Beauty and the Brawn - Thunde...

By PhoenixBunny456

23.5K 364 42

Twenty -Seven year old Annabelle "Annie" Wallace knew Virgil Tracy in college. After her friend wanted to see... More

Chapter 1: Thunderbird Two and it's Pilot!
Chapter 2: Reunion After Four Years!
Chapter 3: Ride To Tracy Island!
Chapter 4: Tracy Family!
Chapter 5: Reminiscing on the Past!
Chapter 6: Greatest Gift!
Chapter 7: Thunderbird Two's One and a Half Pilot!
Chapter 8: Underwater Rescue!
Chapter 9: The Scary Hood Man!
Chapter 10: Thunderbirds One and Two Vs The Solar Collector!
Chapter 11: Crosscut!
Chapter 12: Noah's First Commercial Flight!
Chapter 13: Family, Three Generations!
Chapter 14: EOS!
Chapter 16: A Slingshot Ride Back Home!
Chapter 17: Noah's First Ruins Expedition!
Chapter 18: Fishing From Space!
Chapter 19: Under Pressure!
Chapter 20: Heavy Metal!
Chapter 21: Breakdown!
Chapter 22: Heist Society!
Chapter 23: Recharge!
Chapter 24: Extraction!
Chapter 25: The Hexpert!
Chapter 26: T.E.A. and Mrs. Virgil Tracy!
Chapter 27: Chain of Command!
Chapter 28: Legacy!

Chapter 15: Noah, Alan, and Kayo's Space Adventures!

646 8 1
By PhoenixBunny456

"Five!" Thunderbird Five is shown as John had his arms crossed. "Four!" Thunderbird Four is shown as Gordon looked like he was running. "Three!" Thunderbird Three is shown taking off as Alan had his arms crossed as he smiled. "Two!" Thunderbird Two is shown as Virgil had his arms on his waist while Annie and Noah stood out behind him. "One!" Thunderbird One is shown while Scott had his arms out beside him. "Spring Break's come around and there's more heroes to be found! There's something major going down on Tracy Island! (Island!)" Kayo is shown with Thunderbird Shadow. "Weapons underground!" Brains is shown with his robot assistant Max while Noah held a model for Thunderbird Two in his hand. "Keeping our planet safe and sound!" Grandma Tracy is shown in her track suit holding her arms up. "If someone evil's coming round they should be frightened! (Frightened!)" The Hood is shown holding his face changer in his hand. "Cause now! The boys are back in town! No strings to hold them down... down!!!!" The Tracy Boys are shown up close as all five of their eyes are revealed. "Don't be Mad, Please! Stop the hating!" Annie is shown smiling with Virgil and she holds out her hand to him. "Just be glad that they'll be waiting! Friends we have aren't ever changing!" Lady Penelope and Parker are shown with Lady Penelope's pet dog. "You know the lid's about to blow when the Thunderbirds are go!" All the Thunderbirds are shown launching all at once. Thunderbird Two is shown flying before it reveals the title behind it. Annie, Noah and Virgil appear together as Noah made it look like he was holding Thunderbird Two.

Once again, Noah was at it again with his coloring. This time it was early in the morning. He was under Brains and Grandma's supervision since his parents, Scott, and Gordon were all on a mission in the Pyrenees. Noah looks up when Alan comes into the room. He rushes over and shows his picture to Alan.

"That's very good Noah." Alan says.

"Thanks, Uncle Alan." Noah says before he climbs onto the couch and sits beside Alan. A beeping sound signals John's call.

"You're looking at the Asteroid 21, Louticia, home of the Galvanna Mine. Twenty minutes ago, an epic solar flare pretty much fried the station's electronics, just as it was drilling into the molten core. The resulting eruption pushed it into a collision course with the sun." John says.

"It's all so tragic. That's my favorite asteroid." Brains says. Alan looks at Brains.

"You have a favorite asteroid?" Alan asks.

"Of course, Alan. Asteroids are extremely entertaining." Brains says and Alan groans.

"How many on board, John?" Alan asks.

"Just one. It's a mostly automated operation. The miner reports he's safe for now, but the next return transport won't get there in time." John says, "We need to go pick him up. Are you cool with that?"

"Sure. With everyone else still helping with the tunnel fire in the Pyrenees, this'll be a solo mission." Alan says.

"Uncle Alan, Uncle John can I go please?" Noah says.

"Hmm, it is just a taxi mission, but we should still check with Annie and Virgil." John says.

"I'll be good, I promise." Noah says, "I won't leave Thunderbird Three at all. I'll wear my helmet the entire time and I will listen to everything Uncle Alan says."

"Wanna be sure to tell them that?" Alan asks.

"Hmm, I'm getting a busy signal." John says.

"Well, they are busy." Alan says.

"I can go too." Kayo says.

"You will?" Alan asks and Kayo chuckles.

"Yes." Kayo says, "We'll take Noah so he can get some experience in space travel. I'm sure with the both of us, Annie and Virgil will be fine with not worrying so much."

"Alright, I'll let them know as soon as they're available." John says. Noah heads to get his little outfit on and he is lift into Thunderbird Three afterwards.

At the same time though, Alan and Kayo are slowly dropped down into Thunderbird Three's launch bay. The chair rotates, and he's taken down a tunnel where his eyes are shown up close while a robot puts his suit onto him over his clothes. He holds his arms up and gets a red and blue arm brace before some kind of armor is placed onto his chest. Kayo's eyes are shown in the other area as her outfit is changed. Her shoes are put on and she manually buckles some straps on her outfit. Alan and Kayo are lift into Thunderbird Three where they are rotated down to the controls. Noah's chair is slid over behind Alan and Kayo.

"Do you want me to go over the launch procedure with you?" Alan asks.

"Alan, I've flown before, but if you'd like to do the stupid presentation, have at it." Kayo says.

"Oh, uh, that's okay. We should, uh... get going. Noah, you better be strapped in." Alan says.

"I am, Uncle Alan!" Noah says. The hatch closes and Alan ignited the rocket thrusters and they fly away from the island and up into space.

"Thunderbird Three is go!" Alan says and they fly around the earth towards the sun, "Wow."

"I know." Kayo says.

"It's pretty." Noah says.

"Oh. Oh, that? I see that all the time. No big deal." Alan says. A beeping sound signals John's call once again.

"Thunderbird Three, your precise trajectory and optimum velocity have been calculated and loaded into the navigational cluster." John says.

"Thanks, Thunderbird Five." Alan says.

"Have a good flight." John says.

"You may have launched into orbit before but I'm pretty sure you've never done this." Alan says, "three, two one." Alan fires the boosters to speed up and Noah giggles in the back seat.

[A Few Minutes Later]

"Acceleration rate stable, intercept locked in." Alan says and he looks over at Kayo, "So, Zombie Apocalypse or Alien Storm?"

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Kayo asks.

"Killing time? I've got cartoons on for Noah. It's gonna be pretty much autopilot until we get there." Alan says.

"We should let Noah read." Kayo says.

"Kayo, he's four." Alan says.

"Better to start early then." Kayo says.

"I know how to read." Noah says, "I just like cartoons better."

"What is all that?" Alan asks.

"Technical read-outs of the asteroid mine." Kayo says, "We should be prepared if something goes wrong."

"This is just a taxi mission. I mean, what could go wrong?" Alan asks, "Did I mention we have zombies?"

"Go ahead. Conquer the undead." Kayo says.

"Technical readouts win." Alan says.


Alan and Noah had both fallen asleep. It was around Noah's naptime anyway. A beeping sound is heard signaling Brains' call. Kayo looks over as he appears.

"Kayo, I'm transmitting the latest estimates." Brains says, "Even at your current speed, any delay would make rescue impossible."

"Hmm, that is cutting it close." Kayo says and then lifts one of the shoulder braces and reaches over to Alan, "Alan, wake up." She shakes his shoulder and he wakes up.

"Ah, I'm not asleep." Alan says and clears his throat, "Ugh, gross. Space drool. I didn't get you did I?"

"Ugh." Kayo says.

"Latest telemetry?" Alan asks.

"Yeah, we're really cutting it close." Kayo says.

"No problem. We're only using 65% of the ion fusion engine's power." Alan says, "We'll just speed up a little."

"A word of caution, Alan." Brains says, "Increasing your velocity will get you there faster, but it will also greatly complicate your deceleration sequence. I'm worried you'll use up all your fuel."

"Brains, it's me. I can handle it." Alan says, "You better strap back in." Kayo does and Alan speeds them up faster.

"Time to slow down." Alan says, "This is Thunderbird Three. Preparing for deceleration sequence." They get hit with the solar flare that was coming towards them and Noah lets out a scream.

"Noah, buddy, it's okay!" Alan says.

"It's a proton storm!" Kayo says.

"Everything's going haywire." Alan says, "We've lost main power." They lose connection to Thunderbird Five and Tracy Island.

"Navigation controls aren't responding." Alan says, "Ah, everything is dead. We can live without comms, but without navigation and propulsion, there's no way we're stopping. What happened back there?"

"We were hit with a massive solar flare." Kayo says.

"Well, it's a good thing Brains designed the ship to withstand that amount of solar radiation." Alan says, "Otherwise, we would have just been microwaved."

"So, what now?" Noah asks as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I need to do a hard reset." Alan says, "We'll power back up and hope everything works." Alan works on it and then looks at his controls.

"And everything doesn't work." Alan says, "Kayo, this is kinda bad. I need those engines to slow us down. Otherwise, we're gonna shoot right past the asteroid and into the sun along with it."

"Can it be fixed?" Kayo asks.

"I don't know." Alan says and he presses the comms button, "International Rescue, this is Thunderbird Three, do you copy?" They get static and Kayo reaches back and pats Noah's head.

"Uncle Alan, Auntie Kayo." Noah says.

"It'll be fine, buddy." Alan says, "John, are you there? Awe, Kayo, I... I don't know what to do."

"We're going to be okay, Alan. Take it slow and remember your training." Kayo says.

"Yeah..." Alan says and then his face brightens, "Yeah!" He sits his chair back and floats over to some stuff.

"What's up, Uncle Alan?" Noah asks as he sniffles.

""Okay, we need to get these covers off." Alan says as they get to work.

"Uncle Alan, um, we just flew past the asteroid." Noah says.

"Okay, hand me a new module." Alan says and Kayo passes it to him.

"It's getting hot out there." Kayo says.

"Here goes nothing." Alan says and Thunderbird Three powers up after he places the module in.

"We did it!" Alan says, "Strap back in, we've got a crew member to save."

"Yay!" Noah says and giggles. Thunderbird Three flies back towards the asteroid.

"Okay. We've matched speed with the asteroid. It looks a lot bigger up close." Alan says.

"We're still safe from the solar radiation. It's really the heat to worry about." Kayo says, "I suggest we get inside the asteroid. It should protect us from the heat."

"Excellent thinking." Alan says. They head inside the asteroid and they find the station. Alan parks them in front of the front door.

"Well, there's the front door. But we still don't have a working comm. channel. We can't even let him know we're here." Alan says.

"We could always go out and knock." Kayo says and Alan gasps.

"That's exactly what we're going to do!" Alan says.

"I'm joking." Kayo says.

"I'm not." Alan says, "Can you help me rig up some kind of electro-magnetic interference generator?"

"But what good will it do other than make their console squeal?" Kayo asks.

"That's the point." Alan says.

"Huh?" Kayo asks.

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