You and I [Ryan Sitkowski fa...

By gaiyuhh

11.1K 321 26

24 years old Amaya Marquez just an ordinary girl who lives in Scranton and a leader/vocalist of local metal b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 23

205 7 0
By gaiyuhh

Ryan POV

Amaya seems a lot better now, happier and she start to smile more too. I'm glad that she's happy now but every time I saw her with Chris I just can't stand it. I don't know why, what is wrong with me, and I got Allie she always make me feel good but yeah..always end up with weird angry sort of feelings. "Baby why are you so quiet? hmm?" Allie wrap her arms around me and rest her chin on my shoulder. "Nothing." I smiled and kiss her head.

A few minutes later Chris finally back from his 'night walk' as he told. "Hey Chris how's your date?" Vinny ask Chris, then he turn to look at me with his wide eye with his hand covering his mouth. Owh so Chris went out for a date, really but with who? "good." Chris answered shortly before walk to the back lounge area and change his clothes.

Awkward Vinny said that he want to take some fresh air, he put on his beanie and his hoodie before heading out. "Babe, I need to smoke." I said to Allie and she just said okay then continue typing something on her phone. I make my way out from the bus and there's Vinny with his phone. "Hey." I said, stand closer to Vinny and lit my cigarettes.

"Ssup" Vinny look at me. "Did you know who the lucky girl Chris went out with?" I'm feeling nervous out of sudden. "erm..he went out with Amaya...are u okay man?" Vinny seems regret saying that.

"What of course I'm okay. I'm happy for her and Chris too." I playfully punch Vinny on his right chest with nervous laugh. "Really?" Vinny ask me back. "Yeah, I have Allie remember?" I said back to him. Vinny raised both of his hand and just nod. Liar, of course I'm not okay. My best friend went out with my ex? Wait, wtf is wrong with me. Just forget about her already.

Normal POV (Amaya/you)

As soon as you get in the bus, Spencer noticed you smiling ears to ears. You take a sit beside Dante, take out your phone text Chris wishing him 'good night'. "You look so happy tonight, now tell me." Spencer asked you who sit across him. You put your phone in your pocket and look at Spencer. "erm..I just got back from a date with Chris."

Gordon who was so busy playing the video games paused his game instantly when he heard you said that. "What? Chris motionless?" Gordon asked me. "Yeah....well he's kind and so gentleman...and kinda like him more than a friend now." You finally confess to your friends.

"That's great. I mean I'm happy for you." Alice said and smiled to you. "But isn't it kinda awkward with her ex in the same band ?" Dante finally talked. "Hello I'm right here, besides you." You nudge Dante on his rib. "Ryan are happy with Allie now okay. No harsh feeling besides me and Ryan are friend now." You fold your arm and lean your back on the couch. "As long as you happy Amaya, that's all matter." Spencer finally talked again.

"Thanks." You held up a bottle of beer on the table to Spencer before drink it, Spencer did the same. "Hey that's mine." Dante whines, before snatching the bottle from my hand. "Heh sorry not so sorry. Night everyone and remember our show at 1pm." You said then walk across the bunk area. You peeked through Edgar's bunk. "Hey what are you reading?" Edgar mark where he reads before turn to look at you. "Holding Up The Universe by Jennifer Niven" He smiled shyly to you. "That's cool never tought that you into romance novel" Both of you chuckled. " Well what's not to like."

"Yeah, sorry for disturbing heh, just want to check you up. Goodnight Edgar." Edgar smiled and wished you a good night too. You slide back his curtain before went to your bunk.

*Next day*

You woke up early that morning because Chris asked you to come over and help him get ready for the show. After you're done with shower, you put on new motionless in white t shirt, black jeans and dr.martin shoes on. You walked to motionless bus and knock the door, a few seconds later Ricky showed up with his all ready makeup on. "Hey good morning." You smiled to Ricky, he smiled back and ushers you to come inside.

"Amaya, good morning." Chris who sat at the front lounge now make his way to greet you with his warm hug. "Morning Chris, so what kinda look you want for today's show?" You break the hug and asked him. "Hmm how about classic smokey eye?" You sat on the couch at the front lounge, Chris took a seat beside you. "Sounds cool and Wow there are so many makeup products here." You admired his makeup collection that he scattered on the table. "Yeah, well I don't know what you will need so I just bring them all hehe." He chuckled.

First you draw his eyebrow, then you start with eye makeup first before moving to face. Your makeup session with Chris were full of chit chat until Vinny interrupted your conversation with Chris. "Funny how Gaia used to did your makeup and now it's Amaya." Vinny already with his makeup on, well thanks to Devin. Devin helped him a lot when it comes to makeup. You stop your work and about to ask who Gaia is but then you continue blending the foundation on Chris's face.

"Rude." You heard Kylie said that to Vinny before slapping the back of Vinny's head. "Don't mind him. You're both cute together." Kylie winked at you. You look at Kylie then at Chris, he just smiled at you then winked.

After you're done, you followed them to the green room. You sat beside Chris who's busy warming up before the show, while Ricky at your left side. Ryan and Allie sit across you and Chris. You do realize Ryan eyeing you with Chris but you just act like nothing happen.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. The crew told us that in 3 minutes they are up. Chris gave you a quick kiss on your temple before he and the rest heading out to the stage. The only person that in the room was Kylie, you and Allie.

There's an awkward situation because the woman who tore your relationship apart was in the same room as you. You push all the negative thoughts and try your best to calm. After a moment Kylie said that she want to go to the toilet meaning that only you and Allie in the same fucking room. As soon as Kylie left the room, Allie who were busy with her phone started to talked to you. "So you and Chris huh?" She didn't bother to look at you while she talked ,which you find extremely rude. "Not officially, we're taking this slow." You said to her, and now she's looking at you and raising her eyebrow.

"oh okay then.... " she smirked to you, before back with her phone again. Minutes later, Kylie were back and things got less awkward. Thanks to Kylie.

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