
By xofantasiesxo

16.8K 3K 2K

He could chew us up and spit us out; we'd still come back for more. He could choke us while shoving his tongu... More

30• epilogue


1.1K 291 172
By xofantasiesxo


I'm trying to breathe but it's so difficult right now. Jahseh actually agreed to go on a date with me. Even after I was being a little feisty to him. Hell. Fucking. Yes! I walked back through the halls with a happy bounce in my step, feeling really good.

Hell, feeling like the shit!

Smiling widely, I push through the school doors and let the warm Florida air caress me. Everything seems to be turning out perfectly, except for that Taylor girl. I wonder how she knows my secret. Hell, she probably was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I scoff to myself and slowly walk down the sidewalk, making my way home. Everyone's gonna want to know what Jahseh said. If someone from the auto shop didn't already say anything yet. Lesson learned, words travel fast in our school. Lightly laughing, I shake my head and proceeded to walk across the street, but a sleek black BMW pulls up in front of me, causing me to jump back. My blood boils with anger and I drop my bag and bang my fists on the hood of the car.

"YOU COULD'VE FUCKING KILLED ME, ASSHOLE!" I then stomp around to the driver's window, knocking fiercely on it as the the person doesn't even look. I can't make out who it is cause I can't see their face as the black hoodie he's wearing is hiding his face. The window whirls down and when the person looks at me, my mouth drops open. Anger still flows throughout me, but I now stand flustered, shaky, confused and annoyed.

"Jahseh???" Mind fucked sums up my feelings right now.

"Aye what's up, shorty?" He pulls his arms out of his hoodie as he peels it off. After he finally gets it off, he looks at me.

"What? Before or after I almost got hit with your nice ass car." I bat my eyes and can't help the frown my mouth is set in.

"Hmph... let's go with before." He grins knowing he wants to know how I feel after getting a yes out of him.

"Well I felt good. Light and free, light a feather." I smiled sweetly and he laughs

Oh so sarcastic, Bahja!

"You funny. Aight shorty c'mon, get in." He stops laughing and I scrunch up my face.


Bitch, don't question him when he tells you to do something!

"I think that date would be appropriate for us this evening." He licks his lips and run his fingers through his dreads.

Damn I wish that was my hand stroking his hair like that.

"Wait, how did you even catch me after school? You were working on cars." I frown and blink at him, confusion clearly written all over my face. He sighs and stares at me with those beautiful eyes.

Oh my damn.

"I caught up with you because I'm driving my whip and you're walking, you walk slow as fuck." He smiled.

"Well, I guess that makes sense." I finger through my curls and his eyes automatically go there.

"Mhm it does. So c'mon, get in." He nudges towards his empty passenger seat.

C'mon Bahja, you know you want to, even if you're still in your school clothes.

Sighing, I walk back to my abandoned bag, picking it up and walking back over to his car. I grab the handle and opened his door. I then jumped back a little as his door goes up as my eyes widened. I shut the door and Jahseh revs the engine before pulling off.

"Oh, and shorty?" He looks over at me.

"Never hit my whip again." He grins and turns the radio up, not allowing me to respond back. Sitting back in the seat, I try to make it non noticeable that I'm staring at him. His shoulders are appealing, the way they flex in the white tank top he's been wearing since earlier. I sigh softly and look away, gazing out the window.

"You done eye fucking me, shorty?" He stops the car and I turn slowly, trying to tame the heat that's rushing to my cheeks.

"Nah, don't flatter yourself, Onfroy." I smiled and sweetly and he laughs, getting out the car. I follow him and my smile drops.

A skate rink? Oh hell no!

"Aw, why you quiet, shorty?" His minty breath hits my ear and I flinch from how close he is.

"Nothing." Protectively, I wrap my arms around myself and follow him inside. There's a lot of couples out and group of friends flirting with other groups. I watch as the people all glide on the floor, balancing themselves. We walked up to the booth and I take out my wallet. Jahseh starts talking to the person at the register.

"Hello, can I have roller skates in a size 11 and-" He turns to face me.

"You want roller or inline skates?" He eyes my wallet and I bite my lip.

"Uh-" Cutting me off, he turns and shakes his head.

"Rollers in a size-" He turns back to me and I smiled.

"6." Repeating the number, he pulls out his wallet and holds out his hand to me.

"Gimme your wallet, shorty." He wiggles his fingers and I put it in his hand, watching him slip it in his back pocket."

"Hey-" He cuts me off as he pressed his finger to my lips. He then pulled out a 20 dollar bill out of his wallet, handing it over and getting our skates in return.

"Shorty, the only time your wallet will be coming out is when I'm giving it back to you when I drop you off at home. Now c'mon." He grabs my hand and I instantly melt at his touch.

"Aight, lets do this shit."


"Oh fuck no. You can't skate!?" Jahseh looks at me like I'm crazy. I clutch closely to him, my legs wobbling like learning to walk all over again.

"Shut up! This ain't Roll Bounce!" I panic as a couple zooms pass us too quickly and he bust out laughing.

"Don't worry, I got you shorty." He wraps an arm around my waist and as much as I want to jump for joy, I'm too scared of falling.

"So Bahja... Why did you ask me out on a date? Cause I've been hearing about it the pass two weeks." He rolls us lightly and I spaz out for a second before regaining a bit of balance.

"Because I think you're interesting. I honestly thought you'd turn me down." I stagger forward and he steadies me, while laughing a bit.

"Me too."


"Thank you, Jahseh. I really had a great time with you on our date." I scratch my arm and look into his beautiful brown eyes. They glimmer in the sunset and he grins.

"Yeah, me too. I'm sure we'll be hearing a lot of rumors about how I locked you up and used you as my sex slave for our date." He laughs softly and I bite the corner of my lip.

Shit, that should've been our date.

"I'm just playing, Bahja. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He turns around and walk, leaving and blessing me with the chance to watch him walk away.

That ass.

I bite my lip and almost want to pout when he reached his car and slides in. Before pulling out of my driveway, he honks and I wave until he zooms off my street and disappears with the rest of the sun.

Talk about a perfect first date. Romance novels ain't got shit on me.

I smiled widely and turn, unlocking and opening my door and stepping inside my empty house. Dad's working late again. I sigh heavily and shake my head, trudging down the hall.

Something's wrong, I can feel it.

Before I can even ready myself, I'm plunged into the darkness as someone grabs me from behind. I smirk lightly as they think they're gonna get away with it. If only they know who they're attacking and what they're get themselves into...

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