Mr. Player is my mate, but I'...

By Chemara_1

3.1M 63.5K 8.6K

17 Year old Katherine Evans, finds out that she's mates with the most popular player in school. She's doesn't... More

Mr. Player is my mate, but I'm a nerd
Heart Broken
A new start
Chap. 4
Blakes POV
Your rejecting me?
Chap. 7
The party
A new friendship
Unexpected Feelings
Trouble on the mountain
Chap 12
You Marked Me?
Chap. 14
Date Night
chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 23 Pt 2
Chap. 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 26 Pt 2
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Not a chapter.
Chap 30
chap 31
Sequal info

Chap. 16

84.2K 1.7K 194
By Chemara_1

Blake's POV

I watched her as she slept. She was beautiful and peaceful. It was finally done. We were bonded for life. I smiled as i remembered every detail that happened last night. I was finally with the girl i loved.

Katherine's POV

I slowly started to wake up. I opened my eyes a little to see Blake smiling like he had won a million dollars.

"What are you smiling for?" I asked while laying my head on his chest.

"Morning Beautiful. How did you sleep?"  He looked down at me and ran his hand through my hair. I knew exactly what he was doing, he was avoiding my question but i knew exactly how to get the answer out of him.

"Good, I'm just a little sore." I removed my hand from under the cover and ran my fingers slowly down the outlines of his abs. "Now why were you smiling?" I trailed my fingers lower down his body teasingly. He shivered and i smiled to myself. I was getting him closer to breaking and telling me.

"Tell me" I whispered in his ear. I pressed every inch of my body against his and continued to lower my hand until i was touching his now hard er*ction.

"We bonded" He whispered and closed his eyes. I stopped moving my hands and looked up at him smiling. He was happy we bonded. Hell, i was happy we bonded. I felt every emotion he felt which has been nothing but happy every since last night and plus i feel alot stronger than i was before. My wolf was happy and i was happy. I finally got what i always wanted, my mate.

I continued watching him for a few more seconds until his eyes shot open.

"Why did you stop" He asked anxiously. I rolled my eyes and went to move away from him but he grabbed my arm.

"Why did you stop" He growled lowly at me. I was completely shocked. I wasn't expecting Blake to get so upset over this small thing. I snatched my arm away and grabbed his shirt from the floor to put it on.

"Dont you dare talk to me like that Blake" I growled back at him. He got out of the bed and looked at me. I was very aware that he was completely naked and so did he. I avoided looking at his body with everything in me even though my wolf was begging to look back at his gorgous body but i couldnt, so i kept my eyes on his face. I didnt want Blake to think that he can get me to do whatever he want and talk to me however he wanted to.

When he saw i was concentrating to stay focused only on his face, he smirked.

"Why did you stop Katherine" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because i wanted to" I replied simply.

"I said why did you stop Katherine. That isn't the answer." Again, he growled at me but this time was louder.

"So that's how your gonna be Blake. Fine but just so you know, you wont be getting s*x from me for 3 months." I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom but on the way he stopped me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Baby wait. I'm sorry, i was joking" He ducked his head down and started kissing my neck.

"Oh yeah" I moved my head to the side just a little. "Well you better find a way to entertain youself for the next 3 months because until then, you aren't touching me." I moved away from him and walked into the bathroom.


"Are you guys ready?" Chris asked as they walked into our room. Ryan was lugging around their huge luggage and i felt sad for him.

"Yep" I murmured. She seemed to notice something wasn't right because she eyed my and Blake.

"I sense tension somewhere in this area" She motioned to the distance between me and Blake then turned back to me. "What happened?"

'Nothing happened but just so you know Blake wont he touching me for 3 months" I told her through mindlink.

'Something must have happened since he cant have s*x with you. And 3 months, how can you go that long. I can barely go a few hours without touching Ryan'

'There's a difference between Ryan and Blake. Ryan is always nice but Blake's a jerk. He gets upset over anything.' I told her while i stuck my hair in a ponytail.

'But Blake seemed so nice the whole time we were here and the whole promise ring thing, that was nice.' She looked at me pointedly.

I grabbed my suitcase and followed everybody out the room.

'But you didnt see how he was this morning Chris. He growled at me because i didn't want to have s*x with me and when i didnt give him a reason, he growled louder. I dont want him talking to me anyway he wants'  We got inside the elevator. I leaned my head against the side and closed my eyse. Everything was so perfect last night and then he had to ruin everything this morning.

I was grateful when she didn't reply because i didn't want to talk about this subject anymore. I just wanted to get home.


It was pretty hard to fall asleep with Ryan and Chris making out right behind me but thank god we were back in New Jersey. I dont think i could've taken there moaning and groaning anymore.

"Guys enough. Chris we're at your house." The broke apart and looked around. When i saw Ryan getting out of the car, i gave him a confused look. "Ryan, arent you going home". I asked him.

"Nope. I'm gonna stay here for a little while and go home later" He wiggled his eyebrows at me at went inside the house after Chris. I shook my head and rolled up my window as Blake was pulling off. He didnt say anything for the whole 20 seconds it took him to get to my house. He continued to look straight ahead as i got my bag out the back.

"Thanks" I called out through the cracked window. I was hoping he would at least turn his head and reply but he didn't. He just drove off and left me standing there looking at the back of his truck. Words couldnt explain how hurt i felt just by that small action. I sighed and walked slowly up the sidewalk. It didnt seem like anyone was here because there was no car was in the driveway exceot for mine.

I sighed again and walked inside the house. It was really quite and warm and it had that feeling that i was missing for a whole week. I walked upstairs and plopped down face first on my bed.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS" I cracked open an eye and saw my parents standing over top of me smiling. I groaned and moved to sit up on the bed.

"Merry Christmas" I said in between a yawn.

"Come on, lets go downstairs"I eyed my mom as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"I'll be down in a minute" I said as i walked into bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When i was done, i headed to my suitcase and got the gifts i bought while i was in Vermont.

When i got downstairs, my mom was filling glasses with hot chocalate and dad was putting more wood in the fireplace.

"How was your trip hunny" Dad asked as he came to sit down beside me on the couch.

"It was good. Just cold and there was a bunch of snow. It was the most snow i've ever seen in my life" I said looking at the fire flickering in the fireplace.

"That's good, I'm glad you had fun. So what's this" He said as he took my hand and inspected the ring that was on my finger. Looking at the ring reminded me of how much fun i had with Blake and how much i wished he was here right now. I havent heard from him or seen him since yesterday when he dropped me off.

"It's a promise ring" I mumbled.

"Did the alpha give it to you" He asked while turning the ring around on my finger.


"That's good. It shows you that he cares"

"Yep" I repeated right when mom walked in the room.

"Okay hunnies, let the gift opening begin" We spent about 2 hours opening gifts and taking pictures. Ryan and Chris came over after they spent time with their families. Watching everyone cuddled together around the fire made me realize how much i missed Blake and how stupid i was being.

Me, Ryan and Chris were all in my room laying across my bed.

"So did you talk to Blake" Chris asked.


"Why dont you call him" Ryan suggested.

"I did. He's not answering" We went quite for a few minutes.

"Hey are you going to that party tomorrow" Chris turned to me.

"I dont know if i'm really up for a party." I replied.

"I asked Blake if he would come when we were back at the lodge, he said yeah." Ryan exclaimed.

"There you go. There's you chance to talk to him" Chris said nudging my shoulder.


Do you see him" I yelled over to Chris over the music.


There were bodies tightly packed together. There was barely enough room to squeeze through.

"Why dont you look on the first floor while i check upstairs" Chris yelled as she walked off. I went to look in the kitchen but didnt see him anywhere.

"Katherine, Hey" I turned and saw Cameron walking over to me.

"Hey Cameron" He came over and hugged me than moved away.

"Would you like a drink" He said reaching in the cooler.

"No i'm good. I'm not up for drinking tonight. I'm actually looking for someone so i'll catch you later." I went to walk off but he blocked my path.

"Well can i at least have a dance with you"

"I'm sorry but i can't" I went to step around again but he blocked me.

"Just one dance, then you can leave" he pushed out his buttom lip so he was pouting.

"Okay, but just one dance" His pout turned into a smile. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the dance floor. My wolf was really upset that another guy was touching me and i couldnt say that i was ecstatic myself.

Chris POV

I looked in mostly all of the rooms that were up here but there was still no sign of Blake. I was at the last door when i heard laughing. I opened the door  and flipped the light switch on to see Blake and Camille on th bed.

"What the hell is going on in here" I said crossing my arms. I watched as they scrambled to stand up.

"Who are you" I turned my glare over to the s*ut that was with my best friends mate.

"Your worst nightmare" I said continuing to glare at her. I couldnt believe Blake would stoop this low.

"Christina what are you doing here" Blake said while running a finger through his now messy hair.

"That should be the question i ask you. Why arent you with your mate"

"She's mad at me so i wanted to give her time to cool off" I actually though Katherine had changed Blake but now i see i was wrong, completely wrong.

"Dont use that bullsh*t with me. You know Katherine has been trying to call you to talk to you but you wouldnt know that."

"Dont talk to me like that Christina." He said stalking towards me. I knew i shouldve backed down but i didn't, I was too upset.

I was still eyeing him when he roughly pushed me against the wall behind me.

"Are you challenging me Christina" He growled loudly in my face. My wolf was suddenly afraid and so was i. I just disrespected an alpha.

"No" I whispered, looking down at the floor.

"Chris did you fin..Whats going on" Kat looked at us then around the room. Blake backed away from me and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I said what is going on" Kat said louder. When no one said anything, she stepped inside the room and closed the door.

"Why dont you ask Blake" Her head snapped my way at the sound of my voice.

"Blake what's going on. Why haven't you been answering my calls" She said softly. I watched as he lifted his head to look at her.

"He's been with me" The sl*t spoke up.

"What" Her voice broke a little at the end. She didnt deserve this. He didn't deserve her.

"What, are you hard of hearing. I said he was here with me" I was tired of her right now. Why was she even here right now, this was between Blake and Kat.

"Why are you still here because last time i checked she wasn't talking to you." I said walking towards her.

"She asked my boyfriend a question, and he didnt answer so i did." I stopped dead in my tracks as two heads snapped her way.

I was beyond pissed. She was making it worse than it already was. I turned to see Kat looking down at the ground.

"Katherine there is nothing going on between us, I swear" Blake quickly stood up from the bed and started walking over to Kat but when he saw her crying, he stopped.

"What do you mean Blake. Remember when you got back the other day, you came to my house. You were really upset so i told you to relax and i'll take care of you" I stood there dumbfounded. Did he really stoop that low over a little argument.

"Kat, what's wrong" Ryan said walking inside the room and going over to Kat. He looked at me with worried eyes.

'Ryan leave her' When he noticed the tension in the room, he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So, your with her now" Kat softly whispered. It was barely audible but we all heard.

"No, nothing happened." Blake pleaded.

"What are you talking about Blake. We had s*x just like every other time you came over to my house." The sl*t said innocently.

"Shut up Camille. Katherine we didnt have s*x. You wouldve felt it if we did."

"Did you go to her house" She whispered.

"Yes but it was only because you were mad at me and i was mad and i didn't know what else to do"

"Since you said you didnt have s*x with her, did you kiss her?" She was really trying to keep it together but i knew otherwise. She just wanted to let it all out.

"She pushed herself on me, I swear. I would never cheat on you" That completely tore her apart. She couldnt hold it back anymore. Her tears flowed freely and her bottom lip started trembling. It broke my heart to see my best friend like this. She reached up with her other hand slid the ring off her finger.

"Katherine, dont. Dont do this, I love you." Blake moved towards her but it was to late. She let the ring fall from her fingers to the floor.

"I think we need a break." She turned around and opened the door but didn't walk out.

"Katherine, please. I love you. I would never do that to you" He begged.

"Give me time. Until then, keep the ring." She walked out and didnt look back.  I looked at Ryan then the sl*t.

"You caused this you b*tch" I said as i punched her in her nose causing her to fall on the floor. I pulled her up by her hair and slammed her head against the wall. "I dont want to ever see you around Blake again. I swear, if i find out you started something else I wont hesitate in doing this all over again. But next time worst." I kicked her in her stomach before Ryan pulled me away.

"You better fix this Blake" I yelled as i was being dragged out the room.

'Ryan i'm fine. You can let me go now' I told him.

'I love you for doing that for Kat' Ryan said kissing me.

'I love you too. I knew Kat wasnt going to do anything so i had to do it.' I kissed him back then pulled away.

'I have to go and find Kat' I said kissing him one last time before walking off to find my best friend.


Hey Everyone. I am so sorry for the late upload. I wasnt feeling to good but i'm all better now.

And i'm sorry for the twist in the story. I knew there relationship was doing so good and then it came to this...But it will get better, I promise.

Anyways can we get some Votes && Comments

Fanning will be nice too <3

Once again, I'm so so sorry for the late upload.

Until next time friends !!

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