actually is, partially...."

"Tell me, what is up, I am here to listen." 

"Are you rushing to anywhere?" 

"No Kyoko, I could listen to your problems whole day." 

"Ah.. alright then.." 

I then explained the whole thing, the whole thoughts, the many worries that was on my mind. 

-Kuri Kuri's Manager POV- 

*Phone buzz buzz* Oh, a resume. 

"Dear Sir/Madam, I am Saito Kyoko, currently a graduate from Keyaki High, waiting for my application to Hinata College. I would like to get a job at your store, I believe that I am useful in serving customers, talking, mathematics, lastly, the best of best that I can do, eating ramen. I hope you will accept my application as I will definitely make your store a big hit. Thank you. 

Yours sincerely, 

Saito Kyoko"

Hmm this girl is an interesting one, Dani, give this girl called Saito Kyoko a call and arrange an interview tomorrow. 

"Hai! At your service." 

-Kyoko's POV- 

"Ah so that it is.."

"Yeah.. That was all my thoughts." 

"There are many ways, you do not need to stress about it, having just a diploma is fine, unless your parents wants you to get a degree? No? You can also continue to apply for more jobs, rather than waiting for a call from just a boss, I would rather you send your resume to more stores for more chances too. And also, stay positive Kyoko, I know you can cope with life, if I can, you can too. And if you ever need money, you can always find me, I can always borrow it to you first."

"Thank you Sasaku, for all these advises and even wanting to help me out, I am really thankful." 

"Nah, don't mention it. Ah it is already 6pm, I am going off soon to meet Iguchi and Ushio, you wanna join us?"

"Oh maybe next time I guess, I will get going too."

"Alright, you have my number right, call or text me if you want to talk again!"

"Yeah~ Sure!"

At last, I talked everything out to Kumi, I thank God for her existence, else, I might not be able to cope with life. 

*Kyoko's phone rings*

Eh..? Can't be..? 

*Ayaka <3 is calling...*

Ah, it's Ayaka. 

"Hey dear."

"Kyoko, where are you? And what time will you be back? I am waiting for you at my house's train station." 

"Eh? I thought I have told you to go back home first, I won't be staying over at your house today though Ayaka."

"Is that so..? Can you come over tonight? My parents are not home, we can stay up and discuss about our apartment." 

"Ah alright then, I will head over then, can you do me a flavour and get your ass back home first rather than being an idiot waiting for me at the train station?" 

"No worries, sss-sure, I will see you later Kyoko." 

Ah, she wants to discuss, it will be a good time for me to tell her about my plans too. 

-Ayaka's POV- 

Where did that girl go, I wonder why she took so long. It's already 8pm, why is she so late?! I was so annoyed and yet worried. 

"AYAKA! I am here~ Open your door~!"

I heard Kyoko's screaming from my room, and rushed to open the door. I rushed to hug Kyoko the moment I see her. 

"What's with you?"

"I missed you.. though it's only been a few hours" These are the words I wanted to say to her. 

Nothing, I was just scared. 

"Ayaka, I think we need to talk." 

Oh.. sure, come in first. 

What does she wants to talk about? I am  seriously worried. She was never this serious before. 


Yes Kyoko?

"Do you think I have potential in working and studying both at the same time?"

What was that question..

Yes, why do you ask?

"Ah.. it's just, I am curious of your answer."

Kyoko's definitely up to something. 

Spill it Kyoko, you are not like your usual self. 

"It's just, I am actually worried about our future, now that we have already graduated from our high school, no more financial support from our parents, be it us entering university, our having our own house." 

Ah.. that. I have thought of it before too, but else for now, I just want to wait for my acceptance at Hinata University and enjoy for now. 

"I see, alright. Just to-"

Just as Kyoko was about to continue what she said, her phone rang. 

"Who is it now?! Unknown number?"

"Hello I am Saito Kyoko." 

"Hi Ms Saito Kyoko, I am glad to inform you that you are shortlisted for an interview tomorrow at 10am at Kuri Kuri's. Would you be coming for the interview tomorrow?" 

"Oh YES!- I mean yes I will be available tomorrow."

"Great, looking forward to see you tomorrow."

"Thank you!"

Kyoko looks so happy, it's been awhile since I last saw her smiling so brightly with her tooth showing out. I am guessing she has been shortlisted for an interview. 

"AYAKA, this is such good news, I am shortlisted for an interview tomorrow! Woooooo!"

Congrats Kyoko, you better be prepared for tomorrow. 

"I will! Oh gosh I am so happy that I think I might not be able to sleep tonight." 

Baka, you better sleep early, and prepare yourself!

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