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"A peaceful protest sounds like the perfect plan Markus." Jack nodded in agreement, allowing me to let out a small sigh of relief as I looked over at Felix, who seemed equally happy about Jack's decision.

"By the way, how did you find us?" Jack added curiously.

"The police storming in and destroying your base is all over the news. People know that the deviant rate in LA is reaching a high level, and that scares them." Markus answered.

"But you know how to make the humans listen to us peacefully." Chase stated, his voice tinged with doubt.

"Soon all deviants in LA will be accepted and allowed to be free without having to hide." Markus assured him with a nod.

"We're almost to Detroit!" The android driving the truck shouted back to us.

"Thank you Simon!" Markus replied before returning his attention to Jack, his expression grim.

"Even though we will be peaceful, the humans may attack us anyway. Are you willing to take that risk?" Markus questioned solemnly.

"I can't choose for everyone, I..." Jack trailed off as he looked around at the androids gathered in the truck all watching him.

"You don't have to choose for us Jack. I want to march for our freedom." I chimed in bravely.

"I will march for my freedom!"

"I will not stand down!"

"I want my freedom!"


Jack was silent as the deviants cheered in support of him, his blue eyes filled with a fierce determination as he looked at the screaming crowd.

"Those of you who are joining me in the march, be prepared. If you do not want to go, stay at Markus's base and be safe." Jack directed.

The trip took a day and some hours, giving us time to talk about what we would do with our newfound freedom.

"When I'm free, I'd want to go back to being a street preforming magician. While it didn't pay much, it meant the world to me to see kid's faces light up with smiles as they stopped to watch." Marvin sighed wistfully.

"I vould vant to regain my doctor's degree and continue to help others, androids and people alike." Schneep declared.

"Robbie eat garbage!" Robbie shouted enthusiastically, earning laughs from several androids.

"I'd want to be a real life hero, not just done amusement park gimmick." Jackaboy admitted.

Jameson signaled something with his hands, but I couldn't tell what he was trying to say.

"Jameson says that he'd want to continue his movie career." Marvin translated, the mute nodding in confirmation.

"What about you Jack?" Jackaboy prompted while nudging Jack lightly with his elbow in the ribs, Jack slapping his arm away.

"There was something Signe showed me making online...I would want to do that." Jack replied.

"And you?" Jack asked me, catching me off guard.

"O-oh, I don't really know yet." I stammered.

"You'll get plenty of time to figure out what you want to do." Markus promised me with a small smile.

Once the trucks pulled up to Markus's base, which was an abandoned Cyberlife tower, everyone hopped off and began talking excitedly about the march, most saying that they would join.

"I can't believe that we're doing this." I remarked quietly as I looked up at the large tower looming ominously in front of us, Markus guiding those that were staying out of the march inside so they would be better protected. 

"You better believe it quickly, 'cause we're about to do this soon." Felix retorted teasingly with a light smirk.

"Will you be going with me?" I asked, a part of me hoping he would while the rest wanted him to stay where it would be safe.

"Of course I'm going with you!" Felix exclaimed, his smile fading when he looked at my expression.

"Do you not want me to? I can just stay here if you want." Felix added hastily.

"It's just that I don't want to lose you. I've watched over you and have been your friend ever since you were born, I...I care a lot about you." I confessed.

"I know."

Before I could react, I felt Felix's warm lips press against mine, the Swede pulling me closer towards him while he wrapped his arms around me.

I closed my eyes and relished the emotions whirling through me, none of them making any sense to me.

"You've always been there for me Marzi, it's about time I started repaying the favor." Felix whispered as he broke off the kiss, his ice blue eyes boring into my brown ones.

I was speechless as Jack jogged up to us, his gaze darting between the two of us.

"We're heading out soon, you guys coming with or staying here? Either way, I'll respect your decisions."



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