Perrie's Dilemma

By JessMix3r

17.9K 595 115

Perrie moves to London to start fresh at a new university to follow her dream and leave her past life behind... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
new story

Chapter 2

597 18 2
By JessMix3r

They showed me around the rest of the campus and we carried on talking. I found out that Leigh-Anne was from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and she's 21 and that after college she took a gap year with Jesy and went travelling. They showed me the music rooms they were epic. They had recording booths, separate rooms so we can work in a quiet area if needed. All this went all around the back and in the middle there was chairs and tables and at the front was the big black board.

This is so much cooler then my old uni. It took us around 2 hours until we finished my tour. We went back to the canteen to get some food as it was like 2 in the afternoon and I need my food. I love food to much. We got some food and sat at a table. I got a sandwich and a salad box.

"how do they get salad in the box" I said more to myself but Jesy and Leigh-Anne both heard and laughed. Her laugh was so musical.

"what" I said innocently

"awww Pez your so cute" she laughed She's given me a nick name. I couldnt help but smile I could feel myself blush. I just looked down at the table so she wouldn't notice. We talked more about music mainly and then I saw a group of boys heading towards us.

"hey babe" the tall one of them said.

"oh hey babe" Jesy replied and got up and kissed him. I'm guessing he's Jesy boyfriend. They all sat down at the table.

"guys this is Perrie she's new here so be nice or you'll have to deal with me" Jesy joked and smiled at me.

"I'll second that" Leigh-Anne agreed

"this is Jordan" Leigh-Anne pointed to the tall guy that Jesy kissed.

"he's Jesy's boyfriend if you didn't guess." I giggled.

"hey" he said smiling at me

"this is Sam and he's Jade's boyfriend" she pointed to the small dark headed one

"alright" he smiled. He is rather handsome Jade must be really pretty.

"and last but not least this is Jordan number 2" and pointed to the last guy giggling and then kissed him. I suddenly went cold inside.

"hi" he grinned

We sat there for a bit longer and just chatted to the guys. Jesy's Jordan and Sam were doing a dance major and Leigh-Anne's Jordan was doing a sports major. They seem like really nice guys they actually made the effort to talk to me which was nice. However when I would see Leigh-Anne and Jordan giggling or kissing it made me feel sad and a little Jealous and I dont know why.

As the time went by I realised I still hadn't unpacked and if I didnt Start now it would take me days to finish.

"guys I'm going to make a move and go unpack see you around" I got up and walked away. As i was walking back to the dorm i couldnt stop myself thinking about Leigh-Anne there was just about her that makes me feel different to how I feel about Jesy and I can't put my finger on it. I was in my own world thinking about Leigh-Anne about Jesy about everything really how it all seems so different to my old uni when suddenly I bumped into something and went flying backwards. It took me a few seconds to realise what had happened because i was so lost in my own thoughts.

"Shit you okay, here let me help you up" I looked up to see where the vocie was coming from, it was the guy from this morning, I could see he was holding his hand out for me so i grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"thanks" i smiled brushing the dirt of my jeans

"we have a habit of meeting like this" he laughed, he really was cute. I giggled

"Zayn isnt it" I asked "thats me" he grinned "where are you off to in a hurry"

"just off back to the dorm so I can start unpacking, what about you"

"ah the dreaded unpacking" he laughed

"and ive come to make a wish" It was then that I realised we were stood infront of the fountain, it really does look beautiful.

"make a wish?" i questioned

"yeah you get a coin and toss into the fountain and make a wish" he replied

"here you have a go" He gave me a coin and I threw it in the fountain and made my wish. After I made my wish we sat down and talked he told me he was from Bradford that he was doing a music major it turned out we have a lot in common which was nice i just hop I dont give him the wrong impression. Before we knew it an hour had gone by,

"i best get going still need to unpack" i stated

"okay well i had fun Perrie can I have your number then maybe we can do this again sometime"

"er yeah sure" i smiled

"thank you well I'll call you, bye" he said as he walked away. As I started to walk away I heard someone shout my name i turned around and saw Leigh-Anna walking towards me, I couldnt help but smile.

"i thought you were unpacking"

"yeah i was supposed to be but I got sidetracked" i laughed

"well you want some help Jesy's gone off with Jordan and im not doing anything"

"yeah sure, could do with the help" i smiled. She then linked arms with me and we walked to the dorms.

"your accent Is so cute, you sound just like jade, she's from Newcastle as well" she said.

"awww really cool" 5 mintues later we arrived at my dorm.

"I won't be a sec just going to get changed" Leigh-Anne said. I didn't even ask where her and Jesy's room was but then I saw Leigh-Anne just walk across the hall and enter the door opposite mine. I was kind of glad that their room was opposite mine.

I've never really had any friends and the few friends I had abandoned me when I came out. But now having Leigh-Anne who i can stop thinking about and Jesy and the two Jordan's and Sam liking me just seems to good to be true. I opened my door and walked in and went to my room. I was unpacking my things when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and found Leigh-Anne standing there in just joggers and a hoodie. She had put her hair up and she looked beautiful even when she didn't make an effort i envy her. I didn't realise I was staring until she spoke I felt so embarrassed.

"you going to let me in" she laughed.

"oh sorry yeah come in" I gestured her in.

"want some help unpacking" she asked

"erm sure didn't realise I brought that much stuff" I laughed

"you've got some cute things Pez guessing you like the hippie stuff" she smiled as she starting unpacking. I loved it when she called me Pez.

"thanks and yeah I like the whole peace thing I even have a saying" oh God why did I have to say that. That doesn't sound weird at all

"awww really? that's cute what is it" she asked smiling at me. Her smile was really something

"don't laugh will you?" I said shyly

"why would I laugh?" she smiled "its, don't worry, be hippie"

"awww that's cute I like it, I have one too, its just believe" she said

"that's nice what made you start saying that"

"I believe that anything is possible and you can do anything if you just believe" she said looking straight into my eyes with a cute smile. For a few seconds i got lost in those beautiful brown eyes.

About half an hour later there was another knock at the door it was Jesy. I finished unpacking while Leigh-Anne and Jesy made drinks. It only took me 5 minutes to finishing unpacking. I looked around my room and smiled it started to look like what it did at home. My eye caught A photo of me and my mum and me and my brother on my side cabinet, I missed them so much. I could feel my eyes welling up so I walked out my room and joined Jesy and Leigh-Anne. We just sat on the sofa chatting with the tele on in the background. We laughed and joked and then the fresh prince of bel air came on the tele.

"OMG guys shhh my fav programme is on" she beamed We just laughed at her but we got comfy on the sofa and Leigh-Anne came and sat next to me I loved being this close to her A while later after the prince of bel air marathon was finished.

"so whos hungry" jesy asked

"I am" I replied straight away

"think we should go out celebrate Perrie's first day" Jesy Suggested

"nando's?" Leigh-Anne stated looking at Jesy

"where else" Jesy beamed. We all laughed "okay that's settled nando's it is meet back here in 10?

"okay" they both said and left I smiled as I walked into my room. Maybe things will be different this time.

I opened my wardrobe and just stared I have way to many clothes I havent clue what I'm going wear. I got lose in thought Suddenly there was a knock at the door snapping me out of my thoughts and I realised I was just staring at my clothes. I went to answer the door and it was Jesy and Leigh-Anne I let them in. Jesy looked amazing she really is beautiful I would die to have curves like her she was wearing a short black dress with heeled DM's but Leigh-Anne...WOW she was wearing black jean shorts that had studs all over one side with a short white baggy top that exposed her stomach and she was wearing a pair of black healed boots. She took my breath away.

"erm perrie you not coming to nando's in jeans and a hoodie" Jesy said bringing me back to reality

"oh yeah sorry I got side tracked give us 5" I laughed and headed back to my room to get changed. After going through my clothes about 5 times I settled on a red top with black leggings and a light blue jean jacket with spikes on the shoulders and black high heeled shoes. My hair was a mess and I couldn't be bothered to do anything special with it so I just put it up in a ponytail.

"wow Perrie you do scrub up well" Jesy laughed as I worked out my bedroom looking at them both.

"thanks" I grinned and did a little spin. They both just laughed I went to grab my bag and I noticed that Leigh-Anne was still looking at me her eyes keeping looking up and down at me like she was checking me out I couldn't help but smile I know I'm properly being stupid but there is just something about her that always makes me smile. She was still staring at me and as her eyes moved up she noticed I was looking at her and she suddenly looked away and went to grab her back. It was like I caught her doing something she shouldn't.

"shall we get going" she said heading to the door. I just ignored what just happened it was my first night here and I wanted to celebrate and have fun I've properly just over reacted was properly nothing.

We walked out of our building and a group of lads went passed us into the guys dorm building and I recognised one of them it was Zayn We walked passed them and then I heard Zayn shout mine name.

"Perrie" I turned around and saw him walk towards me

"hi Leigh-Anne, Jesy"

"hi Zayn" they both said

"hello" I replied

"how are you how you settling in"

"I'm good thanks and yeah its going okay" I smiled

"good, you look really nice by the way, going anywhere nice" he asked and smiled. I can't deny it he has a gorgeous smile.

"thanks" I blushed " and just off to nando's celebrate my first day"

"awww nice, well I'll leave you to it I'll see you around"

"yeah okay" I smiled. He then walked away and joined his mates. I could see Leigh-Anne and Jesy staring at me but I didn't say anything. We got in the taxi and arrived at nando's 10minutes later. We ordered our drinks and food and just sat there talking.

"so how do you know Zayn" Leigh-Anne asked

"when I first got here I was walking to the reception desk and he bumped into me, and then I saw him again when I was on my way to unpack, how do you know him" I asked

"so you know he's doing a music major but is a year in front of us" jesy replied. I just nodded.

"well everyone tends to know everyone who does the same major as them, so we know everyone who is doing a music major" Jesy stated

"oh okay" I smiled. We carried on talking as we ate our food. They are so funny I haven't laughed this much in a long time and it feels good. They were telling me stories from their year of travalling what they did where they went, they seemed so close. There is just something about them that makes me feel like I can trust them and can be myself around them ive never had that before and even thought its only been a few hours we just click.

About 2 hours later we headed back home. I still can't believe how nice these 2 girls are they make me feel so welcome and i havent had that in a long time.

"thanks for tonight girls I had a blast" I smiled at them

"anytime" Jesy said

"yeah was fun" Leigh-Anne smiled. It got me every time.

"anyway I'm off to sleep night girlies" Jesy said and hugged me


"I'll be in in a minute" Leigh-Anne said

"okay" jesy smiled and walked in her dorm. I was alone with Leigh-Anne.

"Jesy is meeting Jordan tomorrow morning for brunch, you wanna get breakfast with me before our lecture" Leigh-Anne asked.

"yeah can do" I smiled a bit to much. She laughed

"okay I'll come and get you in the morning night Pez" she hugged me and then kissed me on the cheek and then she was gone. I sighed and got ready for bed in a daze all I could think about was Leigh-Anne and I could still feel her Lips on my cheek. I cannit believe I've only know her for a day but there was just something about her I liked everything about her. It got me thinking about what happened before and i cant make the same mistake again not with Jesy or Leigh-Anne they have made me feel so welcoming and accepted when im with them i forget all the bad stuff in my life. After a while of thinking about all this I finally fell asleep with a smile on my face its been a great day

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