Transformers/Undertale Onesho...

By Sparky_The_Wolf

12.1K 363 246

The lovely transformers and undertale working together as one. Just kidding, pretty much I love both of the f... More

Ratchet x Shy Abused Reader 《PART 1》
Ratchet x Shy Abused Reader 《PART 2》
Wheejack x Quiet Autobot Reader
Bulkhead x Kind Autobot Reader
Swapfell Papyrus x Pregnant Reader
Optimus Prime x Bubbly Reader
Underfell Papyrus x Part Dog Reader
Ultra Magnus x Reader
Royal Guardsman Papyrus x Reader
Knockout x Timid Reader
Gaster x Reader
Megatron x Decepticon reader
Underfell Sans x Reader
Ratchet x Small Fast Autobot Reader
Underswap Sans x Sick Reader
Starscream x Shy Con Reader
Sans x Reader
Wheeljack x Bossy Autobot Reader
Optimus x Reader
Bumblebee x Autobot Reader
Random story time (CYBORG)
Depressed Ratchet x Autobot Reader
Horrortale Sans x Reader
Megatron x Captive Reader
Papyrus x Stressed Heartbroken Reader
Knockout x Human Reader {Part 1}
Knockout x Human Reader 《Part 2》
Breakdown x PTSD Reader
(Dust???) Papyrus x Reader
Ratchet x Autobot Reader
Swapfell Papyrus x Clerk Reader
Bulkhead x Decepticon Reader
Underfell Papyrus x Reader (LEMON🍋)
Undertale Sans x Reader (LEMON🍋)
Papyrus x Reader
Heatwave x Shy Reader
Error x Reader (LEMON🍋)
Underfell Sans x Reader (LEMON🍋)
Starscream x Reader
Bumblebee x Bubbly Reader
Hot Rod x Autobot Reader
Megatron x Scared Reader
Grillby x Reader
Megatron x Autobot Reader
Ratchet x Reader
Underfell Papyrus x Reader (LEMON 🍋)

Underswap Papyrus x Reader

155 4 0
By Sparky_The_Wolf

Hello my precious pups
I am back with another story
For your entertainment
Heh, anyways,
Its Papyrus's turn
And there is going to be very
Epic battle
You know what, you'll see
Anywho, enjoy the Lazy Skeleton!

Everyone has had a bad dream once in awhile. Doesn't matter if it's a huge fucking spider trying to eat you to you loosing all your teeth. Some nightmares are not that bad and some are traumatizing. You have had nightmares ever since you fell down, but not as bad as your closest friend Papyrus.

He was always laid back and didn't give a care to the world. But lately, he has been...jumpy you could say. Usually when Sans calls him down, he would come with in seconds and then just sleep on the couch for the rest of the day or go to Muffet's.

Lately he has been staying in his room and not coming out but once a day. It has been worrying you and Sans. You could say you have a little something for the tall skeleton. Couldn't help it, he was so handsome just for a skeleton. Not just that, but he was also very kind to you.

Right now, you were getting ready for bed. Sans has already said goodnight and went to bed. Papyrus hasn't said goodnight for over a week. This was starting to bug you. You didn't know what was going on and you wanted to find out, but how are you going to do that with out making Papyrus mad.

Just the other day, he came downstairs to get some honey. You tryed asking him and it must of made him angry because after you asked him, he snapped at you with a horrible tone of voice. When I mean angry, I mean screaming angry. You felt bad and decided to stop bugging him about.

You sighed as you flopped on you bed. You were dressed in a (F/C) tank top and black sleep shorts. You were tired, Papyrus didn't go to his post today so, you took his shift so he didn't have to. Yet, you couldn't go to sleep.

You did a slight growl as you stood up from your bed. Just thinking about Papyrus just wanted to make you go to him and bug the crap out of him until he spilled the beans. You took a deep breath as you stood up and did a small stretch. You decided against going to Papyrus's room, you didn't really want him yelling at you again.

"Why does he have to be so stubborn?" You asked yourself.

Just then, you hear a big crash from upstairs like furniture falling. You jerked your head up to the ceiling as you cocked your head slightly. "What on earth..." You mumbled as you walked out of your room.

Once you were out of your room, you looked towards Papyrus's door since you could see it from the bottom floor. Underneath, you could see a bright orange light coming from the room.

This made questions swirl your head as you slowly made it to the stairs. All of a sudden, you started hearing what sounded like Papyrus yelling. You looked at Sans's room wondering how he's not waking up from all the noise.

You soon found out when you got to his room and saw a note on the door saying he had to report to Aphlys's house for a important meeting or something. You cocked your eyebrow, why in the hell is he at a meeting at this time? You did a groan, that was the typical Sans and that also ment that you were going to have to deal with the problem yourself. You had no idea what he was doing in there.

You took a deep breath as you walked down the dark hallway to Papyrus's door. Once you got to his door, you did a small knock in case he was just knocking stuff over in his sleep. Hey, it's happened before.

"Papyrus." You said quietly through the door.

The crashing and loud noises didn't stop. You sighed as you grabbed the door knob and slowly turned it.

"Hey Papyrus, is eve-" right before you could get the door fully opened, a bone flew and went through the door.

Your eyes widen and you looked at the bone which was inches from your head. You did a shaky breath as you looked over to see Papyrus floating in the air with magic surrounding him and curled into a ball...chuckling?

"What the hell?" You mumbled with a shaky breath.

His room was destroyed as furniture was destroyed and bones that have went through the walls. Even a window was shattered along with a painting that use to hang on the wall making the glass spread through out the floor.

You could feel your breath go hitched at the sight. This was dofferent and terrifing at the same time. You quickly slammed the door open and started towards him. "Papyrus!" You yelled attempting to get his attention.

It worked, just not the way you wanted it to. You could see his head slowly turn to you making you stop in your tracks. His pinpricks were very different. The left one was small and was a dark orange while the other one was a bit bigger and was engulfed with orange flames, like he was...fighting someone.

He has told you about one nightmare when it slipped out on accident. He explained to you about timelines and about a demon child named Frisk. Apparently, he had a dream that Frisk possessed you and you started going Genocide on everyone you see, including his brother.

Saddly, you had know idea if it was him having that nightmare or something else. It was just a thought.

Once he saw you, he uncurled from his ball position and looked at you with the most terrifying face that you will never forget. He was smiling as he looked pissed since his flame looked like it got bigger once he saw you. The magic that was swirling around him looked like the milkway, but orange as it seemed to get bigger as well.

"Frisk, nice to see ya again." He said as he lifted his hand up.

Your eyes widen, it was a nightmare. But this time, he was having an active on.  You had to wake him up somehow. "Papyrus, I'm not Frisk. I'm (Y/N)." You said.

"Don't make me laugh." He chuckled coldly as you could see bones appear behind him.

"Oh boy, this is going to be harder than I thought." You mumbled as you backed up.

He then pointed at you making the bones come flying towards you with speed. Your eyes widen as you quickly jumped out of the way as the bones went through the door once again.

You were definetly not use to this since this has never happened to you before. You looked back up at Papyrus since you had fallen to the floor after that blast. He chuckled as pointed up with his finger. Good thing you knew that move as you quickly rolled to the side. Right where you were laying, about 6 very sharp bones came through the floor. You could feel your face go pale as did a small gulp.

You looked at the sight before you felt a sharp sting in your side. Looking down, you saw your tank top torn at the side and a large cut. Must of not noticed rigjt then since you were to busy dodging.

Papyrus was out of control and he thought you were Frisk. How are you suppose to stop that. That was not a good mix what so ever. He wasn't waking up and you were getting hurt in the process of trying to do so.

You growled as you quickly jumped to your feet and started to look around. Something, anything that could be useful in this situation. That's when you spotted Papyrus's phone on the ground by the destroyed nightstand.

You smiled as you looked back at Papyrus. You could call Sans, he would know what to do, you think. Papyrus still had that creepy ass smile on as he summoned a gaster blaster. Your smiled dropped as it opened its mouth and saw it charging up. You looked up in terror as it towere over you. You then snapped out of it as you did a gasp and you jumped forward as it fired, leaving a huge burn mark in the wall. You starred at the wall, that could of been you. These are some tough walls though, you thought as you quickly got back up and started towards the phone.

You were just about to grab it, but something was holding you back as you struggled to grab the phone. Growling, you looked down and saw your soul orange instead of (F/C). You did a small wine as you looked back behind you to Papyrus.

"This is not going to turn out well for me, is it?" You asked yourself as you got jerked back and slammed into the wall.

Pain shot through your body as you gasped for air sincd you got the wind knocked out of you. Before you even got your breathing back to normal, you got slammed into the other wall. You groaned in pain as you used your hands to push yourself off the wall a little. That's when you saw the wall turn orange.

"Oh shi-" you quickly used all the strength that you had and shoved yourself off the wall. The sharp bones came through the wall as one bone scrap your cheek. You hiss in pain as you put your hand on your cheek.

Papyrus wasn't done there, he growled as he slammed you up on the ceiling and then back to the floor. You groaned in pain as peices of the ceiling fell on top of you. You weakly pushed yourself up as the debry fell off you. Dust and dirt from the ceiling cover your body as you did another groan.

You got to your knees when you looked over and saw Papyrus's phone right there. Without thinking, you quickly snatched it up and opened it. While doing so, you jumped up to your feet, ignoring any pain that you had.

You got to the phone and a bone came flying at you. You did a small yelp as you moved out of the way, but the bone just turned and started towards you again. Your mouth opened a little, stuck on what to do now. All you could do was just run around and hopefully it doesn't hit you. You decided to do what aircrafts do when they have to avoid missiles.

"Okay, time to multitask." You said as you started jumping on the collapsed bed while also dialling Sans's phone number.

Once you got his phone dialed, you put it up to your ear as another bone started to chase you. You growled as you jumped off the collapsed bed and made a sharp turn to the side, making the bones hit the wall.

You were starting to get tired as you continued to dodge flying bones. "Oh come on, pick up Sans." You growled and ducked as a bone flew over you head.

"Oh, your not getting tired already are you? And I thought I was the lazy bones." Papyrus chuckled as your soul turned orange again.

You groaned as you flew back into the ceiling with full force. You hissed in pain as you gripped the phone for dear life.

"Hello, I am sorry but I am not available right now. If you want to talk to I, the magnificent Sans then please leave your name and phone nu-"

"You have got to be kidding me!" You yelled at the phone as you got slammed back to the ground.

"-umber and I will get back to you as soon as possible. We could be friends if you want. Anyways, I will get back to you soon." The voice mail said as it ended.

You growled as you chucked the phone to the other side of the room with anger. "What am I going to do now?" You groaned before he slammed you into the dresser.

The dresser collapsed and you fell to the carpet floor with an agonizing yelp. Pain shot through your body as you slowly pushed yourself up. You were pretty sure that your back was going to be terribly bruised when all of this is over.

You could feel your soul get heavier as you sighed with annoyance. You got jerked towards Papyrus instead of the wall which suprised you a little. He pulled you up to his face as you got to see his facial features clearly and by reading his face, he was pissed.

"You are not going to win this time Frisk. I can tell that you are getting tired." He said with a smile.

"Papyrus, you need to wake up." You said with a weak voice.

Pain surround your body as you could feel him squeeze you soul. Cuts, bruises, and dirt cover your body. You were very injured and tired, but determination kept you going, to keep going until he gets out of the spell he was under.

He snarled as he brought you closer to his face. "You are never going to possess anyone ever again when I'm finished with you." He snarled as he pushed you away from him and slammed you back onto the floor. You groaned as you laid there. You have tried almost everything and yet, he wasn't budging to anything. You were starting run out of ideas as you laid there trying to soak the pain in.

You looked over as you saw a water bottled laying on the floor under some wood. You lifted your head slightly as you could feel yourself smile a bit.

"If he's sleeping, then he should wake up to the old fashion way." You said with a raspy voice as you slowly stood up.

You were a mess. Your hair was pointing every other direction, the strap of you tank top fell down your shoulder, your arms and legs were covered in scraps and bruise, your side was covered in dried blood and a large gash, and your face had a large scratch down the cheek with a bruise on your cheekbone.

With how you looked was completely different from how you felt. You were in pain, but you were determined to end the suffering of your beloved friend and crush.

You took a deep breath as you held up your arms. "I surrender." You said as you went to your knees.

Papyrus stopped, this wasn't how it went. "What are you talking about?" He growled as the milkyway magic that was surrounding him seemed to decrease.

"I give up, you're way too strong for me." You said as you inched towards the water bottle slowly making sure that he didn't notice.

"Ha, like I believe that. What are you planning?" He asked with a suspicious tone as he came a bit closer.

You looked over to the water bottled once again. You weren't close enough, you had to get closer. "I swear it's true. I have no more ideas." You said as you continued to inch to the water bottle and played along.

Papyrus paused as he growled and made your soul orange once again. Your eyes widen as you were close enough to quickly snatch the water bottle and hide it behind your back. This was your last chance and if it doesn't work, you wouldn't be able to see the light of tomorrow.

You got lifted up to Papyrus's face once again. "If that's the case..." He said as a huge, orange bone appeared behind him with the tip broken off. Yout eyes widen as you could feel your breathing get faster.

"Might as well kill you. No use into keeping you around any longer." He said with a smile as the bone started to slowly come closer.

You did a small whimper as the bone was about a foot away from you. "Anything you wanna say before your gone for good?" He asked as the bone swayed in your face.

You looked at the bone and then back at Papyrus as you started to loosen the cap of the water bottle behind your back. "All I wanted to say is..." You then pulled out the water bottle and before anything, you said,

"Its time to wake up." You quickly poured the water on top of his skull.

He staggered back as you fell to the ground with a grunt. "I should really be used to being slammed by now." You groaned as you looked up at Papyrus.

The magic dissapered as he fell to the ground. It was silent and dark as you felt a little scared. Did it work?

You then hear Papyrus do a small gasp as he jerked up and started looking around. His pinpricks were back to normal, which was good. You could see a few sweat drops dripping off his skull and his hoodie was soaked due to you dumping the water on him.

He started looking around the destroyed room. "What the hell happened?" He asked as he put his hand up to the side of his head trying to recall what just happened. He saw bones everywhere, destroyed furniture, most of the ceiling was on the floor, and even burn marks covering the walls. He was speechless as he looked at the chaos he had caused without realizing it. His eyes then landed on you as you were still laying on the ground.

"Hallelujah, you're awake." You said as you let out a breath that you were holding and went limp on the ground.

Papyrus could feel his breath start to go hitched as you slowly got up, but not without pain there to help you out. "(Y/N)? What are you doing in here? What happened to you?" He asked as he quickly stood up and came to you.

Once he came to you, he stopped has he could feel his heart stop. He saw the condition you were in. You just looked like you got hit with a car 25 times.

"You were having an active nightmare." You said as Papyrus helped you get up.

"I did all of this?" He asked motioning to you and his room.

You sighed as you put your hand behind your neck painfully. "Yeah... I tried waking you up just by yelling but you didn't like that to much since you..." You stopped as looked at Papyrus who was wearing a stern face.

"I did what?" He asked as he stepped back and crossed his arms.

You sighed and looked at him with a guilty look. You didn't want to tell him and make him feel bad, but you had no choose. "You slammed me into the wall and then the ceiling. You then threw me into the dresser and had a Gaster blaster shoo-" as you were explaining this, Papyrus could feel the guilt stab him harder and harder to each word that left your mouth.

He did this to you. He hurt you. He scared you. What was wrong with him? "You then had bones flying flighing at me. Some of them hit me in the process of dodging them." You said as you put a hand on your gashed side.

Papyrus stayed silent as he continued to look up and down your body. "I think it's best that you stay away from me." He said with a serious tone.

"Excuse me?" You asked with disbelief.

"You need to stay away from, I am harming you without even realizing it." He said and did a slight growl.

"Oh no, we are not doing this. You have had me worried all week since all you do anymore is stay in your room all day. I did not just go through all of that for you to push me away." You said putting another hand on your wound.

Papyrus growled. "Did you not just see what I did to you? I could have killed you for all I know. My nightmares are getting out of hand and I don't know how to fix it."  He snapped.

You took a deep breath as you looked up at Papyrus who was filled with anger, not at you but at himself. Not hesitating, you went up and gave him a hug as you could feel Papyrus tense up. "I am not leaving so you can forget about trying to convince me. We will work this out, it's hurting you more keeping it to yourself then it is letting it out." You said as you ignored the pain in your side.

Papyrus looked a bit shock. He swore that if you saw what he really was, then you would of been terrified. He hasn't felt this much support for so long. He has been through a lot without talking to someone about it causing him to be angry all the time. This time, he could feel a different emotion.

He has bottled up for so long that he couldn't help but feel tears fill his vision. Sadness and frustration is what filled him. You could feel him wrap his arms around the you tightly as he buried his skull into your shoulder.

You felt bad, he couldn't tell his brother because it would traumatize him, hell he probably wouldn't even understand the situation. So he had to keep it to himself if he didn't want to talk to you about it. All the emotions he needed to let out was kept in until he couldn't hold it in anymore.

You could feel something wet roll down your shoulder as his back started to shake. "Do you know how it feels to see your brother die infront of you over and over again." He said through tears.

This broke your heart, you had to find some way to get his mind off of the genocide timeline. That is the main reason why he is having nightmares.

"I know, it's horrible, but this is not that timeline. You can obviously see that I definetly do not want to kill anything." You said with a small chuckle as you rubbed his back.

"But it could still happen." He said as he buried his skull deeper into your shoulder.

"You'll know when it happens. But you shouldn't worry about it til it actually comes. How about this?" You said as you pushed out of the hug.

His tired face was covered in bright orange tears. This was the first time that you have ever seen Papyrus in this state before. "Let's, umm... let's go get cleaned up and then you meet me downstairs, okay?" You asked.

He starred at you for a second before he did a small, quivered chuckled. "Yeah, that's going to be a little tough since my dresser is distroyed." He said as he used part of his sleeve to wipe the tears off of his face, but that didn't mean that they would stop coming.

"Oh. That's right." You said with a nervous chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Go clean yourself up and I'll see you downstairs okay kiddo?" He said.

You sighed as you looked at him. "Okay, I'll be quick I swear." You said as you grabbed your side and headed out of the room.

"Okay, let's go get cleaned up." You told yourself as you entered the bathroom.


You came out of the bathroom all cleaned up. You were covered in bruises and scraps, but at least the dirt was gone agter a shower. You patched your major cuts up and put band-aids on a few other cuts that needed attention. Other than that, you were okay. You had also change your clothes into another tank top and a pair of sleep shorts.

You then made your way downstairs where you found Papyrus sloutching on the couch with his head hanging over the back of the sofa and his eyes closed. There was dried tear stains that covered his face, you did a sympathetic sigh. He must be very tired, you knew you were.

"Hey, I am finally done." You said with a slight chuckle as you came down the stairs.

Papyrus did a hum to let you know he was listening. You sighed as you stepped off the stairs and sat on the other side of the couch with a slight groan. You were definitely going to be sore for a few days. Papyrus open one eye as he looked at you.

You were covered in bruises and cuts. He cringed as he sat up with a sigh knowing very well he was the cause of that. "So, can you at least explain what happened?" He asked as he faced forward, avoiding your eyes.

You looked at him for a second before sighing. "Well, I was down stairs and I heard crashing upstairs in your room. I didn't even get to open the door when a bone went through it." You said looking at your legs.

"These nightmares are getting out of hand." Papyrus said as he leaned back and put his hands on his face.

"Well, you can't really control your nightmares." You said with a slight shrug.

Papyrus groaned into his hands befor he sat back up. "How bad did I hurt cha?" He asked.

"Umm, you did throw me into your dresser and gashed my side, but other then that, it was nothing." You said half lying. You didn't want make Papyrus feel guilty for more then he had to for something he had no control over.

He sighed as he rubbed his skull. "I am really sorry sweetie, I knew but then I didn't." He said as he could feel the guilt stab him once again.

"Look..." You said with a sigh and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Its in the past and I am still alive okay? Now let's focus on getting to bed. It's already 3:00 in the morning and I know very well that your exhausted." You said with a motherly tone.

Papyrus looked at you as you returned the look. He sighed and he stood up. "Right, how are we going to do that without me having another active nightmare?" He asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

You didn't think that far. You put a finger to your chin as you started to think. Papyrus looked at you while you were thinking. He thought you were trying to hard just for him. Why would you go through all of that just for him?

He sighed as he did a small smile. Because you care about him. You were a weird little human, but you were different then the others.

"Oh, I have an idea. Since you don't have a bed, you can sleep in my room." You said with a smile.

That smile that Papyrus had dispeared as blush invaded his face. "And how are we suppose to do that? You only have one bed." He asked as he looked away with embarrassment as he was thinking a dirty thought.

He was trying to act sassy, but it just came out like he was trying to avoid you. "Oh, well... let's go figure it out." You said as you stood up slowly since you were so sore.

Just watching you stand made him feel wrost then telling Sans that Santa wasn't real and that didn't go so well for him or Sans. Once you were fully up, you went over to him and grabbed his arm. He cocked his bonebrow as you started pulling him towards your room that was on the bottom floor luckily.

You opened your room and instantly, a sweet lavender smell smacked him in the face. "What's with the smell?" He asked.

You let go and closed the door. "Well, I really like my room to smell nice. I have different smells I add to a humidifier every now and then. Today I wanted lavender." You said with a smile.

He did a slight nod as he looked around. "Well, if it's bothering you, I can turn it off for the night." You said as you went to your bed and started to make it.

"Nah, it's nice to be in a clean room that smells nice for once." He chuckled.

You smiled as you turned to look at him. "Come sit down and make yourself comfortable. I need to go grab something. " You said as you kindly pushed him towards the bed.

He looked at you and sighed as he sat down. "Why are you being so kind to me after what I did?" He asked as he looked at you with a serious look.

You looked towards him with a sigh as you turned to your closet. "Because I know you have been through a lot. What you told me about all the timelines and stuff really worried me." You said as you pulled out some blankets and another pillow.

"Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you out once in awhile?" You asked with a smile as you flopped the blankets and pillow onto the floor.

Papyrus did a small and lazy chuckle as he leaned back on to the bed. "Right." He said as he threw his arm over his eyes.

"There. You can have the bed and I can sleep here." You said with a smile. It wasn't the best, but it was something. You wanted to make Papyrus get off the subject of genocide for awile.

Papyrus did a small nod, barely paying attention. "Rig- wait" he said as he uncovered his eyes and saw you fixing the blankets on the floor.

Papyrus rolled to his side as he watched you fixing a place to sleep. He decided not to say anything until you were done. He felt really tired but he was not going to let you sleep on the floor since you were so injured.

Once you were done, you slowly popped back up, not trying to irrated your wounds and admired your work with pride. "Okay now, I have a place to sleep while I can also keep an eye on you." You said with a huge smile. You had two comforters on the ground acting like a mattress with a pillow and another comforter on the top for you to use tonight.

You were so happy that you could finally help Papyrus with his problems instead of being worried sick about him. You let a sigh of relief as all of your problems and worries are soon coming to an end. All you had to do was get his mind off of the genocide timeline, that is what you kept telling yourself as you puffed your chest with pride.

"Welp, sorry sweetie but that's to messy to sleep on." Papyrus said he had and had a small smirk on as he looked at your makeshift bed.

You snapped your attention back to reality as you looked at Papyrus with a cocked head. "What are you talking about, I literally just fi-" you then stopped as you saw your hard work destroyed.

The blankets were all tied up in knots with each other, literally. You slouched slightly as you did a wine. "Why did you do that?" You asked as you continuded to look at the knotted mess.

Papyrus chuckled as his eye flared up a little and your soul turned orange. You did a small yelp as you remember the passed experience with this. Papyrus stopped for a second as his smile shrunk a little at your reaction.

He sighed as your soul turned back to (F/C). You looked up from your soul and looked at Papyrus, he closed his eyes as you reached out and wrapped one are around your waist. You looked at it with confustion as your face heated up slightly to the physical action.

"Come here." He said as he pulled you on to the bed.

You did a small yelp as you landed right next to him. He looked exhausted, but you could still see orange blush on his face.
He did a sigh as he pulled you closer to him, still without opening his eyes.

You tensed up slightly as he did a small and tired chuckle. "You can't sleep on the floor after what you did today. Your injured and don't deserve to sleep down there. You have a queen size bed anyways, we can both fit on here." He said with a tired tone and a yawn following right behind.

You sighed as you started to shift around to get comfortable not wanting to argue. Papyrus's hand never left you as you snuggled under the blankets next to Papyrus.

Your face was on fire during the process. Papyrus pulled you closer to him as he used his magic to flip the light off. As it went pitch black, all you could see was his orange blush and pinpricks as he opened them.

"You know, I think you deserve a reward for all the hell I put you through." He said with a smirk.

You looked at him with a chuckle. "Oh, I do now? It really was nothing." You said with shyness in you voice.

"Heh, to bad kiddo." He said as he grabbed the back of your head with the arm you were laying on. He then pulled your face closer to his as he placed his mouth on your lips.

You could feel your heart pounding as he pulled back and laid back on to the pillow. "You are full of suprises sweetie, thats why I love ya." He mumbled tiredly as he snuggled into your shoulder.

You could feel yourself smiling like the idiot you were. "I know I am, get some sleep okay." You said as you did a yawn.

You were happy but didn't have the energy to show it. He hummed before soft snores filled the room.

You smiled as you closed your eyes. "This could work." You mumbled as you fell asleep tangled up with Papyrus.

Heya, I am back with this oddly weird story. Sorry, I had to do another genocide themed story. I got a part in the school play, so I don't know how much time it's going to you, so we will play it by ear. Anywho, I hoped you enjoyed and to see you in the next story!

Bye my little pups,

Word count: 5806

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