Take Me

By rammfan52

1.4K 47 36

(a Jonathan Davis and Corey Taylor fanfic) Really, Liv was doing this volunteer holiday job for a completely... More



590 13 2
By rammfan52

(To start off, this story takes place in germany. Why will be explained throughout the story)

"What bus stop do we need to get off?"
"I think here"
"What do you mean 'think'? You should know this!"
Anna was already aggravated when I picked her up by her house this morning. Her messy hair and rings under her eyes told me that she has been up all night again, probably drinking. But who can blame her? Its the first week of summer holidays and I'm just as excited as she is. Just I guess I let it out in another way.

The bus stops at a small shed in the middle of a small village called Farrm. There's one road where everyone lives in and a sports field. And this is where we are going to spend every day for the next two weeks. Anna and I have been waiting, imagining and talking about this for months. After going to a trip with this organisation called 'Young People's Adventures'(YPA), we were struck by the thought of participating as mentors in their yearly holiday care for kids. So what we are about to face is a crowd of 200 kids which we and a few others have to take care of.
Honestly, I'm no good with little kids. They always have a complaint, feel sick or just cry around about their sand castle being invaded by ninja ants. Kids can come up with the craziest things.
But now here I am walking towards the sports field where my social anxiety will suffer for the next two weeks. Why am I even doing this? To meet new people. Not even because of the kids. Just for some potential friends I won't ever talk to after these weeks. And maybe I'm sort of doing this for Anna too. She's my best friend and since she was nearly begging me to do this voluntary work with her, I gave in. And why is she doing this? No, not for the kids, not for the 7 bucks we get per day, nooo she's doing this because her crush Alistair from last years trip to Sweden is also doing this voluntary work. So I guess I'm on the better track there somehow.

Looking ahead I see a ton of people standing on the sports field.
Anna and I speed up our pace, but soon realize we're not alone on the sidewalk.
"Um excuse me?" A small, timid voice asks from behind us.
I turn around to see a tall boy with brown dreadlocks, wearing an adidas tracksuit standing in front of us.
"What?" Anna asks coldly.
The boys cheeks turn into a deep shade of red, as if he's embarrased.
"I-I just wanted to ask where I have to go to see the YPA?"
"Have you never been here before?" Anna raises an eybrow.
"No" he answers in a tiny voice.
"Don't worry, we'll show you where to go. We are having our first day there too" I say in a friendly voice to make him a bit more comfortable.
His face lights up and he nods.
Giving me a shocked look, Anna shakes her head at me. Did I do something wrong?

Walking onto the sports field, the boy walks straight to the office. I watch him walk away in an anxious walk. I wonder if he's ok. We could've showed him the way too.
"OLIVIA?! Are you even listening to me?"
Anna's face jumps into my vision.
"Sorry I was just... what did you say?"
"That guy was so weird. Like who comes to their first day of work with a track suit and messy hair. Plus he can't even speak proper German. I never saw him at the trials either. He wasn't even in that group."
"So? You could've been nicer" I add. She has a point, but he didn't really seem to be quite in his place all in all.
"I'll go see Alistair. Maybe you'll see Luke. Remember last year?" She gives me a flirty look. Luke was my crush from last years trip and he also works here, but that story is over and I will NOT explain that experience.

Anna walks off. I stand in the middle of the crowd alone for a few seconds before deciding to get a drink. As I turned around, a hand lands on my shoulder.
"Hey Liv, how are you?" I stumble around to see my boss, Mandy, standing in front of me.
"I'm good thanks and yourself?" Mandy is a very nice lady who I've known for many years. She's a friend of my mum's so I know her on a personal level.
"Thanks for asking, Liv. I'm good too." She smiles at me.
"So, Liv, I'd have a job for you and it's okay if you decline it because it's your first time here too and it might be a bit much, but since you're one of the best in the English language that I know, I thought you could show our newest staff member around a bit and help him get through the days."
"Uh, sure, why not?"
"Great, I'll just go get him."
Oh, its a him. Great. This won't make my social anxiety any better.
I see Mandy coming back through the crowd and with her...
"Liv, this is Jonathan..."

A/N: hey to everyone. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. If there's anything you'd like to mention that I could change or do better in the coming chapters, please let me know, I'm always open for criticism!

And yes, Corey bae will come soon :)

Thanks for reading!

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