The Unordinary

By elephant576

2.8K 113 16

Six high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else i... More

Character 1-1
Character 3-2
Character 1-3
Character 2-6
Character 5 and Justin-7
Joseph and Justin-8
Character 5-10
The Hospital Visiter-28
The Hospital Vist-29
The Argument-30
Everything Has Changed-31
Still Unbreakable Twinship?-32
The Meeting-33
The Encounter-34
My Family Hates Me-35
Is she dead?-36
What's going on?-37
It's Dad's Fault...-38
Oh Oh-39
Calm, Taliah Calm-40
Newspaper Report
I'm Glad I have you-41
My Brother is Super Annoying-42
My Sweet Little Sister-43
Coming here was a mistake-45
What happened? Who did this? Where?-46
Do I have to be here?-47
That blonde girl-48
If only I could-50
You Ok?-51
Doesn't matter-52
Questions Need Answers-53
Pain, Stop-54
Where did they put it?-55
I'm Ok-56
What's wrong?-57
Argh, Stupid Joseph-59
What-60-is happening?
Breathe. Breathe-61
My Precious Crystal-62
Questions Leave!-63
Why not have two 63?
What's Your Name?-63
Beauty Turns to Chaos-64
No Butterflies Aloud-65
The Old Me-67
His face-68
No...This is my fault-69
Don't Let This Happen-70
What am I Supposed to do?-71
I wish I did-73
Be Ok-74
Why Do They Want Me to Say Something?-75
Calling my mum shouldn't be this difficult-77
Who is he?-78
Her Room-79
Are you fine with small spaces?-80
Water isn't always a friend-82
I Hope everything is alright-85
This time I am-87
I wish I could say-88
Is it possible to trust?-89
What have I done?-90
I'm just a child-93
Hot or Cold-94
I hope-95
I shouldn't-96
I Don't Think I Could Feel Safer-99
Take me-100

Why am I Friends With Him?-44

20 2 0
By elephant576

Sarah's Pov

It's so annoying. Justin thought it would be a good idea to come over.

"...maybe she's asleep or..." I don't concentrate on Justin's huge monologue on why Taliah isn't responding, which is mainly repeating facts. I sigh when he finally finishes. "Are you happy that I finished talking?" Ding. Justin's phone goes, luckily, so I don't have to answer that question which quite clearly is yes. "Urgh! It's my brother." I had a great idea.

"Do you want to introduce me to him?" Justin just stares at his phone almost like he didn't hear me. He probably does but recently he seems to hate his brother more and more. His reasoning is even worst though. He hates his brother because his brother hates him and that Joseph hides his thoughts from him. If I had to live with someone who could read my thoughts I think I would end up hating them and hiding my own thoughts.

"I could..." he says getting something out his eye. "I guess I could. The question is if I want to." Justin being Justin like usual.

"What do you mean by that?" I just look at him and he patiently stares back. Then it hits me. I facepalm immediately after. That's what he meant. How did I forget in those few minutes?

"It's going to take some getting use to you, reading minds and all that." Ring Ring.


"He's probably going to hear you," I say without a trace of a smirk on my face. Justin just stares at me whilst I put my most innocent face on. Justin accepts the call still looking at me.

"What do you want Joseph?" He says still looking right in my eyes. I mouth and try to motion: He can come over.

"Where are you, Justin?" Joseph says ignoring Justin's venom.

"I'm at Sarah's." There's just silence on Joseph's end.

"Who's that?"

"Neighbour!" He says whilst for the first time this conversation he shifts his eyes away from me. "I thought I told you." 

"Can I come over?"

"If you have to." Justin quickly responds back. Gazing over me.

"S-" Justin hangs up on Joseph.

"Bit rude don't you think?" I say and all Justin does is shrug. "How will he know which house?"

"Do you know anything about our neighbourhood?" Justin responds making me doubt what I thought I knew. "Next to my house on the other side is for sale. The one behind is where my Mum's friends live-"

"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE YOUR MUM'S FRIENDS LIVE!" I announce slightly raising my voice.

"Geez, no need to yell at me." It wasn't that loud. "It was!" I frown at Justin.

"Get out my head," I tell with my teeth clenched.

Knock knock knock knock

"STOP KNOCKING!" Justin just laughs.

"Great first impression!" He says with giggles and a yawn.

"How are you tired?" I say whilst standing up to open the door. When I open the door I see who I guess is Joseph. "Great, if Justin wasn't bad enough another one has arrived."

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