The Life I Never Chose (Rewri...

By Rii_Yaaa2205

157K 3.7K 94

What happens when Dev Singhania enters the seemingly perfect life of Shivanya Singh Rathore, carrying along h... More

Characters (1)
Characters (2)
⩫The Talk⩫
⩫ Hey! It's you! ⩫
⩫ You Again!! ⩫
⩫Important Discussions and Approvals⩫
⩫Starting Forever⩫
⩫Almost Mine⩫
⩫ Mr. And Mrs. Singhania ⩫
⩫Apologies and Families⩫
You have permission

⩫Settling In⩫

4.6K 243 6
By Rii_Yaaa2205

The Reception had been overwhelming to say the least, they had met all the people and clicked pictures till 1 am, and finally Shivanya's vidaai happened, with a little crying and lots of love.
Dev held her hand and guided her towards the car. He had prepped for everything. The car had tissues, water bottles and even makeup wipes. In fact, he had even kept Shivanya's lipstick and basic makeup in a pouch with one of those "spongey things" she used to put her makeup on. That's what the website told him to do, of course.
He helped her sit in the car and sat himself. He knew she had trouble crying in front of a lot of people, which was maybe why she hadn't even let a single tear out yet, but he hoped she felt comfortable enough to express herself in front of him. He had even requested his father for a car with a partition in between so she could cry properly. He looked at her and held her shoulder delicately-

"Hey, you okay?"

Dev received the surprise of a lifetime when his bride looked at him with a bright smile.

"Yup, absolutely fine."

"Shivanya, sweetheart, you don't have to be tough in front of me. I know it's tough to leave your family behind and start a new fresh life with essentially a stranger. It's okay if you want to cry."

Shivanya smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Honestly, I did feel emotional the night before our wedding when I thought about it. Even cried a little then. But then I thought about it practically. Brides have been crying at their vidaais for centuries. Except, in these times we have technology. And also the fact that we're in the same city. Barely 30 mins of a drive from our place to my place. This is a joyous occasion Dev. And you are not some stranger to me. You're my husband, who has been my batchmate and even if we don't know each other in detail, we know that we're perfect for each other. Now stop overthinking and sleep for 15 mins. We have a few more rituals to do once we get home."

Dev just looked at this amazing woman who surprised him everyday with her practicality and her wonderfully weird ideologies about life and love. And then he felt immense happiness in his heart. This woman was all his. His to love, his to cherish and his to keep happy. He also noted how she called his apartment as our home.

He made a decision, much to his mother's chagrin that his wife will directly be welcomed at his apartment, rather than the Singhanias' residence. That was his haven that he had created with his hard work and dedication. It had seen his frustration and his tears, both sad and happy. It had witnessed his depression and his anxiety and also his efforts to get out of it. This place had witnessed when he danced with happiness once Shivanya said yes to marry him. His bride will be welcomed in his home, not a place he was never respected in. Despite everything said and done, Dev did hold a little bit of bitterness in his heart for his family. The wedding became a reason for them to share some heartwarming moments, but for 10 years he has suffered. He can't forget that because of a couple of mushy lines and teary smiles right? He was deep in thought, with a tight hold on Shivanya as she took a small nap, when the driver alerted him that they had arrived.

"Shivanya, wake up. We're home."


Shivanya was welcomed with much love and laughter, as she completed all the rituals alongside her dear husband. She won the ring finding game, of course. Dev succeeded in finding his name in her henna, which was hidden with much creativity thanks to the mehendi artist. Finally everyone departed early morning so that the couple could go to sleep. Dev held her hand and led her to their bedroom, promising her a house tour after they woke up from a much needed sleep.
He opened the door to the room and wanted to switch the lights on, only to see his entire room converted into a movie set. There were roses and candles all around the room, and no LED lights were needed to brighten the room up. They looked around in shock and then looked at each other as it doomed on them, it was their suhaagraat. A momentous occasion when every single person in the world who knew they got married was going to expect them to fuck like bunnies till late and then sleep for hours. Within a minute, they both shouted simultaneously-

"I had no clue about this."
"I don't want to have sex right now."


"Shivanya trust me, I had no idea they were doing anything like this. I didn't even remember that it was that night today."

Dev's entire face was red.

"Hey, I know that of course. I was just saying I am too tired right now. And we need to do a lot of things before we get to sex."

"Agreed. Anyways my mind is reeling from the fact that we're MARRIED! I think sex can wait."

"Ok good."

They looked away from each other and at the room again, and they couldn't help it. The room was filled with unhinged laughter from the newlyweds as they held on to each other for support when their knees went weak.

"Oh my god they even kept a pink teddy in between. What did they think we'd do with it?"

"No idea! I am sure Dhriti took inspiration from Pinterest."

"Let it be. For now let's change and sleep please. Also; just switch the lights on and extinguish these candles. Idiots have left a full on fire hazard here. I will clean the rose petals off of the bed."

Dev did as told and soon they were both laying in bed after successfully cleaning the bedroom enough for them to sleep.

"Good night wife."
"Good night husband."

Dev was almost asleep, when he felt Shivanya snuggling closer.

"I told you I was clingy."
"As you should be. It's only your right after all."

Dev pecked her forehead lightly and soon they both drifted off.


Dev woke up at around noon, and saw Shivanya snuggled into his neck, with her arms around him and his hands on her waist, holding her as tight as possible. His face contorted a smile naturally, looking at her innocence. I get to live this, forever. He didn't fail to notice the dark circles and decided to let her sleep for longer, and get her breakfast in bed.

He got up and took a quick shower, and headed to the kitchen. It was almost lunch time at this point, so he decided to make something light. They had been having all kinds of heavy stuff, and he knows she would want something light. He suddenly remembered a conversation he had with her. Her favourite food to have after a long day, khichdi with curd in a bowl. He grinned and got to work.

On the other hand, Shivanya woke up and frowned when she didn't find Dev beside her. She got up, looked around the room, and groaned seeing how much they will have to clean. The dry rose petals and the candles were all around the room. She ignored all of that and went in search of her dear husband. She found him in the kitchen, closing the lid of the pressure cooker.

"I was supposed to cook today."

Dev turned around when he heard her angelic voice.

"Good morning wife. And I thought I'd cook, because you looked so tired."

"No no. Today should've been my first rasoi. Newly wed brides are supposed to cook something sweet on the first day of their marriage."

"Well, the first day was technically yesterday morning, and you did make us coffee. So I guess you had your first rasoi in the hotel room. Now go freshen up, and wait for me to bring you your comfort meal, khichdi with yogurt and achaar (pickles). And don't worry about the mess in the room. There's a helper, Meena didi, who comes around in the evening, to clean the house. I didn't hire a cook, because I like to cook for myself. No wife of mine is going to cook and clean when she's tired."

"I knew there was a reason why I married you, you green flag."

Dev gave her a charming smile and got back to his meal prep, while Shivanya went to do as told.


"This swing is my favourite part of this room. Esha and I can sit here and gossip."

"I actually got it installed when you told me you always wanted a small swing in your dream house."

"Awww really! Dev, you're making me too happy. Thank you so much. I never thought I'd find a partner like you. You're so... ugh you're just so perfect"

Shivanya and Dev were currently in the middle of a house tour session, and she had been flabbergasted by her thoughtful husband. Husband. Hihi.

"You deserve every bit of this. I'll spend the rest of my life fulfilling all your wishes. Now, you've already seen the kitchen and the bedroom. Come I will show you the other room."

Dev led her to the room opposite to theirs. She entered the room and immediately knew who it was for.

"This is Dhruv and Dhriti's room right?"

"Yup. I guess the twin beds sold it. When I was renting this place, the only reason why I paid an extra 5000 rupees for rent was for this room. So that if they ever need it they could use it. Then when I was financially stable, and I bought this place, I designed it just the way they'd like it. But, they've never stayed here. 9 years I stayed in this place, they visited me thrice, including the day of our reception when they were here to welcome you."

Shivanya sensed the sadness in his tone and took him in a side hug.

"Hey. Now I am here na. I will make sure they stay here, and they know that we are a safe space for them."


"Absolutely we. I know for a fact that you treat Shaurya with immense love and care, and you often speak to him about his career and college and everything. You're a safe space for him, aren't you? Similarly, I want to be a safe space for Dhruv and Dhriti. And I am doing good at it if I may say so."

"What did I ever do in my life to deserve you? Thank you for treating my family as yours, and for being my biggest cheerleader. In fact you're my first ever cheerleader, aren't you?"

"I most certainly am. I will always be your biggest cheerleader. And even though it will take some time, but I know that we will love each other so much that all the problems we have faced or will face will feel like nothing. And it's our family."

Dev smiled at her and took her in a hug.

"Now can we complete the house tour please. I want to see the balcony."

"Oh yes. That's the place I spend most of my time in. Come on."

Dev led her towards a balcony that had a beautiful seating area and fairy lights and... another swing? Shivanya looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Well, if you needed a change of scenery and also wanted to sit on the swing.... I wanted you to have options."

"Aww thank you so much baby. How are you so thoughtful?"

Shivanya as usual talked without thinking. And by the time she realised what she'd called him, his cheeks and ears were red. All her embarrassment flew out of the window when she saw how adorable he looked.

"Umm, baby?"

"Yes. You're such a cute little baby."

"Other wives call their husbands handsome and hot and so many other stuff. You found cute?"

"Yup. My husband is the best, so he is different from everyone else."

"Oh really. Then if I am baby, what are you? Even you're cute, and you're short like a baby too."

"Ae! Height pe mat jaana. And you can call me whatever you want. Just not something overly cheesy."

"Everyone who loves you calls you Shivi na? Even I will call you that only."

"Perfect. Shivi and Baby, perfect match."

They both laughed and spend the rest of the day with each other. Just talking and discussing their wedding.


"Dev. It's my turn for the dishes. You cooked didn't you?"

"Exactly. I cooked so I do the dishes."

"But yesterday night when I cooked you said you will do the dishes, because I made the food."

"Yup. Exactly."

"Fine. Then I will cook always from today on and you will do the dishes."



"Shivi, sweetheart, let me pamper you. I make breakfast so that you can get the extra half hour of sleep. And I do the dishes because you don't like to do them. And my beautiful talented doctor wife needs her beauty sleep. You will never have to do anything you don't want to do or don't like doing, baby. Now go put on a movie or something. It's our last day off. Work starts tomorrow."

Shivanya just grinned at her husband and went to the living room.

Shivanya's POV:

Dev, my adorable husband. It has been a week since I shifted here. In the first couple of days, it was strange. I missed my home and my parents, but Dev took me to see them the moment I told him I was missing them. I love seeing how well he has blended with my parents and Shaurya. 

We had taken 2 weeks off for the wedding, one week for the functions and one to relax and settle in this new routine. And oh what a good decision it has been. I get to wake up everyday with his arms wrapped around me, and a forehead kiss the moment I get up.
He liked doing that a lot, I've noticed. He kisses my forehead and my cheeks all the time, because google told him it means he cares for me and adores me. God I laughed so hard, while he blushed beside me. Marrying Dev is the best thing in my life. I always thought I was the princess of my family, and was always treated like one. When I married Dev, I thought I can't be childish anymore. I will have to be mature, and responsible and elegant. But how wrong was I! Dev treats me like a queen, yes, but he also makes me feel so comfortable that I can't help but be my authentic weird self. I make stupid jokes, and he still laughs at them. We watch reels together and laugh at them. I discuss my love for SRK and he patiently listens. I talk about how cute Ranbir and Alia look together and he agrees. He even watches all my favourite movies, just because I ask him to. And he does all this effortlessly. He never makes me feel like he is doing me a favour. Caring for me, respecting me comes naturally to him. In fact, on my first day here, we sat down together and discussed dividing chores and keeping our finances separate. The next day, he even took me to the bank to get the accounts done. Currently we have 4 accounts, 2 independent and 2 joint spouse accounts. Our independent accounts are for our own selves. We can either save them or spend them on ourselves or on gifts for each other if we'd like. One joint account is for monthly bills and grocery shopping, and the other is for joint activities like vacations or dates. We have decided to put in equal amounts of money in these accounts. All this was planned by Dev. He even had an excel sheet and all. I remember he mentioned it during our date before we said yes, but I didn't think he'd actually take me so seriously. He respects my opinions and choices, and makes sure to make me feel cherished everyday. It's so adorable to see him google stuff like "how can I make my wife the happiest woman in the world."
He doesn't know that I know, of course. I honestly didn't mean to, but I once picked his phone than mine and it was already open, so I saw it. He told me he was making an effort, and I am genuinely so happy he is.

POV ends

"Hey. Here I am. What do you want to watch? Also, what do we want to order for lunch?"

"We just had breakfast baby, let's think about lunch later. For now, let's watch Vivah?"

"Of course. You want to fangirl over Shahid, don't you?"

"Hehehehe. Old Shahid was the best. And so goddamn handsome."

"Take care of your poor husband's heart woman. There's only so much it can take."

"Aww, don't worry. Even if Shahid asked me to marry him I would've said no only. I'd choose you over anyone, anyday."

Dev just looked away as his cheeks went pink again. He had been blushing a lot, especially when his bold wife was around him. Her cousins were right, she was un-teaseable.

"Fine then Vivah it is."

"Did you take your tiffin?"
"Yup. I am leaving now, should be back around 7 if there are no emergencies, promise to keep you posted. Bye baby, take care."
"Ok, I should be here by 8. I have 2 cases to see to today. Bye sweetheart."

A month had passed since their wedding, and work had been on for 3 weeks now. Shivanya and Dev didn't realise how their work schedule will affect their daily lives. Shivanya, as a gynaecologist, had extremely irregular hours. She had had 2 emergencies already, and had come home really late at night. But never did Dev comment on it, because he himself was in the same boat. Taking 2 weeks off meant catching up on what he missed, while also keeping up with the new work coming it. He had been working overtime everyday. In all this, the only time they got to talk was during breakfast or cooking, which they were both adamant on doing themselves. Sometimes they ordered from outside, but it was rare. The only form of affection were the cuddles and forehead/cheek kisses, but they knew this was temporary. Once things settled down at work a bit, it would be okay. Right?


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