The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 35: soon.

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By Peace_life_Nh

I love thissss song omggg. It's like Trinity and Thomas. How I envision them. These text messages in writing is so god damn hard like wtf. I'm really struggling it's so bad lmfao.

Past Chapter

Read if you dare.
Private number

Focus on your school work. We'll deal with my gloves later. Don't let Gloria bring you down.

What the fuck? I turned around the hallways nearly empty.

Block this caller

'What is the right thing to do? Watch this random guy keep stalking you? Is this the right thing to do, Trinity?'

I wondered if I should just hit the button.

I'd be stupid not to block him.

But I am stupid in general. I still have to give him his gloves. That I took by accident.

I exited out of the call log. Blackening my phone. I sighed. Can't be more difficult.

How does he even know about Gloria?

How does he even know about me?

How does he—

I bumped face to face with someone phone falling from my grasp.

"Watch it you little— Trinity!" My eyes shot up from the ground picking up my phone.

"Karolyn," I said sighing. Putting my phone in my pocket. She pounced on me embracing me in a hug.

"Babes we haven't seen each other in weeks how's it going? Especially with Mr. Hot stuff." She winked flipping her high ponytail hair.

I shook my head smirking. Laughing at the stupid statement. Mr. Hot stuff.

"How do you know about Thomas?" I asked. She laughed.

"Word gets round and when I mean word gets around I mean Abby likes to chit chat." She whispered motioning with her hand where she was going with that statement. I raised my head wagging my finger.

"Ahh. I should have known it was Abby." I said shaking my head. Pointing to no one.

"She's got quite the mouth. But Trini! Babes I missed you!" She hugged me again. Karolyn acts like she hasn't seen me in the halls numerous times or even when she's with a bunch of guys she always glances up and then looks away.

I gave her a fake smile.

Another reason I didn't really hang out with her out of school.

"I missed you too!" I whined falsely. Sometimes I didn't miss her. While other times I missed the excitement we would have to cause trouble.

But right now I have enough excitement.

"Trini what's wrong? You don't seem as cheerful as usual."

I let out a breath again. She doesn't need to know the problems I'm having right now.

"Karolyn I'm perfect thank you!" I said happily as her. She gushed.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully." She said walking off.

It was after school. I had to see my teacher I had already missed the bus. Abby was already gone now it was just me alone trying to go to my chemistry teacher before he puts my grade in.

I walked down the hall staring at classroom numbers until I see his dark room. Door locked. He's gone.

I groaned.

Of course, he's gone.

Why would he be here in his place of work?

Why am I still here in this dungeon?

I groaned. This will be a long journey home. Walking home and being alone.

For an hour too.

I hate this place. Many disappointments. Plus it's freezing! But it's almost Christmas! Ugh contradictory.

I walked to the front of the building exiting seeing people there. I'm just trying to leave. I wanted to say as security eyed me weird.

I shook my head walking this very, very long walk.

The outside air hit my face. I felt like a popsicle. Oh well, let's just take it in I'm going to have to anyway.

I was staring at nature. Getting in touch with it as no one ever did anymore. No one cares about anyone especially my family. Definitely not me.

I was staring at the leaves changing colors, plants autumn was basically over, but the leaves still were on the trees.

Part of me wanted to embrace nature. Feel calm and not have to worry about things. Another part of me wanted to see the guy; confront him.

I just wanted to give his gloves back.

I continued walking I can say I wasn't paying attention staring at either the trees, my phone, the traffic or just the crossing guards.

The dogs that would be walking with their owners or even the stray cats to be graced with your presence once and awhile--

"Hey watch out!" I turned my head seeing a bike coming right at me.

I'm screwed.

I fell to the ground as the uncontrolled bike hit the side of my body. Ouch. I didn't realize the guy fell off.

Halfway into the street.

With a huge truck coming towards his direction. Oh my god.

"Get up get up!" I screamed. I dropped my book bag grabbing him by his coat dragging him with as much force off the street.

Pushing his other half onto the sidewalk. At least the part of him that was in the street.

I bent down coughing.

What an adrenaline rush. The wind blowing my hair as the truck rammed through the road full speed.

The truck passed as quickly as I saw it coming.

The guy was rubbing his head, eyes shut. Immediately I blinked my eyes rapidly. Thank god he isn't dead. Thank God for my instincts. I wouldn't wanna see him dead and I could have done something.

I was bent down above him seeing debris and other miscellaneous in his hair on his face I rubbed it off. Tilting my head.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call anyone? Should I call an ambulance?" I asked frantically. He wasn't opening his eyes.

"Can you hear me, Sir?" I asked waiting for a response. Oh god. Is he okay?  He didn't get hit with the truck! He must've hit his head hard, however.

I grabbed my phone from my coat pocket.

"No! D-don't call anyone I am good." He let out suddenly. I jumped seeing his eyes wide opened he stopped my hands from dialing 911. I looked up from my phone to his face.

He looked like he was in pain.

"You're not good! You are in some serious pain," I stated. He looked up barely. Before shutting his eyes again.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"Who are you?" He asked me again. Eyes starting to open slowly.

I blinked my eyes.

"You saved my life." He mumbled. I was frozen before seeing him doze off.

"No, you have to wake up," I exclaimed. I saw his eyes shut he can't sleep if he hit his head. Something my mother always told me. He could have a concussion or something.

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

"You're not fine," I said again pretty scared at the chain of events that I'm witnessing. I looked at his body on the sidewalk.

"Sir," I said right above his face. He shut his eyes again.

"Give me a second." He agonized.

"Can you stand up? Do you need my help?" I asked. Trying to lift his arm. There was no response, but a limp body.

"Please come on stand up," I begged. Not only was I scared for this man. I was scared for myself. I had to go home.

He tried getting up with my help.

He shook his head coughing. Nearly falling back down.

"Thank you." He said suddenly as he stood up on his two feet.

He brushed himself off. He turned trying to get his bicycle.

"You're bleeding!" I screeched. Seeing his arm all messed up and his head scratched. I widened my eyes.

"I'm okay. Thank you for helping me?" He questioned. Staring at me. I tilted my head. Staring in his pretty eyes. Reminded me of Thomas. Hazel.

"Yes?" I questioned right back wondering why he stopped talking.

"What's your name?" He asked. I smiled a little out of nervousness.

"Trinity," I said. He stared at me then I quickly put my hand out. He shook it with a smirk.

"Zayn. Thanks for saving my life." He laughed. I chuckled too.

"I just helped you out get out of that trucks way. Didn't really save your life, but you're welcome." I mumbled out of nervousness again.

He was picking up his bicycle. Oh yeah, my bag!

"I guess you need to get home school girl. I'll be fine here." He said exactly what I was thinking as I reached for my book bag. Then I thought about it.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I asked reluctantly to just up and leave he is injured pretty bad his jacket ripped straight through to his skin.

I winced seeing the cut on his arm.

"A little scar here and there hasn't killed anyone." He said staring at the cut I was visibly wincing at.

"You better get home or where you're off to." He said again.

I nodded. I really had to go home.

"Thank you stay safe." I let out.

"No problem school girl, Trinity." I heard him say as I walked away trudging along the long cold forty five minute walk I have to endure.

I pulled my phone out immediately texting in the group chat.

Bish squad^ Trinity

I think I just saved some guys life?

I laughed shaking my head. I didn't save his life.

I just helped him get out of the street. The truck would've stopped.

'You're clueless.'

Surprisingly I saw a text I wasn't expecting.


Trinity movies six o'clock I'm picking you up.

I blushed at the text message.


What makes you think you can order me around like that? What if I was busy and couldn't go to the movies?

I messaged back pouting.

Immediately he texted back.


So you're saying you aren't busy right? Meet you at six Dragonfly.

Part of me scowled my eyes at him while the other part of me was blushing like crazy.

Shit, I'm falling for him.


I got home cold as hell. December sucks.

It was four something. With the guys near death experience and my frustration with a man stalking me. It was becoming a hell of a long day.

Plus school. Yeah, school was long as well.

I walked into the living room trying to get to my room. Immediately I see a yellow post-it note. I had a crazy flashback of the note I believe forest left the other day.

He couldn't have broken into the house?
I looked at both doors. The living room exits.
I locked the house door feeling on edge.

I picked up the note huffing.

Be gone for the rest of the night. Go by a pizza fifteen dollars on the kitchen table. Luke will be coming over shortly.

I scoffed. Sometimes I feel like my dad forgets we have telephones. Last time he said Luke would be coming he didn't show. Nor did my father come home.

I don't even think Serenity was home.

I gripped the post-it note opening the door to the dining room and off to my bedroom.

I inched my head into the door.

Serenity wasn't there.

I walked a couple steps down trying to see if Luke was home. Nope.

I wiped my forehead. Going to the kitchen to pick up the money.

Till I heard a squeak of the door.


I turned my head seeing no one. God, I hate this right now. I jumped feeling my phone vibrate.


I picked up Serenity from school because she was sick. Don't worry.

I texted my mom a simple "okay," Now I hate this even more.

I'll be the only one in the house.

I huffed.

I walked to my room taking off my coat placing my book bag on the floor beside my dresser sitting on my bed turning the television on. Just to keep the noise of something.

Reality tv shows were getting annoying I changed the channel trying to put on a game show or something so I could laugh.

I sighed grabbing my phone tv is so boring nowadays. Thomas.

A smile grew to my cheeks. It was almost five.

I grabbed my phone. Looking through my dresser trying to find a decent shirt.

Shit, what if I overdress? I immediately looked at the dress shirt I was going to wear then sighed through finding a plaid shirt.

'What if you underdress?'

I took the two articles of clothing lifting them in the air.

Till I looked in my dresser spotting the perfect in between.

A tank top.

If I wore a tank top under the dress shirt I could unbutton it making it look casual.

Boom brain. You're a genius. I put the shirts back taking what I needed.

'Remember you're just going to the movies'

I stared at my black jeggings shaking my head. Welp, I'll just keep these on. I grabbed a couple of different lipsticks. A brush even perfume.

My eyes saw a blueish bottle.

Definitely deodorant.

I ran to the bathroom shutting the door.

Okay, makeover time.


I had put on a black and white striped dress shirt.

Kept the pants. Pulled my hair out untangling the knots. Which took forever.

I looked at my phone smiling. Thomas has texted me to come out in ten minutes. I grabbed my coat.

Going to the bathroom checking my hair my face.

'He's just a boy, Trinity.'

I know but he's Thomas. I appreciate Thomas.

My phone was vibrating like crazy.

Incoming call
Dragonfly Thomas 

I answered.

"Thomas," I said.

"Trinity." He said.

"Come down." He exaggerates I laughed before hanging up. Closing my coat turning my lights off grabbing my keys placing it in my bag.

Walking through the living room. Locking the doors.

Immediately I see Thomas and his tan coat.

His car blocking the road.

He held the door open.

"It's cold slowpoke." He had a bright smile I laughed.

"I'm coming." I joked about to hop in his car. What trouble I'd get into if anyone knew I'd be with him all night.

Thomas stared at me holding the door. I grabbed the door leaning into him.

"Well Thomas hurry up it's cold," I smirked staring at him. Getting in the car shutting the door.

"Touché." He said staring at me through the passenger window.

I shook my head smiling. He winked at me.

I blew a kiss at him jokingly. He caught it tumbling backward. Holding it in the air and then placing it to his chest. Shutting his eyes as if he was so exhausted with the movement.

I rolled down the window.

'Come on lover boy.'

"Come on Thomas." I groaned. My subconscious almost saying something that would've been embarrassing. He bit his lip walking over. I rolled the window up. He got in pulling his seatbelt on.

He had a huge smile. Making me smile. He was leaning into me. Oh god, he's gonna kiss me?

I was nearly face to face with him until his body reached over and grabbed the seatbelt.



My face became extremely red.

'Trinity this isn't a god damn movie.'

I wish it was.

"All that time and you didn't put your seatbelt on? Tsk." He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Looking at the windshield.

I felt his hand on my chin turning my head.

"Don't get all sad on me, Trinity." He hummed. Smiling.

"Won't you just drive Thomas?"

"Won't I?" He questioned laughing. Sitting straight in the car putting the car in reverse.

Turning his head.

Then he revved the gas back.

"Thomas!" I screamed grabbing onto his shoulder.

He stopped the car to look at me. His hazel eyes almost glowing.

"I love it when you scream my name." He mumbled biting his lip. I rolled my eyes blushing.

"Damn you, Thomas," I said exasperatedly. He let out a playful groan rolling his eyes.

He put the car in gear and drove off.


We had got to the movies laughing and in a huge, I don't even know. After I nearly fell cause of being clumsy. We were having a crazy time. We didn't even watch the movie yet.

I just loved being with him.

I unzipped my jacket and he had his coat in his hand. I'm glad I didn't overdress he just had a sweater like shirt on and some cozy black pants with Timberlands.

"I only have like fifteen dollars," I said to him as we reached to the person to buy tickets.

He pulled out his card shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it. I told you we'd go and I didn't expect you to pay."

I kinda blushed I knew that.

The man looked annoyed waiting for what we'd get.

"What do you wanna see? A comedy? A horror film? Something dramatic—"

"Comedy," I said quickly. Seeing a line form behind us.

He pinched my cheek grinning cheekily.

"Atta girl. I love comedies."

It didn't take us a while before we chose what movie. He bought popcorn after I said they'd rip him off he didn't care.

We sat down missing the previews because of traffic. I didn't really mind them anyway.

As we sat down. He just put his arm around my seat. Even though it was dark I could see the smirk on his face. Then he pointed to the screen wondering why I was just staring at him.

Only if he knew it wouldn't have mattered if I stared at him all night I'd still be grateful to have seen a movie.

He was all the comedy I needed.


I started overthinking a shit load.

My mind wasn't processing that oh what happens if I actually really fucking like him? Like what happens next?

'There is no next!'

My self conscious was ringing.

It's just a whole lot of disappointments. The whole pit of anxiety started boiling like a damn caldron.

Sadly I was swimming in it.

He was driving back to my house. It was dark as ever and cold.

The movies were great besides the constant worrying if I was staring at the movie wrong, or if I was sitting wrong, and being uncomfortable after realizing fuck I could actually like this guy more than I thought I'd like him.

What are the odds?

Honestly, what are the chances?

Slowly I was noticing the streets and houses. Then I realized crap I'm going to be home alone the whole night.

Which would be a teenagers dream! But I wasn't feeling so great about it.

"What's wrong?" I turned my head to look at Thomas.

"You think there's something wrong?" I asked.

He looked over at me quickly and then looked at the road.

"Yeah, you were just happy a minute ago. What's wrong?"

I smiled shaking my head.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said looking out the window.

I turned my head as it got silent. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, you think I can use your bathroom when we get there?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah sure," I said. We would get there shortly after saying that. He parked the car and I got out searching my pocket for my keys. I ran across the street as the cold air hit my body.

"I really have to pee." He agonized walking up the stairs. I had already opened the door. Walking to the next door. To open.

I stared at the house that was the exact same as I left it.

"It's so quiet," Thomas said. Walking past me. To the bathroom.

I mumbled a quiet yes. Before locking the door.

Walking to my room. I huffed. Taking my coat hanging it up. Fixing my bed. I grabbed my phone seeing an unexpected text message.

Private number

Why haven't you answered my texts?

Immediately I shut my phone. I can't deal with that right now.

"Are you the only one in the house?" I jumped seeing him in the doorway.

I nodded staring at my phone.

Why haven't I answered his texts?  I'm almost an adult I can deal with him.

I opened the text


No reason. I just didn't see your message.

I lied.

Thomas scared me sitting on my bed.

"What do you do all day?" He asked seriously.

"School Thomas. School." I said. He rolled his eyes 

"School okay got it. When you're alone?" I raised my head patting him on the shoulder.

"I just stay in my room," I said wondering if that was so shocking.

"You don't go out at all?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"Where can I go out to? Who can I go out with?" I questioned. He scoffed staring at me wide-eyed.

"You can do anything!" He yelled in excitement.

I gave him a look shaking my head.

"You're something else, Thomas," I said.

"When are your folks coming back?" He asked. In a weird country accent trying to divert the subject.

"They ain't coming back Tommy boy," I replied back in the accent. He laughed.

"Tommy boy that's a new one. Seriously Trinity."

"I am being serious," I said in the accent. Before I knew it his hand was cupping my cheek.

"Seriously." He started staring at me. I was intimidated staring at his eyes in pure silence so I looked down at his lips.

"I'll be alone. Unless you wanna stay?" I questioned rhetorically joking. Looking from his lips to his eyes.

I gave him a knowing look moving his hand from my cheek.


I blinked my eyes as he started taking his coat off.

"Wait what?"

I questioned out of nervousness. He stood up hanging his coat on the coat hanger on my closet door.

Rolling his eyes brushing his hair back with his fingers.

"I'll stay for a couple of hours then I'll leave." He said.

I bit my lip. A horrible smile creeping on my lips. His cheeks spread wider eyes glowing.

I felt my phone buzz, but I ignored it. Too much in a state of bliss to care.

"Let's play truth or dare," Thomas said sitting on Serenity's bed. I narrowed my eyes playfully.

"Alright deal," I said quickly. Can't be anything too bad.

"Perfect." He said laughing. I shook my head.

"I already regret this decision." I joked. He scrunched his eyes thinking of something. At least it seemed like it.

"Truth or dare, Trinity?" I was thinking as he stared at me with deceiving eyes.

"Truth," I stated. He took a breath before thinking.

"Is it true that you have feelings for me?" Immediately I started laughing.

'Out of nervousness.'

"What type of truth and dare is this, Thomas? One to inflate your ego?" I questioned. He stood up and pretended as if I had just shot a blow at him.

"Ow that hurt," He exaggerated. Sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he got himself comfortable.

"Do you though?" He ignored my question trying to pry this damn ridiculous answer out of me.

'Is it really ridiculous? You know it's true.'

I huffed not answering it.

"Fine, I'll ask another one. Is it true your brother isn't talking to you still?"

He asked suddenly. I nodded raising a brow.

"Your turn." He said. I was thinking.

"Truth or dare?" I asked. His eyes glowed.

"Dare." He said unexpectedly. Shit, what do I dare him to do?

I was thinking really long.

Before staring at a pillow. Then I started laughing. Then I looked at confused Thomas.

By my sinister glance, he could tell he was in for a huge surprise.

"I dare you to take that pillow—"

"You want me to hump a pillow?" He asked suddenly. I widened my eyes laughing shaking my head pushing my hair behind my ear.

"No! I want you to pretend that the pillow is Jack and you're Rose from the Titanic. You have to say Jack please get up. Please." I chuckled saying.

Thomas stared at me shaking his head.

"What an imaginative mind you have." He said grabbing the pillow. He moved to my sister's bed so I could see the scene.

He cleared his throat shutting his eyes. Grabbing onto the pillow.

"Jack. Jack no. Please get up. Please get up." He was shaking the pillow. Before embracing it in a hug.

"Wake up."

I was balling I'm surprised I wasn't on the ground that's how much I was laughing at him.

He turned his head giving me a smirk.

I was holding my stomach at the performance. It was so good that's the problem.

'Was it really that good or are you just admiring anything he does at this point?'

He placed the pillow on the bed shaking his head.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.

It's only fair if I chose dare because he chose it. Right?

'Right.' My self conscious scoffed.

"Dare," I said. I can do this.

He was rubbing his chin as if it was going to pop into him any moment. He let out an, "hmm.." before responding.

"Twerk." He said.

Immediately my blood ran cold, my face heated.

"Oh, you can't be serious?" I stated while questioning. He spread his legs out on her bed.

"You chose dare." He expressed. I huffed.

"I did." I declared. I stood up covering my face turning around. I was going to do it. Until my body possibly my stress responded absolutely not. I heard Thomas giggle.

"I really can't right now," I said as I tried to wiggle around a little. I covered my face gosh this is embarrassing.

Thomas was laughing.

"Don't twerk then. Kiss me." He said out of nowhere. I scrunched my eyes playfully.

"Really? What a trade-off." I said. He opened his arms shrugging.

"It's a fair trade-off."

"Is it?" I questioned rhetorically.

He sat up instead of laying down. 

"You could break it down right here. I mean. Apple bottom jeans boots with the—" I started laughing as he started reciting that song of all songs.

"Come here Thomas then," I said.

He huffed.

"I was comfortable." He exasperated.

I rolled my eyes.

"So am I." I groaned. He sat on my bed once again. Staring at me.

"So you're gonna do it?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I can't just do that with you knowingly waiting," I said justifying my nerves on why I couldn't kiss him that very moment. Maybe I should've just twerked.

"And why not Dragonfly? Kissing is so easy." He explained.

"It's not easy Thomas. Why do you wanna ki—"

I was shut up by his lips on mine. Before he pulled away quickly. I was staring at him I knew I was red in my face.

I felt my cheeks.

"That's not hard Trinity." He said.

I didn't say anything he huffed.

"Come on Trinity you can do this! This isn't hard." He stated grabbing my hands.

I bit my lip.

Why is he making me feel like this? That feeling of intense emotion stopping your throat from moving. Because of how much pressure you're going through.

We were both silent.

His hazel eyes were melting into mine. I hate feeling things. I looked down not staring at his eyes.

"Trinity." His voice said. I looked up confused at why he makes me feel these things.

'This is wrong. It's your brothers best friend!'

My brother doesn't even care about me.

"Thomas," I said. He was extremely attractive. He had a small smile. Gripping my hand.

"Dragonfly you're so cute when you're nervous."

'Just do it already.'

My self conscious said. I guess she felt the craving too. It's wrong it is.

Well, just another reason to spite my brother.

I leaned in. Feeling his lips on mine. Shutting my eyes.

His hand was on my cheek. Pulling me more into him. I tried letting go. But he wasn't trudging. Soon he did. Staring at me biting my lip. Then he let go.

"What tricks you have. I'm telling you did you get some sort of practice?" He asked. I laughed nervously. More cause of how close we are.

"You're my only practice." I joked.

His hand was still cupping my cheek.

"That's all the practice you need." Our noses brushed again as his lips connected with mine. He pulled me down onto him. I released after hearing him groan.

My eyes opened as he grabbed my phone from beneath his head.

"Private number?"

I widened my eyes. I was nearly on top of him again.

"Ha yeah. My aunt." I said. Grabbing the phone quickly from his hands. Sitting up.

I heard him let out a breath.

"Truth or dare?"

I asked while staring at my phone.

Private number

Are you alright?

I huffed seeing that text message.

"Truth." He said staring at the ceiling.

I quickly texted the person back.


I'm fine sorry didn't see your message.

I blacked out my phone.

"Hmm. What is your worst habit?" I asked while seeing him play with his hair.

"Getting attached to people." He said unexpectedly.

"Damn aren't you deep now," I said laughing.

"Well someone has to be." He said winking at me.

I let out a loud "oh" chuckling in disbelief.

"Whatever Thomas."

"Truth or dare?" He asked me. Of course, I said truth.

"What would you do if you were a guy for a week?" He asked.

I looked at him thinking of laughing a little. Before drawing an actual blank. It was such an interesting question.

"I don't know really know to be honest. I hope I'm cute." I said unconsciously. He scoffed.

"I'm sure you'd be cute. I mean if I was into guys. Look at you now." He said. I rolled my eyes.

He was just staring at the ceiling fixing his hair.

"Truth or dare," I asked him.

"Dare." He said. I thought again. Trying to see what good dares they were to do.

I looked at my phone at my screensaver.

A sinister smirk fell to my lips.

"I dare you to show me the most embarrassing photo you have," I said.

Immediately he got up a little shocked.

"Oh gosh, Trini pick another dare." He groaned. I shook my head.

"Nah uh you gotta show me a picture," I clarified.

He pulled out his phone. Grumpy. Scrolling through pictures. He glanced up from his slouching position.

Hazel eyes playfully staring at me.

"Close your eyes." He said. I did covering them. He shuffled around a bit.


At first, I stared straight at him then I looked down.

"Oh my god." I covered my mouth with the number of hysterics to come out.

It was Thomas.

In a white duck costume. Feathers everywhere he crossed his eyes hands on his hips.

It was a bright and sunny day.

His two friends in the background. I grabbed the phone laughing.

"Thomas. What the hell?" I questioned dying.

He started laughing too probably because I was nearly on the floor.

Literally, I stood up giving him back his phone dying.

"T-Thomas." I choked out.

"Yes, Trinity." He hummed putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Why?" I questioned sitting back down. He pulled at his hair letting out a deep breath before having a smile come onto his lips.

"I lost a bet." He said. I shook my head.

"This was a bet!" I screamed. He nodded chuckling.

"Yes. It was a football game. I bet that we'd lose the game. Who knew a ten loss losing streak would get recovered that day." He said remembering it like it happened yesterday.

Pieces of his hair kept falling to his face.

I could sense he was going to push it back so I just did it for him. He turned his head staring at me.

"Truth or dare?" He asked. Seriously giving me a deadpanned look.

I bit my lip.

"What are you gonna dare me if I chose dare?" I asked rolling my eyes. He shrugged grinning a wide toothy smile.

"You won't know till you find out." He said. I huffed.

"Fine. Dare." I said.

"I dare you to do an impression of me." He said.

My jaw dropped I laughed nervously.

"An impression of you? Alright." I said thinking.

I bit my lip before acting him out.

"Hello I'm Thomas and I hate lectures and love to bother Trinity giving her stupid tasks to do."

He shook his head chuckling.

"You could do better than that. Put some effort in me." He joked. I rolled my eyes standing up.

Walking how Thomas walks turning my head.

"Oh, I didn't see you there. I'm Thomas! I have a white as ever cute smile. With floppy hair that seems to be overgrown. I have a crazy amazing sense of humor. I hate lectures love popcorn with comedy movies. I walk around in a trench coat to show everyone how important I am. I rev my car up full speed to show my dominance and last but not least I love bothering Trinity with these stupid dares." I said.

"Bravo Bravo." He clapped. I shook my head laughing. I bowed.

"Thank you. I'm here all night." I laughed.

"It was alright." He said. I shook my head scoffing.

"Just alright? I did you pretty well if I had to say the least."

"Damn that's what she said." He joked I tapped his shoulder lightly.

"Hey now," I said shaking my head. He chuckled.

"You said it not me."

"Yeah yeah yeah. You have to do me now!" I said arguing back.

"Damn quit yelling Trinity I know you want me to do you."

"Thomas!" I screamed annoyed now. His head fell back into a pit of hysterics.

"You're too easy. But if I must do you I will."

I gave him a glare.

"Alright alright." I grabbed his hand pulling him off the bed and then I sat in his spot.

Thomas stood up. Walking to the end of the room and started trying to impersonate me.

"Hey I'm Trinity and I love all my friends. I really enjoy Frosted Flakes and kisses from Thomas. What can I say he's such a good kisser and so hot—"

"Hey now. I would never say that." I narrowed my eyes. Biting my lip.

"I am such a sweet person that I let people take advantage of me. I'm sixteen I barely live life. The only life I have is with Thomas."

"You're not the only life I have," I argued back.

"Okay fine. I hate getting out of my comfort zone. I'm so self-conscious. Even though I'm extremely beautiful and talented. I still find myself ugly and can't be loved because of what people have told me or treated me like."

I stared at Thomas then looked down.

Does he think of me like this?

Part of me felt a tightening hold on my chest. Wondering if this was a bad thing or a good thing. The other part of me was getting sad.

I bit my lip.

I lifted my phone up seeing it right next to me wondering what time it was.


"Thomas shit!" I screamed.

"I gotta take a shower it's so late," I said. Standing up looking through my closet for clothes.

"Do you want me to go then?"

Immediately I stopped turning around. I didn't realize he stood up we were face to face apart.

"No—can you stay?"

I said staring at him. Then I really thought about it looking down.

"Just for a couple of hours more! I know it's late but I hate being here by myself. Especially taking a shower. Makes me feel—"

"Anxious?" He asked.

I looked up to his eyes nodding.

"Yeah. Anxious." I said.
I gave him a small smile. He bit his lip nodding.

"Hurry up Trinity." He said. Out of instinct, I hugged him.

He didn't return it at first making me reluctantly let go. However, his arms enveloped around me. I smiled. Letting go.

"I will," I said.

I grabbed my clothes rushing by the bathroom grabbing a towel from the lining closet.

Then going to the bathroom.

I turned the water on slowly increasing to warmth.

I guess I'll wash my hair too.


I got out of the shower probably thirty minutes later.

I usually take longer so Thomas better be happy.

I tried drying my hair. Putting on my pajamas placing my dirty clothes in the bathroom hamper.

Walking out feeling refreshed.

I opened my door seeing Thomas had made himself at home.

He was laying on my bed head on my pillow. Shoes off. He looked tired. The tv was off I should've at least told him to put it on. I feel bad.

"Hey, Thomas."

"Sup Trinity." He mumbled. Raising his head motioning if I had anything else to say.

"I'm sorry for keeping you so late I know you probably have to get home. I just hate being here by myself sometimes. My father told me that Luke was supposed to come but I already knew he wasn't since that whole engagement shit he's been a douchebag. I couldn't care to be by myself now. It doesn't matter. Just kinda isolated. At least if I was here and Serenity was here it'd be fine—"

"Shh. It's fine. It's alright. Luke was supposed to be here?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah but he's not coming clearly," I said. Going sitting on Serenity's bed. Drying my hair with the towel.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked. I chuckled putting my hair in a bun. Feeling the now cold water trail down my neck.

"Yeah stay with me. Of course not. You have to get home I don't want you getting to your house too late." I said. Laying my towel on the side of Serenity's bed to let it dry.

"Well, it is late right now, Trinity. It's dark too. I wouldn't wanna get in an accident this type of time. Lots of drunk drivers." He said. I looked up at him. Agreeing.

"Yeah, it is extremely late right now, Thomas. I wouldn't want you getting hurt with the possibility of a drunk driving accident." I exclaimed.

"Good!" I heard him say enthusiastically. I heard the creak of my bed seeing he stood up.

"I'm staying then." He said.

I paused seeing his cute smile. Arms open as if wanting a hug.

I smiled back shaking my head.

"You're something else, Thomas."

'You're about to be something else letting a boy stay in the fucking house.'

I froze.

Oh my god.

"Are you sure you wanna stay here? Won't you're mom or dad be upset?" I asked. He shook his head.

"She'll be fine." He said.

I gave Thomas a grimace as he laid back down on my bed.

Holy shit.

There's a guy staying over my house.

I bit my lip.

I really like him too.

'You better pray to god that dad doesn't do a surprise visit saying he came home early.'

Oh man.

Gosh but he's so sweet though. I woke up from my daydream standing up.

"Do you want a cover?" I asked seeing as he was laying on top of mine I might as well get him a new one.

"If you have one yes." He said. I opened my closet where all the covers were pulling one down. Throwing it to Thomas hearing a thud the bed made.

I grabbed my phone from off my bed trying to find my charger.

Looking in my coat pocket I found it.

Closing my closet yet again.

I get into Serenity's bed. It's so late I gotta go to school.

I have a lot to do.

I plugged the charger in the wall placing my phone on the ground by the bed.

I had already set my alarms.

"Where's your light?" He asked.

I motioned with my hand a couple of feet away from him. He got up quickly shutting it off.

"Are you alright?" I asked him before getting under the covers.

"I'm fine Dragonfly. Tired. Go to sleep."

I laughed a little as he said that. Poor Thomas. He is really exhausted.

"Goodnight Dragonfly," I mumbled.


I woke up panting.

Scared shitless having some god damn nightmare.

It was about some guy who was really upset with me. Extremely upset with me. Wanting to hurt me.

I opened my eyes then shut them breathing in and out. It was so dark.

"Trinity?" He questioned. That scared me.

I jumped nearly yelling.

"Thomas." I barely let out.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I sat up moving the covers maybe I need to get some fresh air.

"Shit I forgot you were here," I uttered. Wiping my eyes. I barely saw Thomas' silhouette when I did he plopped right down next to me.

"Hey hey it's alright." He said rubbing my back.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Mhm." I hummed.

Then shivered.

"You're so warm," I mumbled eyes shut. Barely able to keep my eyes open.

Even though they were extremely watery.

"Go to sleep Trinity." He voiced to me.

"I know you're just so warm right now," I muttered sleepily.

"Alright, Trinity." He said.

I was too tired to disagree with his actions. He had picked me up slightly putting me under my covers.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

Till I felt the bed shift in weight and a body's warmth.

I opened my eyes staring at Thomas.

"What are you doing?" I asked frantically shutting my eyes briefly.

"I'm warming you up. I'll just stay for a couple of minutes." He said. His arms were around me.

Which did make me feel warmer?

I shut my eyes.

Before feeling his lips on my forehead.



"Beep. Beep. Beep."

I barely opened my eyes quick enough before widening them. My head was on his chest. I moved a bit.

Thomas was sleeping eyes shut not budging at all.

Oh my god.

I thought I was dreaming.

Oh my god.


Holy shit he has to get out.

I have to get out.

I tried moving away from Thomas. Realizing I had to get up before I'd be late.

I had to get him out of the house.

"Stop moving—" Thomas mumbled. The alarm was still beeping in the distance.

"Thomas I have to get dressed," I said. Thomas' grip on me deteriorated. Letting go hugging himself.
I quickly got up shivering god it's so cold. I turned my alarm off seeing it's 6:05. I let out a breath of relief could've been worse.

I gotta get dressed.

I looked in my dresser fumbling for clothes anything that'd match. Soon I found blue jeans and a white T-shirt.

Well, this will have to do.

I turned my head seeing Thomas sleeping.


I pulled my pants down pulling the jeans on which took agonizingly long cause of how cold it was. Then soon I took my shirt off—

"Holy shit." I screeched covering myself with the shirt.

"Thomas!" I screamed.

"Didn't know I was getting a show." He grumbled lowly staring at me.

"Close your eyes turn around." I groaned.

"You might as well put it on now." His raspy voice said.

"Thomas close your eyes," I demanded. He covered his face smirking.

I turned around putting the shirt on.

Then undid my hair from the bun I put in last night.

"You look nice." He muttered.

I grabbed the towel drying some of it that didn't dry overnight.

"Yeah right," I said shaking my hair in the towel.

"You look really great." I rolled my eyes placing the towel back on the edge of the bed.

"Come on Thomas. I can't deal with your exaggerations this early."

"Trinity you better get up—" I turned my head seeing the door crash open.

You've gotta be kidding me.



Thomas and I both said. I felt my throat close up seeing none other than my brother.

Of all times he picks this one to actually come.

Matter of fact to come late!

"I told you not to fuck with my sister." He exclaimed to Thomas walking closer to me and him.

"Hey, I was just doing your fucking job. Leaving her alone all night what the fuck man? Something could've happened to her." He testified. I turned my head to Thomas shaking my head.


"No Trini. I did his fucking job." He said. Pushing his hair back.

"Fucking my sister is your job all of a sudden?" Luke asked. I choked on that statement. Turning around staring at flaming Luke.

"We didn't," I stated. Thomas was chuckling.

"You really think I'd sleep with her like that?" Thomas questioned.

"Luke. Seriously. Honestly. We didn't do anything." I tried saying. Luke was fuming. I could imagine the steam to come out of his nostrils by now.

"Don't worry. We'd do it on your bed." Thomas exclaimed loudly.

Luke was now measly feet away from him about to attack him. I quickly sat down on Thomas trying to protect him.

"Please don't hurt him," I whimpered. I could hear the adrenaline from both bodies more from Thomas. I shut my eyes scared.

Thomas' arms wrapped around me. I felt them creep up slowly.

"You have ten minutes before I throw you out myself," Luke demanded to Thomas. I opened my eyes. Seeing Luke walk out the room banging the door shut.

I let out a breath.

Then looked down.

"Shit sorry," I said realizing I was still on top of Thomas. Standing up. I heard him let out a yawn. I was panicking. Luke knows he was here. Luke thinks I—

"Alright let's go." I turned around baffled. Am I the only one panicking?

"Where we going?" I asked it's six am. I have to get to school. I have to figure out what's going to happen now that my brother thinks I slept with his friend. Thomas was stretching before staring at me.

"Breakfast. Can't go to school on an empty stomach." He stated.


Heeey peeps. Chapter thirty fiveeeee! Here and done. So glad it's fucking done. It was so hard to write. While I have 36 & 37 finished. But you can't just submit a story out of order so here it is.

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