Q&A | sunhak

By rosyncts

9.9K 613 520

Q&A is more than Haknyeon's favorite song...its something he finds himself thinking about...a lot. Just how d... More



1K 69 86
By rosyncts

As his alarm clock rang, Sunwoo sat up in his bed immediately and wiped his eyes and sighed, getting up and waddling into the bathroom due to his tired state. He started his usual morning routine, and took a look at himself in the mirror.

His pikachu graphic tshirt that he always wore to sleep in and his blue plaid pajama pants were in his view, and unlike Haknyeon's nighttime attires, were completely stain free. He turned the water on in the sink and went to grab his toothbrush from it's holder before his phone rang from the other room.

He quickly walked from the bathroom back to his room and shut the door, walking over to the phone and seeing who was calling him this early. It was of course, Hyewon. He unlocked the phone and put it up to his ear, his voice low and gravelly from just waking up.

"Yeah babe?" he asked, rubbing his eyes once more.

"Hiiiiiii...I need to ask you a huge favor.." her voice came through and into his ear.

He signed into the phone and stretched his non occupied arm out and let out a cute yawn.

"What favor?"

"I need you to uh.... join the boys dance team for our upcoming-" she spoke before she got cut off by his voice.

"No. I don't dance." Sunwoo replied back instantly. He wasn't even that bad of a dancer in reality, he just was completely opposed to the idea due to Haknyeon being involved in the ordeal. He knew that if he saw Haknyeon dancing to god knows what song, that it would make everything that he was feeling confused with on the inside just continue to fester and intensify, and he did not want that at all.

"I've seen you dance and you're really good! Please... for me. It's only because Haknyeon clearly has nobody else to ask, and they desparately need someone, their dance is looking uh..kinda shabby. So...pleeeaassseeeeee." Hyewon spoke as she started to change her voice into her whining pouty voice that she succeeded with against Haknyeon a few days prior.

Sunwoo gritted his teeth, cringing on the inside. He hated when she acted cute, and she knew it.

"Will you promise to be there with me the entire time?" Sunwoo said, knowing he was going to regret all of this down the line.

"I'm not your mother! You don't need me there. But yes I am due to me being captain of the girls dance team Sherlock." Hyewon giggled a little bit as she realized she had got what she wanted.

"Fine. When the hell do I start going?" Sunwoo replied and awaited an answer.


"....What class period?"


Sunwoo's eyes widened as he heard her say second, and he raised his voice a little bit.

"I can't do that second period. You know me and the boys have a big game coming up, and I can't miss practice." he said, shaking his head even though he knew she couldn't see him through the phone.

"Its not like you're going to win anyway! They can have a game without you, this is why you made Jaemin your second in command, for situations like this! Plus you already agreed to my proposal anyway so you can't back out now!"

Sunwoo grumbled and mumbled inaudible swear words under his breath and then heard her voice again.

"See you in two hours! Love you baby!" Hyewon said, making a kiss noise through the phone towards him.

"Love you too." he returned the kissing noise, albeit way less enthusiastic than she had, and the twos' conversation had come to a close.

Sunwoo put his hands on either side if his temples and massaged them, shaking his head back and forth in disbelief. He had no idea what kind of dance that he was going to have to practice later that day, but he sure as hell hoped that it would all end and the dance competition would be here and done with before too long. Just so he did not have to spend anymore unneeded prolonged periods of time with Haknyeon.

"Should've said no." he said outloud and sighed, getting up from his bed and walking over  to his closet, changing into his outfit for the day.

He leaned his head back after he put on his shoes and sighed loudly, frustratedly. He walked out of his room and down the stairs, and directly out the front door without interacting with his mother. He got in his car and sighed, turning the car on and backing out of his garage and onto the road. He drove down the road on his way to school, dreading the entirety of the day that was about to come his way.

~2 hours later~

As Haknyeon opened up the door to the dance practice room and walked in, he was greeted by cold air blowing onto his skin. His eyes widened and his face lit up, a smile coming across it. He walked inside and looked around, and looked over to Juyeon.

"Is the AC finally up and running again?" Haknyeon said, his voice almost way too excited for him to be speaking about an air conditioner's status.

Juyeon responded with a simple nod and a small smile before he put his focus back into his phone that was in his hands.

Haknyeon's smile grew brighter and wider as he walked over to his corner of the room and sat his bag down in it's usual spot and started his daily stretch routine.

Just then, he turned around and was greeted by Hyewon walking into the room, and throwing away an empty food container and walking over to him.

"China being here before me. Shocker." she said as she put her bag down and began stretching with him.

"I woke up early this morning." he said, leaning to the right, stretching his abdomen.

"I found you a twlefth team member." Hyewon said with a bland tone, sounding serious.

Haknyeon, caught off guard, fell to the floo doing his side stretch and looked up at her, looking confused and shocked all in one facial expression.

"YOU WHAT NOW?!" he yelled, looking at her.

She got down to his level and slapped his cheek and put a finger over his mouth.

"Can you stop yelling!!" she responded back to him and removed her finger from in front of his lips and stood up, offering him a hand up to get up which he took.

"I found you a twelfth team mate! You should be thanking me and worshipping the ground I walk on! Not acting like a confused bumbling dumbass!" she scoffed and shook her head, crossing her arms.

Haknyeon squinted and rubbed his cheek and looked at her.

"You didn't have to hit me." he spoke, making the most unintentionally cute frowny face that he could make.

"You were being too loud. You sounded like a woman birthing quadruplets and two were coming out your snatch at the same time. I had to keep you from screaming so we didn't get noise complaints from the other classrooms near us and have them reach the principal and him shut this entire class down! I saved us all in the long run by smacking you." she said, moving her hair off her shoulder and leaning down, grabbing the water bottles from his and her bags, handing him his.

He opened his water bottle, taking a tiny sip, wiping his lips, and spoke to her.

"But who did you fi-" he tried to ask  before he was cut off by the door to the hallway opening.

And in walked Kim Sunwoo.

Haknyeon felt his facial expression change, and his skin go cold. Sunwoo was the last person he would have expected Hyewon to find to fill the twelfth spot in his dance group.

Sunwoo walked into the room and shut the door behind him, spotting Haknyeon across the room and locking eyes with him before clutching his water bottle in his hand roughly, almost enough to break it like he had when he threw the other one against the wall yesterday in the locker room. He sped over to Hyewon and pulled her aside and away from Haknyeon and spoke to her.

"What kind of dance is this." he spoke, looking at her, speaking under his breath.

"One where you move your body to a beat along with eleven other people." she said, tilting her head, smililng at him. "It's not my job to tell you since I'm not your captain, take it up with China." she spoke as she patted him on the back and walked over to her team, talking to them as they all did their stretches together.

Sunwoo looked down at the ground and shook his water bottle and one of his legs and arms together, sighing heavily before he turned around and walked over to where Haknyeon was standing and threw his bookbag onto the floor roughly, sat his water bottle down on the floor, and looked at the older boy. 

"I'm only doing this because Hyewon asked me to, and as charity work." he said, licking his teeth and looking at Haknyeon.

"C-charity work? What's that supposed to m-mean?" the older male said, being intimidated by Sunwoo's prescence now, thus his speech being effected as it always was.

".....Nothing, forget it." Sunwoo said as he sighed and leaned down, grabbing his water bottle, opening and taking a drink from it.

Haknyeon looked Sunwoo up and down as he was distracted by his water, and surveyed his view. Sunwoo's form fitting black jeans were hugging his legs perfectly, and it nearly made Haknyeon break out into a sweat from the thoughts running through his mind alone. His plain black shirt was loose but still fitting enough for it to look on him, but then again, it was Sunwoo and Haknyeon thought anything looked good when he was wearing it. 

"Y-you look nice today." Haknyeon said, coughing and leaning down, trying to avoid what he had said by burying his face in his bag pretending to look for something.

Sunwoo nearly choked on his water before he swallowed it and wiped his mouth and bit the inside of his mouth.

"Thanks." he spoke, shaking his head side to side before cutting to the chase.

"I came over here to ask you..what kinda dance...this is that I'm being thrown into against my will." Sunwoo spoke, sitting his water bottle back down onto the floor.

Haknyeon stood back up and looked at the younger boy and ran his hand up and down his own arm.

"Well..I k-kinda have to judge your dancing first. So I'm going to have to ask you to uh..show me and everyone in here what our new m-member can do on the dance floor. I-i-if that's fine with you that is." Haknyeon spoke, rushing the words out of his mouth to avoid awkwardness, only making it more awkward in the long run.

Sunwoo sighed and walked to the middle of the dance floor and looked over at Hyewon who was running in front of him to the other side of the room to her phone.

"I know just the song!!" she said as she scrolled through her library.

Sunwoo knew what song she was talking about. And if he heard the instrumental of that song start he was going to lose his mind. He danced, not for sport, but for fun when he was alone in his room at home. Sometimes he and Hyewon danced together, so she knew exactly what songs he could and could not dance to on the spot.

And there it was.

"The Eve" by EXO blasted throughout the dance practice room as Sunwoo cringed and tightened his leg muscles, and clenched his fists tightly. This was the one song that no matter if he was driving or not, which everyone knew he hated listening to music while driving, he would turn the volume up full blast for with no shame whatsoever. 

Haknyeon heard the familiar beat come through the speakers and he gulped harshly and sat down on the bench beside his bag which was on the floor, and grabbed his water bottle. He could see the choreo to the song in his brain due to watching some of EXO's live stages so many times on repeat due to his interest in the group. He silently prayed in his head and hoped that Sunwoo was going to do some original choreo that he had made up by himself and not the original EXO choreo because of the point move, because he knew it would do things to his mind that were irreperable. 

Sunwoo sighed and shook his head before waiting a couple moments, and then going into the choreo. His moves were smooth through and through and his body looked like it was made to dance to this song, which was always a plus for a dancer. His facial expressions when dancing were really impressive too. Most people that don't dance professionally most of the time make the most uncomfortable looking faces, but Sunwoo's face was telling the story of the song, and Hyewon was loving it in the corner.

Haknyeon watched Sunwoo's movements and was completely mesmerized. He wanted to look away because he should not have been staring at this boy for this long, but everytime he attempted to, he couldn't move his line of sight off of him. And then, came the killing part of the choreo.

"kkaego buditcheoya hae"

As soon as the line hit, Sunwoo threw his right arm in the air, bent 90 degrees at the elbow, and thrust his hips upward slowly, making sure to hit every beat that he could with the slow movement. He bit his lower lip, not giving a shit how he looked now or how he was supposed to feel. He was in a mood, and he was going all out.

Haknyeon watched as Sunwoo's hips thrusted upwards, and his body moved smoothly with the motion, and hit bit his lip. He averted his eyesight and widened his eyes before he grabbed his water bottle and drank a big gulp from it before looking back in Sunwoo's direction as the younger boy continued to dance. This is what Haknyeon was afraid of when he saw Sunwoo walk through the door minutes ago. He did not want to see Sunwoo in this type of situation, let alone the dance being this sexual looking. He could barely handle seeing the boy in his soccer uniform almost every day, let alone thrusting his damn hips into the air. Haknyeon wiped his forehead, which had now started to slightly form balls of sweat, and he cleared his throat as the music came to an end.

Sunwoo was breathing roughly as he looked around the room as people clapped for him, and a bright smile came to his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. Hyewon rushed over to him and gave him a hug around the waist that he returned around her shoulder. Haknyeon walked over, wiping his forehead once more before looking at Sunwoo and tripping on his words, worse than usual after what he had to just sit through. 

"T-t-that was really g-g-good..uh..you're on the t-team. Time to r-r-run you through our choreo for the c-c-competition." he said as he hurriedly started the music and made all of his boys get in formation, showing Sunwoo where to go.

As they approached the bridge of the song, the part that Haknyoen was dreading the most, he sighed and looked at Sunwoo. 

"We..uh..have to get really...c-close..for this p-part. I hope you don't mind." he said as he showed Sunwoo the choreo they would have to do as a pair.

Sunwoo watched and imagined himself where Haknyeon said he was supposed to be, and his mind started to go rampant again. His eyes widened as he listened to what Haknyeon was saying and watched him as he demonstrated the part to him.

"I don't think I can do that. I don't think I'll be comfortable." Sunwoo said, trying to weasel his way out of getting that close to Haknyeon.

Haknyeon, sighing, put his hands on his hips and looked at Sunwoo.

"I have a competition to win. And you were basically fucking the mirror a second ago. You're going to do this whether you like it or not and I do not want to hear any  objections again. Got it? It's just a dance move." Haknyeon spoke. Normally he wouldn't dare speak to Sunwoo like that. Anybody else, yes, but not Sunwoo due to how flustered he makes him. But Haknyeon was determined to win this competition.

Sunwoo's eyes widened and he coughed, nodding to Haknyeon, actually impressed with how he put his foot down. Sunwoo also hated to admit it but something inside of him really liked being put in his place, especially by Haknyeon.

"Well damn, alright then." he said, shaking his head, sighing.

"love is blind, now I'm blind. . .love is blind, now I'm blind"

As that line blasted throughout the room, both of them took their formations.

Looking directly into each other's eyes, being extremely close as soon as the first "blind" was said, they were supposed to both then throw their heads back and bring them back around to look at each other again, then separate. As soon as the second "love" was said, they were supposed to almost be pressed against one another, with both of them covering the others eyes with their hands to match the lyrics.

This was not what happened initially.

When the bridge started, they got in their positions and looked at one another, getting the correct space away from each other, and they both just sat there for a few moments. Their breathing matching the other's, their fingers intertwined, their foreheads pressed against one another's which was not in the choreo, but organically happened and made the choreo more interesting.

They stayed like this until the song looped and it got back to the bridge, where they did the correct choreo and Haknyeon walked over and stopped the song.

He stood there, thinking of what just happened and processing it in his brain. Was he really that close to Kim Sunwoo for that long? Was he really able to keep his cool and not freak out about it? His breathing started to hitch a bit and he shook his head, rubbing his temples. He did not know what just happened, but he wanted that moment to happen and never end.

Sunwoo stood there in the middle of the floor, looking at himself in the mirror, shaking his head in digust, and looking over at Haknyeon. He bit the inside of his mouth once again as he thought about what just happened. He felt...safe in that moment, if that made any sense? It sure didn't make any sense to him, but it's what he felt. All the pressure and thoughts of the last few days disappeared when they were pressed together, and he felt the weight of the world lifted off of his shoulders, but now it was right back on them.

Just then, Hyewon walked back into the room from a bathroom break and looked at the empty floor in front of her.

"What'd I miss?"

"The bell hasn't rang yet but you can all go." Haknyeon yelled out, wanting to be by himself, but not wanting to make a big scene by leaving.

The room cleared out until it was just Haknyeon, Sunwoo, and Hyewon left in it.

Hyewon grabbed her bag and walked over to Sunwoo and looked at him, leaning up and giving him a small short kiss.

"See you next period." she said as she walked out the door and left the two males by themselves. 

Sunwoo looked around, realizing it was just him and Haknyeon in the room and walked over the older boy, in an attempt to make things not so awkward between the two. 

"I...uh...thank you. For today."

Haknyeon stood up from his crouched position and looked at the younger boy.


"I...just..thank you." Sunwoo said, nodding at him, letting out a small, faint smile.

"I know I pick on you...a lot. But uh...you're really not half bad. But you tell anyone I said that and I'll beat your face in." he said, letting out a tiny chuckle and turning around, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

Haknyeon's bright smile grew genuinely across his face as he heard this, and he chuckled along with Sunwoo. He felt more weight lifted off of his shoulders from this conversation, and he looked at Sunwoo.

"You did really good today." he said, looking over at the younger boy.

Sunwoo licked his lips and looked down, rubbing the back of his own neck.

"I...I try." he chuckled and turned, walking to the door, capturing Haknyeon's smile in his brain once again, keeping a mental note of it. 

"You're welcome." Sunwoo said, looking back at Haknyeon as he opened up the door to leave. "For your bike." his smile grew bigger as he walked out the door.

It took Haknyeon a minute to process what Sunwoo had said before he fully understood it, and then it clicked that Sunwoo was the one that looked after his bike and put it in a safe place a few days ago. 

With this, his expression changed and he got giggly, soft, and happy and picked his bag up and held onto it for a moment while he jumped in place and laughed, barely able to contain his full level of excitement and happiness before he walked over to the door, opened it up, and left shutting it behind him.

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