Save Me from Myself [ UsUk/ U...

By AnimeWorld5640

106K 5.5K 2.4K

"Magic can be unpredictable. Especially when your dealing with a curse." Arthur said while unlocking the trap... More

Authors Note
"Not here. Not now."
" I'm Arthur, by the way. "
"You couldn't ask for a better food."
"That's how I met you."
"It's not that simple"
"I promise I won't mess this up."
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm not going mad am I?"
"I-I.... can't breath."
"Alfred.... Are you alright?"
"Dude, what happened?"
"I'm not cute! I'm bloody hot!"
"I swear I heard Arthur..."
"Blasted git."
"Put a shirt on you wanker!"
"It's a bloody movie."
"This is... Impossible"
"Now I'm going to drag you down into hell with me."
"No... It can't be."
"This has gone far enough!"
"Let's have a little fun shall we?"
"Goodbye, Love."
"Just a bad dream."
"We don't want him to find us."
Author's Note
"No. I can't give up."
"Where am I?"
"Glad you could make it."
"We all fall down."
Author's Note
Save Me From Myself 2!!

"It was like music to my ears."

2.6K 159 64
By AnimeWorld5640

Alfred furrowed his brows. "Well, that is just a coincidence. I know you would never kill anyone. I promise you, you aren't going crazy." He said and buried his face in Arthur's hair.

Arthur pulled away and looked Alfred in the eyes. "What about on that day? When we tried to break the curse?" He stared at him with a pained look in his eyes. "I had a dream. There was blood everywhere and I had a knife in my hand."

Alfred couldn't look Arthur in the eyes. "I'm sure it was nothing. Remember, everything went like planned." Almost everything. He thought to himself.

"Are you sure?" Arthur asked, now panicked. "My wings.... They were black in my dream. But I can't seem to conjure them anymore."

Alfred's face went pale. No... I couldn't of messed it up. This is wrong! This is all my fault! Alfred quickly pushed Arthur away from him causing himself to fall off the couch. He stood and walked towards his room. "I-I need some time to think." He mumbled before closing and locking his door.

"Alfred wait!" Arthur called out. He tried to chase after him but ultimately fell to the ground, clutching his leg in pain. He took a deep breath before standing again and slowly limping towards Alfred's room.

Alfred paced his room and cursed at himself angrily. The one thing that was most important to Arthur had been completely ruined because of him. Alfred growled and kicked the wall as hard as he could, which made a hole the size of his foot. He sighed, slid to the ground, and leaned against the door.

Arthur was half way there when he realized how tired he was. He didn't understand why because he only stayed awake for one night. He shouldn't be this tired. He was becoming light headed so he kelt down and tried to clear his vision. Before he knew it, he had passed out on the cold wooden floor.

Once Alfred had calmed down, he decided to go apologize to Arthur for the way he acted.

"Alfred?" A playful voice called out. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Alfred froze for a second. "W-Who's there?" He called out and his voice cracked slightly. Oh god! This is like a freaking horror movie! He screamed in his mind and backed against the nearest wall.

"I can hear you Alfred." Footsteps could be heard throughout the house. All the lights were out and a distinct scratching noise trailed down the halls. "I just want to talk to you. Won't you come out?" It pleaded.

Alfred's eyes widened slightly, Wait... I know that voice. "Arthur?" He mumbled to himself quietly. No whatever this was, it wasn't Arthur. It might sound like Arthur but it's acting different.

"Brilliant! You're so smart." Arthur said in a raspy voice. The footsteps were getting louder as he came closer to Alfred's hiding spot. "You never answered my question. You just ran away. Tell me Alfred, what really happened the night you tried to break the curse?"

Alfred was frozen in horror. "I just... I mean... I did as I was told." He lied. His heart was beating fast and he tried to make his way down the hall. He ended up tripping on his own feet though, which caused a loud banging noise.

"You're LYING!" Arthur yelled in rage. He quickly walked towards the sound of Alfred falling and stopped when he came upon it. Everything was silent other than Alfred's heavy breathing. "Tell me the truth." Arthur whispered threateningly.

Alfred backed away from Arthur as fast as he could. His eyes widened in horror as his back hit a wall. "W-What makes y-y-you think I'm lying?" Alfred managed to stutter out. Arthur is like this because of me... what have I done?

Arthur knelt down in front of Alfred and held a knife to his neck. "If you don't tell me the truth right now, I'm going to cut your throat open and watch you choke on your own blood." Arthur whispered into Alfred's ear.

Tears came to Alfred's eyes and he swallowed. "W-Well... what really happened w-was that when I was in the middle of telling the spell you fainted. I was going to run to check on you and I had slightly stepped into the darkness.... t-then I remembered how you had told me not to step i-into it so I quickly jumped back into the light... I hoped that it wouldn't m-mess anything up... I failed though." Tears began to slip down Alfred's face as he spoke. "I couldn't be your hero like I wanted to be."

A small maniacal laugh could be heard when Alfred finished his sentence. "Thank you." Arthur said. He placed the knife on Alfred's cheek and quickly dragged it across his skin. "Now I can have more fun when Arthur falls asleep." The Brit closed his eyes and sighed with delight. "Oh, you should have heard their screams. It was like music to my ears." He reopened his eyes and stared at Alfred with a wide, bloodthirsty grin. "I can't wait to hear you plead for your life."

Alfred whimpered and gently touched his cheek. He could still feel the sting of the blade against it. "A-Arthur... stop this. This isn't you." Alfred pleaded. Please Arthur! You have to go back to your regular self!

Arthur griped Alfred's shirt collar and slammed him against the wall. "This is me now! This is what I became after you messed up! This is your fault!" Arthur yelled.

"I-I know it is..." The American mumbled sadly. "But you aren't the only one that got hurt when I messed up." Alfred concentrated and made whatever was left of his wings appear. Most of the feathers where gone now and the American looked a lot weaker then usual.

Arthur caught sight of Alfred's wings and let go of his collar. He backed away and stared at them with a slightly pained expression. "Alfred..." He said before staggering slightly and leaning against the wall.

Alfred jumped up quickly and helped Arthur regain his balance. "Y-You don't need to b-be on this leg." Alfred stuttered with a small smile.

"W-Where am I?" Arthur said as he looked around the dark hallway, unable to see anything. He looked at Alfred with desperate eyes. "What happened?"

"Well, you basically went c-crazy. But you are okay now." Alfred smiled and kissed Arthur's head. He helped Arthur back to the living room and onto the couch.

"My head is killing me." Arthur said while rubbing his temples. "Could you turn on the lights?"

Alfred nodded and made his ways to the lights. He turned them on and winced slightly. It took him a moment to adjust to the brightness.

Arthur covered his eyes with a hand until they adjusted to the light. When he glanced over at Alfred, his heart sank. "Alfred?" He asked, already knowing what the answer would be, "How did you get that cut on your face?"

"Well.... Um.... I...." Alfred sighed and walked back over. He sat down next to Arthur. "You did it... but you weren't you.... you were like crazy or something."

Arthur looked down at his hands in horror. There were traces of blood on them that he hadn't noticed until now.

Alfred glanced at Arthur. He noticed how scared the Brit looked and pulled him into a hug. "It's okay. You didn't know."

"Don't touch me!" Arthur said as he pushed Alfred away form him.

Alfred sighed and looked away sadly. He hugged his knees to his chest and looked at the ground. "The other you was right though..." He mumbled with a painful expression. "You were like that because of me."

"No. You preformed the spell perfectly." Arthur said reassuringly.

Alfred shook his head."A-Actually.... I didn't." He mumbled.

Arthur turned his head and stared at Alfred with disbelief. He sat there waiting for an explanation while slowly moving away from Alfred.

Alfred stared at the ground and began his story, "Well... I was reading the spell and you fainted. I got worried and was going to run and check on you... then I remembered you telling me not to step into the dark. I didn't stop reading though... I didn't mean to mess up... I really didn't." Alfred started to cry.

Arthur stared at the ground, not knowing how to react. He wanted to give Alfred a hug and forgive him, but instead his anger and confusion took over. He screamed and lashed out and Alfred, yelling cures the entire time. Arthur felt like something was fueling his anger as he attacked Alfred. "You lied to me!" He yelled as he clutched Alfred's throat, pinning him to the couch. What am I doing? Stop this! Stop it now! Arthur was yelling at himself in his mind, but nothing worked. Someone else was controlling him somehow. The only thing different about this time is that he was awake. He was forced to watch himself kill yet another innocent person.

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