When Natural Meets the Supern...

By umhimynameischarlie

1.8K 110 53

The worst feeling in the world is when you're an outsider. And that's the vague feeling that I had every day... More

Episode 1: Formalities
Episode 2: Streak Bet
Episode 3: Alone Time
Episode 4: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Episode 5: Did it Hurt to Fall from Heaven?
Episode 6: Adults Only
Episode 7: The Hangover
Episode 8: Lost Loves
Episode 10, Part 1: Low-Key
Episode 10, Part 2: The Unexpected One-Eyed Snake
Episode 10, Part 3: Resolution

Episode 9: Rebound Sex

110 4 4
By umhimynameischarlie

Dean was really moody after the inevitable breakup. I mean, Dean's always really moody, but he's definitely more so right now since he's a bit pissed off that he and Cassie couldn't make it work.

I feel for him, I do, it's just that there's so much mopey Dean I can take.

So, since I needed to get him out of a dry spell...
I needed to get him a rebound.

"Scarface," Dean called from in front of the TV, "can you get me a beer?"

Ugh. Again, with the expecting me to fetch you beers. I get that you're heartbroken and all, but there's only so much that I can live with.

"No, Dean," I answered, "you have two legs that work perfectly fine, you can go get it your damn self!"

"Uggghhhhhh," Dean groaned. 

I went over to where Sam was sitting. 

"Sam, I can't take it anymore."

"Take what? Dean?" Sam scoffed.

"Even you've gotta admit he's more annoying than usual. Like way more. I think I'm going to get him a rebound."

"Okay, so how are we going to do that? He hasn't left the motel in over a week."

"Oh, you aren't going to do anything. You suck at manipulation and getting people to do what you want them to. I am going to get him out of here and to a bar."

"And if that doesn't work?"

I sighed. "If that doesn't work, we're going to hide all his whiskey and beer so that he'll go to the bar on his own because he misses his alcohol."

"Who are you talking about?" Dean popped up into the conversation.

"Oh! Nothing," Sam said, while trying to keep a poker face.

"You're being fucking annoying, so Sam and I are going to take you to a bar tonight in hopes that you'll get laid." 

"And you were planning to take away my beer and whiskey and manipulate me in the hopes of accomplishing that?" Dean raised his eyebrows at me and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No!" Sam denied.

"Absolutely." I decided to tell the truth. No sense in lying.

"Damn! You were raised right, Scar."


It was seven-thirty, and I was more than ready to go. Dean didn't seem to share my feelings.

 "Hey, Dean, you ready to go?" I called from the dining table. Dean was in the shower.

A familiar face popped into the room, out of the blue.

"No, Dean is most certainly not ready to go. Dean Winchester is a valuable asset, and you are not going to be getting inebriated with him. This is a bad idea and I will not let it happen."

"Cas," I started to coerce the angel, "it doesn't matter what you say. We're going to be doing what we want to do. By the way, Dean isn't a very valuable asset with a broken heart, and I need to take him out in order for that to be fixed. It's a human thing."

"I do not understand."

"Come here," I spoke softly, "sit down with me and I'll explain it to you."

He hesitantly sat down with me.

"You see, some people find romance with other people. It's completely natural, and for some people, they find great joy in it. But, sometimes, these romances go wrong, and people's feelings get hurt."

"I do not understand. Why would a human fall in love if there is a great possibility of getting hurt?"

I thought for a minute.

I liked the way that Cas got confused about human things, and our feelings. It was cute.

"You see, it all boils down to this," I paused, "without risking pain, there is no possibility to find great joy."

He smiled. "That seems to be quite poetic."

I laughed. "Life is poetic."

"Why would Dean need to be under the influence of substances in order to ease the pain?"

"Because, every single person has certain ways of dealing with pain. Dean's way of coping is to find someone to have sex with, and getting drunk with them beforehand."

"Couldn't he just do that with you?" Castiel asked with the most innocent of expressions.

"Getting drunk? Yeah, sure. But he and I having sex is a bad idea. A really bad idea."

Castiel nodded. "I agree. You should not be having sex with people you work with. That is entirely unprofessional."

"No," I shook my head, "it's not about being professional, it's that Dean and I have been friends for a really long time, so it might be awkward afterwards." 

"Why would engaging in sexual intercourse make friendship awkward?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Because," I started to explain, "sometimes people have trouble with keeping their feelings strictly platonic, and it makes things complicated."

Castiel nodded for a second, but still didn't seem to understand completely. "So, you can engage in sexual intercourse for love but not for friendship?"

"It's not like that, really, it's a case-by-case scenario kind of thing. I just know that if Dean and I were to have sex, it would end badly."

"Under what circumstances would you engage in intercourse?" Castiel continued his questioning.

"If I knew," I began to answer, "if I were to be absolutely positive, that no one would get hurt."

Cas smiled slightly. "Without risking pain, there is no possibility to find great joy."


After Dean got out of the shower and got dressed, he and I we finally got to go out for the night.

The funny thing was that we had an unexpected guest coming with us.

"I am unable to comprehend the appeal of alcohol," Cas stated while staring at my empty shotglasses.

"That's because you haven't had any, dumbass," Dean retorted.

"That's true. Nobody likes alcohol, until they've had a lot of it." I smiled at Castiel.

Dean ordered another round of shots, and we ended up giving them all to Cas.

He literally drank ten shots in a row without taking any breaks. Needless to say, Dean and I were really impressed.

"I am starting to feel the, uh," Cas hiccuped, "effects of the substances."

"Yeah, you sure as hell should, because you've had more than ten shots of them!" I laughed.

"Scarlett, there is no way to be as sure as hell. That doesn't make any sense." He frowned at my use of slang.

"Oh, just shut up and drink!" Dean got Cas some more.


Dean and I didn't actually end up drinking much.

I think we were both scared of what could happen if we got drunk together again.

It was alright, though, because Cas is pretty funny when he's tipsy.

"You humans have such inane customs. Though," he laughed a bit, "they are quite enjoyable."

"That's good to know," I took another of Dean's fries.

"Why do you engage in such meaningless human rituals? I see no need to imbibe substances in order to move on from a failed relationship." Castiel placed a hand on Dean's shoulder.

"I'm fine. Really." Dean assured the both of us.

"Scarlett said that you'd say that. She also said that you two could never engage in coitus because of your friendship."

I flashed Cas a look, trying to get him to stop talking, but I knew that throwing glances his way would do nothing.

"You said that?" Dean turned towards me, obviously not happy about the information that just surfaced.

"What? It's true. You're not over Cassie and we'd never be able to bang because things would get weird, and when things get weird, things get bad."

"I'm absolutely over Cassie. And who said that it would end that way with you and I?"

"Did you not listen to me just now? Scarlett said that." Cas corrected Dean with the matter-of-fact tone that he always used.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. You'll get offended, and then I'll have to wait a week to be friends with you again because you tend to hold grudges."

"I do not." Dean protested.

"You seem to be defensive now, Dean. Why are you getting defensive? Scarlett was merely expressing an opinion. She seems to have many opinions she likes to express."

"Well that's damn right." 


"Why did Dean leave? He seems to be so offended at your prior statement. You were only trying to avoid hurting his feelings."

"He, just," I paused, "gets worked up about things. He always takes everything so personally."

"You should probably go follow him. I'll be fine, most of the inebriation has passed."

"Okay. Thank you. If you need anything, anything at all, call Sam. Bye." I left and went after Dean.


Dean was back at the motel room, like I knew he would be. Sam was out somewhere.

"Dean," I started to speak.

"No. You know what? Stop. The only reason that you're fixating on me and Cassie is that you're worried about getting attached to me."

"No, Dean," I corrected him, "I'm worried about you getting attached to me. You're just looking for a relationship. You were with Cassie for less than two days. Two days. And you're this heartbroken that it didn't work. You'll do anything to find a relationship which fills the gap that you just realized you have inside of you."

"I'm over it," he tried to convince me, "how many times do I have to tell you that?"

He took a step towards me and glanced at my lips.

Uh oh. That can't be a good sign.

You know what? Screw this. I've never actually had a decent round of sex. And if I'm gonna fuck anyone, it might as well be one of my best friends. Let's do this.

"Sometimes you've just gotta use your body to get the message across..." I smiled while taking a step towards him.

"Oh," he licked his lips, "believe me, I will."

I pushed him up against the wall and our lips met.

It was just like the night at the bar, except that it was more intense. Kissing Dean is like when you've been waiting at a restaurant more than half an hour for your food, and then it finally comes. You're starving, and you take the first bite, and everything just fits. You can taste every ingredient, every spice that that was used, and when everything comes together, it is just mesmerizing. 

That's what it's like right now, while I'm kissing Dean.

Dean and I fucking was inevitable, and I know this now. I think we both knew that this was going to happen eventually.

He lifted me up with his arms and turned us around so that I was now the one pressed up against the wall.

I brought my hands from being tangled in his hair to below the belt, caressing his firmly built ass.

He had his hands gripping my ass as well, while his lips were sucking on the sweet spot on my collarbone.

Dean let me down, and I lead him to the bed and straddled him.

"Are we really gonna do this?" Dean smiled widely as the started to unbutton my shirt.

I laughed. "Only if you got a condom on you. You do have a condom with you, right?"

"Absolutely," he pulled out a small square package from his pocket.

"Good. Now listen, there's something I want you to do for me first."

He smirked. "And what could that possibly be?"

I looked down. I needed a second to gain a little bit of courage before I told him what I really wanted.

"Dean," I whispered in his ear, "I want you to show me what that pretty little mouth's capable of."

His whole face lit up. He obviously liked that idea. 

"Yes, ma'am." He winked at me before taking off the remainder of our clothes.

Tonight is going to be a good night.


Thanks for reading!! Just FYI, I don't usually update unless I see that people have commented saying that they want an update. Don't forget to comment, vote, follow, and read some of my other series! You might like them.

By the way, if any of you have any comments, or anything that you want to see in future episodes, please, please message me about it! I'll take every single comment into consideration. Thanks so much!

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