Not Alive

By books_are_my_tardis

16.5K 909 987

Seán. Marzia. Mark. Three stories. Three characters. One revolution to free them all. More

Gone With the Wind
Rescue Mission
False Alarm
On the Run
New Team
True Colors
Life or Death
Safe Space
The Calvary
Two Evils
Freedom March
Friend or Foe
Android Camp


246 16 30
By books_are_my_tardis

I knew I should go.

I knew it wasn't fair to stand back and let someone else make the sacrifice.

But I couldn't go.

I couldn't abandon Felix and have him never forgive himself for not being by my side.

"I'll go."

Marvin moved past us to the front of the line, walking towards the machine without looking back while Schneep and Jackaboy screamed his name, a guard hitting Marvin in the back with his gun to make him stumble faster towards his death.

As he walked, I could see a tear trail down his injured cheek that had been previously hidden by his mask, intertwining with his blue blood before dripping to the ground.

I turned as androids behind us started cheering happily, a familiar looking truck crashing through the entrance with a single armed android hopping out of the driver's seat.

The android had brown hair, eyes, and was dressed in a light gray suit, their LED flashing blue as guards turned towards him.

The android single handedly the guard that was by Marvin in the head before shooting another guard aiming at him, the rest snapping out of their stupor to attack him.

Marvin's body shook as he fell to his knees, sobbing in relief as Schneep and Jackaboy darted to his side to help him get to the truck.

I tore my gaze away from them as I ran towards safety, dodging guards as their bodies fell to the ground with red blood splattering my face.

The androids that were capable of fighting took the abandoned weapons of dead guards and used it against the living ones, the cries of humans filling the air.

I winced at the sound as I reached the truck, turning back to see Schneep carrying Jameson's body in his arms bridal style, Jackaboy firing at oncoming guards with Marvin's arm him around his shoulder to help him walk.

"Who the hell are you?!" One of the humans cried fearfully as they stared down the barrel of the gun held in the hands of the android that had saved us, his expression grim.

"My name is Connor, and I am no longer from Cyberlife."

Connor knocked out the remaining human before hopping into the truck, driving us away from the carnage we had created.

"Where are we going?" I spoke up, other android chiming in with their questions and concerns.

"I come from Detroit, I'm friends with Markus. I came when I saw the news of the camps and wanted to help." Connor stated, keeping his focus on the road in front of him.

"I'm going to save Jameson." Schneep whispered under his breath as he cradled Jameson's head in his lap, his face barely recognizable due to the bullet wound in the face.

"How can you? We don't have any parts." I told Schneep gently, his gaze filled with determination as his eyes glared into mine.

"I vill not give up on him."

"Doc, you can't save everyone...I learned that the hard way." Jackaboy interjected, his voice filled with remorse.

"Marvin, why did you volunteered go before us?" I cut in, changing the subject to prevent fighting.

"I dunno, I just...I feel like there's nothing special about me." Marvin sighed as he sat on the floor.

"I mean, Jackaboy's a hero, you have a human that cares deeply about you, and Schneep's a doctor. I'm just a magician designed to fool the world with stupid tricks." Marvin admitted, his arms wrapped around his knees as he rested his chin on his knees.

"You help people forget the bad in the world and make them believe that things can be better. To me, that's the most important thing anyone can do." Jackaboy replied softly with a firm tone, Marvin's gaze shifting to the hero.

"I hope is Jack okay, vherever he is." Schneep added, his hands nervously fidgeting at his side.

I opened my mouth to chime in, but felt the words die in my throat as we arrived outside of a large dark colored mansion that resembled a castle, Markus standing outside of it with a disapproving look.

"Connor, I told you to stay in Detroit." Markus growled at Connor as he hopped out of the truck, straightening his tie before opening the back door to let us out.

"It was obvious that my help was necessary, so I left North in charge-"

"She will start a war against the humans that we cannot win with so few of us left!" Markus interrupted sharply, plastering a forced smile on his face as freed androids shuffled past him to go inside.

"We will discuss this further. Right now, I need help taking care of the wounded and keeping supplies stocked." Markus sighed wearily.

"Where's Jack?" Marvin cut in, Connor going inside the mansion while Markus turned to face us.

"Jack and some others left for the downtown base about ten minutes ago. I've heard that their defenses are stronger and that there are more guards." Markus answered grimly.

"You should all come inside so you can be patched up and rest before our last stand." Markus advised.

Stay in mansion?

Go to Jack to help?

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